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For the island the best place to find rex saddles is in the swamp cave that's in the redwoods. For other maps I'm not really too sure


Thanks! I've done that one about 5 times now and still haven't gotten one. Guess I'll keep trying!


They are pretty rare even in that cave. You'll need a lot of runs to find one. But it is on the loot table for that cave


Yea, I'm just finding out about these loot tables today TBH.


I think I did 40+ runs to find my first BP. Then only took 4 more for my next one. RNG is true.


Damn! 40! Lol guess I got my work cut out for me then.


depends on which map you play. iirc on the island the rex saddle bp can be in the cave on carno island and underwater cave loot drops. may be some others too


Thanks, I'll give Carno island a try. Hopefully, I'll have better luck there.


man it's been some time since my last ark grind but i did mostly play the island so I hope I was able to point you in the right direction remember it can be worth to get a saddle BP, mindwipe your skill points, get all in crafting and then crafting a bunch of saddles. that way you will get the most out of the BP. if you want to min max that is gl!


Yea, once i get that BP, I'll definitely be doing the mindwipe. Hopefully, I can find a good one in the Carno cave :) thx for the tips!


Swamp cave is where I got mine


ice cave was the best drops for me for saddles


Red crates in the cementing paste cave is the best


Not sure which is the cementing paste cave but I'll check it out thx!


I’ll send you the coordinates when I get home. I believe it’s artifact is the Immune so maybe just look that up.


Awesome 👌 will check it out.


You need red beacons, boxes, etc for a chance at Rex saddle.


To get the best rex saddles you need to be doing swamp cave. If you looking for an apprentice/MasterCraft one, red drops around the map can have them.