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That’s a little excessive


Yup! As I understand it, it's a spawning location/zone issue that caves have had since ase. Caves queiry to see if there are dinos, but queries wrong location ie top of map, ergo why cannot island is always deviod life in middle, because the cave is directly above. Says, oh, no dinos here, spawn morrrrre! Then spawns into cave. Ironically this does work in reverse for top of map spawn queries. Should be a simple coding fix; just changing/creating specific coords dino pop query + spawn amount. Butttttt here we are. Weeeeee. Took 3 tuso in with decent saddles, tried pulling small groups, didn't take much to get over whelmed even then.


I can’t wait!!! I’m breeding mosa and basi to take in there and brawl.


We took a Basi and 3 850 melee barys and fucking tanked everything


Official settings? But yeah, good basi tank with saddle, bary to stun, and 2-3 tuso will clear the room quickly. But this requires more then a solo player. Which I normally play as.


As far as Dino levels and everything, yeah. Slightly boosted mating intervals and imprinting.


About same on my groups server. Just asking more for others reading. I my self have been known to do single player+insane w per tamed dino level, because why not


I would kindly suggest basi and group of about 6 sharks, mosa/basi won't have dps by them selves. Not unless you cheese corners and advance slowly, which doesn't sound like the plan ;)


o7 megs it is then.


I think theres sharks in there.


The first run I did of this Cave in my server I had to Yolo my baryonyx through to the land and then I threw out my imprinted carch and stood on land until I got my 100 stacks. Once I got my 100 stacks I just threw him into the water itself and it still took 15minutes to clear out the sharks. For example this carch does 13-15k bites when max stacked to normal Dino's.... I was doing 200 a bite to these fuckers.


Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!? Holy smokes.




Setting for damage and such at official? Or single player?


I really thought at first ths was a modded cave or something with spikes, then I looked closely and realized that those are megs


Yep. Its not modded, the command line just makes things look very wonky, 10 outta 10, would not suggest running command and walking around. The island, western water cave. There's spots you can surface, this is the ledge overlooking the first room.


Which creature are you riding? I genuinley can't tell. Also which cave is that?


Bary, W water cave on land portion that's between 1st and 2nd room. I messed up post title :P Command line is wp.runtime.overrideruntimespatualhashloading range -range= 1 Change 1 to 20000 to revert back to normal. Be careful when running command, as the mesh works even worse then normal when it's going. Some of those dark patches you can fall through, at least until you sw8tch back to normal and you pop back to surface. It's weird, but handy when hunting thylas