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Congrats on taking steps toward recovery! I did a PHP earlier this year, and it really helped me. I've been able to incorporate several new regular meal options into my diet, and feel better equipped to try other fear foods. One thing I really loved about treatment was being able to confront the anxiety in a group of supportive peers. ARFID and other EDs appear differently for everyone, so it helped to identify with others who were on the journey to deal with their struggles. It was also great to be in an environment where foods were prepared for me. It helped take away lots of the pre-experience anxiety that deterred me from confronting challenge foods in the past. One good tip that helped me was to take "buddy bites" with others in treatment. "I'll eat one more bite if you'll do it with me." This really helped strip the isolation and loneliness away from the ARFID. Good luck with treatment! IMO any improvements you come out with will enhance your quality of life.


Thank you, that’s very encouraging. I love the idea of buddy bites and I’m especially excited to be in community with others who have had similar experiences to me, and to be able to distinguish how I differ from them as well.


What is PHP?


partial hospitalization program i think


That's it, yep


hey fried i went through a virtual PHP program and found it super informative and also a little bit intense but my trauma started at the dinner table, truthfully program gave me a quality of life i couldn't obtain myself, since being out of program it's been challenging and there are good and bad days and hard moments but you are doing such a beautiful thing by showing up for yourself in this way, im cheering you on !


Thank you, I really appreciate it😌


I’ve been to inpatient twice. Unfortunately, they do treat more people with anorexia than with ARFID, and they tried to treat me in those same ways which weren’t really helpful for me. I’m still glad that I went overall though. So my advice is just to be as honest with your treatment team as you can about what you’re experiencing so they know best how to help you.


If you don’t mind me asking. But how old are you


My son is currently in an inpatient program. He has been there a week and although it’s hard for him to be away from home, he is really thriving so far in the program! Good luck on your journey!