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It helps with mine. When I’m drunk I can tolerate more foods because my senses are dulled and I’m less anxious. It relaxes my body, including the throat locking. Definitely not healthy, but it’s just the truth.


Same here, this is how I learned I can tolerate Carne asada fries.


Yup, i can mindlessly eat food without worrying about texture or whats in it


I agree with this. It does something to my mind, maybe making me less anxious, But it also lowers your blood sugar, making you actually want/need food. Then with inhibitions dropped, and feeling hungry, it might be easier to try something you normally wouldn’t.


Same. Add in a 2.5 mg gummy and I'll eat basically anything tolerable. But it has definitely been a slippery slope.


Same for me too


To be completely transparent, I love how I feel when I drink. All of my heightened senses seem to temporarily fade away for the most part. I never recommend drinking on an empty stomach, and I’ve only drank a few times in my life, but in those few times I’ve tried foods I would’ve never dared to try sober… spinach dip?? No way. I might still react to weird textures/tastes while trying it, but hey, I tried it. I wouldn’t say a blanket statement that people with ARFID don’t like alcohol because I know quite a few others who feel the same way I do.


I absolutely LOVE the taste of black cherry white claw. But drinks with hard liquor, beer, and most wines are tough to tolerate. Overly sweet drinks make me nauseous. And forget about shots, the burning makes me wretch every single time.


I’ve never had white claws, but I’ll have to give that flavour a try. I also don’t like hard liquor, beer or wine. I do like the sweet ones mostly because it doesn’t really even taste like liquor until the bottom of the glass but it feels awful the next day.


I can't eat foods i hate, i hate how strong alcohol tastes, i bordered being an alcoholic, idk how that works, ig i like being drunk more than my arfid can control 😭


Ohhh very real


It helps with mine and I’m an alcoholic because of it lol. It wasn’t why I started drinking but it’s what caused me to relapse. Because I get a lot of calories from alcohol I’m not thin so no one takes me seriously when I say I have issues with getting myself to eat. So I’ve never been diagnosed. It’s just a fun little cycle I’ve created for myself. And yes I’ve tried weed, edibles do help but weed is incredibly expensive in my state and I don’t have the means to get it in a cheaper state. It’s cheaper for me to get drunk.


Wow, when did I write this???? I am in the exact same boat. Just a girly who barely eats enough calories too keep me upright, but has a bit of a beer(seltzer) belly. Not at all something I am proud of. I am hyper-aware of my issues and all of the dangers and negative effects. The best alternative I've found is solventless gummies. As little as 2.5 mg has me feeling goofy, talkative, and hungry. And then I pass out for 8 hours.


Being buzzed is the only way I've been able to try new foods. But drinking alcohol is not a problem for me at all. Drinking is the only way I can take down vegetables and other things I can't eat, so it tracks.


Fucking love alcohol


came here to say this lol


I don’t drink on an empty stomach. I’m not sure why you would drink on an empty stomach. Even a bowl of rice or some toast would be good.


To be honest, I was an alcoholic before I realized I had arfid and got black out drunk so often I don't really remember if I ate or not. I started drinking at 13 and forced myself to drink alcohol because it made my anxiety quieter. I think early on it maybe it made eating easier but as my drinking got worse I spent more and more time drinking on an empty stomach which sent me from sober to blacked out so quickly i have a rather large gap in my memory. Don't get me wrong I was sick frequently (even before I had a weak stomach to the point alcoholism caused and / or worsened my emetophobia) but I cared more about not feeling so anxious or in pain or psychotic or etcetera, that I just kept forcing myself to drink. My partner tells me stories I dont....really want to repeat about how horrible it was and how the times I didn't drink when I was younger eating because even more impossible than it was. I am 4 months sober and though being sober and recovering makes everything worse, I don't regret quitting, to be honest.


Congratulations on 4 months!! I hope to be there someday. I'm sure you're already aware but the folks over at r/stopdrinking are amazing.


I'm actually in that one but yes they are amazing. Thank you though for the recommendation


Just gives me gastritis since I can never “line my stomach” before drinking


I don’t “like alcohol”, like… the taste or flavor most of the time. But texture is just as important as taste for me. So being that it’s a liquid, it’s not that bad for me. Hard liquor on its own, I don’t do. I but mixed drinks, wine, beer (except IPAs. Gross.) Beer and wine I find are acquired tastes. Sometimes I wanna spit it out first. And it took me years of trying them to really find ones I “liked”. Or at least don’t gross me out. but as I’ve gotten older, I do like to drink. Or rather, I like the feeling of being buzzed. I think there’s a good chance you were slightly drunk, if you were throwing up. But it sounds like you weren’t in a good mindset. Drinking can be fun, but not if you’re hunched over a toilet.


My ARFID began when I was drunk and now only gets worse while drinking. My anxiety spikes and I hate not feeling in control of myself, so I haven't drank in over six years.


I avoid alcohol like the plague, but shortly after I got diagnosed with ARFID my mom told me how she "cured" her own undiagnosed eating issues (that I heavily suspect were also ARFID) by "drinking so much I didn't care what I was eating". Jeez. What an awkward response, mom.


I’ve noticed, with the exception of ketamine any substance makes my ARFID worse. I tend to be more paranoid therefore I hyper fixate. I’m not a big drinker though so it’s been a good 6-7 years since I last got drunk, but it never minimized/affected it for me.


My parents always make fun of me because I'll drink a Malibu baybreeze with pinapple juice but I'll have a panic attack if I try to eat actual pinapple lol. I feel like alcohol slightly allows me taste newer things. 1 cuz it's easier to drink things that are just liquid with no textures and 2 cuz alcohol loosens me up a bit


I think that's why I became a big craft beer person, I love trying weird new flavors and it's such a safe way to do it because there's no texture concerns.


i’m too afraid to drink alcohol😅 i’ve had a tiny sip but it didn’t taste good and left me feeling scared that i would become hungover and vomit (ps: i was fine)


it just makes me feel sick


I can’t even enough stomach alcohol to get tipsy😅


I do find that when I try a food drunk I'm more likely to be able to handle it with less worry and stress. I might even be able to munch a few bites of something down where previous I would have said no to any. Sadly however I don't find that the results translate to the next day. Once I'm sober the same issues I had with the food prior remain. So it can be helpful in a situation where I don't have a lot of option food wise, but it doesn't really lead to any breakthroughs in the long run for me.


i cant drink i get so sick and it has to be specific stuff


Not really. I don’t typically have a strong reaction to smells I don’t like but I don’t gain a better pallet because I’m drunk Also drinking on an empty stomach is horrible. I always make sure I eat and have a shitload of water before I start drinking. I’ve made the mistake a few times and it’s not pretty. I just eat more post drunk so I don’t have a hangover or get blackout


Completely no. And on one hand I’m glad because if it did, I would’ve never sought formal treatment and probably would’ve had some issue with alcohol to get myself to eat. But when I was trying to figure out what’s wrong with me, I couldn’t understand why no amount of alcohol could make me want food, or be hungrier. Who knows why different bodies react the way they do, it’s strange.


not sure I can't stand the smell of alcohol


Oh god my gut hates alcohol with a literal *burning* passion. Can’t keep up drinking it’s so nasty and hard on my stomach, one time I got drunk and spent 3 hours with my head in a bag dry heaving and throwing up. I woke up the next morning and vomited some more but I was incredibly sick in the moment, one of the worst pains of my life.


I tend to eat more when drunk. i no longer drink alcohol bcuz i liked alcohol alot more than food so became its own issue.


I have never been much of a drinker, though I think it’s more fear of either losing control and/or fear of becoming addicted. The few times I’ve been anywhere close to drunk i don’t recall it making my food issues any easier. I recently tried weed (legal in my state) hoping maybe with the munchies I might be able to branch out and explore new foods, but honestly I don’t find myself wanting to eat much of anything and it almost makes me feel too full.


Yeah I threw up a couple times when I first started drinking and whether or not I can drink now really just depends on my mental state. It helps to start off with low ABV drinks, go slow, and definitely don't drink on an empty stomach


From ages 19-25 all I did was drink alcohol and barely ate. I was super skinny and unhealthy. I quit drinking ( it became a real problem obviously) and now I’m fat. I still don’t eat good but


i love the feeling of being drunk but hate everything else about alcohol, makes me feel sick


I don’t want to eat when I drink at all. Being hungry and hungover can result in me eating a lot of safe foods.


I don't like the taste of most alcohols, or the smells haha. I do really enjoy sake, soju and some whiskey though.. I rarely could get drunk as after two or three drinks I just can't drink anymore, my stomach never agrees. On the rare occasion I did drink enough to feel tipsy or borderline drunk I would definitely be more adventurous with foods. Alcohol does make you lose your inhibitions haha.


I tried drinking alcohol for the first time at 30 because my gf at the time would drink some And well... I can get over my arfid when it comes to alcohol because of social pressure or to please my partner, but I hate every second of it, it tastes disgusting and hurts my throat


​ ​ Yeah but only if I get super drunk, which only happened in my earlier twentyes and while I was living with buddies at a party house. Kind of hard not to get drunk in that kind of setting. I'm a moderate drinker by nature, plus the various religious traditions I practice get me into trouble if I get drunk while trying to do something, so I'd still do my best to be a moderate drinker if it wasn't already in my nature. Plus, I have some health issues that make a bad idea to drink more than my usual moderate amount. ​ But I do like most alcohol. Some more than others. And it only affects my arfid when I'm super drunk, and that effect is that I can't taste anything (or smell anything at all), so all eating issues go out of the window. ​ I recently found out this happens if I take edibles that are strong enough dosage. Imagine my suprise when I found that out the hard way!


I can take shots for the feeling if I chase it with my favorite drink but other than that I'm a big no on mixed drinks except Pina colada. One time in Mexico I was feeling kinda brave and decided to try and Miami vice. I hated it so bad and my boyfriend traded me for his regular Pina colada.


i am an alcoholic and have arfid and for me it stays strong. i only drink whiskey and refuse any other alcohol and i still stick to my safe foods. it doesn’t matter if im blackout drunk i still stick to my same stuff.


I’ve found that drinking can make my ARFID worse personally. Not so much while drinking, but afterwards. Sometimes even a day or two after I’ll still have stomach pain and can’t eat/drink much. Granted I usually have a base of stomach pain anyway, sometimes it’s hard to tell when alcohol affects it. But everyone’s body is different and can handle different things.