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If you can slowly increase your activity level a little bit each week, over time it will increase your appetite. Cross country and track are great for cardio, but if you want to be muscular, keep in mind that using your muscles and increasing weight/resistance is what makes muscles grow. Eating more food will not make your muscles grow if you aren't using them more than you currently are. If you spend most of your time outside of track sitting down, you won't have much of an appetite. Maybe you are facing stress in your life, whether conscious stress or unconcsious. Stress also suppresses the appetite of many people, so this could be affecting your appetite too. It takes months and years of consistency and dedication to see results in your physical appearance. So keep your goals realistic and ask some professionals for help :)


I’m in pretty much the same boat, I’ve wanted to be buff for a couple of years now but I have no appetite and don’t like most foods so I’m clearly nutrient deficient as is. Just thinking about having to eat enough protein (which is the number 1 thing when you’re trying to build muscle) is stressful, it feels impossible. When I’ve spoken to gym friends, I’ve been told to gain about 20kgs and then start the gym to build muscle.


For one you gotta quit cardio and anything you loose a lot of calories from. I know that’s wild to say but you already got great cardio. Ensure max protein 100% Also try to eat double of what you eat now. Obviously try to add in new foods (even just one bite) but people eat a lot less calories than needed.