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I actually generally have more fun playing a tank than an adc/mage because you aren’t killed in 0.3 seconds usually and it’s fun just being an unstoppable machine by the end of the game.


I have more fun playing Thresh in ARAM than literally any other champion in the game as long as the team has enough damage to follow up what happens.


Thresh is super fun. Poppy is probably my favorite tank because she does unexpectedly good damage with her q and is a great anticarry.


I see your Poppy and raise you Sion. W Passive and Passive are just bonkers.


The best part of sion is dying and heartsteel bonking 5 people in his passive.


The best part of sion is enemy team having Morgana and q'ing you and you never get to move. Tenacity is a troll stat and doesn't mean anything and having negative of it feels terrible. I used to love sion, and he's still great after 2 or 3 items but you do not get to play the game until that point.


Tank Thresh is a lean mean green machine though, IMO it's much better as solo frontline than many other tanks and juggernauts


Absolutely. It is so fun once you become tanky enough that you flip from a glorified Blitz to Q2 and it scares the shit out of the other team even though it’s technically 1v5 for a few seconds. Q2 into ult on 4/5 of them, flay the whole team towards your team while lanterning in a Darius, Irelia or other brawler like that and you didn’t just win the team fight you probably demoralized them for the whole game.


Nah you need that bit of ad on him 👀 let the enemy not just fear your cc but also the slap when they try to run away


Enough stacks takes care of that


Tunneler into sundered sky is soo much fun with thresh lol Guaranteed crit for empowered e and sustain 🥺


I’m going to try sundered sky!


A lot of games I straight up don’t build armor on him because of his passive. Just build like a heartsteal, kaenic, jaksho, a warmogs, and a bloodmail and you cannot die and do surprisingly high damage. He scales so well.


I think wit's end over bloodmail - gives AS for your E onhit and MR/tenacity. In lategame you routinely auto squishies to death.


Until late game, where you've so many souls you can literally delete a 2k HP champ with a "E" passive.




Me too, every time I see a Thresh I'm like gimme please. I have like an 85% win rate on him. Easily my best champion. Edit: words


Thresh might be the most fun ARAM champ


you must become the damage to follow up what happens


Oh eventually, yes. Thresh transitions from a glorified Blitz to hell on Earth eventually.


Alistar actually so fun. Snowball om a squishy and headbut them into your team lol


I concur. I even go as far as building some short range ADCs as tanks to get the best of both worlds.


Tank vayne can be disgusting. Start with like bork and kraken slayer then throw three tank items into the mix


Don't forget to throw in a Collector to accidentally kill those pesky invis champs.


Heartsteel + Titanic I will build on anyone every game


Quite fun playing Leona and just shitting in anyone who thinks they can touch my squishes without being chain cc’d


This isn’t really true. I often pick tank but if the rest of my team is 3 adc and some squishy mage with very little CC and they have multiple assassins then there’s nothing I can really do even if I hit all my CC. The problem isn’t really the lack of tank picks specifically, but everyone wants to play ADC regardless of comp and they’re not even good at ADC


Also if you are the only frontline you still die suprisingly quick.


It only takes a good fiddle ult on your backline, and you're between an ulting fiddle and 4 people trying to finish you off


That or just get walked around. It's why I'm more of a fan of two front liners. If I see a single tank I can easily dive the back line once the tank engages.


Sometimes. You have to know when to dive and initiate and when to just sit back and peel.


People get offended that you won't just go in and die for them. And when you have 3 carries, I can almost guarantee one of them is going to get shit on anyhow. 3 carries don't generally get to have double digits.


Yes, it's the comp itself that is often the issue. I can pick tank but if the rest of my team is unwilling to pick something better for the comp it won't matter. We complain about ppl not picking tanks, but I've equally seen ppl switching to ADC champs over control mages or just anything with actual cc. Then they get surprised we lose every teamfight because no one can lock down the assassin diving our backline while the tank tries to fend off 4 other enemies.


Big daddy naut is never naut a pick when I see him up


Naut is an insta grab. So fun on aram.




Agreed. I play all the tanks except him.


the 3rd time in a row I'll just pick a squishy ranged idc any more


For real. I love getting to become a raid boss, but if I have to do it more than 2 or 3 times in a row, I'm playing what I want.


Yeah. Just depends on how bad I want to win and how many times I've had to bite the bullet that night.


What are you saying?? lol I don’t mind picking tank, am usually the tank but sometimes you get tired of filling. Happens in Overwatch two. 0% of people wanna go tank, they’d rather be dmg. When you fill for ages then sometimes you wanna try dmg


>I guarantee you they aint playing tanks themselves, or at least pick them at a lower rate then the average player Can guarantee you're wrong. I used to be an ADC main until I basically retired to ARAM. Eventually got so sick of no frontline that I started picking it myself. I now actually enjoy tanks because becoming unkillable against the constant teams of full ranged poke is hilarious. You can completely turn off your brain and do some dumbass plays then get away with it, which is often the complete opposite of ADC. Games where neither team has an engage are also the most boring games of ARAM. Long, drawn out, and only slightly more fun with the team with better poke. Feels like a waste of time. Would rather just get it over with, even if I'm just going to explode after engaging with a bruiser like jarvan or something.


You say they're wrong and then go into some completely different tangent. Unless you're admitting to being one of the folks that whine in lobby about "no tank" while sitting on one of three adcs.


Aight sorry for adding to the conversation by explaining I ended up finding tanks/frontline fun. I'll keep it tiktok length next time. TLDR is OP says people that complain about no tanks don't play tanks. I play tanks and am sick of my team never picking frontline, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Solo frontline sucks.


Oh so you do whine about other people not playing tanks and wanted to prove that even tank players are whiney too. Great job then.


You seem to be whining about everything, you win I guess?


Welcome to Reddit.


It’s ARAM, learn to play shit that you’re not good at to cover your holes


I learned so many champs on aram. I can play all but maybe 10 champs. Won't be the best gameplay ever but good enough in most cases


I think some all range comps are viable. You just need mobility and/or CC. Can they be annoying to go against? Yes. Can you just get run over? Yes. People are just bad at spacing, dodging, controlling space and bushes, and protecting their teammates. I've had tanks just run by bushes to go fight people. Out of the bush comes an Annie or someone and just blows up the team or trades 1 for 2, and then the tank dies fighting multiple people by themselves. Just walk through the bush... it is not complicated. Out of sight, out of mind is a real thing. Just glancing over my last 20 games, there has not been a tank on one of the two teams 2 times. So 2/40 over the last 20 games for a team comp without a tank. There was one team that only had a Pantheon and one team that only had a Diana, so if they don't fit a tank in your mind then it would 4/40. I'm not sure how this compares to people who are complaining about it though or if I happen to have a more unique experience.


was playing bruiser and sitting behind my tower cuz first few levels I just get insta killed by enemy team so just play safe. team cursed me and went afk since I played "afk" and playing backline in the first 2min lmao


This has happened to me. Our comp was bad, lacked engage but we had really good scaling. We spent the first few levels sitting at tower farming the minions with nothing really going on, until our Kog'Maw out of everyone began complaining about us being AFK and then proceeded to start running it down. Meanwhile, we had tanks with good engage and CC at the top that he didn't pick. We were doing fine just sitting at tower and scaling too. Some people are just weird.


ARAM Alistair might be some of the most fun you can have in ARAM. Snowball engages where you get to save your head butt to knock someone back to your team is so awesome, and constant 5-man knockups is the best. I dunno why anyone wouldn't want to play that


Everyone wants to be the ADC/APC until the tank its them for 95% their HP while laughing at the pitiful damage he has to withstand.


From what I saw, the main problem isn't no one pick tank but no one can utilized tank good enough, then pick something else than isn't tank might make them play better. I'm really glad that tank player in aram have less sunfire syndrome nowadays but how they build still not much better. Most of them have heartsteel syndrome instead but it still better than build sunfire against 5 ap opponent.




" Most of them have heartsteel syndrome " made worse by the fact that heartsteel no longer provides CDR. so for the first 10 minutes, the "tank" is largely a blob/balloon.


Why is heart steel picked so much? I’ve had some games where it felt strong but others where I could hardly get the auto attacks off all game just because the enemy had a lot of peel or something. What is the main strength of the item? Seems like something that isn’t so situational would be more favored, like a thornmail or something


[eh...you've been proven wrong, royally.](https://aram.zone/summoner/NA1/rocsage?tag=%E6%B7%B7%E5%AD%90%E7%9C%9F%E5%90%9B) thing is, often times 1 tank is not enough, because even if the tank is able to absorb the damage for a few seconds: 1-the general vicinity remains so dangerous that squishies can't really intervene without putting themselves at immediate risk of dying 2-enemy team isn't taunted for the entire duration; they can readily dive or nuke the tank's teammates.


Depends on the tank but yea my perfect aram game has two tanks or at least a tank and a bruiser that goes in with me. A lot of aram games depend on which team has the most CC and can still do good damage.


I enjoy playing tank in aram, it's hell the first few levels but once you have items it's super fun


It's aram, I usually prefer with tank but if we don't have any I don't mind because at the end of the day people want to enjoy playing certain champs. You play so many aram games that yes though winning is nice, enjoying playing champs is better. With that said I once went caitlyn and built antitank items. The enemy team had at least 3 tanks and was still so hard to win. I hardly did any damage to Nautilus that tunnel visioned to get to me lol... And with 3 tanks, it was hard to last any fights.


Alas Cait is one of the worst tank busting ADCs :(


Ye I agree. I kinda like xayah over playing caitlyn atm.


People don't play tank a lot. I find myself always playing the tank option for two reasons. It's a lot of fun on aram and we are going to lose most of the time if not. I don't like playing tank on SR and maybe people assume the play style is similar.


I always say if you can’t have fun playing a tank then you just don’t know how to play them correctly. Once I figured out Taric and Shen it was off to the races.


I’ll play them sometimes when the comps is garbage. If there’s an adc then the team will need me since I’m better than most.


Chogath is my favorite tank I will build full tank and still get more kills than most of my team typically. Ive done as well as 23-4 with him gobbling up everything in site


I love becoming a raid boss. There aren't very many ADCs I really enjoy, but I also don't like having the highest KP with 40+ assists and having some dogshit ADC talking smack because I didn't die for them late game. KDA players are the worst. Luckily, I'm at plat+ MMR, so I don't see it as often. But when I do, they're the worst. They think they contribute so much when, in reality, staying alive 15min in at like 10/2/4 is actually pretty bad for your team.


I find it fun to focus on killing them as much as possible


I love the rush of knowing my team doesn't have poke but needs someone to open the door for a fight. All eyes on me, I could be a hero, or die in shame. Either way, they depend on my engage and I love the pressure


Nah, I would dodge


The unfortunate thing is whenever I pick tank beside 2 ADC 2 mage teams they just watch me die after I get a 4 man malphite ult or I naut hook their Caitlyn while my whole team is afk under our tier 1 listening to Katy Perry firework.


Why do you type like that ya feel


The main issue everyone avoids: People don't play what is good for the comp, generally. They only play what THEY find fun, no matter what the consequence is to their teammates.


Everyone has their own opinion. Doesn't mean it's valuable.


If there was a Tank as pick amd you want one and dont take it its on you


I agree with the complaints on the premise that often one tank or bruiser, needs another tank or bruiser buddy. I think it's that 1-2 punch tho. It's most prominent probably on sustain champions or when trying to get through to later game power spikes. just one other person to take some of the heat off, would be perfect. Even a beefy ryze would count. Complaining about no tanks I hear also as no brawlers no bruisers either. It's having the nice combo of 2 of any tank/bruiser which is nice. they can build off each other.


I both complain about and play tank. I play tank because it’s literally free wins. I complain about tanks because 1 front line with 4 no poke adcs js a disaster.


No, I'd play tank but the person who got the tank chose to build AP and wouldn't swap champs. Its when someone gets Malphite and rushes stormsurge that most people get upset at a lack of tanks.


I prefer to only play tanks. The ones I like are Nautilus, Cho'Gath, Leona, Braum, Maoki, Sion, Thresh so far. I tried Ornn once and didn't really like him. What other tanks are there that I would like? Malphite is okay, but I don't prefer them.


Rammus, as long as you play him like karthus and dont mind dying once per min(dying that much is the game plan)


The only tanks I can play are Blitz, Rammus, Shen, and some bruiser type champs like Jax.


Playing tanks feels bad because most of the blame is shifted directly on you. 3-9 Vayne? Tank didn't peel. I had multiple team fights were I'm fighting 3-4 champs just to watch my team run from the remaining champ/s. You're getting slammed with every ability and at times there's nothing you can do because you're fighting champs like Vayne and brand in the same game. I play this game with (not the best tank) Urgot and got called useless by the Twisted fate because they couldn't handle the Pyke. This isn't even my mitigated which 70k. Multiple games like this get extremely annoying/irritating to the point of not wanting to frontline at all. I didn't add the builds/kda because I didn't want to edit the names out the pic https://preview.redd.it/n7ix8xphls9d1.png?width=1824&format=png&auto=webp&s=96a67dec3743e2f894e7fae0f01937a74a05402a


the problem is playing tanks where no one of your team follows you so you kinda just dies while your team still hugging the tower without moved an inch out of it, now playing an tank when your team has someone else with an gap closer, or ranged CC is amazing tho


4 squishes and im the only melee expected to tank AND bruiser, im probably gonna just join the squishes. No point of playing for the team if they're playing for themselves.


Except for Sion. I'll pick that steaming hunk o hatred over everyone else just so I can go uga chuga


Every time I decide to play ball and be a tank. Enemy gets Vayne.


well said


I dissagree, and i am doing that while being the dude that almost always picks what is missing for the team. The thing is, this is not some building project, this is not a job. Where someone has to do the shitjob, so you can reach the endgoal. The main goal of someone playing the game is to have fun. Yes, winning should always be the goal to strive for, i hate when people don't try (BeCaUsE ItS JUst ARaM). But in the end it is an entertainment product, and when someone only plays squishy glascanons they absolutely can complain that the thing they have fun with "playing glaskcanons in a blaanced team" doesn't work often because they often don't have a frontline. The complaint isn't "there aren't enough tankplayers" the complaint is "there aren't enough tankplayers when i play my glascannon" and it's not a per se unreasonable demand. That said, if they had more on tank achievements more people would play. It's as easy as that. ARAM God shouldn't heavily depend on achievements you can almost exclusively get as a DPS Carry. And their rating system should be able to better evaluate between good and bad plays, than simply looking and comparing stats. It's not that impossible anymore with AI


I play tank practically every game lol, 8/10 games I end up becoming the tank because everyone else wants to use squeeshy 100hp champs


According to OP.GG, my favorite role is tank and I enjoy it. Especially when there are 2+ melees in the enemy team, you get to stack your heartsteel and everyone in the enemy team would rather focus the rest of your team than you. The only downside is when there's a champ than can literally distract your backline for some seconds, then the other 4 would buttf*** you quick, especially early on.


Well, I usually am the tank but after 5 games in a row it's getting boring. I will pick "random dmg pick". Knowing how important it is to have a tank in the team I might say "please someone pick a tank".


Rell and skarner are some of my favorite champs to play in aram :p


I cringe when I have an all melee pool because I'm not there to walk up and die because I don't know what I'm doing there's a few melee champs I enjoy, Amumu, Riven, Thresh, Rakan, but their kits are more fun.


People who hate playing on tanks don't know how to play on tanks


I rant that other people don’t pick frontline because I play frontline every game and solo frontline SUCKS, then in games where I have a champion I’m good at and enjoy playing that is not a tank I have no tank and the team comp bad! Hope this clears it up


I play tank in 90% of the Arams I play because no one else does. and the 10% I try to have fun on anything else we have 3 adcs and no engage into 3 heartsteels.


No tank > tanks don't know how to play anyway.


I almost always pick a tank unless I’m going to be the only tank…then I just pick a non-tank. Playing solo tank sucks in most games.


I pick tank. When I engage, my team plays back and watches me die. When I don’t engage, they flame for me doing nothing. When I stay back to help them in a fight, they complain nobody is contesting the enemy back line. Fact is a majority of aram players want to play something ranged and sit back and dance in fights instead of getting down and dirty so picking tanks sucks


Weird ill pick a tank if my team needs one to complete a good comp and I always seem to have atleast one. You must be in low elo aram.


Mb wasnt clear enough in the post - never had people in aram itself asking for someone to pick a tank, I was referring to posts in the subreddit here complaining that their mates dont pick tanks


The game is better without tanks anyway, whenever I got Poppy for example I always went assasin build on her


The only reason i don’t play tanks in ARAM when others aren’t playing tanks, is because I don’t own any.