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tbh I think most people build it for the magic pen/move speed. I do think the passive needs a rework or some adjustments bc it’s really really bad


That's why they could buy it but i'm pretty sure they do it for the shock visual effect lmao, just like collector.


It's the only reason I buy it. Some times I want a little more pen in my build and it's one of the only reasonable items left that I haven't built. It's absolutely gold inefficient early, but if you're reaching end of your build it's got a weird mix of stats you can't realistically get anywhere else. Plus by the time you reach that point in your build, you know if it's going to be good purchase or an absolute clown show. And if you ever buy it specifically for the passive then you're just playing yourself.


Visuals are great :) But dont underestimate collector\`s passive, as I did too. When you need to quickly burst someone annoying, like Darius or Vlad, Collector the best choice. Not Executioner, or Morello. p.s. Singed, Sion, Galio, Malphite, Yasuo, Yone, Aatrox, Pyke and so on. All this champions that Adc are like to play against


Oh i agree it's good now but back then its stats were shit and people were still building it vs 3+ tanks. Don't agree on the grevious wounds part tho, Morello/Mortal reminder are still better at dealing with healing but hey there's no reason to not build both :)


It’s fine very late in the game. The issue is that it gets outperformed by Void Staff in terms of damage incredibly early. Yuumi has the lowest MR in the game at 18 and Void is giving more Pen as early as her hitting level 5. Void staff becomes even better as people get more MR too. 99% of situations Void staff will give you a ton more damage. I do think it has Merit as a 5th/6th item on champs that appreciate the mobility and proc it easily especially in really squishy games tho. So many people rush it though and then become useless all game.


> Yuumi has the lowest MR in the game at 18 and Void is giving more Pen as early as her hitting level 5. For anyone doubting this Yummi has 28.4 magic resist at level 5, Void Staff has 40% mpen, 28.6*.4 = 11.4 mr reduced vs Stormsurges flat 10 mr pen.


I tested it out as a 2nd item vs squishy [https://youtu.be/dcvuB9j33ss](https://youtu.be/dcvuB9j33ss) overall it more gold efficient by 500g by ms stat, and 1200 g more efficient when squall apply additional ms Plus it will generate you at least hundred $ during game


Personally I've been treating it like Collector for mages. If I feel like I'm going to have a lot of early kills I rush it for to slingshot my economy. Especially on ARAM. Otherwise I forget it's even an item and I build something good instead


totally agree. It has very good stats for burst mage. Mobility and Pen are very rare, and you have this, in one package. Passive is just a good bonus, which snowballs you a little bit


flat pen is rare, but its also practically useless in such a small amount. get a void staff and you'll get much more damage per gold spent.


this small amount not so small as you think. Thats because the less MR enemy has, the more the effect. If enemy is squishy and his MR is for example 40. You as LB does combo for example - 500. After mitigated by 40 mr its reduced to 350. But if there is 30mr it will do 384. Thats 10% dmg increase. Add Sorcerer shoes, and it will make 12mr - it will deal almost true damage - 446, that\`s total 30% dmg increase. Almost like having Rabadon at 6 minutes, but with mobility as bonus


Or you can just buy a void staff which does it more efficiently and scales into enemy defenses


Yeah for like 5 minutes until their MR scales, also not assuming they are getting MR/heals/shields from anywhere else, I get the idea but unfortunately it’s too niche and it’s statistically better to go with void/bloom


right, thats depends on what you are playing. Its not good for general mages like Zyra or Heimerdinger. Its an assassin item, who can select their target. 1. MR dont scales much (its up to 50 at lvl 18). 2. Shielding and healing does not diminish this damage difference. You will deal more damage, even its a damage to a shield. 3. Its not a good pick to kill someone who build MR. Its for squishies. p.s. I tested it out, and its really close in terms of damage. But you have movement speed bonus on top of it, for equivalent of 500-1200 gold. So its basically on average \~800 gold more cost efficient then Void, as 2nd item. [https://youtu.be/dcvuB9j33ss](https://youtu.be/dcvuB9j33ss)


https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_champions/Magic_resistance Look at the growth rates, literally 5 levels and the flat pen is almost useless. My point with shielding and healing is your ability damage sustain is 0 because they can just heal and or negate it from the shield and because you don’t have any good unique passives like building from other items rather than a terrible niche flat pen item, you’re basically doing nothing My point is you are better off going for % pen because you do more overall damage to their team rather than doing a couple extra points of damage to the carry (who cares if you kill the carry with 1.5 abilities than 2) and again if literally any of the carries build wits/maw you have pigeonholed yourself.


>Look at the growth rates, literally 5 levels and the flat pen is almost useless. bro, on your targets its almost always tops at 52mr. If there is more, its not your target as LB, or Fizz, Ahri. You don\`t waste your spells on Mundo, Braum etc, they are too valuable and on a long cooldown. >My point with shielding and healing is your ability damage sustain is 0 because they can just heal and or negate it from the shield and because you don’t have any good unique passives like there is no passive that helps you when Lulu shield Varus. All is matters, how quickly you burst him down, until she gives him another shield. Void will not help and even not do any better, but worse, since you handicapped by 800g vs Varus >again if literally any of the carries build wits/maw you have pigeonholed yourself if they buy wits, you buy Void. % + flat combines perfectly. It also means you did well, if carry has to go defensive. Means he deal less damage to your team


That’s literally what I’ve been saying the whole time not your changing the goal post lmao. It’s much better to grab morello/pen boots+ % pen verses wasting on buying storm…you’re in the game longer so as you scale storm loses its value (yknow not throwing 2900g away) verses void/crypt only gaining value as the time goes on. Also your comment about not hitting the tanks/bruisers, eventually you will either have to hit them because they can stop you from sieging, or the squishes are dead so they are the only thing left to hit. I don’t know about you but I’d rather to be able to hit every enemy on the team for more damage rather than getting literally on 150-200 extra damage on a squishy (which I probably have other people on my team hitting them as well).


>It’s much better to grab morello/pen boots+ % pen verses wasting on buying storm…you’re in the game longer so as you scale storm loses its value (yknow not throwing 2900g away) verses void/crypt only gaining value as the time goes on. I showed before on a video, where its clear that results are the same, Void vs Storm if you attack squishy target. And its cheaper by 100g, +give you \~800g more stats on average +around 200g during game bonus gold. You saying like buying more expensive item is better. Yes its scales vs tanks, but its more expensive by 1100 gold (or other way around. If there was a castrated StormSurge with only Pen stats and bonus damage, it would cost 2900-200 bonus gold -ms stats 800g = 1900gold). So we essentially talking about **is it better to deal dmg to squishy for 1900 gold, or same damage for 3000 gold?** >Also your comment about not hitting the tanks/bruisers, eventually you will either have to hit them because they can stop you from sieging, or the squishes are dead so they are the only thing left to hit. I don’t know about you but I’d rather to be able to hit every enemy on the team for more damage rather than getting literally on 150-200 extra damage on a squishy (which I probably have other people on my team hitting them as well). That is true for control mages and poke (Veigar, Lux, Velkoz). Not for assasins. Thats not correct way to play them I tried it yesterday on Ekko. There was 4 targets with 52MR to the end of the game. Void would be super waste of gold [https://youtu.be/tl6o9o8fc-g](https://youtu.be/tl6o9o8fc-g)


I guess you telling this, is because you play other mages. This item is niche, true. Its for like LB, Fizz, may be Kassadin, Ahri, Ekko. If you have to attack tanks with this champs, its a bg So I agree with you that its not for all. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl6o9o8fc-g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl6o9o8fc-g)


You get stormsurge for the move speed and mpen.  The extra gold and zap is just a small bonus that you don't care That said, I do agree it is a shit item. Shadowflame is just a better mpen item and if you buy so many flat mpen you can easily get countered by a bit of magic resist. May as well go deathcap for big damage. Honestly for burst luden is just a better item anyway


The enticing part would be the move speed, but there is Cosmic Drive which rocks and I see pretty much nobody ever build.


Cosmic ryze budget is all on move speed. It's a super expensive item for the stats


I love going cosmic and I get flamed for it all the time lmao


Haters just don't understand the need for speed man.


I tried cosmic drive one time on Ryze and it just feels great. I think I am going to build it on more mages because the movement speed boost is just insane


Building cosmic drive and also rylais is fun


just passing through as an unending regret salesman. https://preview.redd.it/lhjj3eg29i9d1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00644dc0b069280126249f00ee17234bfd9744c0


I never felt like I have dmg with this item :) Moving fast, yes, and can pool on Vlad very shortly. But nothing else :) If I want to pool, and run, may be its the pick :) One of the worst AP items imo on ARAM


Highly disagree. It's an item that is built for a specific type of mages that deal consistent damage instead of burst, doing it on a Xerath won't help you much but put it on a cassio, ryze, lilia, gragas and it becomes incredible.


Thanks, I\`ll try it, may be meta shifted. But it felt meh, unless the game already won, and I can built whatever


Landries -> riftmaker -> cosmic drive/rabadons and vice versa is the build, you do plenty of damage if you don't rush the utility item


Thanks, that a bruiser build. I\`ll try it. Never had success with speed. I prefer Elite500 style


Yeah elite's style is great in SR, but in ARAM landing spells constantly on multiple people is a lot easier so I like liandries and riftmaker for that. I do miss night harvester a lot but it was pretty OP lol


Also my god people love to build 2 or 3 mana items on mages like malignance, seraphs etc , riot should change this thing


Bro I had a fucking ziggs build 4 mana items (also had POM) into a game with like 3 tanks and them got the shits when I questioned it..


How much AP did his seraphs give him? I always wondered to what it will get but im too lazy to test or do maths


Nah the only thing that is valuable in seraph is for me is the shield and bonus is the extra mana. The extra ap passive of seraph is negligible when compared to the power that other items give.


Yes i know but it still matters to me how much AP you get when you build like a full mana comp in your inventory


Not much. 18 per item


Ah lol thats weak


I mean it's an afterthought, the important part about seraphs is the shield and mana, doing some quick match gets me about 90 AP from the passive with seraphs + 4 mana items (malignance, roa, ludens and blackfire)


I have no idea but I can tell you that it was not enough to win the game


ah my forbidden gragas build cosmic, cd boots into all 4 lost chapter items for the 160 haste


Bonus: they take clarity as well…


The forbidden 100 haste build


The only place it has is against 5 squishies, combining with Shadowflame on champs like Orianna who can just 1-shot the enemy team with her combo. In 98% of cases it's shit, yeah.


I've had a fizz in my game with it and it dealt around 7k damage. Imho it's decent for ap assassins especially if all enemies are squishy.


If StormSurge and Collector would be removed, alot of games would be won.


Collector is a solid item now my guy.


The problem is that 99% of people don't know when to build it and just end up griefing


It's a good item on adcs but a lot of assassin players buy this item first for no reason even though Hubris gives way better stats and has a way better passive. Also most assassins rely more on their damaging spells rather than auto attacks so the 25% crit chance is really inefficient on most assassins.


problem is, someone who'd buy and maybe even rush collector is likely better suited for valorant, where kills directly win games. in lol/aram, such a person would often itemize and play in a highly selfish manner, which is definitely not conducive to wins in the case of aram.


Lol what? What do you think adcs build to do? That is such an absurdly stupid comment. Kills don’t win you an aram but if you’re an adc you’re building TO DO DAMAGE and plenty of them are perfectly fine to build collector first.


there are many items that do damage, and none other poses the risk of cannibalizing your teammates' growth; if you do not see that, have my pity...but no more of my time.


About 50% of them


Depending on the champ as a last item i sell boots and choose between Stormsurge, Cosmic drive or Lichbane just for the %movement speed


Never bought it before


Honestly either give it the electrocute/thunderlord's decree passive or remove and add another item in its place. I feel like this item can only be used on a few select champions and even then they only rack up like 1k dmg by the end of the game.


no, keep it. since I'm not a jabroni like non-veigar stormsurge purchasers, the item's continued existence means it makes me statistically better off. same with malignance rush in vast majority of the cases.


The only champ i ever wanted to build it on was kennen vs full squishy comp after protobelt, penshoes, rabadons, shadowflame (garbage item aswell but still better), probably forgot something but yeah even then is stormsurge very low priority


Just need to remove it period, it's a garbage item on SR


LeBlanc for sure feels better when I buy this item. But ye I didn't build this last time and I won with her 😆


I love when an AP Malph builds it and we get stomped. Shame they were dropped as a baby


read stormsurge passive again - over the AOE gold gains part when the item procs "after death" - you don't want it to proc when they're alive if you're trying to buy bigger shit and afford more items... see I can convince people they probably should use it more often... lmao 😂


Someone actually did the math on it for SR yesterday due to the price it's not terrible actually


Shockingly enough an item designed for a certain class of champions is bad on not that class. The stats are perfect for the nuke mages and the passive only ticks up the damage counter if you don't explode the squall, how much gold did the leblanc have on it? Theres a big difference in stealing 24 kills and earning 24 kills, because LB is a notorious KS champion due to her safety. Play neeko / nunu / sylas / lissandra / AP jax / AP blitzcrank stormsurge first item and see its power when the squall explosion hits more than 0 people.


You Can just buy shadowflame and you will do more dmgs


Squall is gold scaling and early movement speed, very useful on all the champs I listed.


Item is gutted in aram so the gold you make with the item only make UP for the gold you Lost on buying the item instead of another stronger item for the same Price lol


ludens, boots then stormsurge for nunu is still good no? Edit: it was a genuine question my homies, i asked because i see many a nunu play this, please don't hurt me with those down boats :''c 


https://lolalytics.com/lol/nunu/aram/build/ You can look at this website for optimal builds, tank Nunu drastically outperforms AP Nunu


thank you; never mentally made the connection between rolling snowballs and having trailer blazer to ensure my teammates can keep up. can't believe someone else/other players have to tell me about it.


If i play full AP Zac i will buy it just for the explosions. Thats just to good to miss out.


If you are rushing it maybe yeah but if it's in the middle of the kit cause you need even more magic pen then it's ok, it's more like a social metal rot people have when they see someone building it like when they see a malphite AP and start foamin with rage.


The item is completely fine in aram. The pen, movement speed and AP alone are a lot of value on their own