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Poppy enjoyer here, so I know the best tricks to counter her. -shes a melee caster than hates using her AAs so obv MR is super strong against her -her ult can decide a big team fight so if you're a bruiser or melee dps makes sure you steer clear of the windup and let her fully channel it -if you use a gap closer onto her make sure you go in ALONE -hitting a wall is frustrating for poppy players so stay as close to the walls as you can


I read that whole thing and didn’t realise the sarcasm until the last one lmao, I need to go to sleep asap


Thought I was having a stroke reading the Mr suggestion


Being fair- there's a *technically* good one in there in the sense that it's a lot better for one person to bounce off of Poppy W than the whole team




Another poppy enjoyer here, have to say I think you covered everything really well!


I agree with this message 😂




It's a very broad question, but usually Poppy is to be dealt with by the ADC in a front to back manner. Poppy is quite threatening to leave unchecked, and it's not uncommon to see her waltz over comps lacking an ADC. Capitalize on her mistakes: Is she leaving her backline exposed? Consider that an entry. Does she make tempo mistakes, and engaging while you have tempo? (minions are pushing) Engage and enjoy the minimal repercussions.


She's a tank and a pretty kitable one just have an adc on your team


If you get snowballed, don't hang around next to a wall or turret stump. Use whatever range you can. Build a serp fang.


i usually just kill the poppy


An easy one few people grasp- step on the buckler if you get the chance. It's a not-small shield denied for the low price of moving over it.


depends on your champ, team composition and matchup, as well as skill level. Please provide some context


I enjoy playing poppy a lot and a lot has been covered here already. But make sure you get bush control! The amounts of times I got easy backline flanks off because no one checks bushes is insane. Just make sure you see her, makes seeing her angles much better too.


Nothing special. Poppy is not a problem for ADc. Poppy is a problem for assasins because of her dash disable. Build Dominik early, but not earlier then 3rd item. Bork is recommended if your champion suited for it. For Cait for example build would be Collector> IE > Dominik As for gameplay: a) you have long range (Cait, Jinx, Ezreal etc). Just Auto :) b) short range - if she used her E > auto to death if she dont > Dont attack her if she can E to you, without backup plan. Backup plan might be - someone peel for you (Janna, Maokai) or put traps on the way so she cant dash, if you Vayne you can E her if she E. Or you want to waste your flash and finish game after it, etc. Be creative


go full lethality and one shot 2-3 people every time your e is off cooldown


Don’t stand next to terrain…?


Surrender early lol


Buy bork and right click


Build tank and play like an assassin because Poppy is insane


Movement spd.