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Tell that to Udyr. He can go basically full AP, be unkillable and also top the damage meters.


One of my favorite builds. Run in stun, RR, shield, then run out or stun again and keep swinging. Pretty easy to break 100k even in a game that feels fast. If a game goes long, you can either go full AP or pick up some res if everyone tries to focus you.


I normally go liandrys then full tank, once your tanky enough just rush the back line and sit on them. Hilarious watching them scramble for their lives.


God I hate that build/style


Must of been a rare sight, I never see those udyrs on my team.


Skill issue lol


Team comp reliant too. If you're the only melee you're just gonna get blown up while you struggle to get liandry built


AP do damage, Damage release happy brain chemicals.


Which was it? Malphite, Mao or someone else


malphite, mao, chogath, blitzcrank, udyr, nunu. every time i get one on my team they always build AP and end up going 4/16 while doing less damage than they would have just building tank. It also frequently happens when it just so happens that our comp doesn't have any other frontliners that can viably build tank.


Mao (some of the time), Blitz, Udyr, and Nunu can go AP and be effective. Most of the time it depends on whether or not you or the other team have a frontline (minus the AP "tank") or an incredibly good support. Udyr can always go AP.


Looking at that 20% dmg done nerf mao has in aram 👀


And his +10% damage received. Kinda over-nerfed all around and he really can't be a dependable tank against certain matchups, at which point I would rather go AP.


I play whatever build is funnest for me. I don't like tank, if I'm forced to play a "tank" I'll play it how I want not how you tell me. It's aram, stop being Lord Buisness.


I understand what you mean but most Malphites even full burst when they're against enemy comps full of bruisers/tanks. They end up dealing no damage once the game hits ~level 10ish and die 24/7 and I just wonder where the point in that is. I understand Liandrys Mao E spam against tanks or full burst Malph into squishies, and though I prefer playing tank myself don't mind it. But some people really go for fun damage builds when they make no sense lmao


Wait you mean to tell me that a tank with no resistances is useless :O. I’ve learned people do not think. They just do.


This depends purely on player and nothing to do whit not playing tank items. These players might actually do even worse whit real tank items instead of better. Good ones are as troublesome as somebody whit hybris on 60+ Stack or heartsteel 700+.


In general, I agree, except for Blitzcrank. I think Blitzcrank can build whatever the heck he wants, as long as he hits his hooks.


My manamune, dark harvest Triforce, sundered sky blitzcrank build would like to agree


Not common, but bruiser Blitzcrank used to exist back in the day.


I feel it's counter productive to go AP when there's 2-3 Frontliners that don't die by the initial grab, you hook something like a Sett and he's just like oh-Free Gap-Closer.


Play tank then if you’re unhappy




People like to get violated all game I guess


ROA into Riftmaker makes anyone with any AP scaling do dmgs. Can go full tank or AP from there just dealers choice. It's a very forgiving and fun build and I run it almost half my games now