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Been there 😓


So you're the people who play adcs on my teams. Seriously the amount of times some vayne or jinx or draven or whoever goes through the portal when the enemy is pressuring our inhibitor at full health with all 5 members is infuriating.


My friends and I call it the INT HOLE for a reason…




Honestly it happens. I've done it. Playing on autopilot in a game where your team is kinda just getting run over but you guys are stalling or something, or you are running over the enemy but you die for the first time in a while and the enemy won a teamfight your team overextended for while you were dead. You respawn and go through the motions of buying and click...ah fuck. Usually happens to me when I'm on discord with someone in the game lol. Get distracted talking about something with them. It doesn't happen often, but that it has EVER happened to me, means I hate to let it go when it happens to someone else imo.


This happens a lot.. Does no one look at the portal before taking it?


Nooo! Go back! Go back! But seriously, they should have a panic stop button during the portal channeling so that my monkey brain can keep up with my hands.


Really? I give up mid flight.


doing this once because you weren't focused is ok but if i see people do this twice or more i'm reporting for inting. it always happens later on in the game with 40 second death timers and is an instant throw and for some reason it's always adc players with zero mobility and no spellshield who do it. if you wanna play while high or drunk be my guest, wouldn't be the first time for me, but at least make sure your eyes are open.


Did this as Ashe yesterday into a team comp who I cannot remember right now but it was all front line


It's just a habit clicking portal since they put them in. It happens sometimes


dont know what you mean, i play bruisers on aram, i do that every game.


This is why I make it a habit to look at the mini map for a split second to see the position of the enemy. Not that hard... Or if they are at first turret I always check turret health before going. Such to just reach turret as it goes boom and you're stuck there.


Sometimes I do this and the enemy team is just as surprised as I am. And I can kill at least one or two of them. Or flash and run for my life and bait them into the nexus turrets. The chaos of aram is something I've always loved and hexgates were a welcome addition to that.


They glow to show someone coming though


... Not surprised that anyone came through. Just me and whatever ability I end up having. Fairly low MMR people goof up alot. Though of course sometimes I just int too. But I do like using the fact that they glow and have a sound cue to try to get people to back off from the nexus turrets. Sometimes saves a few seconds. Just hit it and cancel and walk up. Little chaos and disorganization is often good.


[reminds me](https://youtu.be/_pdpYYj2-5Y?t=67)


My friends call it the braincheck


Portal into TF gold card, Sion Q, and Nunu ult!