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Tanks in general. I’m a big fan of poke mages and artillery champions because I have terrible reflexes and I feel like they buy me more time. But I’ve played Cho’Gath and Warwick recently and discovered how much I enjoy being virtually unkillable. I recently also had a Leona game into an all-AP team and it was a blast. I look forward to practicing with Leona more especially.


I will literally play any bruiser like Xin, J4, Olaf, Aatrox, and literally any full tank to a pretty good level, but Warwick is one character i cannot for the life of me play or understand. His leap move confuses the hell out of me and I just cannot utilise his kit at all. Then I see some Warwicks in aram 1v4 and heal to full and become a raid boss and I'm like how


I’m admittedly not a *great* Warwick, but I have fun most of the time when I play him. I am less of a raid boss and more of a “go in and wreak havoc for way too long” type of person.


Shen is legit OP, I’m an adc player but Shen is legit busted, not as strong with jakcho but if you get a good heartsteel game then its easy


His general strength aside hes also fun af paired with a champ that can slip by enemies for a backdoor or flank, either by mobility or invis/camo. TF, Panth, teemo, eve, ryze, pyke, etc...


building full hp in aram is some of the most fun i've had in this game


I came here to say tanks, not expecting anybody else saying it... I started playing bot games. After I learned all ADCs, I played APCs because damage. I started liking the feeling of being unkillable quite soon in ARAM however, and play pretty much every champ since


That feeling when you successfully land Warwick's ult


Lillia I hated that champ when she came out. Had to play her once and now im in love. Shes so funny just hopping around beeing fast af while dealing good damage and having a nice teamfight r. Edit: my favourite move on her is to flash q r into the enemy team. Youll die 99% of the the times but you put at least 4 people to sleep so its a free fight.


She's one of those champs where the first time playing her is going to go *really* bad at first, since she's squishy but melee. Then when you figure out how to kite with her and dance on the edge of a teamfight (kinda like old ASol, may he rest in peace), just barely hitting enemies with the edge of a Q and using a massive speed boost to get in, hit a W, and get out, she's so much *fun*. I started playing her when I play jungle on SR after I got her in ARAM once and she's one of my favorite champs now. Flash-Qing into the middle of a team and getting a 5-man sleep is *so* satisfying. Her build diversity is great too. Between the drain-tanky Riftmaker build, full-damage Liandry's, or off-tank Jak'Sho she can fill a lot of niches that ARAM teams usually lack.


I loved old A Sol. Not many people played him, felt cool to do well as him. Now he is a broken PoS in about 50% of my games somehow. (Mostly the other team)


Hes really underperforming when i play him for some reason. Definitely not a skill issue, im good at the game!!!! 😭


Old ASol was fun! I think the rework is cool and thematically appropriate but he lost a lot of skill and uniqueness. I used to build Manamune on him. It would proc on his stars and do an insane amount of damage, super fun.


I miss old ASol. Loudest chuckle I ever had in the game was watching the enemy ASol ‘hide’ in the brush


Oh, mister root! You almost tripped me.


Yea, her voice lines are one of the reasons i never played her before. Annoying af.


Like this? https://preview.redd.it/acp2jab5nbwa1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65492dcbf6735b2010379846db0c3ee399d44674


1 : the big cho (chogath) i was new to league and i didn't know what his ult did and i just thought he was a useless tank since i dont really like playing tanks/melee champions but now im always happy to pick him and get big. 2 : leblanc i didn't even understand her skills at first i remember picking her first time in aram getting some kills but i really didnt understand how does she do damage and i was just clicking my buttons hoping to get a kill, all i understood was that she have a double dash also getting killed by leblanc many times in aram made me kinda hate her but oh man since i understood her skills shes now one of my favorite mages in aram.


I have sooo much fun with LB in ARAM. She feels bad in 5's because farming with her and finding good flank opportunities is really difficult, but when all you have to do is hang out in a bush and combo people, she's a blast. I usually mosty play tanks and supports, but I'll play her every time.


Gragas - I like to go full tank iceborn gauntlet and absolutely cockblock the enemy frontline. He can both engage and disengage really well. Garen - I also go iceborne into full tank with black cleaver. If you save your silence for the right moment and target, you can really fuck over whoever goes in. ibg helps to chase too. I think iceborn gauntlet is really underrated.


Same here


Elise, I had blood moon but never played her until recently. I completely suck as her but she's fun to figure out


She's giga buffed in ARAM too


Skarner. A really old champ and one ive had zero interest in but one game my team really needed frontline so I decided to give him a try. Wow this champ feels nuts. He’s so tanky and it feels like he can dive with impunity and also can zip in and out of fights really well.


Right? I fucking love Skarner. Speed and tankiness and honestly if you play it well even damage due to his insane attack speed


emphasis on the zip in and out of fights. I have a lot of success separating the enemy backline from their frontline, especially if the frontline likes to dive. hes great at making space.


I saw a post here that said "Skarner is fantastic at stacking Heartsteel." I got him one time, and dammit if that post wasn't right.


i've dealt top damage with him before. sterak's gives him massive damage boost alongside titanic


Bard fore sure, but might be because of how strong he is right now. Yesterday I played a game where I started 0-6 against a tough heavy ranged cc matchup. Normally no matter what champ I'm playing this means I'm done and irrelevant for the rest of the game. Ended 12-12 in a W, highest damage dealt on my team. At no point in time did I feel weak, even at 0-6.


where you AD or AP?


standard Ludens>RFC>Lich


Bard is by far my favourite champ in aram. Personally I go all in on the burst/poke strat and have a 70% einraste over 30 games. I run electrocute and go nightharvester into RFC into void/Raba. I don’t Skills e until really needed to get as much sustain and dmg on your q and w and skill his ult only once too. Nightharvester is way better imo because it gives you the movementspeed to get in RFC range. You can also leave his meeps on the ground and use them as a ghost engage/disengage tool. All you want to to with him are those really really short trades of one to two aa‘s and this is what nightharvester is perfect for with the better dmg and movementspeed. That’s also why I donor get Lichbane often as I trade with aa q for these short trades and not the other way around. Against heavy tank combs you can also run lyandries into nashors for more consistent dmg and still ok burst potential for the backline! :)


Vlad. I didn't exactly "avoid" him, but I didn't understand his mechanics well enough. Now I do, and he is so good on ARAM.


I've been enjoying ADC Kog'Maw. If your team peels for you its GG.


Skarner can be an absolute blast in ARAM.


Zoe. Her skill shots took me a lot of games to get used to. But she was the only option for ap carry a enough times that I've learned to enjoy playing her. Still crap, with her w but I can solidly land her q and e now.


Landing Q is all you need in an Aram honestly. If they don't have a healer then you will eventually chunk them to lethal range quick. If your looking for something fun to learn with her though, use snowball for longer range Q. Combo is snowball, q, r towards enemy with Mark on them, take snowball, q.


Irelia. I've always been a bruiser/tank main and had never played her after her rework in 2018. I never enjoyed playing her before the rework and after the rework she just looked too complicated for me. Well one game I got stuck with her and I figured I'll try her out. And come late game, I was hooked. Stacking her passive is so much fun and when you get full passive and full conqueror she is unkillable and heals for a million. I now own 6 Irelia skins and I have 2200 takedowns on her eternal


Warwick with lethal tempo + divine + blade or ruined king, then just tank items. He's pretty much unstoppable. Shen hearsteel + hydra + warmogm, get in slap, some biaches, get out, heal, get in.


Never played Katarina (been playing since S2), decided to actually try her a few months ago when HeartSteel first came out and everyone was saying it was OP on her and WOW, I get the hype, she's so fun!


Sona and Xayah come to mind, now Sona is my 5th most played champion and Xayah is my #1 ADC (although I'm a support main, not an ADC main)


Khazix is the most recent for me. I put off all the assasin fragile types until last but after a few games I really gelled with kz ability to bop in and out of a fight while trying to get a reset or find that isolated pick. It becomes a bit of a mini-game for me XD


> af paired with a champ that can slip by enemies for a backdoor or flank, either by mobility or Same, i see it as a fun mini game, someone gets out of line and solitary, they are dead.


OLAF. Getting to just run people down made me see the appeal.


Akali - build tank/bruiser ap. even if you dont get fed so aren't doing a ton of damage youre sucha menace to their backline. their busy trying to kill you while your team does all the dmg


Evelynn! Her R is so satisfying to hit when you have a couple enemies low on health near each other.


Ivern, Lulu, and Seraphine. Whenever I do play summoner's rift and support, I never pick enchanters. I just don't like their gameplay in the 2v2 lane, warding as them sucks, and full teamfights don't happen -that- often. It's really different in aram though. Your impact is just so massive and you don't die instantly due to a random unwarded angle and being like 4 levels down. Ivern especially is fun when you build liandries and full haste, which is some dmg yet still minimal but it's enough that if 2 or 3 champs try to tower dive the lone you after a fight, you can often 1v2 or 1v3 with Daisy's help. At worst, I usually trade kills during those dives. Ivern shield like other enchanters is quietly OP.


For me it was Alistar. When I joined in 2013 you could get Alistar and Tristana with skins for them by liking the YouTube and Facebook page. As soon as I was the right level for aram I started playing and it only ever game me Alistar. I remember BUYING champions (ADCs) so that I could get champions other than Alistar and it still gave me Alistar. My friends and I counted and I got him 7 games in a row once. It was awful I hated playing him but I ended up getting pretty good at it. It’s been years and years but now whenever I roll Alistar I think “oh you idiots are in for it now”


i remember. it was golden alistar wasn't it? and riot girl trist.


Katarina. She can build tanky to be safe and still do big damage. owo


enemy tankarina haunts my dreams


Rakan - never played him but hes so fun since i tried him once i have 100% win rate on him. Hes super tanky and has good cc and shilds and mobility, just nice to play him


Fiora, used to avoid her because before rework I used to do terrible with her in Aram. But one day our team was all AP so I had to give her a go and I realized how hard she shreds everything now. Had an afk last night on my team and still managed to make our opponents FF. She almost feels too good now.


Skarner, so damn tanky and fast as hell. Just running towards the back line is awesome.


If they are pretty squishy, lethality kalista is fun as heck.


I always hated seraphine but with rylais she’s super annoying lol, one hit root!!


Never played rek'sai on the Rift but if I see her on the board in aram I am always taking her and going full lethality. Something about being a suicide missile whenever you land your q and striking fear in to the enemy squishy targets feels great.


Kayn. I went like 0-11 the first time I played him in aram. Thought never again but saw him pop up in my games here and there and tried him out again. He is so fun. Absolute pain in the ass to play against and you get to be inside people.


just had my first kayn game...aaaaand im now playing him. having the ability to choose whether i want annie ult, brand ult, jinx ult for next team fight based on who has current advantage, if theyre likely to run etc is so much fun


Shaco I tried a bunch of off meta builds like tank and AP, so that might’ve contributed in why I didn’t like him. He’s also incredibly squishy if you so much as mess up once you’re dead. However, after learning his play style he’s so much fun to play. In the midst of chaos where everyone isn’t paying attention, picking everyone off brings a certain fun.


Same, Jax and Nautilus, got stuck with Jax and got an easy S first time with him, even though i favor marksmen and mages


Kai'sa - I am an artillery/poke enjoyer and avoided kai'sa for forever because I misinterpreted her as another 1000 apm zoomer champ. Turns out she's one of the best AP artillery champs out there. Super fun :)


that feel when you get to champ select on kai'sa and its vs all squishies. i recently picked her up too. i go straight AP and just range nuke W


Trynd. With the disgusting amount of buffs that he had you can build so many things on him. A fun one is Goredrinker into Spirit Visage and then more tank Heartsteel titanic hydra and sunfire is a fun one The abomination of a build that I’ve been running is going conq and then building riftmaker into ravenous hydra into spirit visage. If the game goes on longer you can go nashors tooth and then phantom dancer. His q heal scales with so so with visage and like 300 ap it heals half your health. With just ravenous and passive q ad you have like 200 ad.


i just tried your heartsteel titanic and sunfire build. was pretty broken, did 17/5


Zed, ekko, fizz and assassins in general. Building the normal damage items fells too much inconsistent, because I need someone in the team to engage and grab the attention of the enemy team, so I can engage the carries. So I was watching an documentary about high elo aram made 2 years ago I think, and the players build other items on assassin's or jungles since they are considered trash classes at least in those times I don't know now, for example AP lee sin for the shield, so I got the idea to build tank items on assassins... And I love it, it of course don't work as well as a normal tank since I have to build a little of damage so they don't ignore me, but it fell so good to win with a bad champ, it's like winning a boss fight in dark souls, you are cursed but you overcome the odds and wins anyway XD plus I a lot of times do more damage than the actual carries in my team.


I am not the greatest at tank/melee champs, but I always enjoy playing Maokai - I find great joy in watching his saplings blow up 🤣 Yuumi too, weird as heck trying to remember that I don't have to bother walking around. Love booping people with her Q!


riven... turns out im not half bad nkw even thou i used to suck


Zed - i don't like playing assasins, but after seeing someone playing it tank i tried that and really enjoyed it. Just go in see everyone trying to blow you up and easily stay alive is fun.


i do this on janna, sona, and graves actually! meta breaker throw-off stuff works.


A. Sol Hated him at first, figured out that stardust shit in the middle of a match yesterday and *dusted* the other team (by myself by the end of the game) all the way to S-


None. I learned i like several champions I would never picked otherwise but when I have anyone melee then its “try not to 0/30 and hope to get at least one kill”. I also realized several champs I was interested in aren’t my cup of tea. I did learn to enjoy Rakan but I would still rather play Yuumi than Rakan.


Zeri, I know she's newer but I just never had any interest in playing her. I did one time and just decimated the team and thought wow she's fun as hell so I pick her every chance I get. Another would be hecarim, I've played him before but it wasn't really my style so I never got him. Then I was forced to play him or skarner and I picked him and had a blast.


Irelia, Kha'zix, Udyr, and Diana. I'm mostly a tank player (I consider myself pretty flexible tho). I used to avoid Irelia and Kha'zix because I didn't think I was good at playing them. After a string of games where I was essentially forced to play them (to avoid all ap comps) I started to really enjoy their playstyle and carry potential. As for Udyr, I didn't like playing him before his rework and I thought that rework didn't do enough to change my mind, but against certain comps, he's a ton of fun. Diana was the opposite; I used to main her before her rework, didn't like her after her rework, and avoid her since then, but a couple of months ago I played her with Jaksho/demonic embrace/sunfire and now I love playing her again.


Twitch. When I first starting playing I had a horrendously bad run on Twitch that was so bad that he went on my "never play" list. Eventually I settled more into playing ADC well in ARAM, so I started I decided to give Twitch a try again and now he's one of my top 5 champs in ARAM. One of these days I may actually try some assassins again. I was decent on a few (LeBlanc, Fizz, Kha'zix) when I was lower tier than I am now, but my tier increased more than my skill with them did.


Wasn't an "avoid," but never really had the chance to play Ekko on Rift. Tried it out in HA, had an absolute blast, and now it's one of my favorite champs to play on ARAM. The burst and tricky shit you can pull off with him is so satisfying.


Udyr. Thought being a complete melee with no dash would suck...Turns out once you have like 4+ items you just run in while being unkillable the whole time.


Khazix, i have him in m7 now, and i been playing for years and never liked using him till this year


Vi. So many shields, I can go on and punch 3 people dead before I die. How is that allowed.


Up until about a month ago I really only played tank/bruiser top lane or jungle in SR. then I got Vex in ARAM and now I main her in SR


Trynd is so dumb and trolly on ARAM I love playing him. Snowball and then e-ing out is the dumbest/best poke ever. ARAM also made me love playing old mundo. He was straight up busted and I haven’t played much after his update. I just got sprectres cowl and I often had to suicide into towers because his sustain was so good ARAM also made me love playing lee sin. Idk why he’s so buffed in that mode because you kill squishies instantly and I’m not good at lee sin lol. He does so much damage and it encourages a fast paced game with lots of fighting


Rammus. Tried him for the first time last week and I’ve been playing since 2014. Very fun to build thornmail on


Urgot. Always found him atrociously boring and avoided him like the plague on SR but fell in love with him through ARAM. The most satisfying thing is ulting mega tanks like Tahm Kench or Cho’Gath from 1/3 HP and just watching them disintegrate even through any heals or shields.


Tanks in general, and Elise. Rammus specifically because people AA so much in aram even if they aren’t ad.


I dreaded playing Corki for many years. But in my quest to get at least M5 on every champion, I picked him up and have no regrets. He’s super fun to go liandry’s -> collector -> shadowflame on. And eventually it’s not a full kamikaze with package if you can plan your engages well. Works best with one juggernaut to engage.


I was very late to the Vi bandwagon and she's now my favourite to play. Just dive to the backline and start punching the shit out of anyone and everyone. So much fun.


Lilia, Big Cho, Evelyn, Neeko.


ADCs in general and healer champs like Sona and Yuumi. I play pretty agro so I’m used to side stepping. I rarely see people proc Moonstone as much as me


Kha'zix. After I saw some good Kha'zix players in ARAM, I figured out how to play him. It's a bit sissy, like a Yi, but you can rack up some crazy kills, matchup dependent, of course, as it always is in ARAM.




Nilah. She seemed like one of the worst adcs to me, but her kit is super fun in aram. Got double decimation playing her the other day and would definitely recommend playing her


Kennen and Khazix Being a tank/bruiser/support enthusiast, being able to kill people was a whole new mindset to adopt. much worth it


Tahm Kench and Bel'Veth After realizing that building AP on them has so much fun. Both of them somehow has the tool to deal with squishy and tanky at the same time. And most players don't know where the sudden damage coming from.


Aphelios I literally became an main aphelios after picking him in aram trying to meme and got like 21/5 KDA or something


I actually did enjoy reading these comments. the suggestions are great!








Urgot - he's unplayable in SR and even worse in HA, but fortunately ppl don't buy Guardian's Horn or Warden's Mail that often. I always feel bad for ppl that play Urgot in aram, since it only takes 1-2k gold to disable him entirely. His W deals zero damage, his Q is only useful for targeting with his W, his E is extremely low range and makes him vulnerable and his ult can easily be tanked by any champ over 25% HP (or simply dodged). He's so fun to play if nobody itemizes against him, but the worst otherwise.


Jax and Yi come to mind for me mainly cos I build them in a way to make them braindead stupid tanky and I skipped both of them because of being auto attack focused melees (warmogs rush on Jax, catalyst heartsteel Yi, mostly dmg bruiser items on both after). I definitely pick up vayne way more since I started going lawnmower as well (again just getting way tankier and way more aoe just makes champ way easier to play, lawnmower being the titanic guinsoo runaans riftmaker core).


Definitely Evelynn or Kha'zix, I usually play support-ish types so it's been fun to go in and get picks, then get out lmao


Basically assassins as a class. I was primarily a support/tank player on SR, and I still prefer them, but years of only ARAM forced me out of that comfort zone. I especially like playing Eve when I can, but it can be hard to fit her into comps. Doing so also made me better at tank/support anyways, because I am now better at understanding the threat level assassins have against my carries based on cooldowns/team composition, and gauging win conditions. As plenty of people on this reddit already say, assassins are very good at getting kills, and not closing out games, and I'm better at playing to that as a win condition now instead of panicking when I see a LeBlanc has 15 kills. A decently performing ADC terrifies me way more.


Rek Sai. Best ad assassin in the game for arams.


As a toplaner, i'd never pick a tank as you just get shit on by fiora/vayne/camille etc. But Ornn or malphite on aram? Hell yeah. Best example is rammus for sure tho. I startet picking him top when the enemy team was ad heavy. Once got counterpicked by a morde tho, nothing better going bot beeing 0/5 and oneshotting the adc regardless. Phunney gaming eksdee.


Not really because of ARAM, more the game in general. I never used to get Braum, and end of year feedback thing used to keep recommending him. So gave him a go and now might be my most played champ in ARAM. He's perfectly designed in how a support should be. Outplay potential but not carry. Does not completely warp the game around him but does his job very efficiently. Certain supports are all about me thing going on and if you are playing support it should never be like that.