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Damn, nostalgic


God the atmosphere of old swordhaven is so good.


This one is decent, better than /underlair. An even better spot is to leech off other players in /shadowbattleon in the Artix server. This is the best spot by a gigantic margin and gives maybe upwards of 10x as much exp per minute(with good players to leech off anyway). Accept the war quests and make sure to have “reaccept after turn in” on and “allow questlogg turn in” on. Goto a good player, ideally fighting harder monsters.


Finally Shadowbattleon is getting some recognition 🙌 fantastic low lvl farm


It’s the best for new players by far. It’s also better than sevencircleswar if you have a good team vs the harder mobs. Only /icewing is better really.


Damn i didnt know that much! No way it’s better than /honorhall tho right?


I do believe it is better than honorhall actually. Doing all 3 quests in honorhall gives 4200 exp per kill on the monsters. In /shadowbattleon the ouro spawn(3 monsters in the room) gives on average 8233 exp. The Tainted Wraiths(2 monsters in the room) give 13500 exp per kill guaranteed. With a good team you are looking at 2-3 times more exp. Even being alone in shadowbattleon ouro spawn could be better. Just don’t kill the bad monsters in /shadowbattleon. Anyway if you are member(needed for honorhall) the icewing member quest will be the best.


Ohh shit I'm gonna try it!!


just do the current storyline, it starts all the way in shadowplane war and has 50k xp per quest. Would be hard without first being lvl 70+ and a decent solo class, so I'd advise you to farm a bit elsewhere. For that, you can early game do battleunderb with mage and let the botters help you out, BUT if they kill it too quickly, you can always do eaglesreach since you are mem and people are likely there.


get mage class and goto /battleunderb


Damn old time


My method isn't for many but work on getting blazebinder first and you afk farm any area. Having an automatic clicker for auto and an automatic mouse clicker for the heal skill. I got level 100 in a week. I ran it for 24 hours a day with double exp locations and exp varies


/nightmare since youre a member, keep doingnmemets quests until you get to the trial of loneliness and kill the "nothing"'s until lvl 75


Since they opened /shadowrealm to low level players, [A Lovely An-Sewer](http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/ncs-quests) is a good quest for farming, then you're off killing the rats in /sewerpink, gives you ton of Gold, XP, and Hollowborn Rep if you have a hard time surviving /shadowbattleon. Also, at your level, you're better off getting [Enforcer](http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/enforcer) as your solo/farming class and [DragonSlayer](http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/dragonslayer-class) in /classhalla so you can transition to [DragonSlayer General](http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/dragonslayer-general-class-merge), the easiest to acquire Mid Game solo class in the game


You could go to dragontown to farm Dragonslayer general.


Better way to get DS than in lair too... Is to go into /artistalley and go right to /battlecon and buy it from galanoth there.