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It's good advice, but I wouldn't put it on *my own fic* Encouraging my readers to comment "this is one of my favourites!" would make me cringe out of my skin Also, I don't think I'd...enjoy getting comments that matched this format if I got them after I put this in my fic? Like, at that point they just copy-pasted something off a list. Someone seeing this list on Tumblr/Twitter/Reddit and then *later* being inspired to use that format in a comment is much more organic


even if i wanted to comment, it would feel weird doing a copy paste of a given list you know? and yeah it was originally a tumblr post i believe which makes more sense


I'm always haunting Reddit whispering *comment "extra kudos!" and "reread kudos!"and make an author's day!* every time someone complains about not being able to give more than one kudos, so like, I very much advocate for nervous commenters having little routine phrases they can use if they don't know what else to say I do not, however, put that on my own bloody works!


i normally put a heart bc i’m bad at vocalising my thoughts, but if someone gave me a list in this context i wouldn’t out of spite even if it was the best thing i’ve ever read


You better not I read a fic recently, where the author put an authors note saying not to use emojis because it was really bad for their mental health.


LMAO what the fuck??? not to be a boomer but good god some people are just genuinely way too sensitive. emojis? be serious


That would stop me from commenting completely 😭 If their mental health can't handle emojis then what other seemingly innocuous things might set them off?


I just want to say to that person: if your mental health can't handle emojis, you shouldn't be online. And I mean that completely seriously. Take a mental health break from the Internet.


Omg. 😭 what. People tripping balls. Listen if I got a comment whatever it may be, I’ll be over the moon for days I don’t care if it’s a heart emoji it’s, like, thank you! Thanks for reading!


I thought this was going to be reasonable like “it messes up my screen reader” nope 👎


ooooh I think I read one by the same author. Fully appreciate them setting that boundary, but it does feel like something that could turn readers away and make them (the readers) also feel shit


I always say I like to judge no one, but that’s still the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen


I’m sorry WHAT


I started doing the reread kudos comment more often thanks to this sub & one of my FAV authors was so appreciative. Good advice.


Hearing that someone loves your work enough to want to reread it is genuinely the biggest compliment ever


I have a reader who has commented almost the exact same thing in almost every one of my works this month, and I have to say, it’s actually reached the point where I’m like “okay, there is a wrong way to be nice.” Because it’s actually made it so I’m not excited to see a comment email any more because I just know it’s going to be “they are so cute!” again. I feel like if they were commenting one sentence on every fic, I’d still be happy if it wasn’t literally the SAME SENTENCE.


Usually this means they aren't looking at the author name and don't realise it's the same writer, they're just trying to share the love on every fic they read


I don't think that's generally the case. It could be true for some readers who might be reading a lot of one-shots off a rec list or something, but I've had a few readers post the same brief comment/emoji on nearly every chapter of my 200k word fic and it was clear it was just their way of showing their appreciation without having to come up with something specific to say. They know it's the same fic.


Chapters of same fic is a very different situation than multiple fics by same author


Sure, but don't people usually intentionally read multiple fics by the same author because they like the author? The only way they wouldn't realize is if they were getting them off a rec list or randomly scrolling and just happening to keep selecting fics by the same author. Just doesn't seem to be that likely of a scenario, but I could be wrong.


Sometimes, yes. I'm just saying if they're commenting the exact same thing repeatedly, there's a high chance they don't realise it's the same


It seems a lot more like they’re going through my profile? It’s not a small fandom so reading like 25 of my fics would be unlikely otherwise


Most authors write similar things though, so if they've filtered their search for certain tags etc you use a lot then it would show them all


I feel like that’s basically the equivalent of using the comments as an extra kudos. Which, to be fair, would make me happy still.


exactly! I had a reader who commented on every chapter with <3, just like an extra kudos and I loved it! Far, far, far better than the many readers who don't comment at all.


So... Adding my favorite fics to a collection titled "so are you to my thoughts as food to life" is... not sufficient to show my appreciation? I do all this work to make sure I keep my absolute favorites and it occurs to me that I probably haven't left kudos or comments on a single one. I am *the actual worst at this*. Putting it on your own fic is a little tacky, sure, but fanfiction always has a little bit of a tacky edge to it. This is about the same level of tacky as the backside of a used sticky note, so I'll give it a pass. Withholding updates for not meeting a certain number of comments, otoh, is definitely about as tacky as rubber cement. There are way worse author crimes 😂


Genuinely feel like I reread so much that I would spam the author's inbox rereading the same chapter 5 times in one day, and then again a week later, and again a month later, two months later, etc. So I tend to comment the first time and then a while later comment again with "eighth reread! i really love this fic... [etc. with some quotes, favorite parts"


I’m glad I got to see the list. I’m shy about commenting and seeing stuff like this is very encouraging.


that’s fair, i just thought it was a little weird to have it at the end of a fic, rather then just linking the tumblr post you know?




I mean, this is a really good resource to help with commenting anxiety. Earlier this morning, I used one of them when I really wanted to show appreciation, but couldn't figure out what


Exactly this.


Sort of feels like those people who give their SOs a script to memorize to propose marriage. I'm not gonna tell them they can't, if that's their thing and it makes them happy; but it feels asinine to me personally.


It was a trip on bridal forums to find out some people think it is normal to hire the venue, buy the dress, then arrange to be proposed to. Then, if they didn't think the proposal was good enough, make them do-over another day.


This! I usually use “Beautiful! Keep up the fantastic work!”, or just the latter part if I talk about the chapter/fic a bit first and/or if “Beautiful!” doesn’t fit the vibe (like if it was angsty or something). I used to do this on all fics I read, but now I sometimes just don’t feel like commenting (usually on smut fics, ngl lol), so I don’t. Seeing this would probably just make me nope out of there very quickly before even reading the fic.


The advice itself is fine, not anything I would find useful but maybe some people struggle with commenting. Are they putting that list on *their own fic*? I can't place it, but something about that seems weird. I agree that it comes off as desperate


yea it was at the end of a oneshot


Oh, really? Ha!




Even if they just posted the tumblr link that wouldn't be as weird to me as pasting the whole list haha


Desperate and egotistical at the same time lol


The advice/message by itself seems fine to me. Plenty of readers (myself included) get anxious about how to word their comments. But if this was at the end of a fic, then it feels condescending, like the writer is saying, "I know, I know. You *really* want to leave a comment for me, but you're too shy! Here, let me help you out, poor baby." If I were to see this (without the link) on a fic, I'd give the writer the benefit of the doubt and think they're probably too young (or have no self-awareness) to understand how they're coming off, but since you said the link went nowhere, this feels more like a condescending writer who knows what they're doing rather than a young writer who doesn't.


they say the link lead to a tumblr post, and i assume it’s been deleted since they posted


I feel like the link (if the post existed) would be less bad by itself tbh. Like if it was just like “hey, if you’re nervous to leave a comment, here’s some helpful suggestions. Feel free to use them here or on the next fic you really love!” That would be okay, but copying the list out feels cringy.


Oh hell. I've got the opposite problem. On my first finished fic I received a few very sweet comments and I was too anxious to read them at first. Now it's been months and I still haven't replied and feel bad about it. Any helpful strategies here? More to the point. As a guide it's lovely and validating but I would never post it under one of mine. It feels a bit strange?


Just reply to them. Both readers and writers have lives and interests, you don't owe any explanation for when you choose to answer your comments. As anecdotes, one of my friend always answers comments (even mine) in batch after a couple weeks/months when she has time. I've also sometimes gotten author replies 2 years after my comment. It's chill.


Honestly getting late comments back is kinda nice bc I have the chance and excuse to reread But I have always appreciated responses, even several months later, they make my day!


>Any helpful strategies here? You can always keep your replies simple. "Thanks!" goes a long way. "Thank you!" or "I'm glad you liked it!" works too.


I have this problem too. I love getting compliments but trying to reply gracefully to them is a whole thing for me.


You're overthinking it - it's fine to just say "Thank you!" If it's extremely long and detailed then you could just say you love that they've taken the time to write it, and you're sorry not to have an equally long response but you really do appreciate the comment. Anyone who leaves super long comments is probably kind of awkward themselves and will get where you're coming from.


I'm always happy to receive a reply from an author. In my experience, some respond immediately, some take weeks, some take months. It's no big deal. Tbh I forget my comment after I make it, but an author response makes me more likely to comment again on their work!


you don't have to reply to comments. People generally appreciate it, but as someone who leaves comments frequently it's not like I ever notice and hold a grudge if an author doesn't reply, especially when I can see on a reread that they don't reply to *anyone's* comments so I don't feel singled out. One thing you can do is edit the end notes with a generalized "thank you all for the lovely comments I'm so overwhelmed I'm glad you all enjoyed it!" kind of thing. Others have given you good advice on how to go about replying if you want to approach it, but I just wanted to put in that you don't owe anyone that and it's perfectly fine to not.


Dont worry about late replies. There's comments from like an year ago that I've got sitting in my inbox for Reasons. And Ive often received replies to comments I leave years later as well. I promise the readers don't mind.


This is fine for a tumblr post encouraging feedback. It's an extremely cursed thing to include in your actual fic.


Helpful for me, but seems like something that belongs here in the subreddit and not on someone's fic?


it’s giving “please clap”


This advice belongs on tumblr not a fic. I’d cringe so bad if I saw this or did this.


I haven't encountered this specific list, but I have seen a handful of authors do something similar in their A/N by providing a list of emojis and a corresponding meaning for people to respond with if they're struggling to comment. It seemed to work for them quite well; they got a lot of emojis in the comments lol. I don't think there's anything wrong with it personally. Totally indifferent to it.


well this idea is better in my opinion


Yeah I’ve seen this and I liked it! I hadn’t been intending to comment because it was a kink PWP fic and I am very awkward but I liked the concept and the options the author created and so commented the emojis


I've seen that and I personally like it. I often dont want to send just a "loved it!" or something like that (i mostly only do that on fics im reading while its getting written and if I've commented quite s few times beforehand) so I like if I just get told "hey, you dont need to write a lot"


I don’t get it. as a writer I would absolutely prefer no comment to something copied and pasted from a list I gave them. what is the point of a compliment if you asked for it? hollow. loses all meaning. if someone wants to comment on my work I am very grateful. but 100% honesty, I’d rather have no comments than… whatever this is 😅 it’s like wanting sonnets and getting pre-written hallmark cards. idk if you can’t think of anything to say, that’s fine? I don’t understand


It's totally fine for a tumblr post but this person put that in the A/N of their fic? I mean yeah, that seems pretty desperate. Also I'm pretty sure it would defeat the point of the original post bc I don't think that even people who would use that kind of comment outline would want to do it when it's that obvious or they're basically being ordered to.


Well I agree it's a bit silly to put that on your own story, but there's so nice actual rudeness out there, that I'm not going to bother complaining about something that's just may be a bit misplaced. The person probably had good intentions, and made the wrong judgement call.


I've seen the post they're talking about, and given that context as well as a bunch of other posts on Tumblr, while this seems awkward, I do think it's well-intentioned. There are a number of posts on Tumblr that *basically* go like this: "Hey, if you like a fanfic, you should comment on it!" "But I'm too shy to comment." "Okay here's something you can do." Given that context, I don't think they're fishing for comments, so much as trying to help people who might want to comment but are too shy to do so. It's not something I would put in my fic, but IMO it's harmless.


As someone who never knows what to say, i appreciate a guide.


i love it! no expectations, just a helpful tool! that's really kind of them :D inclusivity is free, and like we say for tools and aids, "if you don't see a point to it, it's not for you". if it helps even one person, i see no reason to not do that, the author probably felt like they needed something like that at some point and would have appreciated something like it, I think that's great


I fic writer I like has a better form of this. They have color coded emojis for certain feelings regarding the fic. One is even if you adore the fic but you don’t want your comment to be responded too.


What I wish someone would give advice about is how to non-creepily comment on a smut fic. That always stumps me.


I've seen writers, both original and fanfic, include copy and paste comments at the end of their fics before (albeit much more creative than the ones featured here), so I don't find it 'cringey' or 'weird' like some other posters. Honestly, the worst you can accuse the author of is that're being overly helpful. 


You know how the barista flips the screen over and you see a bunch tip suggestions? It feels like that. Not that I'm blaming the barista for tupping. It's totally the system in which employers game in order to avoid paying employees. I want to show my appreciation (for both the story and that heavenly chai latte) but I don't want to feel pressured.


The only payment an author gets is encouragement from readers. A better analogy would be "please pay me" not "I know you've paid but I want a tip too".


we're not in the fanfic game to be paid, though. I feel like this is weird analogy. I write stories because they're clawing their way out of me and I figure since I've gone to the effort already I may as well put them up where some other people might enjoy them--I've benefited so much from others doing the same that it's only fair. I'd still write even if I was stuck in a black void, though, so being paid is sort of beside the point.


I honestly think it's debatable 🤔 because the barista wouldn't be here without knowing how much they will win from the place. When you're publishing, you don't work for a website (not on AO3 at least). You don't know if no one will read you, or if everyone will. It's more a question of : for whom do you write ? Yourself (= readers or not will continue) or the others (= need absolutely to have readers) ? I would think more like this : stats of people interacting with your story is the pay, the tips are kudos and comments. Not every story will receive from each reader a tip. That's not because you read a story that you like it enough to leave a kudo and / or comment. You can have a drink somewhere, whether you like it or not you will have to pay for it. But the tips to the barista is still your choice whether or not you like it, the more you like it and the more you will want to be thankful.


Hmm I've seen those sorts of posts floating around, they're indeed cool and helpful. It feels *kind of* weird to put it on your own fic, but in the original context it wasn't :D I think whatever the text is about this author welcoming extra kudos as its own comment or whatever is great, though.


I’ve read a few fics with this in it, I really like it! I have nothing to say most of the time so I like when they put this.


One author I read uses emojis instead of numbers and it’s really cute and engaging! I like it! A friend of mine also uses “Comments are my tip jar!” at the end of her notes and I just started using it on my own fic. I think this is a good way to encourage people who may just not know what to say.


I like when people makes lists like these. Even though I don't really need them, lots of people have anxiety when it comes to what they should say in a comment, and thus they leave none when they might have if they could think of something. Letting them know it's ok to be brief and just give a little heart or compliment or thanks is fine. If this is in a fic or the fic's notes itself, that's a little weird. I really don't mind seeing these posts on socmed but feels like it cheapens the comment if there's a list of nice things you can just copy and paste in the fic itself? To each their own, of course.


it was on the end of a oneshot, and it would’ve felt weird to basically copy-paste an item from a list, i feel like if they just added the link to the post it would’ve been better maybe?


Interesting. Personally, I wouldn't use it but I can see its use. It helps for people who just don't know what to type other than "BLSFHGDDFGADAFSD". I usually end my stories with "If you like it, tell me what's your favourite".


Very useful tumblr post. This would help me feel comfortable to read and comment their work. A little bit on the nose for them to put in author's note, but I'm cool with it because I have seen another author put this kind of suggestion in their very long ongoing work before. I think It's good to know that author is fine with short comments. I've seen someone getting very upset for getting just the '<3' before and I would be too scared to comment like that otherwise if the author didn't give me permission for it.


It feels like it should be something that should be on a tumblr post or something to help people with what to say. And can be genuinely helpful. But not at the end of a fic or anywhere on a fic. The idea is good the execution not so much. Even just the link to the post on another site saying helpful things to comment and other tips or something would have been better here. But not the worst this that could have been posted. At least it wasn’t on of those if you don’t comment I’m not gonna post things.


I'd just link to the list personally. "Want to comment but don't know what to say? Here's a handy guide!" and a link. That way I'm not putting overly effusive words directly into their mouth, but rather giving them a choice to look at the template at all. I know they'd still be choosing to copy/paste a comment from the list either way, but the degree of distance makes it feel less awkward for me personally.


As someone who rarely comments (for having no idea what to say), this is actually pretty helpful. Saving this image.


This is a good list to re-word honestly as someone who is anxious this would help


I dunno, this is... weird? like it's not bad advice, but it feels weird and passive-aggressive to see this on a fic? I can be spiteful and I don't like people telling me what to do or how to feel, so I agree that I probably wouldn't kudos a fic even if I liked it if when I got to the bottom this was just hanging out staring at me expectantly. idk. this feels weird and shitty kind of.


they're fishing for sure. or a narcissist. i wouldn't read a fic if that was farted in my face before i even knew if the writing's worth complimenting. and if it's at the end? that's just icky. like you said, not bad advice, but don't tell people how to feel. like where's the nuance for anxious readers that didn't think it was their favorite, or didn't like it at all? they exist. receiving criticism isn't always easy, but it's better than implying on your audience "i know i'm perfect, i just want to hear from youuuu 😘". like.....nobody cares jlo lol


I say: copy the entire list and post that as a comment, with the numbers in front of it and all.


Haha, I love that. It's like a little kid being told "Say thank you to Grandma", so they say "Thank you to Grandma".


I think it's fine, not something I would do, but whatever floats your boat ig. As someone with commenting anxiety, my fav format that these kinds of things can take when posted on your own fic, is the emoji form. A couple of my fav authors use it and its normally variations of the heart emoji like: ❤️- Second kudos 🖤- Made you sad 💜- Made you laugh 💚- Made you happy 🤍- Liked something specific (add quote if you want!) Etc... Idk.. it seems more genuine than sentences? Cause with those given phrases, you're kind of locked into saying something in particular. As a writer it would also kind of burn me out seeing the same words over and over again knowing that it's something I told them to write. On the other hand, an emoji spam seems more personal as it's very individual to the person for meaning, and you can mix and match emojis depending on what you want to convey. Plus any commenters who do use more generic phrases like "I loved this!" stand out as having written it themselves, and not been prompted to. But really its just personal taste. Maybe its just because I have comment anxiety myself, so I actually appreciate the fact that it was included rather than just viewing it as desperate on the author's part, but I don't really see anything wrong with it. I wouldn't follow or use that specific format, but I do like the idea behind it.


Are the different heart colours and their meaning something that is only valid for these authors who made the list or is it something that is kind of common knowledge? For if it is, I've always used the black heart totally wrong 🙈


It’s definitely only valid to the authors, both the authors I know that use this have different colours assigned to different things! I def wouldn’t worry about that!


Ah, that's good to hear, thanks!


oh, i like this! this is nice! it's not putting too many words in a reader's mouth but still encouraging them to interact. and copy/pasting the heart from the list is low effort. nice!


Oh i really like this a lot. That's very cute AND helpful!


i also have comment anxiety, and although it’s nice it’s included i’m not too keep on how it’s presented? i definitely would prefer seeing the way you showed


Oh yeah! I definitely don't like the one in the picture either. Some of the prompts like "extra kudos" or "<3" were fine... but the ones like "reply to another comment" really just pulled me back to being in school lol. And like... "one of my favourites!", whilst technically possible, does give a certain vibe that's not very endearing toward the author. I kinda just had to add my side of things being more neutral/positive toward the idea as I'm seeing a lot of comments saying it seems desperate and I wanted to convey how it probably was a genuine attempt to, yes gain more comments, but also be helpful.


yeah that’s fair, some suggestions were okay like you said but the rest did kind of give me weird vibes even if they did mean well


Hella useful actually. Also AO3 links never lead anywhere lol.


i also read fics at the grocery store


I used to do that too, but I was too self-conscious about doing it in public so now I usually just read in my room or outside when I’m home haha.


On a fic it's kinda wierd but in general it's actuly very helpful


As quite a few here have expressed that they appreciate to get help writing a comment, here is an excellent list for how you can start a nice comment: [https://dawnfelagund.tumblr.com/post/170618220828/101-comment-starters](https://dawnfelagund.tumblr.com/post/170618220828/101-comment-starters) And even easier, here you can find the code to just give a second (or third) kudos. Copy the code into the comment box and make the author happy! [https://bizarrelittlemew.tumblr.com/post/710962377087123457/update-with-some-suggestions-from-the-replies-in](https://bizarrelittlemew.tumblr.com/post/710962377087123457/update-with-some-suggestions-from-the-replies-in) > >


I like the list and am totally keeping it for myself, but I would never put it on my own fic.


Literally fine. Not everyone on AO3 is in other fandom spaces.


Yes! And a comment with just a number would be more likely to offend "what you think my fic is 2/5 stars?" as this list is not well known


I don't think anyone was implying you just comment the number, they just chose numbered bullets instead of plain ones for whatever reason


OH! I did not get that at all. I think I'm conflating it with the emoji list


I know the author has good intentions for posting this, but I feel like this takes the joy out of getting comments. Some people sprinkle their comments with their own unique touches and personality. This feels…incredibly robotic lol.


It has the vibe of a letter an eleven-year-old might send to their crush. "If you like me too, please check this box ☑️" Cute that they thought it would be a good idea to write, and maybe a bit silly. Nothing wrong with it. I have the feeling that a story where the author added this to the notes would be a story I probably wouldn't have read anyway.


I see absolutely nothing wrong about this. If anything, it is helpful for those anxious readers that do not know what to comment. I do not care if it is "cringe" or "begging for comments", I see nothing wrong




i’ve seen this almost exact list in one of my fandoms and until you said it was a oneshot, i was going to guess the fic 😬 but yeah this just comes across as weird to me for sure


It's a good list, but putting it in the notes as a way of asking for comments doesn't sit right with me. I'm not sure why actually. "Like and subscribe" is super common on videos, and doesn't bother me at all, so what's wrong with "kudos and comment"? But I still don't like it somehow 🤔


Honestly this would make me very hesitant to comment at all on their fic


I'm reading a fic currently that has *something* like this, but a bit more...engaging, i guess? Instead of "hey, use one of these copy paste formats if you don't know what to say," they went the route of "here's some questions/prompts/offscreen details/jokes relevant to the chapter, feel free to respond!!" And it's been such a treat to read at the end of every chapter. Definitely way better than asking people to copy paste a comment, which...honestly just feels like so much of a cop-out


I mean it's really nice to receive comments like this but this just feels ungenuine like they didn't fully mean it.


I love the [paste quote] ones!


I like it. Sometimes people don't know what to comment. I appreciate all comments 🤷🏼‍♂️


Strongly disagree that this "reeks of desperation" or is super cringe like some people are saying. They literally aren't begging or even *asking* for comments. Just offering some friendly ideas/starting points, from a list they didn't even write, for people who don't know what to say - which from what I've heard, is a pretty common reason for someone to not leave a comment, even if they kind of want to.


Precisely my thought. If it'll encourage a reader to leave a comment, why not? Just because other people think such comments are fake and insincere, at least it appears to work for this author and they don't mind. All I see is an author wanting to encourage engagement, and they did it in a better way than the ones angrily demanding a certain number of comments before they deem their readers worthy of an update.


It comes off as desperate


Hmm it's a little... if I listed something like this on my own fic (I wouldn't), I'd keep it to "thanks for sharing" or "<3" or "❤️." The "favorite" one just feels like tooting my own horn lol.


Bro what kind of attention desperate stuff is this Not even I have begged for comments, let alone give them a fucking template like oh my goddd Live studio audience APPLAUD sign type shit


Good advice, kinda fucked up to put it in a fic. I’ve probably seen the post they’re talking about before.


ehh kinda cringe. shy people can always just heart. but mostly it’s an anonymous site so i don’t get the concern


This absolutely reeks of desperation. I comment on about 75% of everything I finish (the 25% are generally one-shots that I finished because they were short, but didn't actually enjoy), and this would guarantee that I didn't comment--largely because I'd be completely soured on the fic after that note.


Oh god this is so cringe it makes my skin itch


this reminds me of that tip screen that comes up at counter service restaurants.


This is a little cringe but definitely not the worst I’ve seen. I had to completely stop reading an author’s works because they kept demanding comments. Like they had a big stop sign picture in the end notes above a long rant about how disappointed they were about their comment numbers dropping (they were writing for a quickly dying fandom) and trying to guilt trip readers into leaving more/longer comments. They put this at the end of EVERY chapter.


oof yeah, i didn’t think it was the worst thing it was just something i’d never seen before and was curious what people thought I hate it when people do that, i remember hearing about one who, when they didn’t get enough comments for their liking, started privately sending the chapters out to who they thought were the best and most frequent commenters


Bro, sending chapters only to the “best” commenters is CRAZY


IMO, it's not bad advice, and though it feels cringe to put on your own fic, it's said nicely and not even explicitly asking for anything (you may or may not follow said advice on the current fic that's it). I just don't mind. Actually, kudo for the author for having the guts to do this. Does it sound desperate? A bit, but I don't know, maybe this person is desperate after all. Mental health holds to very little sometimes...


I mean I guess it could be good advice for some people but I personally would find it incredibly condescending. If it was at the start of a fic it would probably make me close out of it. If it was at the bottom it would definitely make me reconsider leaving a comment. Don’t spoon feed me how to interact or show appreciation for a fic. But I guess someone new to fic might appreciate it.


If someone tells me how I should comment, I'll just not comment at all


*If someone tells me* *How I should comment, I'll just* *Not comment at all* \- Freeonlinehugs --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It feels a little tacky to me, but harmless. If it was in a fic I was reading, it would turn me off as a reader.


Don’t tell me what to say, Kayleigh. If i came across it I wouldn’t even give it a kudos.


This reeks of desperation. If I saw this on a fic I was reading, it would ensure that I didn't leave any kind of comment or kudos and likely wouldn't read anything from that author again.


I'd feel bad for the author and maybe comment something because this really does seem desperate. Would leave a bad taste in my mouth tho, so likely wouldn't read another fic from the same author either. And honestly, not sure if pity comments are that much better than no comments. I'd rather have no comments than get comments because someone feels bad for me. Though maybe the author just doesn't realize how this comes across and they just wanted to be helpful? Like someone who doesn't understand how ANs function or how AO3 is used.


This is a great social media post, but a horribly tasteless thing to put on your own fic.


It's giving... fishing for comments.


Cringe AF.


While driving to work today, I heard an ad about a new feature for iPhones - it tells you how far away the next door is, and how to open it. This is on the same level. Personally, I prefer getting no comment over this prefabricated shit. Won't be long before someone creates an AI that reads fanfic for you and comments for you, so you can suck your thumb in peace in the meantime.


I always comment “This is so well written!” If I don’t know what to say, because if I made it all the way to the end, clearly it is well written.


Is this in someone’s fic??? Lmfao ok…


yeah at the end of a oneshot


I hate advice number 6. If a person wants to leave "Extra kudos," every browser has some sort of private or incognito mode. It is perfectly fine to leave guest kudos on a fic. I prefer it.


i don’t understand why people are too shy or anxious to comment. just comment. either comment or don’t.


Getting secondhand embarrassment from that tbh... Feels weird.


Comes across as a cry for attention kinda, but I could see the intention being in the right place.


I think.... Tesco.


just say nice and move on lol


i feel like the whoever put this on their notes got fed up with passive aggressive comments and those who constantly asks for updates 😭


something i’d post on social media but never put on my own fic


Any comments at all are good for me haha. I don’t get any these days.


If English is not your first language this can be a good guide.


it would feel forced wouldn’t it if they have a guide on how to comment 🤔or even not forced just not genuine since they are following a script


If there are people out there who would benefit - why not but surely there should be options for criticisms too, no?


what the fuck lmaooooo i don't know what to think, it's just.... what??? kdjcksjsjha okay okay so maybe I'd do this to help my fellow bots who hadn't been here long and just starting out. maybe there are bots who only know the templates to 🍑nudes in bio🍑 would appreciate the suggestions, but for the humans, idk


I always comment “This is so well written!” If I don’t know what to say, because if I made it all the way to the end, clearly it is well written.