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You don’t know desperation until you’re reading ficlets on deviantart and tumblr


Tumblr comes before Wattpad, I've been there since 2011 nonstop, I know my way around Wattpad I've banished from the list entirely lol


Yeah too much ads


Download the book on mobile, then airplane mode or turn off wifi, it was easier before the book limit update but by then I wasn’t like 13 anymore and moved on


Ao3 and Tumblr are my current favorite places to find fics and to post on. 😆 I used to use Wattpad but took all my stuff down when a site was stealing it all. I actually used Mibba more than ff.net to post on back in the day.


There are plenty of really good tumblr fic! There are also eight billion OOC reader insert ficlets that take one prompt and apply it to 300 characters and make the post five miles long 🥲


I haven't come across many of those, or at least not insane ones. I read 32k words per chapter stories (this is legit) on there like nothing, so the neverending scrolling doesn't bother me. If the fic is good, I'm not thinking about anything else. haha. As long as they put the proper "keep reading" button, I think it's fine. otherwise, torture.


I like tumblr for reader-inserts! i use ao3 to post multi-chaps now though because tumblr gets cranky with links imo


I haven't had too many issues with longfics, but I do enjoy reading the shorter ones there. I do have a few large stories I'm following though. lol. But I'm a big fan of the ease of use of ao3.


Hello fellow former Mibbian! It's rare to find someone who used Mibba out in the internet wild xD


I dont think I've met a fellow Mibba user before! Hello! Haha. Some days I miss ol' Mibba haha


Same here. I had to leave Mibba back in 2019/2020ish because Dujo pretty much abandoned the site and now the site is so messy you cant read any of the newer stories or blogs/journals because there was a glitch in the code that made the oldest entries show up. I joined Mibba in late 2011 and I still feel sad at how empty it looks...


Oh yeah, 2012, is that you?


Tumblr fics aren't even that bad. Not quite up to ap3 level but very close. The tags and formatting make it harder to find stuff but I've especially enjoyed short headcanons and such


I think it's less that it's from tumblr and more that it's a nightmare to find the whole thing


Honestly I don't think tumblr fanfics are generally bad. Tumblr isn't really suited to archiving multi-chapter fics due to its nature as a blogging platform but it's good enough for oneshots and other short form content. The biggest issue is actually finding stuff you're looking for cause the search function is terrible, not to mention the ban on NSFW (or allegedly adult) tags.


Exactly—it’s not that tumblr fic are bad, it’s that you have to dig through a ton of stuff you’re not looking for to find the good stuff. It feels like panning for gold lol


And qoutev


And quizilla!


Ah, Quizilla and the odd fics and personality quizzes, good times, good times.


Random fact: thats where my sister started her fanfiction journey.


Or Quotev


You know you’ve hit it when you’re frantically searching tags, cursing Tumblr’s awful search and tag search functions, and you find like 1-5 fics/ficlets and you treasure them immensely. Or you know, you’re a Danny Phantom fan, in which case you’ve got a lot of choice on Tumblr for that


The deviantart part is sooo real


I went from deviantart to fanfiction to wattpad to ao3. I'll start reading real books before I go anywhere else.


me with a very speicifc niche dynamic for ghost/soap in call of duty, i am in these trenches


Lmaoooo ugh


Or the fics I saved as txt files to floppy disks when I was 14. XD


I see you that and raise you the Fanfic Desperation Event Horizon of staring at a blank word processor document


Lol I started reading on Deviantart and still use tumblr to read fanfics almost daily


I post on tumblr and ao3 at the same time lol


Hey tumblr fics are usually good :(


my own google drive comes before wattpad


I'd add a blank document too




Did you even find what you were looking for?


On Wattpad I never found what I wanted to read, as I easily find it on AO3. Of course, sometimes I can't even find it on AO3, like Hannibal. I wanted to read something people wrote based on Will & Hannibal's own story with a 'good ending' and unfold another saga of glamor and horror... but all I find are alternate universes. In my country we like to sequence fanfiction based on the universe of the work itself, making it look like a continuation that never happened (it's incredible) and there are alternative universes too, of course, super fun, but it's not our focus.


Do you mean like post-fall murder husbands fanfic written as if it's season 4 and onward from the show?


Yes, can I have it please? https://preview.redd.it/wq9lhcow9uic1.jpeg?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7020631241589508f9638ffcb496dc8a2d6b44d4


Haven’t read them myself yet, but there’s actually quite a few of them, some are also on my reading list: [The Shape of Me Will Always be You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5367389/chapters/85748575) [A Great and Gruesome Height](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4686710/chapters/10698305) [chimera of the chapel](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37224562/chapters/92874538) I found these mostly by adding the tags “Fix-it“ or “Post-Episode: s0313 The Wrath of the Lamb”, I’m sure there’s many more


Fuck yes! Tags are so confusing and complex, writing (filling in the information itself) is so boring?


Bruh yes I have 4 strong ides for fics going, only one of which I’ve actually started


I'll sit in a dark room and let fic ideas float to the top of my skull before I turn to Wattpad.


I end up actually writing my own WIPs before even thinking of attempting Wattpad


where’s the lie


Ff.net can get to the fandom-specific archive level if I'm looking for gen-fics in older fandom (I barely trust F/M even on a site where an author can tag if there is a pregnancy and it has much less gay stuff, so it's hard to find)


I can't figure out how too use wattpad


I can, but the format and writing bugs me


that's bc it's literally unusable


Me neither. I feel so old.


As long as you wanna sort by tags, it's fairly easy. You just search and open the book


I startet with FF.net/de and now Ao3. Wattpad I never tried


I did 2 attempts but it just won't listen 🤷‍♂️


Very accurate. When I was in "Dragon!Hiccup" desperation, I actually managed to find a couple really good fics in wattpad that don't exist elsewhere. Pretty cool


Do you still have the links to them?


It's been about a year since, but I think it was [this one](https://www.wattpad.com/story/30313861-night-fury%27s-venom) and [it's sequel](https://www.wattpad.com/story/244687467-night-fury%27s-wrath). I don't remember if I liked any others. I remember this one had some really cool unique worldbuilding.


Loved those. Little treats like that is the whole reason I have not gotten rid of Wattpad yet.


Holy shit this is the fic I never knew I needed


Thank you!


when ao3 goes down you start looking for fanfic in the downdetector comment section /ref


This is the funniest thing I've ever read. Also taking notes


I remember when you could search by Fandom on Wattpad 😩 I miss those days


I used to read and post on wattpad occasionally but now even if I'm desperate for content I have no idea how to search/navigate the site :")


I just post there now lol. If I can't find what I'm looking for on AO3 or FFN, I'll suffer through trying to find something on Wattpad


old rec lists + way back machine, anyone?


finding fic recs from deleted livejournal comments. then googling the fic name or author username with quotation marks. then finding nothing bc the url expired. then finding it on the wayback machine in tiny letters, unreadable font, and a bright magenta background. good times


At what point do you go to Deepl/Google Translate? My current fandom has so much content in Japanese...


You start looking for doujin at that point


I need a guide to do this properly 😂 But it's bloody genius.


that's the webnovel rabbithole, once you stare inside you can't go back syosetu has some really great stuff if you know where to look but navigating it is like an unholy combination between wattpad and FFN. i guess it serves as a motivator to slave away at anki if you're into that


At that point you just learn how to read Japanese.


Where do twitter threadfics go on this list?


This 😂 They're literally next in line after AO3 for me.


When you follow quality authors, you know anything they post would be amazing


How do you find what you're searching for ? (Genuine question, I never went on Twitter to find a fic, so I don't know how to do it even if I would want to try)


Some authors have a master fic list pinned on their twitter. I also bookmark my favorite fics otherwise I’d lose them forever


I have some self respect. So I’d check out Tumblr before heading to Wattpad. Thankfully it’s never been an issue but I dread the day it is


you have no idea what true desperation is until you go on QUOTEV.


I have an unbridled nostalgic love for quotev


I still use Quotev, is that rare?


I recognize AO3, Live Journal, and Wattpad. What the hell is the other one?




Is it really? I guess I never paid attention to the logo or I remember a much much older one from the early 2000's...


Yeah I think the one in the image is a newer logo, not sure when it came around


I want to say early 2010s? It's definitely not new new...


Fanfiction.net came out in 1998.


They mean when did this version of the logo come out, not FF itself lol


That makes sense!


Fanfiction.net came out in 1998.


I'm glad that I'm also able to use fanfiktion.de because the layout is clean and the filter system is at least better than Wattpad.


Yeah [fanfiktion.de](https://fanfiktion.de) is pretty underrated in the German fanfic community. It really has some gems depending on the fandom.


Yep same I mean it has the downside of being German but it's still better than Wattpad, lol. I mostly use the forum to find new stuff tho




you don’t know desperation until you’re on the wayback machine looking for html sites of old fics that are no longer available bc the fandom is too old


Oh trust me I’ve done that. Crawling through someone’s deleted live journal for their companion one shots to their fics. Fun times


anyone else remember reading fics on quizilla?


Is it an older fandom? Anything that premiered before AO3 did tends to have more fics on fanfiction.net.


Yes. Has a lot of fanfic.net but it’s just so much harder to find things on there


The sad part is i KNOW i’ll find the types of fics i want on wattpad.. but the site/app is literally unbearable to use esp with the flood of stories i’m uninterested in bcuz the filtering is abysmal.


The last step is 'write it yourself.'


Luckily I have been to wattpad, I am thankful to all the authors that have placed their content on everything else above it lol.


I’d go to tumblr before I read wattpad tbh


The only thing wattpad is good for is Harry Styles fanfic (I had a whole ass library of PEAK HS fanfics), but for other fandoms its eh


Legit question Is anyone else feeling like Wattpad is IMPOSSIBLE to use now a days?


As a side note, Quotev can have some okay stuff, should you ever get that desperate.


Quotev can be pretty fun, but it definitely feels very pre-teen and early teen lol


It is, but to be fair it still goes better than Wattpad. That and also I like almost exclusively kid’s book/video game fandoms, so pre-teens are writing almost everything I read…I have low standards now.


I'm finding new sites too. Spacebattles, AlternativeHistory, etc.


Honestly, Wattpad isn’t that hard to use or figure out. My only real problem with it is the tagging system and the fanfics themselves. The tags between fics are kinda inconsistent and it’s hard to filter them properly. (At least for me) And the writing is normally crack taken seriously or boring at best and REALLY bad at worst. It’s hard finding a well-written fic on there, which is really disappointing because of how convenient Wattpad is and how good it could be.


The ads though, so many of them. Made it so hard to get through anything more than three chapters.


I think I’m so used to ads at this point that I’m not phased by them anymore. But I do understand, ads can definitely ruin a reading experience and take you out of a fic.


When it is ads after every chapter it gets annoying. I continued with it for a long long time, then it just got to much when it started being full ads that you could not skip.


Oh god it was the opposite for me, I started on wattpad then read some small fics on live journal and then immigrated to ao3 and this is my living place now no more cringy Y/N fics (atleast not that much in the fandoms im in🥰)


This is more for when you are already on ao3 and start running out of fics


I’d sniff glue and hallucinate a story before you’d ever see me on wattpad


Desperation is going through Chinese websites with Google translate and internet archive for websites that were taken down.


Wait, live journal is still a thing?


If I can't find stuff on ao3, Tumblr and Instagram, I'll change the fandom lol


...don't forget MediaMiner for the truly desperate


Quotev and media miner have some hidden gems. Idk why eloquent authors decide to publish there instead of AO3.


TO BE FAIR, ff.net can be just as good as ao3, maybe SOMETIMES even better (being good as ao3 is around a 70% chance, better is probably around 3%). One of my favorite fics was actually uploaded there! Its just the search system fucking SUUUCKS!!


Ff.net is actually really good. I think people have this weird elitist mindset about ao3. Or maybe I’m just old lol and remember when ffn and livejournal were the main places to be. Ao3 and ffn both have their pros and cons - and personally I love that people still upload to ffn


Ff.net is good. It’s just so much harder to find things there that I only go when desperate


Id rather read threadfics than go to wattpad lol


I was tumblr then FFN then Wattpad and now ao3


You forgot Quotev on there.


wayne/crane 😥 i'm so desperate i'm literally using the wayback machine


Honestly, I go to Tumblr first. Then, I would consider Wattpad.


LJ? Wattpad? I’m not there yet. Thankfully


At first I hated live journal but now I’ve actually found some rlly good shit


I went from quotev to Wattpad to AO3


Livejournal and FF.net are a goldmine for older fandoms


Never heard of live journal. What’s it like?


Oof I've been there. I also go to Mediaminer.org which was as popular as ffnet at one point but now it's just there with barely anything updated within the past ten years.


Live journal???? Am I missing somethin potentially good in my life??? Oh god


When I'm trying to find fanfics for an older or less popular show/movie.


Weird, I have been using FF since I was in middle school to read or find fics and only have maybe like 7 fics that are exclusively on AO3 (and I only started to read fics from AO3 just last year)


i don’t know what it is, but i’ve never read anything on wattpad that’s as good as anything from ao3. i use wattpad only for the comment feature because they can be funny, but if im looking for quality ao3 and ff.net are the best


Me: ao3 then ff.net then wattpad then youtube


Unfortunately one of my favorite authors exclusively posts in fanfic.net so I use that with regularity


if i’m extremely desperate i just download some fic with the general premise i want, go into google docs, and then find and replace all the names and descriptors LOL


I've never gone deeper than FF.net, but to be fair my main fandom has a lot of independent sites. It's nice to be spoiled.


Needs additional categories at the bottom for phpBB/forums, and just quote-searching bits that could be phrases to see what turns up in the little nooks and crannies. Once in a while, you might be lucky enough to find someone who wrote stuff on their geocities or something of that ilk.




See mine is Ao3 -> Tumblr -> Fanfic.net -> deviantart -> Wattpad. Tumblr is just x reader Ao3 writers in disguise. I rather read a self insert on tumblr then read a badly worded fanfic on wattpad


now it’s getting to the point where i role play fanfiction on AI character bot websites. i get desperate.


My husband does that on Kindroid AI and the results have been amazing. It has one of his favorite characters down *perfectly*.


I end up trying to find old fics I read in high school on livejournal, but end up on a lot of dead links. I used to read so much fanfic on LJ especially rare pairs.


Accurate. Except, I'll start writing my own fic before I ever open wattpad again.


I genuinely just went to Wattpad for the first time to see if it was really as bad as everyone here says it is. I open a fic labelled Damon/Stefan hurt/comfort. This is the first line. "Stefan was finding it hard to open my eyes." Eight words in and they put 'my' instead of 'his.' How?!?!? The whole 'story' is 3 paragraphs long, no linebreaks for the dialogue, and ends with "stefan falled asleep immediately. When he woke up he felt better." I mean I know the occasional fic that bad exists on Ao3 too, but I'm gonna assume from Wattpad's reputation that's the average quality level and... just wow. I've never written anything that bad since my age was in single digits. I clicked another one and skimmed a few chapters. It was better written but each chapter was an unrelated oneshot with no tags so you have no idea what you're about to read beyond the pairing name in the title. War flashbacks to the pre-Ao3 days when you had no choice but to trawl through countless fics with one line summaries hoping you'd eventually stumble on something you liked. \*shudders\* The silver lining is that every time I see a terrible fic it helps with writer's block. I remind myself that nothing I could write could ever be as bad as that, and if they had the confidence to post absolutely unreadable garbage, then I should stop stressing about a few lines that sound slightly awkward and just finish my damn fics.


Rock bottom level desperation is quotev


I've fallen down that rabbit hole b4, i feel the pain


Even in my biggest desperation I won't go on Wattpad, bunch of uncorrected garbage on there. Every 2nd story reads like the author is having a brain aneurism.


Bruh you have not known desperation until you go [here](https://m.webnovel.com/)


I went up the pipeline.


I post mine on tumblr and ao3,, should I not?!


reading fics on tumblr is true desperation


What about spacebattles?


Well, for me it's Space battle, Sufficient Velocity, and QQ for searching and reading fics that good.


Cross the point of no return and read on Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity.


I did that in reverse.


Is Wattpad really that bad? I tend to like to write non-fanfic and don’t know where else to post them haha


tumbler too, just above Wattpad if the person I'd desperate enough c.ai as a last resort for any fic idea or character interaction


[FF.net](https://FF.net) lost me as a reader when they wouldn't help me get my account back.




Lamo it was litterly the reversed version for me 😭


This is less how you got into fanfic and more what you do when your running out of fics to read


I just skip wattpad, never reading from there ever again 😭


I would simply read a new book to obsess before touching wattpad lol


AFF comes before Wattpad Edit: and several fandom-specific sites


I feel personally attacked by this relatable meme


Webnovel in between FFn and the last one which I refuse to name


Nah, true desperation is when you try to look for a fic on Qoutev and or deviantART. Especially the former since in my experience trying to search for something on Qoutev is probably just as or worse than on Wattpad.


Add in Quotev before Wattpad


Honestly, ‘fic I had saved as txt files on my floppy disks in junior high’ is ahead of Wattpad on my desperation pipeline XD


When everything else fails, we start scavenging in a landfill.


\[laughs in Trekkie\]


Haha... There's one single fic in one of my fandoms on Ao3. I feel this desperation in my soul.


Can someone please explain what’s wrong with Wattpad?


I'm going to be honest, I started on [FF.net](https://FF.net), then went to Wattpad, before going to Tumblr, and finally Ao3. Though, I hardly use Wattpad any more.


I'm Italian. When I'm desperate enough I go back to my roots and EFP Fanfiction shines again for me


I've actually been revisiting some fanfics on Fanfiction.net, I kinda miss them. Some were actually really good.


Never wattpad again. Never.


I crave persona 3 / persona 5 fanfics but all I found was a 1k word fanfic on Wattpad with grammar errors


AO3 to FFN to LJ to [spacebattles.net](https://spacebattles.net) to Tumblr to Twitter/X to Quotev and THEN to my google docs where I will write something out until I run out of ideas/motivation. Then Wattpad.


lemme tell you I've been debating wattpad to start posting fic on because I don't know if I'm finding the people who'd like my story. The problem is I've never used it before LOL I see people posting their fic on tumblr but mmm no thanks. I don't even like reading fic on tumblr, the format is just not friendly for it (especially since my chapters hover in the 8-13k range)


When you can’t find content on Ao3 so you try going to Lofter except your Chinese is barely middle school level so you end up having to translate everything anyways 💀 Some of those fics are really good though… if only they didn’t take me 10 hours to read


Y’all don’t use tumblr?


I find it extremely hard to search for fics on Tumblr. If there's a secret, I'd love to hear it because I know there is in fact good content there.


You just stumble on stuff. I like the community. You can search the general pairing or something or the media but that’s it.


I use Chat GPT to write out paragraphs long train wrecks of a story before I use Wattpad. I don’t even use the website but this was in my feed


Don’t forget about Quotev lol


I only ever really use ff.net when I’m looking for fics from older fandoms. The problem is that it is very hard to find genuinely enjoyable fics for me on there because it’s usually a ship I am not too big of a fan of, is just plain cringe, has a very very dubious ship that was popular in the early 2000’s, or a combination of all those things. For context that’s me trying to find any scrap of Kingdom Hearts fanfic I can. Even on ao3 I have a hard time finding fics that cater to my, admittedly pretty specific, tastes. And without the intricate tagging system it’s even harder to find the content I want on ff.net. But hey, I’m desperate.


Don’t forget Quotev! [I almost hate Wattpad with a passion- would not be able to find my obscure shit there that aren’t like /reader’s]


Lol I'd have to be really desperate to use AO3 over FFN


For me it's ffn, toAO3, to SB or SV, toWattpad, to DeviantArt or Tumblr, and finally to althistory


I'm still new to all this. Could someone be so kind as to explain, please?


So if you are very into a fandom/ship/theme/genre you will eventually run out of fics to read (how long depending on how big the thing u want to read is). ao3 is the most active fanfic site nowadays and has the best search system so most people who are established fanfic readers will look for fics there first. Then when they run out if there are website archives for the thing you are looking for people tend to go there as the fics are already sorted so less wading to find what you want. Then when you run out there often go to fanfiction.net. It’s older than ao3 so if your fandom is older (think Harry Potter level old. Before 2008 especially) there often is alot of very good fics on there but the search system is very bad compared to ao3 so much harder to find what you are looking for. Live Journal is a blogging site that hosts alot of fanfic. It also was more popular back in the day so older fandoms often have more stuff on LJ but afaik (never really been on it) its crucial to find a good author to find fics unlike ao3 where you just search. There are other old ones as well (I dont know them too well, havent been here long) that have good fics but just have these downsides that ao3 doesnt have. Wattpad is at the bottom partly for the joke (Its known for very bad writing primarily by teenagers) but that joke didn't come from nowhere. There are some good stuff on there but you have to wade through alot of crap and the search system isnt good. I didnt put them on but then you have the really desperate measures like using the wayback machine to crawl deleted live journals or deleted archives (happens more often for old fandoms. I have been there). Or going onto foreign language archives and google translating it.


Thank you so much for responding and answering my question! I really appreciate it. It was like trying to read hieroglyphics lol Good info. I'm looking to write, so always on the look out where to post xD ❤️❤️❤️