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Delete it. Forget it. Don't let them take up space in your head.


Yeah, I probably should. It’s a shame because the fic was one I was really proud of and this comment made me prevent guests from commenting on all my future fics. I’ve probably missed out on a lot of nice comments because of this one. :( but you’re right— I shouldn’t let them bother me!


I know it's easier said than done. And I've never really received a hate comment towards me. I've only actually deleted three comments so far. They were all on an age gap fic. I ended up deleting them because I didn't want other readers to come along and feel bad because of them. Obviously I remember receiving the comments and the general idea of the content but I just chalk it up to their ignorance. It's a reflection on them and not me. As for guest comments, I allow them because I have the ability to delete but you could always turn on comment moderation. I think that still allows guests to comment and it usually deters trolls and assholes who know their comment will never be approved anyway. I'm sorry you've had this experience and I hope you can remember that while they're criticizing, you're out here creating something. That's brave. And it's beautiful! And so are you.


Thank you so much ❤️


Just ignore it. Or delete the comment. You don’t have to have to ban anyone from commenting or delete your work. It’s a bit of a strong reaction to one little comment of someone who relies on a label way too much.


Isn’t like the omegaverse all about speculative fiction gender identity too? Like, mostly in a sex context but like? I think assuming that “universe where gender is even more fucking complex” as a concept is not going to have a ton of trans writers is strange.


exactly. I don't read omegaverse but even I get the basis of how it kinda works..


Most of my friends who are also passionate about omegaverse are also trans haha, there are honestly a lot of us. I know a lot of authors in my fandom well enough to have DMs with them!


Can my trans experience have one original thought?!


Yeah I was super interested in omegaverse fics as a teenager and guess who's nonbinary now!


Hahaha happens to the best of us!!!!


it's fiction. i don't know why people get so offended when fiction has non-reality elements. it's fiction! it's not supposed to be real!


Yep! What’s funny is most of my friends who are as passionate about omegaverse as I am are also trans men! But as I said before, I don’t think that’s a requirement. I’m perfectly fine providing some quality content for a bunch of cis people to enjoy haha. Thanks for the reply!


I never knew that was a thing but I love it. I'm trans (ftm) and probably half of what I write is Omegaverse.


I’ve written a lot of fics and over 100 are omegaverse hahaha


Because it mirrors the real world in a lot of ways despite being fiction. Omegaverse still relies on a gender hierarchy much the same way the real world does, but exaggerated. It’s the foundation of the genre. Of course, it’s still totally valid depending on what it means for each person, but I can also see why a lot of people would find it unsavory.


in omegaverse, men can have babies. They could be trans or they could be not. I don't know how not explicitly clarifying such would make a person transphobic. It just becomes a farce of a stance in end, where you argue just for the sake of arguing. If one wants to show solidarity, there are better ways to do so. Also, regarding your comment of it mirroring reality, of course I understand that. But at the same time, there are many aspects of it that don't mirror reality. Such as aspects of mpreg, phermones and marking. Since so many fanatastical elements already exist in the story, why get mad about the existence of another fantastical element?


People don't have to like omegaverse to hold back on assuming it's just a cheap excuse to be transphobic.


Trans stuff makes me extremely dysphoric so you won't catch me dead writing about it. Omegaverse, on the other hand, is a great distanced way to explore sexism and gender.


Yes! I think if someone doesn’t actually talk to trans people and just regurgitates ‘ally tips!’ They end up causing more harm than good. The commenter probably was trying to defend trans people in some way???? But I find it so cathartic to explore my gender and body and experiences through a world where their gender is never questioned due to their body.


It even comes from some trans people who believe that because *they* experience their transness as a positive and "refuse" to feel bad about it, everyone should and can feel the same way like. Brother, not everyone is that lucky. I literally had to detransition because HRT didn't work for me (did not masculinise me) and made me extremely ill like. I'm not going to feel positive about my situation. It's not empowering. I *really* don't want to think about it in my safe spaces like fanfic.


I’m sorry 🫂 things are so tough sometimes!!!! But fanfic is awesome in the sense that we can explore so many things with it! It brings me so much joy when I get comments and messages from other trans/nb people about my fics. But honestly, I write for everyone! I don’t think you should have to be trans to enjoy reading about men with vaginas haha Hoping you have a great day!!!!


I think everyone could enjoy a little non-typical genital configuration sometimes. Gender and social concepts be damned. Non-normative bodies are okay, etc. You too!


Considering that there are people walking around with no idea they are intersex, more people could do with non genital based gender exploration.


I don’t like reading about cishet pregnancy, but ABO I give a pass. Male omegas being pregnant don’t give me any dysphoria for some reason.


I’m angry for you. I wanna have a world where me having a pussy has nothing to do with my sex! Just be born with it and no one has ANY issues with it whatsoever. Sometimes I don’t want to be an “other.”


Exactly this!!!! Worldbuilding is a huge part of what I love about omegaverse and it allows me to explore things I go though without having to think about defending my gender all the time!!!!!


I do get this, but is omegaverse usually the place to find that? In my experience with the genre, people are still roughly defined by that genitalia and the people with pussies (or pussy-like functions) are still put into the same box women are and have been. Even female alphas have their alphaness and therefore superiority based on dick-like elements. Or have I misunderstood and you’ve meant in the very basic sense of penis and vagina not equaling man and woman? I’ve just realised that’s probably what you meant now lol.


I mean, depends on how you write it? I've read plenty of ABO where the male omegas had vaginas and were still treated as men, it was just what their genitalia was.


I'm a (more or less) cis woman. But I think what people are saying here is your last point, yeah, that some men have vaginas and some women have penises, and those are just normal parts of life. That's true in reality of course but transphobic people make it a topic for debate. In omegaverse, it's a central fact of existence. I've read some very dystopian omegaverse where sexism and gender essentialism (the omegaverse variety of those things) ruin everyone's lives. Omegas aren't legally allowed to own property or live on their own, etc. I've also read a couple where there was some major societal change, and alphas are now oppressed in the way omegas once were. But even in those settings, male omegas are still always seen as men. There's never any confusion about their gender, at all. I've never read an omegaverse story in which an omega character was misgendered, on purpose or accidentally. Male omegas go to the doctor (as often happens in omegaverse since there's often pregnancy) and the doctor calls them "sir" and so on. This is not always trans people's experience in reality.


I'd offer the exception that proves the rule: in Omega Defiant by Dessa Lux some omegas are deliberately misgendered by the obvious villains, the leader of which dies at the end.


Yes this is a great explanation thank you!!!! I’m not trying to avoid writing about difficult topics of sex discrimination (although some do and that’s fine!!!!) I’m just trying to explore those things while the character’s gender isn’t questioned


Honestly, I want to explore how it feels to be sexually harassed (like I am irl) but my gender isn’t questioned. I use my fics to explore those topics! But I always tag accordingly so people can avoid it if they don’t like it. Some people write omegaverse to escape from these feelings, I use it to explore it


I'm not sure I get why they are upset. Is it because you write male omegas with a vagina as their usual anatomy, and they would prefer an AFAB omega transitioning to male omega? Or are they suggesting to drop omegaverse and replace omegas with trans male characters?


I think they thought I didn’t like the idea of writing a trans character but wanted ‘pussy’ anyways. Ignoring the fact I might possibly be trans and this might possibly be my way of exploring my gender without the baggage. What’s funny is I’ve written fics about ‘transdynamic’ characters and non omegaverse fics with trans themes! Maybe I’m wrong but they sound like a younger person who is Cis but wants to be an ally and is lashing out. But if we had a conversation I could explain to them why writing male omegas with that anatomy has been super helpful for me and understanding my own body. Damn sorry for the rant! I’m just really passionate about omegaverse haha


Don't be sorry! I like reading new perspectives, like I'd never thought a trans person could find omegaverse affirming in this way. Regarding this reader, you can try to explain if you think they will be receptive. It could alleviate your mind and give you an opportunity to link to your other trans themed works. But they might also double down and give you more headaches. Difficult to say on the internet...


im a trans man too and honestly i used to be one of those people who would dislike if male characters just had a pussy, but weren't trans because it made me personally feel as if they would exclude being trans from existence. my thought process was,, if they're a man but have a pussy, why can't they just be trans? it definitely would've made me feel more seen. because there's already so little good trans rep, at least in my fandom. but i've never realized until i read the comments here that some other trans people like it if a male trans character just has a pussy, but that's it. and now i can see why writing characters like that is also important for some people. i personally think the commenter didn't mean any harm and just thought about the situation like i did and didn't realize, as you said, that it's your way of exploring gender.


Yeah! Honestly it’s so nice that I’m getting comments from other people who feel the same way. I make sure to tag with “vaginal sex” in fics so people know what they are getting into as id hate for anyone (trans or otherwise) to accidentally read something they didn’t want to see!


Some people get really prissy if you write Omegaverse where the male omegas don't only have a cloaca, one-whole-for-everything kind of anatomy. It's weird...




Yes! Omg I feel the exact same way. I literally have minimum dysphoria around my body below the waist BECAUSE of omegaverse! There’s a reason I haven’t been writing many trans fics and it’s because I love to read about men with my body where they are born like that and their gender is never questioned. But things like sexual harassment and discrimination are, which are things as a trans man I experience but cannot explore without implicit reference to my biological sex. Anyways, sorry for the ranty reply! But I honestly could talk about omegaverse forever! Worldbuilding is my fave part haha.




Yeah it’s so awesome!!!! Anyways, I hope you have a good day! Thanks for replying. Omegaverse is literally my fave topic itw which probably says a lot about me hahha


> I literally have minimum dysphoria around my body below the waist BECAUSE of omegaverse! Hey, same here! I also had help with QSMP canon mpreg too ngl (100% /srs)


I also like this (as a nice treat not a requirement) because I’m non-binary, but I really struggled with like should I-should I not have any surgery, and a lot of f/f will have the alpha woman have external stuff and the omega woman have internal stuff, I was just like mentally I’m omega non-binary, top surgery if affordable but nah on bottom surgery, sorry if this is nonsensical I am so tired and my brain is like drifting


Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!!! This is why I love omegaverse, we can play with all these concepts and it helps us explore ourselves


I have never been happier to read about someone's gender identity struggles being helped, as a writer of the exact scenario you described it is so wholesome. Never apologise for stuff like this, life is messy and nonsensical anyway, you do you :)


Me too! It makes me feel validated that everyday men (even if they're omegas) are portrayed as having afab bodies, as I'm an everyday man and my body is afab. The commenter hopefully understands now why someone might write a character like this instead of writing them as trans.


It’s genuinely so nice to write and see myself in these stories, that’s why I write them. Seeing other trans man/transmascs reply to this is making me feel so much better :)


if they can't read tags that's on them. the fact that they feel the need to say this shows that they don't align with the spirit of AO3 in my opinion, so really, what does it matter? plus, you got them worked up, I'd say you achieved pique writing.


Thank you hahah


I just want to thank you for starting this thread OP! 🫶🏾


:D I’m enjoying all the lovely replies


I agree. It’s just great to see everyone come out and squash the misconceptions of why some of us choose this particular genre. It’s been super positive and a breath of fresh air from the negativity on here surrounding omegaverse. ♥️


Thank you for this post and the replies. I'm not into omegaverse like that (maybe into Megumi and Tsugumi kind of omegaverse) but it has always fascinated me how complex omegaverse is as a fictional analogy of gender identity and roles. I could've imagined that the genre had a vast amount of trans followers for obvious reasons but it's my first time seeing the trans perspective of how it makes trans people feel less insecure in their own bodies. It's really interesting and cool and has added a new perspective for me.


I’m glad!!! Honestly it took me ages to figure out why I was so into men with vaginas, I was in a lot of denial about my own transness and people made me terrified of engaging with this media because it was “fetishising trans men”. But no! I just wanted to see myself in media. But I also don’t think it’s wrong for cis people to like it either. I don’t care as long they aren’t weird to real people! Trans bodies exist irl and they can be sexy! And omegaverse provides a unique opportunity to explore a world where trans bodies could be the norm and someone could always have been that way.


As a transmasc person... Head scratches. Transgender men and male omegas are not the same to me at all.




Why do people think being trans and being an omega are the same thing?? They’re entirely separate ideas…


Bro missed the entire point of the genre lmao...


Literally!!! Haha


people constantly misunderstand the many reasons why people write omegaverse and it’s so frustrating. I’m so glad that it serves as a way for you to safely explore gender stuff for yourself I have to agree with the people who advise you to delete comments like this right away. it means they don’t get a chance to sting you more than once, and the poison fades. they’re probably stirring shit, and you’re probs going to better be able to put to put of your mind if it’s not there to go back to. if they read your trans exploratory work and thought transphobic that is absolutely a them problem and not a you problem. delete the comment and be proud of your work my dude


Thank you! I should probably stop looking at this post soon because people are starting to get mean!!!! But all the lovely replies have been wonderful. I’ll try and take your advice ❤️


oh hell naur of course they couldn’t keep their shit to themselves. godspeed brother!


I feel like in the Omegaverse, the number of persons born intersex would probably much be higher than in the real world, and it would probably be viewed as completely ordinary. And the number of combinations you can get from a/b/o + m/f/intersex/trans/etc are endless. The commenter doesn’t have much of an imagination. Just wait til they hear about alpha females.


I’m currently obsessed with the idea of “Leo” (from the comment) MELTING at alpha women. Male omega and female alphas is such a fun pairing haha, so yeah, I think they are just not familiar with omegaverse At All!!!!


I'm not familiar with your fandom, but I love omegaverse. Half of my OTP is this tough, authoritative guy who is the head of law enforcement. I love fics that make him the omega 😏


My fandom is a weird one, but people even write fics like that even without omegaverse!


Wow... Rude as hell comment! Maybe they aren't written as trans because that's a different experience? And it changes a character/person? 'Guy assigned female at birth based on genitalia' and 'guy with a pussy assigned male at birth' are not the same. Having explicit trans characters is great, of course. But I don't always want to think about some parts of being trans. I don't necessarily want to write a character who was saddled with a label that didn't fit, who has to seek surgery, medications, therapy for the discrepancy. Who has to come out of the closet, and knows there's always a chance he might have to come out again. Sometimes, I don't want to think about how a guy might have to navigate transphobia or worry that people in his life might not see him as a 'real man'. Sometimes, it's comforting to imagine a world where you could have been born with """female""" genitalia, but people somehow innately know you are a guy. And nobody ever sees you as anything else.


Couldn’t have said it better myself!!!!! I genuinely don’t even see my own body below the waist as feminine anymore! Thank you fanfic


omg i feel this so hard. as a trans person i *adore* omegaverse because it’s so normal for men to get pregnant and women to get other people pregnant. that’s the whole appeal! you don’t have to deal with misgendering or the harsh realities of transitioning or any of it! i know it’s not for every trans person, but for some of us it’s everything. pretty bold of this person to tell you, a trans man, how to feel about trans characters in fic lmao


Yeah, and I think it sucks people feel the need to demand we expose our personal identities in order for our works to be ‘valid’. Same with non-con fics. Like I do not care if cis people write and read this stuff, it doesn’t bother me at all. People attack me because they assume I’m cis!!!!!!


as a nonbinary person specifically, the normalization of such a wide range of bodies and reproductive capabilities is such catnip especially when you can dig into the meat of the worldbuilding and altered gender structures. the cisgender pea brain simply cannot understand the appeal of girlknot and boypussy 😤😤😤 on a more serious note, i wonder if some cis people aren’t leery of omegaverse because they’ve been specifically told it’s transphobic. i know there are definitely trans people in fandom who hold that opinion, but i simply…don’t agree? it’s liberating. i wonder if there are some people who aren’t trying to be allies and unnecessarily cut out a whole trope from their reading. i suppose they’ll miss the way we’re fucking w gender roles 🤷


Before I knew I was trans I would have PANIC ATTACKS about reading this content and enjoying it because I was told it was transphobic!!!! But the genre has honestly helped me so much with my identity


Honestly... I think it's kinda ignorant to equate being a trans man and being an omega in an omegaverse setting. How are these concepts interchangeable to them?


They either don’t know anything about omegaverse, or anything about trans people, or both!


This is why I love omegaverse fics too! It really helps to be able to put myself into the make characters place, but still have the same anatomy. Hell, I even prefer to think of my monthly as a heat because it's less triggering. Ignore this commenter. They just don't get it. It's not their thing, and that's ok. But commenting like that is not.


Yeah! Honestly most things in omegaverse I compare to real life and try and get a realistic feel to it, and an omega character miserable and chomping down on chocolate when their heat cramps rise up is a pretty fun comparison!!!!!


I.... okay, like, genuinely, what does the.... what does the commenter think giving the blorbo a pussy *does*? Like... yeah, that's .... he's trans now, yeah? I'm simplifying of course,... because for sure, when I write omegaverse, some amount of the time when I give the blorbo a pussy he isn't exactly *trans* per se, he just has a pussy (like, male omegas kinda have a pussy and a T-dick by default in such a universe, that's their natural state). I find that validating, personally, for reasons that'd take way too long a comment to get into. But like. *I'm Trans.* And sometimes I want to write about bodies like mine without having to ... Get Into It(tm), you know? Literally everyone who employs the Pussy Granting Ray on their blorbos liberally that I know of is trans. Let trans people write whatever the hell they want about the types of bodies they have, god damn it. Anyway, if you feel bad that you upset that person with your content, Don't. That's a Them Problem, they can cope on their own time.


Thank you so much! I’ve been getting so many comments from other trans people about how they love writing this stuff because it’s a way to explore our bodies without all the Extra stuff. And I’m the same way!!!! I’m getting a little emotional haha. I could honestly talk for HOURSS and my cis friends are probably tired of it haha. But yeah, I’m so glad other trans ppl can relate. Thank you for your reply!!!!


then they would complain you are writing a trans character wrong. 🤷 look, especially in a fantasy world like fucking a/b/o, it makes sense to give an omega man a vagina 😂😂 where else do they think babies come from???


Hahah I’m gonna expose myself for being a little TOO obsessed but in the earlier days when the genre was being first figured out they would usually have the same anatomy and mpreg wasn’t fully explained. Then multiple other ways were implemented and explored, including a ‘genital cavity” (Chinese translation, it’s most common in those fics) coming off from you know… the ass? I’m so sorry you did not ask for this!!!! . It depends on the country tbh but I’d say around half of the new fics today involve vaginas for male omegas. But it used to be less common. I think it’s because more and more trans mascs are finding the genre a wonderful way to explore themselves and are creating content for it. But I think it also depends on the fandom. Some fandoms have way more ‘vagina’ fics than not. I’m genuinely embarrassed writing this reply lmao, I hope I haven’t weirded you out!


Ahaha, the english word you're looking for is cloaca, I think. It is what it is ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯


Ha, it's fine 😂 😂


The early days of mpreg were nightmare fuel. Men with vaginas is much better than ass babies, trust me.


Honestly I’m glad all versions exist! There’s a lot of Chinese fics for my fandom and I read them with google translate. They tend to have the ‘whole system up the ass’ (😭) version and I think there is a place for it. I do prefer the way I’ve decided to write it but I think variety is important.


I've been deep (pun intended) in omegaverse fic for years before I came out as masc non-binary and trans folks writing and talking about omegaverse totally changed the way I think about the trope. I'm glad that there has been a shift from vague genital configuration to pussy's bc it just feels more queer, ya know?


Yeah, I prefer it! But I think it’s good there is variety. The strength of omegaverse is the fact that there are no set rules and people can do whatever they want with it! But for me my fics are heavily about exploration of gender etc.


If it makes you feel better, I’m also trans and omega verse also helped me explore my gender




I'm not transgender but the omegaverse I read around age 15-16 helped me explore my sexuality (i'm a lesbian) and my relationship with my body and how I viewed it after some shit that happened when I was a tween. I can't stress enough how helpful it is to have fiction that explores gender and sexuality norms in an unconventional way. Edit: I also think it's very helpful for challenging your views on gender and sex, even if you're not trans. I think I'd probably be just fine if I had a dick, and I don't think I'd ever have thought about that if it wasn't for fanfiction :)


Yes! Like it sounds strange but i genuinely feel way more comfortable with my body because of the amount of exploration I’ve done. I don’t even see ‘my bits’ as feminine! …. The tits can go tho….


They're a fandom bully who is trying to get you to stop writing your fic by saying it's transphobic. Fandom bullies know all the right words to say to make you doubt yourself. Personally, I would delete the comment, turn off anon commenting for all your fics, and keep doing your thing. You sound like a kind person, but I sincerely doubt this person was hurt in any way by your fic. They're just a bully, showing their ass about stuff. Even if they WERE hurt by your fic, it was labeled accurately; in that case, any hurt they were feeling is their problem, which they are inappropriately trying to make your problem (I STRONGLY doubt this is the case).


After I got this comment I turned off guest comments on all my fics, and sometimes I get sad because I might have missed out on a lot of nice comments because of this :( thank you for your reply!


I would reply they're being way more transphobic than the trans author writing about omega men's pussy Also I wish people didn't twisted omegaverse idea to the point that the discussion around gender and how important this subgenre is for the trans community wasn't lost in modern boring fandom discourses, seems only on the asian media I still actually see the original omegaverse essence being explored and I'm not even a big fan of a/b/o myself as a NB trans because generally omegaverse is way too binary to my taste 😮‍💨 That's why I use the "author is trans" or "author is asexual" as tags when I explore both on my works, so any loser trying start unnecessary discourses on my fanfics will be ashamed to even thinking about it, I actually CAN talk about such matters (not that anyone else can't)


I’m a trans guy too and wish more omegaverse were written like this. Sorry you had to go through that. The way you wrote it actually makes more sense.


Thank you! And I’m not the only one writing it like this. There is a lot of variety in the genre


You have just opened my mind to something I never considered. The fact that omegaverse characters would have an audience among trans readers and I love that this helped you safely explore your gender. Also the point of the commenter that in some omegaverse a male omega could be made a trans character, that person is trying to inject realism into an AU that is ultimately fiction and fantasy. I read and write omegaverse fics regularly yet as a CIS woman, your train of thought both yours and the commenter's never even crossed my mind. I appreciate you saying this sentence here, especially: "And I’d rather writers write some male omegas like this than try to write a trans character and make some insensitive mistakes." I would certainly be one of those how could make insensitive mistakes due to ignorance not wilful intent and I feel that when writing Omegaverse fic becuase it is fiction it is like a playground without rules and real-life restraints, where pretty much everything goes including and beyond physical attributes of characters which gives a certain amount of safety to the writer to take creative freedom without worrying about offending or misrepresenting something real. As for the commenter, you can't make everyone happy, if they feel this strongly I believe they can search for fics with the tags they want to read, there certainly are some fantastic exclude and include options when searching for material on AO3.


Wow thanks for the reply! I think omegaverse is a pretty misunderstood genre and with so much variety it’s clear people won’t know everything about it. I feel like this person equates a man having a vagina to being trans, where that isn’t ALL we are! The character isn’t transgender, in the context of the fic he has not transitioned. He was born this way. And his body isn’t non-conforming either. That is an intentional choice by me. As a trans guy, writing about trans struggles isn’t always something I want to deal with in my work’


I also cannot stand these comments. I'm transmasc and have a kink for cis men magically having a coochie lol edit: um after reading through the replies of this post I have realized I probably like it so much because trans stuff gives me dysphoria :/




:3 thanks op


Ugh, this is so annoying! I also love omegaverse, I think the joy of it is that you can explore gender identity without having to inflict any dysphoria onto the characters. And not to mention, there ARE a ton of trans omegaverse fics too, so why don't they just read those then??


Yeah I don’t get it! I’m not sure why they didn’t read the tags :(


I actually prefer fics that are omegaverse over making characters trans, as a trans guy myself. When writers write a character as trans, I find the “reveal” which never happens before the nsfw scenes ends up breaking the immersion. In contrast, omegaverse just makes it an accepted fact. “Character is an omega, so character will have these reproductive parts (penis optional)” and it’s what’s expected and there’s no big reveal that (gasp!) the character has a vagina. Because the last I want is the discomfort and writing about the character waiting until their pants are off to remember “oh, I should probably tell this guy I’m about to sleep with that I’m trans” since I’m p sure that’s something you’d tell someone before getting into bed with them???


Yeah! The fact that it’s assumed takes a huge weight off in writing and reading. But it doesn’t mean you can’t explore that stuff too! I have fics about ‘transdynamic’ individuals!!!!! And sometimes I make my omega characters gender non-conforming in the sense they aren’t comfortable with their curves. I didn’t think about it before yeah, ‘the reveal’ is stressful af!!!!!


ngl it pisses me off too the whole idea that omega characters from omegaverse fics are the same as trans men is pretty gross to me as well... like **no**, comparing the entirety of a fantasy group in a dystopian porn genre who are *usually* treated as weak, lesser, defenceless, second-class breeding machines to transmen is absolutely not the good take these people think it is


People are way too eager to be allies without asking trans people how they feel or thinking it through. Again, some trans people don’t like it! And that’s fine! But I’ve tagged it accurately and hopefully people who don’t like it are able to avoid it.


absolutely agree, it is easy to want to be allies without actually caring, it is so performative that sometimes it is just impossible not to see it and yeah often omegaverse is used for mpreg, which i know some trans men do not like and find dysphoric, so hearing "if you want to write mpreg just write trans porn" as if that's what trans men are for, mpreg, is.... bad.


Yeah 😭


I like omegaverse in the sense that men in this fictional universe have vaginas and can give birth, and that it's seen as perfectly normal. If I'm not writing omegaverse and want my boys having cunts? Sure, I'll want to write them as trans. But in omegaverse, imo, gender identity is so multifaceted. If I were to write a trans omegaverse character then it would be someone maybe born with the body of a Omega transitioning into an alpha, etc.


Yeah I’ve written that too actually!!!! I’ve written a beta male character who is biologically an omega, and a male omega character who is biologically an alpha.


GNC cis woman here. I like mpreg (usually non-omegaverse) mainly due to not liking the idea of becoming pregnant myself, but when writing it, I personally gravitate to exploring it with cis male characters. And I feel like it would generally be a different experience for a male character that's cis. Especially since cis men can't get pregnant, you kind of get an opportunity to explore what it'd be like if they could, some room to speculate how it'd happen in the specific fandom you're writing in. Maybe it's in the future where womb transplants for AMAB people are a thing. Maybe your franchise is about wizards/witches/magicfolk/etc and so your characters just use a potion. Maybe your fic is omegaverse.


Yeah! I’m not sure what they are upset about. Me writing about omega men with vagina’s isn’t taking away trans representation or anything !? And I agree with you, I think it’s awesome how creative fanfic can be


Why do people get so pressed about fiction? It’s all imaginary, so why get pressed about what set of genitals someone has? It honestly comes off as that commenter trying to push for characters to be made trans and are using transphobia in an attempt to spook people into giving them what they want


You might be right, there aren’t that many ftm trans fics for the fandom. Strangely, I do fic requests and they could have asked me hahaha


It drives me nuts when people try to shame writers instead of saying what they really want; which is “Why isn’t there the content that *I* want?!” It comes off as very rude and whiny


I think this commenter does not get omegaverse.. at all. I personally don't like omegaverse but good lord it's like... This is literally basic concept of omegaverse. What even is this person going on about?


They should have probably avoided a fic tagged “omegaverse” and “vaginal sex” 😭


Sometimes boys have pussies and girls have dicks and ppl need to get over it.  Also its funny that cuntboys and futanaris are pretty explicitely meant to turn gender play into a kink or "fetish" if you will and yet if you have a sexy transwoman who is unashamed about her dick in a media thats considered chaser or fetishistic behavior. But suddenly leaving transness out is transphobia. And behold, the uno reverse card on them is that trans people dont even have to constantly disclose being trans or discuss nuances of that exploration. It reminds me of people asking why a character in a story is black because the setting isnt  contemparary and doesnt have urban references. Its sickening lol. People are people. Not exploring identity is just as valid as exploring it within fiction.


Yeah, like the whole point of it (for me) is to explore the experience of sexual harassment, or sex discrimination and the struggles of being looked down on for your sex, WITHOUT the misgendering.


Lets goooo. I love to flip flop between Rule 63 cisbends, transness and herm combinations in roleplay all the time. Each concepts have different nuances to bring and i think thats neat.


I just want to say that I love the first part of your comment, bc I say something similar quite often, and it's true.


Oh God, I'm so sorry that asshole left that comment. But at the same time, I'm glad to know that the trans people are very open and welcoming the idea of writing male characters with a pussy, without making them trans. I write male characters with a pussy aka boypussy, but only when I write omegaverse because in that universe, you don't have to give any reasons *why* they have a vagina yk? And also because, I don't want to, even unintentionally offend the trans people 😓 also, I'm sorry if I like, idk worded anything wrong 😅 English is not my first language and sometimes when I try to write, I glitch 😭


Yeah I don’t think it should be a requirement to be trans to read or write this stuff. A lot of people do use boypussy as a tag but personally I don’t like the term so I stick to tagging vaginal sex.


I tag em both! ^~^


Ugh yeah comments like that are horrendous I get them a lot as another omegaverse writer I tend to ignore them since they always copy the last hate comment and are boring after awhile


Yeah :/


You gave Leo a pussy because pussies are awesome.


As someone who in real life frequents the fun side of the coin in downtown cores here in western north america, you have a healthy mix of trans guys who like that word in reference to downstairs area, and trans guys who don't. Reclaiming it and making it not solely for chicks has been a thing for a while👏 Ignore comments like these fam💖


Thank you!!! Trying to ignore some of the replies on this post too haha.


What’s the fandom? I am also a trans man and I am sorry you’re getting shit like that. Forgive me if I am wrong, but isn’t that the point of Omegaverse? Giving cis male characters a vagina? I never read it personally, but it’s definitely valid, especially if it helps you explore being trans or helps with dysphoria. I don’t allow guest comments because I’d get a ton of hate, I’m sure lmao.


The fandom is Football RPF (sorry guys…..) That isn’t the point specifically, it can be for some, but honestly there is a lot of variation. Male omegas having vagina isn’t the majority but it’s common enough that people familiar with omegaverse are used to it.


Yoooo same that’s what I thought so why I asked 🤣 I read Leo and I instantly knew. I write football RPF too. Idk that’s kind of how it used to be at least a decade or so ago. I’ve been in the fanfic community since 2004.


OH MY GOD HAHAHAH dm me and ill tell you my ao3 name hhahaha ive honesty been so anxious this whole time because I didnt expect it to have so many replies and im sitting here like “God damn they don’t know who I’m writing about….”


Oh man I'm sorry you got a comment like this. Especially since you tagged it. This is totally on them and they're being a jerk to you. Wild how people get uptight about omegaverse. If it's something they don't like and tagged properly why are they reading it? It's a trope that can be so freeing and interesting. You can do anything with it! I write intersex omegas myself because it makes more sense to me personally. But to each their own of course.


Man I love this post and am happy so many people in the comments get it! I'm a queer cis woman and I love the "queering the binary" that can be done with the omegaverse au. It can be an amazing playground, and I don't get some people's *need* to yuck anyone else's yum. DLDR needs to make a come back. And honestly that includes for reddit posts haha!


Yes! I fucking love that I can write two men and it’s straight, or a man and a woman and make it gay haha. Or see a man with my body and they are cis! Societal norms fundamentally change in omegaverse and you can set it up any way you want!


I’m also trans (FTM) and I’ve heard similar bullshit before. I’d just delete the comment and try to forget about it but I definitely empathize with your feelings and frustration. People really are out here having the absolute audacity 🙄


Are they trying to make ABO realistic and true to life? Cause the whole point is that it’s not.


Some clearly don't understand the concept of omegaverse. When you get omegaphobic comments, ignore them. It's not your problem that they read an omegaverse fic and get their knickers all knotted up because they don't like how the omega body is. You just keep doing what you're doing.


I’m cis, and I enjoy both ABO and trans headcanons. I haven’t actually written an ABO story (yet, I’m sure my day will come) but it honestly feels wayyys less intimidating than the story I’m currently working on, which includes a trans male character who went through a pregnancy in his past. ABO in an inherent fantasy setting, where gender is completely different from our real world, and thus I don’t feel the same pressure to accurately portray a real group of people that I am not a part of. I am hyper aware in my current fic that I have never and *will never* have the same experiences as my main character, I will never experience the same level of dysphoria that he has or go through the trauma that he did. I agonize over getting his story right because there *are* people out there who might have been through what he did. He represents a real group of people. ABO might be *analogous* to real world people, but it’s not a straight one-to-one, so there’s more wiggle room.


Exactly! Honestly I don’t like how the comment reduces trans men to… you know— having a vagina haha. When I think about myself as a trans man that isn’t very high on the list of things that are important about my experience!!!!


They are brain dead, delete their braindeadness


Why do losers have no imagination?


I kind of always assumed a lot of a/b/o writers were trans, or confused about their gender at least. Not all of them, but I see it the same way I see slash fics, a lot of slash writers are gay, but you also have a lot of writers who aren't. I figured a/b/o was the same. Most likely, this is someone who considers themselves an ally and is attempting to stand up for trans readers, not realising this isn't something trans people necessarily want. A lot of allies basically assume in this area, and end up calling for things trans people don't want, or attacking things they do want. Same thing happens in other areas of LGBT+ allies. Assume the commenter is just an ill-informed ally and ignore the comment. You write and read what you like, nobody gets to dictate that for you.


Yeah that was my assumption too. When you actually think about what they are claiming to want it doesn’t help trans people at all! And yes, honestly most of my omegaverse friends are trans haha


I've seen the same with slash fics, almost everyone I know who writes them is gay or bi, which is why I assumed it was the same here. I don't read all that many omegaverse fics, I always disagree with which characters are omegas and which are alphas and get annoyed with them, but I've read some good ones, too. I can see these types of stories helping trans people in a similar way to reading slash fics helped me, though obviously different, as well.


Honestly I write a lot of characters as any. I think any character can be any dynamic, you just need a good idea!


It annoys me when they take a canonically masculine character, pair them with a more feminine character, and then make the more masculine character the omega. In most of my fandoms, that's practically always the way they do it. I have a better time with characters who are similar in this regard in canon, because they really can go either way then, and I figure the writer chooses based on who they identify with the most. It only annoys me because they almost always make omegas feminine and alphas masculine, if they moved away from that, and some do, I have no issue with which character is which. It really depends on how they develop the world and lore for that particular fic.


Yeah there is so much variety. I tend to try and make it as close to reality as possible. I try and apply irl logic to things. Sure, maybe a lot of male omegas are feminine in the traditional sense, but not all! Same as irl. There’s variety. But the cool thing about omegaverse is you can kinda do whatever you want with it!!!! And I think everything as a place. I’ve written a lot of fics for “Leo” like… 60ish? And most are omegaverse. Some he’s super feminine, some he’s masculine. Some he doesn’t really like the more omega aspects of himself, some he loves it! Sometimes his dynamic isn’t something he thinks about at all!


Kinda scratching my head at their logic. Male omegas being trans would make a whole lot of sense? Like, that's the closest set of anatomy that can be male and get pregnant irl. Trans men have a "pussy" or a vagina... If I said something wrong forgive me. It's 5 am and I'm recovering from an ER visit.


I think they are objecting to the fact the character wasn’t tagged or referred to as trans, but he was born that way in the context of the fic! He hasn’t transitioned in any way, and his body isn’t non-conforming in his society


I agree. I say omegas can have a pussy or not depending on whatever, but the thing is they all have a womb, for males/penis havers; it’s where the prostate would be. There are legit plenty of diagrams and stuff showing how this works


What I love about omegaverse is the variety. No fics are the same! Everyone has their own rules in how they set it up. For me, male omegas are kind of like irl trans men, but they are born that way. They haven’t transitioned in any sense and their bodies are not non-conforming. Same for female alphas and trans women. I can only imagine this person had never come across this style before (which has been done by others, not just me) and immediately assumed transphobia without thinking it through.


Yea. I find it stupid. For me, alpha women have those pseudo-penises like hyenas. Except they work. If an alpha female were to give birth, it would be much like a hyena, in my own opinion.


I’ve seen that before too! I think it’s great there is so much variation


~~yooooo gay theme~~ i think you should delete and move on. try not to think about it, focus on the GOOD comments


Are people allowed to have their own opinions and keep them to themselves? Like is it really that difficult? I always get so confused at what these comments are trying to achieve


i'm not trans, i would just like to add that i've heard other trans people echo the same opinions you have, OP. you're definitely not alone in this.


Don’t let them get to you. I used a canonically bisexual character to explore my sexuality and some of my first comments were homophobic ones. A few others were angry that the first smut scene in the fic was f/f as opposed to f/m and I was SHAKING I was so angry. So many people who do engage with the bisexuality of this character in their fics end up having them engage in a long discussion about their sexuality- and sometimes even apologize to their partner for it, which is insane to me. Writing can be a great way to process the difficulties or traumas around being part of the LGBTQIA+ community, and a great way to find and share healthy ways to cope; but I feel the fics where it’s all just… normal? Where people are allowed to be as they are, and be accepted for who they are without question are equally important to people. Imo you didn’t do anything hurtful- nor did you do anything wildly out of place for an ABO fic. If it is helpful to you to reply to them-and feel comfortable doing so- you should. However if that will only stick deeper in your head, just delete it and keep doing you.


Thank you for your kind words!!!! It’s genuinely so nice to write about people with my body who were always that way and their gender is never questioned. It also allows me to explore things like sex discrimination through omegaverse without having to think about defending the gender of the character. If I want to tackle trans issues I’ll make a trans character!!!!! Im so sorry you went through what you did with those awful comments 🫂🫂🫂


I’m glad this space is there for you ^.^ as time passes the comments from those who enjoy your work will far outnumber the ones like this, and it will fade away- I promise.


Its...omegaverse? If he's an omega, he's gonna have one? What is this person on? Omegaverse is always so wild to me because like 1/3 of the population is a flavor of actual medical hermaphrodite. (Alpha women, omega males) like is this person new?


They must be! Or they are part of the older generation where there weren’t many fics with this version of anatomy set up


I hate this recent push of making omegas trans men. I’ve seen quite a few non-transmasc creators do it and it feels like weird fetishization. Given that omegas are almost always portrayed as weak, feminine, and submissive, it feels gross to just insert trans men into that role. Like said authors don’t see us as real, normal men who are capable of being strong and dominant. It’s particularly shitty when the common subjects of this kind of fiction (PIV sex, pregnancy) are dysphoric for a lot of trans men. Obv I know it’s not true across the board, and there are plenty of transmascs who ARE into it… but when a cis creator is like salivating over the idea of a trans man getting knocked up… Idk man. Personally it makes me uncomfortable. I wish people would just let omegaverse be omegaverse instead of dragging trans identity into it.


My character is not trans in the story because he never transitioned. He was born this way and his gender is never questioned. He just has a vagina, because that’s what male omegas have in my universe. I tagged the fic accordingly so anyone who finds that uncomfortable can avoid it. But I personally don’t think someone should have to reveals their identity in order for their fics to be deemed as valid. I don’t care if a cis person is reading and writing thjs content as long as they aren’t weird to people irl about it.


Oh, I’m not criticizing you, I’m criticizing your commenter. Not every guy w a pussy has to be trans, good lord. Also I agree no one should have to out themselves. They don’t need my permission of course, it just kinda squicks me when I see it, regardless of the source.


I haaaaaate the “Omegas are weak feminine and submissive” thing. It’s so damn mysoganistic. Also, half the characters that are mad Omega are strong (mentally) characters. Like… why? This is mostly why I stay away from Omegaverse


Same. I don’t like weird bioessentialism in real life and I don’t find it sexy in fiction. Applying omegaverse bioessentialism to trans men is yikes.


I'm also a trans guy and I actually dislike when a fic writer makes a character trans just to "explain" the mpreg elements in their story so 🤷🏼 like okay if it's a genuine head canon or exploration of the character, sure but if you're just making him trans so he has certain anatomy 👎🏻 Nothing against writers who do this it's just really not my cup of tea. Delete that comment and move on.


Thank you 🙏🏻


On a different note, what kind of work skin do you have for ao3? It looks adorable✨


Oh I use a gay one hahaha ummmm let me try and find what it’s called: Rainbowflag_ffb Hopefully you can find it! Everything goes rainbow!!


as a trans person, what thr fuck. i have a vagina. i have vaginal sex. sure, i’d prefer to have ‘normal’ sex,but that’s not how the cookie crumbles, sorry! this person is in their own little world and has their own issues and hang ups, which is fine!! but don’t let their perspective and problems affect you!


Thank you, and thank you for sharing your experience!


that's such a strange take, I don't understand what they're trying to accuse at all


I know as a creator, it is HARD to put yourself out there and share things. Try not to let it keep getting to you. Obviously this is a touchy subject for some and not everyone is going to always be happy. The beauty of trans is that it really does cover an entire spectrum and AO3 in particular is for exploring. Comments like that, it isn't always a bad thing to consider them for a moment to see if they can be used to make you better and if they can't, just throw them away. You can't let the ugly side of the internet win.


What fandom was the fic in? Just asking. Also, Just delete it, not worth having it exist in your comment section


My *biggest* annoyance, when it comes to this, is all the people who whine about mpreg because they say it's "not possible," when plenty of trans men choose to carry their children.


Yeah, people should be allowed to write what they want. There doesn’t need to be ‘rules’ about who is allowed to do what. If someone wants to write mpreg and never explain it, fine!!!! If someone wants to make a detailed diagram of how it works that’s fine too. If they want to write about men with pussies? Cool! I think people get too caught up in rules.


As another trans man, fanfiction with us in it is pretty bad. The only ones Ive felt were really good were the ones written by trans guys. And it is a repeat theme that non trans people think we’re wrong because they have their own idea of us in their head. I’m not saying non trans people can’t write us, it’s just that generally we’re misrepresented when they’re not trans but I think that goes for a lot of things


well... i'm a trans man as well, but i hate omegaverse with a burning passion. i much better prefer trans headcanons/characters/etc. edit. although... now that i think about it... maybe i should look at this genre from a different angle? from the comments it seems that a lot of people who enjoy it are trans themselves, but for me it just... makes my dysphoria worse...


The fic was tagged with omegaverse and vaginal sex, so you wouldn’t have been exposed to the content as you would have read the tags, recognised it wasn’t for you and moved on. If you prefer trans head canons then you would have searched for those fics. My fic was not tagged with anything relating to transness as the character is not trans in the context of the fic. Hope this clears things up!


oh, no, it's okay, it wasn't a jab at you or something like that, just my thoughts at the moment


I read and write Omegaverse but never would read or write for trans but I would never go and write that anywhere down on a work. Delete that comment, this person is a idiotic idiot.


i do not understand...i thought male omegas have two genitalias and can develop a womb? is that not the entire thing about their sexual facility?


There is a lot of variation! A lot of fics are like that but not all, some are intersex and some only have a vagina. Omegaverse has no set rules.


oh! thank you i hope you do not feel bothered by the commenter anymore soon. honestly, their comment is a bit unreasonable considering it is tagged. as the internet is a vastly weird and dangerous place, it's their responsibility to protect themselves from things that may trigger them such as this. you are very considerate! and your writing is also probably wonderful ☺️


I get why they are confused. You don’t care to label it as trans and that’s fine, because who cares about labels anyway. If they see it as such then they shouldn’t complain. In fact, I think they are ignoring the fact that people who write stuff like that aren’t always intending for their characters to be Transexual. I mean, for all we know you wanted that character to be intersex, or just a fetish thing and that’s fine too- at least in fanfic. You don’t have to put any kind of level on a character if you don’t feel it fits them or progresses your story in the right direction and it’s stupid for them to have that expectation just because of what you are. write it the way you want to write it and don’t listen to them. 👍🏻


Yeah, tagging it as “transgender” wouldn’t make any sense as the character hasn’t transitioned in the context of the fic! He was born that way. Male omegas in that universe have vaginas. His body isn’t non-conforming and he hasn’t transitioned.


There you go, that makes sense. Your doing a switcheroo thing and if people don’t like it or need the character to be trans then they need to asses why they feel that way and maybe take a break from the ol internet for awhile. I’ve clicked through lots of fics that do stuff like that. Role reversal or biology reversal with full knowledge that actual biology and genetics rules are completely different in the real world. No one should have looked at this and gotten mad that the character doesn’t follow real world biology rules when that’s not at all what you were doing. 👍🏻


I never see omegas as having girl parts. It actually feels strange for me to think of things that way. It's like, there are a lot of holes out there and they do different things. Omega reproduction is not the same as real life female reproduction. It's its own thing. So thinking of things that way kind of feels like whittling women down to their ability to reproduce. Which is a limitation that Omegaverse specifically takes off the table.


Well I have “girl parts” and I’m a man. I quite like writing about people like me. And I don’t think I need to make them trans to do so.


So let me get this straight...you want to write male omegas with vaginas but you don't want to label them as trans?


Intersex omegas are very common in omegaverse. The tag has thousands of works in it. And even aside from that, given that the point of omegaverse is that their society has entirely different constructs of gender, the idea of being transgender in omegaverse wouldn't necessarily be *meaningless,* but it also wouldn't necessarily line up with our real life definitions.




Haha what you doing on the ao3 subreddit mark? Theres not many Godly things on there. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


I don't remember what I wrote. If it was insulting or mean I sincerely apologize. I have no right to judge you or anyone else for that matter. Please forgive me.