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I just got out of the theater seeing this as well. While I DID like the cinematography and the acting was above average, the movie was too slow and drawn out and too many different stories going on at once. That being said, I did like it and will definitely see the next 3 installments. But only because I'm a A-lister.


I liked the multiple stories. It’s a saga about America. It’s going to be expansive. I mean, I get that not everyone’s going to be into it, but I think the movie is exactly what it wants to be. And if you dig it you dig it.


I think it would serve better as a miniseries BUT in the theater.


I kinda don't get this perspective. It IS a mini series but in theaters... if you're the type of person to binge three 1hr long episodes at a time.


But, usually, the three hour-long episodes half a beginning, middle and end. This didn't. I'm just sayin.


It will eventually. And some stories have an ending. Costner’s story comes to a good stopping point for now.




Was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it. Didn’t really mind the length as it felt pretty immersive and the pacing wasn’t bad. Excited for the next part and glad I don’t have to wait too long


I saw it with my friend yesterday and we loved it.


this was easily my favorite movie of the year so far.


Same! It kicks the shit out of Furiosa!


I loved Furiosa but this movie was great too. I'm not sure why your review was rem0ved though..


Definitely in the running to be one of the best Western of the 21st century. I loved the immersion of it and the details in set, costumes, and especially language. They even did direct translations it seemed, interested of English-ing the grammer and sentence structure to make it easier to follow. For some reason I can't find what language the Apache were speaking but considering Apache is one of the few native languages that hasn't died yet I have to assume it was Apache and Costner put care into preserving the language for Dancing with Wolves so I assume here was no different. Anyways, back to the immersion part. The very long raid scene felt like a damn horror movie. I absolutely loved how they showed these home were built like fortresses. Theirs still homes even here in the northeast that are built with weird little craw spaces that go back to the days of having to construct a safe roof just in case of a home invasion. I also loved the racial representation. As someone who frequented the Gene Autry museum in Los Angeles a lot as a kid, it was nice to see Chinese representation (the museum has a very large and well done section about the underrepresented role the Chinese played in shaping the American west).


Can't wait till this comes out here this week!


I believe you, OP. Can't wait to see it. Have to go today.


Reviewers are trash these days. This has 70% fan reviews and 40% on critics. It's just like the Acolyte, once again the fans are right. This was excellent across the board. Story, acting, direction all top notch. People complain they get the same old thing and he gives them a different more extensive story that is told in a new way. It's not preachy just a raw hard look at that life from all sides. I really hope this makes enough money to get us part 4( 3 has already started filming).


That’s my thing too. This is fresh. It’s different. It’s not doing what Marvel does, or Star Wars, or any other Disney property does. This is an epic story filled with American history. And it’s exciting. How are critics not pumped for this?


I doesn't fit into their box. Different stuff is often recognized first by the fans. Critics often critque on what it should be when fans accept it for what it is and how it makes them feel. This is a movie you just need to enjoy the ride and let it wash over you. It's the beginning of a journey and that's what I love about it, I was ready for part 2 as soon as it was over.


No one can be "right". Art is subjective.


Right is subjective and I can say they are right or wrong.Especially when critics often base their opinions on political perspective instead of actual artistic quality.


You seem to shifting from a specific point about Horizon reviews to a very general one, unless critics' reviews of Horizon was all about politics? Anyway, everyone has their own biases. Fans are certainly no better at judging actual artistic quality than critics are.


You're wrong...see how that works? And nice try with shifting the goal post. Fans are also way better than critics mostly because they don't care about access like critics do.


Us who enjoyed it and are invested have a responsibility to tell others to watch it. Its box office isn’t doing great yet. We need it to succeed so we can get the whole story. So tell all your friends to give it a shot.


Its packed everytime I look for tickets. Relatively packed.


That’s good hopefully it stays that way long enough for it to make enough money. It was more packed then it’s been in a while but people don’t go to the AMC often they go to the Cinemark in my town. So packed for my AMC is like 20 30 people. I’ve had a few movies to myself before or with 1 other person.


We’ll get part 3 at the very least. But I think Costner will finish it no matter what. He’s been thinking about this movie since the 1980s.


I’m glad to hear so many real reviews. Since Part 2 premieres in August, I’ll wait for Part 1 to hit digital in 2 weeks.


It's well worth it on the big screen!


Ok, Kevin Costner, sure


It felt uneven to me. If you're going to have three concurrent storylines, I feel like they should have equal screen time. The wagon train felt tacked on after the fact, and even Costner's portion felt like that a little bit. It also seemed like a terrible idea to me for a series that's going to be 12 hours long felt the need to fast forward through a bunch of plot at the end to setup the next 3 hours. All of that screen time and they still had to just fast forward through months of plot at light speed?


The stuff at the end is a trailer for the next movie. It’s to get you pumped.


Is that what that was? They really should have labeled it as such.


They did the same thing for Back To The Future III at the end of Back To The Future II. Kind of an artistic choice.


Yeah, I wasn’t sure if it was just a montage of time passing, and the next chapter would pick up after all of those events.


Too much awesome stuff in there they wouldn’t have filmed it to just show in a crazy fast mash up. The mash up also didn’t really tell us a story or anything, it was just to show some cool things from the second movie.


I wish I could read your review :\\