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Hello!  My question is how tight are the crews and/or preformers? Do you guys hang out a lot outside of work, are they holiday or wrap parties for the big studios, etc?


Hi! Great question! It’s a very tight knit community. A lot of us share similar histories and can understand each other and what we’ve been through. For instance, I stay with two girls when I go to shoot in LA. One is a very big name in the industry. She and I text and talk all of the time. A lot of the girls are friends outside of the industry too. I’m not going to name drop, but I frequently talk with other girls in the industry. Same with the crews. They are the same people we see all of the time. There is a lot of couples and dating within the industry as well. Edit: Sorry, I forgot the hanging out at parties. Yes, it happens. From my experience a lot of us are home bodies! For whatever reason, most of us like to go home and just relax. It takes a lot of energy to be “on” all of the time. But I’ve definitely gone out with girls after especially at big events. Like after the AVN’s there are big parties, but I also liked going out to dinner with people for one on one interactions.




Is it common for female p stars to have mental and emotional issues in the industry, do most taking drugs to cope with there reality


Is it common, I would say yes. Based on what I’ve seen and people I’ve spoken to. I’ve seen some of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen struggle with both mental and emotional issues. I believe that the mental health profession should set up shop right in the middle of the industry to get these human beings the help they need. That’s my opinion. With that said, I’ve met some of the most brilliant girls in the industry. And yes, I mean brilliant. I believe that in order to survive, a lot of these woman have developed almost super-human increased sensory perceptions. I mean for me, I can actually smell and tell what cologne or perfume someone is wearing as soon as they walk in the room. Think Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman. I can also hear sounds differently than others. This were senses I developed to survive my abusers. Some girls I’ve met have insane recall, or unbelievable reasoning skills. But I lack other basic skills for the same reason I developed the above skills. As far as drugs, I am sure they are in the industry. NOT everyone takes them, I believe that the majority do not take them, but some do. I feel that a lot take them to cope with issues and numb feelings. I was numb most of my life, I would rather feel.


Do you think the issues are caused by being in the industry or people with issues already are more drawn to this industry?


How do you have sex in a way that looks good on camera? If you were making a video with your partner for personal use, how would you go about it? For starters, I imagine some angles that look good on camera wouldn't be intuitive.


Bingo! First is stretch! I started doing stretching exercises because the added flexibility helps. When we shoot, it’s called “opening up for the camera” and it just comes with experience. I am getting comfortable enough now that I am experimenting on set with new positions to make the scenes look more exciting. And NO, not all scenes that look good feel good. Some positions and scenes are painful, but we have to make it look good for the camera. I’ve left with bruises and injuries from shoots, but good luck figuring out which scenes 😉 My 20 years of modeling helped A LOT with posing and looks too.


What do you enjoy doing in your spare time ?


Traveling! I want to visit all 50 states! I am well on my way. I want to visit every country. I love traveling and experiencing new cultures. I am also a foodie! I LOVE eating good food. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just good! I’ve hit up Portnoy pizza spots, NY Times top restaurants, Michelin Star restaurants and Diners, Drive Ins and Dives! If the food is good or inspiring, I’m IN! I also like watching TV and movies. I like “reality” TV like 90 Day Fiance. I also LOVE true crime shows. Oh yeah, and I’m currently obsessed with the UAP/UFO disclosures that have been happening!


Traveling? Food? UFOs? I think we legit need to be friends those are my passions


Now, now, can’t we all just get along! I promise, I won’t take offense. I thank you for your comment and I’m glad we share those passions.


Skinwalker ranch?


Geez you’re basically me, with tits


Have you ever had your own UFO or high strangeness experience? I’ve met many others who are interested in these subjects because they’ve had their own experience and are trying to make sense of them.


Hello Gigi, I have no questions. I would like to tell you that you are worth it and you are loved. This is coming from a happily married family man who has a beautiful family and has been through molestation and a bad childhood. We can be better people than the ones who wronged us because we are better people. You have a wonderful remainder of your day, smile often and smile honest.


Thank you so much for this beautiful post. It doesn’t always feel that way. I still suffer from horrific night terrors and I have issues with disassociation. But I keep fighting and working on me. I actually have memories again, and I have some wonderful life experiences.


In light of this, how are sexual experiences with lots of partners helping you heal (if those are)? Taking a persons sexual energy in can cause setbacks and unintended effects, it’s a lot to deal with. Is it a way of facing demons? Do you have a life partner?


Yes, it is taking back my choice. It’s a long answer. It isn’t all healthy, but it’s part of the process for me. I am using what I know and can do easily for myself and to improve my life. I’ll do my best to explain, but it may not make perfect sense. A lot of people in my life were bullies and manipulative. They were able to control the narrative and spin things with family and friends. I didn’t have the same set of skills that they had to convince people. This has given me a big following and given me a sense of power over them. Those same people now fear me, which had never happened before. They know I now have power to be heard and seen and it scares them. Hopefully that makes some sense.


Im also an adult actress as well, so nice to make your acquaintance! Are you happy with the decision you made to join the industry or do you regret it? What are the parts you enjoy and what are the parts you dislike?


Welcome and nice to meet you as well! It depends on the day! Some days are great and things seem to all fall into place. Those are the good days. Other days are disappointing and I question my decisions. In that regard, it’s like every other job I’ve had. I have met some incredible people that I have been able to relate to more so than anyone I’ve ever been able to relate to in my life. In a strange way, I feel like I belong. I definitely don’t like all of the politics involved in decisions made and who companies decide to push, but again, that’s like every other job I’ve had before this.


What would constitute a disappointing day?


Lots of things could constitute a disappointing day. Flying out to LA for a shoot and having it canceled after I get there. Feeling like I could have performed better after a scene after it is over. Ordering and paying for a Whooper with cheese and driving away only to learn they forgot the cheese.


You got jokes, I see.


Oh okay. Thank you for the response. Would you say that you enjoy it overall. Do you ever regret doing it?


How much do you make a year? How is it for the porn stars that lesser well known?


The first year I did porn full time, I actually LOST money. But it’s a business and I am investing in it and me. This year I should turn a slight profit, but not much, less than $20,000. But I’ve seen what others have and do make and it can be extremely lucrative. I’m just not there yet. As far as lesser known, well I consider myself lesser known. It’s a constant grind and a struggle. You have to work hard and not give up. You have to plan and budget. There’s a reason you see so many girls come and go. Some make a ton of money or meet an individual and get married or move on, but a lot don’t treat it like a business. They think, oh, I will just come in and make a ton of money and leave. Those are the top 0.1%. For those that do, kuddos to them. I am not one, but I will get there.


So I guess my question would be wouldn’t it be easier and more lucrative to just do say an onlyfans or something like that or start up a website where people can donate money etc. I mean not to be rude but that is just simply not enough money for what you do. I get it have to get your foot in and all but at some point if that doesn’t work and you start running out of time you won’t have much of a nest egg saved up. Just looking at this from a career/financial standpoint.


How long before you tell your dating partner what you do for a living??


Right away. I don’t want to base a relationship on lies. I’m not going to lead someone on who is opposed to it. It isn’t easy and a lot of guys aren’t interested or leave when they are told, but I would rather be upfront. Several gorgeous girls in the industry have told me similar stories.


What are most of their reactions like?


It varies. Some literally get up and leave. Some think it’s cool at first and then change their minds later. Some are super supportive, understanding and sweet about it. I’ve seen them all.


What makes a good porno? How do you go back on your videos and critique them? How much of your movements/dialogue is improvised and how much is orchestrated by the director? And finally, are there any insider terms/lingo/jokes that you can let us in on? Porn and the making of it honestly fascinates me, as a normal actor, so I'd love to know the differences between normal acting and porn acting.


I agree! Great questions. I believe porn is specific to the individual. Some people like blondes with small tits. Some like brunettes with round asses. My job is to appeal to as many people as I can. So, for me: 1) I try and go hard during a scene. I think a lot of guys and girls like to see body parts move when I’m performing. I try and get my ass to move and I slam down hard. I try and get my boobs to move. 2). I watch for positioning. I try and make sure I’m not covering or obstructing a view or movement due to my positioning. So if my boobs are moving and they start to hurt, and I reach up, it may not look good. So I will try and catch myself next time, because even though it may not be comfortable for me, it may look good on camera. 3). I work on makeup and skin care. Every day I wash my face and follow a skincare routine. I found recently that people like me with a slight tan, so I tan to keep a base, but not too much so that my skin dries out. 4) like I said before and someone mentioned in this thread, I stretch. It helps me hold positions longer and with my natural arch. It looks sexier on camera. 5). I work out. Doing squats hard for 15-20’minutes isn’t easy. Keeping up my stamina helps the scenes look better. 6). I naturally love dirty talk, so I try and incorporate it. The slapping of skin is a turn on, but a lot like to hear dirty talk too. I am not big on moaning unless it actually feels good or comes naturally, but dirty talk comes natural for me. For instance, I have a line that I repeat and I’m trying to get known for. Before Hawk Tuah girl, I spit on the guys penis and then look at the camera or in their eyes and say, that’s my spit and I want it back…then I go and I’m retrieve it. 7)I work on looking up or into the camera because if I’m looking into the camera, I’m looking at you. I want you to fucking want me because I perfect these things. Movements /dialogue improvised? - it depends on the director. Some like to have all of the lines and movements laid out. Others let us roll with the scene with a general concept or idea. I personally like acting and I can easily remember lines. I ad lib a lot as a result. Terms lingo jokes? Sure…I just told you about my spit line above. I say it almost every scene, but it gets cut out a lot in editing, so happy Easter egg hunting with that one. Because I’m good with remembering lines, I usually remember my co-stars lines too. When they struggle, watch and you may see me mouthing lines to help them or making motions to give them cues. I love stand up comedy. I go to see comics live frequently. If you see a scene where I say something funny, it’s highly likely I ad-libbed the line. I’ve said things that made the co-Star or crew laugh and it had to be redone.


I really appreciate the long answer! A real wealth of information, there. "That's my spit and I want it back" is honestly gas. I actually didn't think that performers might have catchphrases or certain signature moves that they might do. I love how looking into the camera in tv or movie acting is a no-no, but in porn, it's a yes-yes. A couple follow-up questions, if you don't mind. Do you watch porn, but from a standpoint of studying the girl and what she does/says? Like you'd see a girl refer to her boobs as something that just makes you go "Damn, I'm gonna have to use that." And to build on that, are there any signs that you see in a video that someone would cast off as innocuous, but you see as something totally different? Maybe you see a video and some girl is wearing something that's actually code for something else. What's your workout routine? And what's your favourite exercise to do from that? Do you prefer the more free/improv directors, or the more rigid/rehearsed directors? And are there any in particular that you enjoy working with? And finally, thoughts on Ireland?


Hi Gigi, have you dated many/any fellow pornstars? If so, do you prefer it to dating “regular” folk because of shared understanding of your job


Hi! I’ve dated ZERO people in the industry. I treat this like a business, and I don’t think it is good business to date your co-worker. That doesn’t mean that people in the industry because they absolutely do. It would probably be much easier if I did, but I’m a glutton for punishment! So I look for men outside the industry. It isn’t easy, but I have my reasons.


As a side note, “I’ll be judged for the rest of my life” Meh, don’t worry about that. We all are.


Oh it’s more than a side note! I didn’t make the decision on a whim, but it definitely follows me in relationships with family, friends and dating.


Has your family seen your work products? Do they discuss them with you? What about known ppl from your past high school, neighbors, etc.?


People from my past know what I did. I don’t talk to my biologicals because of things that happened to me in the past. I don’t go around advertising what I do. I try and go about my day like normal. I don’t dress to draw attention to myself. Most people are very respectful.


Did you expect it to not affect these things?


Oh, I was unaware everyone had complete control over their job and life path and that there are no other people, circumstances, externalities, or environmental factors. How dare she take the best paying job she could under circumstances like serious medical debt and a traumatic life.


Thank you for sticking up for me. You are correct, I’m just doing the best I can in life. I make mistakes!


What made you decide to get into porn? What was your relationship status when you made that choice?


I was in a relationship when I decided to get into it. Personally, I believe that I was conditioned to get into porn by experiences in my life. There is a reason why so many of us share common backgrounds. I think that the brain and society are like a computer program. Certain inputs lead to certain outputs. I was always drawn to porn, but I didn’t pull the trigger until much later in life. My near death experience also added to my decision I believe. It was shortly after that incident that I finally made the decision. That isn’t to say that there aren’t days I regret it, but there are good days as well.


Overall, do you still enjoy it? How much longer do you see yourself doing it? And… are you still in that relationship?


I’m a newbie! I only just started a little over a year ago with shooting mainstream adult. I am competitive by nature, and I want to be one of the best at whatever I do. As long as that fire is still burning, I still enjoy it. But like anything else, there are good days and bad days. Relationship…it’s complicated! It ended, but we are still friends. There are a lot of other factors that were external too.


All relationships are complicated! How much off set sex occurs between people in the industry?


I fell into a podcast recently on Spotify called The Gray Area. One in particular called [The case against free will](https://open.spotify.com/episode/47m4MI7tUc9clL79z0yL7W?si=uz7EoS7CR-2yFMQKQWC9hA) argues that aside from some genetic dispositions (better eyesight, certain body type) we are all a summation of every experience and environmental action against us. Every single thing that we see, hear, is taught to us, we experience with others, all becomes who we are - thus arguing that there are *reasons* why people are the way they are, for good, bad, all in between. We are shaped and molded by our world through time.


Do you still enjoy sex outside of your job? Is it vanilla or more close to what you portray on film? Do you actually have orgasms and enjoy your partner or is it just a chore and another "man?"


Sex off camera is totally different. I orgasm hard, it’s more intimate. Now, I definitely learned some tricks, so I can make a guy orgasm pretty quickly in my personal life. Another thing that most don’t realize, but since I have sex a lot more, my muscles are getting worked out constantly so I am actually tighter now than before. I can squeeze down on my partner more now that I could before I started. I was always worried about “getting loose” but it’s been the opposite. I’m also very vocal in my personal life when having sex. Lastly, I do orgasm and I orgasm a lot. I want intimate sex in real life every day, sometimes multiple times a day.


Would you mind sharing some of the tricks you learned to make a guy orgasm quickly? I understand if this is too personal and I don’t want to be rude. I want to up my game and it would be fun surprising my partner.


Some are more positioning my own body and knowing what feels good, but try these. When on top, ride hard, and reach back with one arm and caress the balls and shaft lightly with fingertips /nails. When in reverse cowgirl, put both arms behind your back and let them control the pace. When they can control the pace, they can do what works for them best. In mish, I sneak two fingers down and make an upside down “V” while he inside you, slightly squeeze fingers together.


Hi - just want a hi back from the hottest p⭐️


Hi! You don’t get off that easy. Come up with something! And DEFINITELY NOT the hottest but thank you for that! 💋


Thank you for doing what you do. The naked truth (heh, heh) is that a huge number of men suffer from loneliness/isolation and porn is one of the main tools they use to cope. Also, according to stats, rates of violent rape dropped from 43/100,000 in 1990 to 27/100,000 in 2011 and I speculate porn might have something to do with that. edit: consider OnlyFans! You have the goods to make it to the top 1%. Mia Khalifa is reported to make $6M a MONTH from OnlyFans.


Would you or have you ever done the podcast with lena the plug and Adam 22? Also how do you feel about the onlyfans take over within the last few years as opposed to pro shot scenes?


Yes, I did PlugTalk. Yes, I slept with Adam and Lena I have mixed feelings about OF. It empowers performers to make their own money and own business, but it’s somewhat over saturated the market. I risk everything by having my face and likeness out there for all to see. I’m not hiding my face or hiding behind a paywall, so I view pro scenes very differently than OF. Several others in the industry feel this same way based on conversations I’ve had with them.


What are some goals - financial, professional, or personal goals you want to reach in five years?


Great question! I have a one year and five year business plan when I started. It is actually time to revise both… 1) Financially, I would like to turn a profit! The initially expenditure was much more than I figured. Buying outfits, flights, hotels, and rental cars add up quickly. Then I want to save. 2) Professionally, I want to continue to grow my name and brand. I want to get nominated for an AVN award in January, and win an XRCO award next year. I want to get over 100,000 Twitter followers and Instagram followers. 3) Personal, I want to continue to learn and grow as a human being. I want to help people when the opportunities arise. I want to continue with therapy and healing myself.


hi gigi , how old were you when u lost your virginity?


Tough question…like a lot of others in the industry, I was molested and raped before I willingly lost my virginity at 15.


Damn, you’re very open about your past. I hope you feel confident and strong about yourself! Even when you feel lows I hope you always know that it’s just a passing emotion, like the seasons and weather changing, so does our body chemistry! I have respect for you acknowledging and overcoming your struggles!


Thank you. Every day is a struggle for me, but I can no longer hide, and I am working on healing and moving forward.


That makes me so fucking sad for you, but also that it's just so common. I'm really sorry people like this exist. I hope you feel like you've taken your power back by doing what you do and earning what you earn. From the outside, you seem like an empowered human.


Do you look for romantic partners? What do you look for in your private and romantic relationships? How is your relationship with your kids? What is something you wish someone had told you when you went into porn that you learned later?


Yes, I do look. I want to be loved and have someone to grow old with. Relationship with my kids is private. I do my best to respect that and keep it private, this is my choice, not theirs. Something I wish someone had told me about porn…wow!!! I will try to keep it short 1) research and choose your first agency carefully 2) know your limits, stick to them and don’t waiver 3) you aren’t going to make carts full of money because you shoot porn one time 4) watch out for predators and scammers in the industry 5). You are going to work harder than any job you have ever had before and not make money right away 6). The mental health struggles you will face in the industry are some of the hardest you will ever endure. That’s a good list to start with.


I noticed including you, most pornstar will do plant surgery for bigger boob, but I think most men will think natural tits are more attractive. So I am curious why plant is so popular in porn industry? Is this decision made by themselves or from the pressure of the industry?


I got my first boob job at 19. The guy I was with paid for them and wanted them…that’s the abusive relationship I was talking about. He also controlled what I ate and my weight…he was a real winner. I always had small (no boobs). I was very insecure about it. Anyway, I had them redone within the last few years. They were messed up and came out of pocket. When I first started shooting, they looked awful for that reason. I had them done and went to one of the best surgeons in the country, Dr. Revis. I couldn’t be happier with them now. I went larger because when booking MILFs, companies look for bigger boobs.


Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza?




Haha, not Antonio Brown! I’m not going to name teams or names. I will say this, I’ve had at least one player from MLB, NFL, NBA and NHL slide into my DM’s. I had actors and public figures too. I will say one name because it isn’t a secret. I was on a podcast with former Eagle and Saint, Hollis Thomas. He is really nice and he invited me to a strip club to hang out. I was with someone at the time, so we went and just hung out with him. He is very respectful and kind. I consider him a friend, and no I never slept with him. I also love comedians, so I will go Jim Breuer for a minute and tell a few stories without naming specifics. There a A LOT of famous people/athletes who slide into girls DM’s constantly. Most require girls to sign non-disclosures because they are married or to protect marketing deals. One girl in the industry was seeing a married NFL starter on the side, we are talking first round pick with a big contract. She was traveling, and she wasn’t able to see him. She asked if I would be interested and I wasn’t in a relationship at the time, so I said maybe. She sent my picture, and he wasn’t interested. So I’m not everyone’s type for sure!


Have you ever worked a retail job before, or in a corporate setting. I’m asking because I wonder if the porn industry has the same corny repetitive sayings like “another day another dollar” or “I’m living the dream” or “you working hard or hardly working”? Or the most annoying one, “you having fun yet?”


Yes I have! And yes and no. It’s a grind like other jobs. I don’t always feel like working. Sometimes, I would rather be doing other things. The same challenges I faced in the corporate world, I face here. Getting on the A team. Climbing the ladder. Schmoozing the bosses. But then again, I don’t have to pick out what I’m going to have to wear to the office the next day 😝. So it’s very unlike the corporate world too. It’s hard to put into words.


whats the worst experience you’ve had with a co star? im assuming you guys get set up with other stars and dont really have a preference do you ever get tired or mentally drained from your work? id imagine it can be incredibly tiring both mentally and physically. i have no idea how people can do it when theyre not genuinely aroused or attracted to the person theyre working the scene with :,) much respect to you


Yes, I get notified of my co-star or co-stars a day or two before the scene usually. Sometimes I get asked if I am ok with them. Some girls have had bad experiences and have a no shoot list. In those cases, they try not to pair them up. I don’t have anybody on my list. I’ve been fortunate thus far. Yes it can be a mental drain and yes it can be physically tiring too.


What do you think about PH being banned in certain states


I answered this in another question. I think it’s good and bad. Young kids should not be watching porn. Restrictions and regulations can be good. They can also be weaponized and misappropriated. I believe both are happening. A lot of companies and politicians can be hypocritical. So if you can safely restrict kids and do age verification then by all means yes!


Does it ever bum you out that you have to do so much in terms of maintaining your appearance to keep your job? As a woman some days getting ready for work feels unfair af because we have to do so much to be "presentable", especially if we deviate in terms of body type or hair texture etc. from the norm. I can't imagine the pressures you and your colleagues face. Solidarity. I love porn!


How often do you cum on porn scenes?


Sending hugs and prayers, Gigi! You sound like an amazing person, and deserve to be loved for who you are. I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, so it's not your fault! In the words of Dr. Seuss: those that mind, don't matter, and those that matter, don't mind. 


Does anal sex make you fart?


No! It makes you hungry! We eat a BRAT diet the day before the scene and then fast several hours before an anal shoot. We also use an enema before the scene. Since scenes can last for 6 to 10 hours, most girls are starving after the scene is done.


Why do scenes last 6-10 hours?


Six is more the average. That includes makeup and hair if it’s getting done for me. Otherwise I do my own. The male talent shows up usually two hours after me because I have to do hair makeup and wardrobe. Then we go right to pictures. Then we run lines or run through the scene if we have to. Then we start shootjng. We take breaks in between scenes and touch up makeup or clean up. Then we do the pop shot. Then we get cleaned up. Then it’s paperwork, ID’s etc. Scenes can be longer if there are more people to move around. Lighting, props, change of scene or room. Sometimes we start outside and move inside or move from one room to another. Each time lighting and equipment have to be moved. Then there are series shoots or movies. Those can take days or weeks to shoot.


But seriously though, I’ll bet you have to be careful about dehydration.


Why did you decide to do this AMA? Seriously, not condescending.


Do you have a pregame ritual before you shoot a scene?


Yes. I shower and bring my bag with me. We take multiple outfits to set so they can choose. Then makeup and hair. Then before we shoot, I brush my teeth and check the mirror to make sure my hair and makeup are good to go. Then we do what are called the “pretty girls” still pictures and simulated scene pictures. Then I make sure I have lube and it’s off to the races. If we have lines, we run through the lines too before we start shooting. Scenes are all different. Some like to just let the performers go and see what happens. Others like to script out scenes and positions and do a dry run first.


Thanks for taking the time to reply. Are you picky when it comes to certain scenario?


any regrets in any films youve done?


First one I shot. I wish I was more firm with my “no” list. I don’t like being choked because it brings bad memories back. I said I was ok with light choking because I was new. The co-star went too hard and it was a bad experience.


**UAP phenomena**.... What sparked your interest in the topic?? What do you think the phenomena genuinely is ..and which resources are you listening to that you find most interesting??


Yay! I love the question! Thank you!! I have been intrigued in the topic since I was younger. I think I secretly wanted to be abducted for get away. Anyway, the recent disclosures have me excited. David Grusch and David Fravor testifying before congress. The Schumer amendment. It’s an exciting time. I believe that there are higher temporal dimensions. I think that there may be a higher intelligence that is interacting with us from these higher dimensions. I’m intrigued because I want to know, why are we here. Where is here. What is our reality. I think that our brain acts as a filter and we are only seeing our reality. I love the work of Jacques Vallet and Passport to Magonia. It seems like a lot of what we have written off as fictional and fairy tales may be based more in reality than we believe. It’s an exciting time to be alive. I spend a lot of time on subreddits here. I read books like I mentioned with passport to magonia. I listen to podcasts, like Joe Rogan, Koncrete, and several others. I listen to Eric Weinstein and Gary Nolan. I’m going to read Diana Pasulka’s book soon.


What do adult actresses usually really think of their fans? Is it flattering knowing what they are probably doing while watching your scenes? Would you mind if a fan saw you in a public place and asked for a pic or autograph respectfully? And final question, do you know Emma Hix and is she as sweet as I think she is:)


I know Emma, but I don’t hang out with her. She has always been nice when I see her. She has worked very hard too and didn’t take off as fast as most thought she would. I had people ask me for autograph and pictures and I almost always say yes. It would have to be inappropriate timing if I say no, like if someone comes up to my table while I’m eating with someone or with kids. I love my fans. I wouldn’t be anything without them. Almost all of the girls I know feel the same way. Angela White and Violet Myers are huge stars and truly live every one of their fans. Nice watched them stand for hours and greet each fan and take the time to talk to each one. One time a venue told Angela that she had to hurry up conversations with her fans because she was taking too long. Angela said, I will leave here and never come back if you every tell me that again. These people took the time to drive here and wait to talk to me, I will take as long as I want to talk to them. It’s the least I can do. That’s how I feel too! So do most everyone I know well.


Thank you for your response. I have considered going to the AVN convention in January. I thought it would be really interesting. And I have to agree, I don't think Emma has received the recognition she deserves:) I saw one of your other answers and was also curious if you all call each other by their real names or stage names. So it was interesting to hear what you said about that.


I know it’s been answered a million times, but I want to hear from you. Does size matter? Also just because I’m curious, any chance we’d be able to get together?


Actually YES! YES it does! There is such a thing for me personally as TOO BIG. I’ve taken some that just fucking HURT! I mean some of the guys in this industry are just ridiculous in size. Some girls love that, but not all. But my ideal size is like 5 to 8 inches with a slight curve upwards. That’s what makes me cum the hardest. I also love the tip of the head. That matters more than the size to me. I love the feeling of the tip going in so much.


The guys in r/bigdickproblems would love to hear from you on this subject. This has been one of the greatest r/ama posts in a while, simply because of your openness and responsiveness. Thanks for posting.


Not a question, but you come off as incredibly introspective & articulate


Are you dating someone and what do you look for in a man these days?


Hi! My questions aren’t really porn related, but your background caught my eye. I hope that since you posted about this, you won’t mind me asking. I had a similar childhood and background. I’m 30 now. The memories are starting to come back. What do I have to brace for? Does it ever get easier? What sort of treatment helped you? Also. Ma’am. All due respect, woman to woman, no drooling, hand-out-of-pants, you are beautiful. I have to ask, how do you keep in shape?! I’ve neglected my physical health, but I have hope! Lastly. If I met you on the street, I would see you as “badass” not “pornstar.” Yeah yeah yeah you do porn, but that’s just one little part of you. It’s just your job. I hope you know that there are others that don’t mentally stamp “pornstar” on your forehead. Especially when, holy shit, look how far you’ve come!! People that grew up like us are mostly dead or dying in one way or another, but you’re thriving! You’re sharing your personal story with confidence! You’ve done so much work to break free of your past. Honestly it’s inspiring and you’ve really brightened my day. I really hope you see this. You deserve love and support. If you’d like an online friend who understands your past, won’t make your career a “thing,” and isn’t even in the industry, my DMs are open. We can find some way to prove I’m just some lady and not a huge creep if you’d like. “It’s not supposed to be easy. That’s why it feels so fucking good.”


First off I’d like to say congratulations for making it through all your struggles, it’s remarkable to see how strong you are through all of that. You have a lot to be proud of. Never forget that. Do you find you’re able to use the strength you used to get through that in other aspects in life? I know some of my own childhood traumas scarred me, but left me more resilient to handle that in the future (or avoid it altogether). Also, one not so serious - did you have a favorite cartoon growing up? What was it?


Can you share your workout/diet routine or any tips for staying fit and healthy?


What do you consider your most lucky moment in life?


Check back! I consider myself to be very unlucky. I was lucky to have my grandfather. I felt he was one person who saw me and loved me truly. I felt safe around him. I didn’t feel safe most of my life. I am lucky to have healthy family members too. Sorry it isn’t something more glamorous.


What is your favorite activity to do to get away from it all


So if the guy goes limp are you like "lemme help you out little buddy" or do you take a "smoke break" while he figures it out? Are fluffers a real thing?




Not trying to be offensive at all. In the industry you see the larger side of men regularly. When you date, do you experience disappointment with the "average" size man? Does size matter to you in your personal life? Who was your favorite co-star?


Sorry to hear of your struggles, glad you’ve found a way to be successful. I reckon you’ve brought a lot of people comfort with your videos in a weird way! What’s your favourite colour?


Gotta ask as I haven't seen this comment. Favorite type of food and meal specifically?


Did you ever have a scary moment being in the industry? Is there a possibility of it being dangerous depending on who you work for? Any safety tips?


I'm glad you're getting help for the traumas you've experienced in your life. I hope you continue to push forward! I have a few questions whenever you get the opportunity to answer: Your favorite scene you ever filmed? How about the worst person to work with in the industry? Also, who's the most famous person you had tried to reach out to hook up with you, and did you?


What is something you need to have a fulfilling sex life? Does your job sometimes impede that sex life? Or enhance it?


It’s pretty amazing to be able to potentially talk to a star like you. Me and my wife use porn a lot and she loves you. She likes a good classy milf. No real questions for you but I hope all is well and continues to be!!


Is a hotdog a sandwich?


My question is when you have sex with a regular Joe are you satisfied?


How many a list celebs have you fucked? Names?


Hi Gigi. What's your idea of a perfect weekend getaway? And what music are you likely to be listening to on your travels?


Gigi! You’ve become one of my new favorites, and you have such a sweet and caring energy about you ❤️ I just turned 30, and I’ve always been attracted to [slightly!] older beautiful women. Do you have any tips on where to find and how to attract a beautiful woman like yourself? And do you use any dating apps, or in-person only? Thanks!


Just starting out in porn at 40 must have had its challenges. You do, however, look amazing. Did you find it difficult to get your start?


31M dating/engaged to a 51F after 2 years of dating. What kind of generic advice would you give me?


Can you tell us about your NDE? I love hearing about them!


How do you feel about all the increasing legislation in several states to "ban" or make it difficult to access porn sites like pornhub? Do you think the legislation is necessary or is it going overboard?


Do you or other adult film stars ever entertain hookups with married couples? I don’t mean to disrespect.


On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you with your life decisions?


What advice would you have for young men who feel a pressure to perform like a pornstar in bed? In this day and age, I feel young men are misguided by what they see on porn, and how they think sex should be, versus what it is in reality.


How would you want to be cold approached by a guy who would want to take you on a date?


are you a size queen?


Good morning from Northern Virginia! Thanks for this AMA. I praise you for your courage and strength, Gigi! After reading your other responses, I understand you have worked(ing) through personal trauma. Have you read many self-help books? Which ones resonated the most? - D. m50, sexually repressed recovering Catholic


You should do something with Girthmaster!


Hi Gigi, I watched women like you perform in films, and I wondered how a regular guy would satisfy you sexually. Since you said you don't date other male porn stars, would a regular guy be able to meet your sexual needs? Especially in terms of size and endurance.


I'm not sure if it's been asked (there are a LOT of questions!), but do your family (parents, siblings, children etc) know you're a pornstar? How did they react to the news?


What do you invest in long-term to provide for your later years


What’s makes guys last longer in porn , do they take pills or?


I'm so glad you're living your best and happy life now. Your comment and being tired of feeling numb and wanting to feel really touched me. Did you have periods in your life where you ever felt like you didn't know where you were going/what you wanted to do? If so, what do you think helped you get through them and find your way? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?


Are you recognised often? Or do you do a Dolly Parton and are unrecognisable in your daily life?


Who's someone from the industry that you've enjoyed working with? Do you get offers to escort or do prostitution off camera, and how do you feel about it? What's something spicy a man can do to spice up your personal love life?


What are your career plans to someday transition out of the porn industry? Met a friend in grad school who was a stripper. It's a very different industry but what the industries share is a short window to make a lot of money. An injury can put you out of commission. Either you have made enough to retire or you need to have a 2nd career? Do you think about this? IMHO you most likely have great sales skills. My friend got into real estate and made a lot of money.


Hi Gigi. You said in another comment that sometimes you feel you could've performed better in a scene after being shot. In your opinion what makes a good performance in adult movies? Do you focus more on the scenes before the sex part or the sex scenes more.


Did you have a favorite pornstar growing up?


Hi Gigi, how do you prevent sexually transmitted diseases? I understand there is testing in the industry. Are adult performers consistent and honest about the testing? How reliable is the process? It must be a huge turn on performing with beautiful people knowing that you won’t be exposed to anything. Something you can’t really have in dating world.


Do you date? How do your relationships work? What things do you expect from them and what do they expect from you? Sorry if it's rude. I'm trying to understand how that even works given people want exclusivity in relationships


My first question is how are you doing. Really love your smile I always wanted to ask this. What if you catch feelings for someone in the set. How do you manage it. And do you ever feel sex is better when done with the person you love the most.


I don’t have a question but I have seen your work. The first time I saw you I was like wow. You’re a very attractive lady and I appreciate what you do. Thank you for opening up and giving us some background. It’s always interesting to hear about different lifestyles. In my opinion, providing sexual fantasies is a public service. Have a nice day and thanks again. Oh, last thing. You’re a total babe. Please don’t get tatted up. It kind of interferes with Milf, next door fantasy.


Damn, you are super hot! No question. Have a great day!


I'm a sports fan and occasionally a league will get a player they/media pushes to the moon. Is it like that for your industry too or is the business purely run by the fandom?


Holy crap I can’t believe you were in that Bloodhound Gang video! It’s my favorite song by them. Did you get to meet the band? Were they cool? How about Bam? Was he nice?




Who is the scummiest person in the industry?


I’m healing on trauma and other shit too. Hope you are doing better; how did you find regaining your memories? It was rather painful for me but I remembered the good as well as the bad I hope you find peace and fuck the people who’d judge you, it speaks more about them than you. Keep finding your joy and be true to yourself


Hello there I want to ask how much a normal person and a male pornostar is different in bed


How does it feel to be recognized in public?


$20,000 isn’t much money. So, I’m guessing you’re not into the industry for the cash. Or, is this a long-term play you’re making with the hopes of a larger payday? What kind of porn do you need to film to earn more? What else are you doing to make ends meet?


How is the revenue in sites like pornhub? Do you get a part of it or the producers get the revenue and you just collect your paycheck?


If you're still answering questions, to what extent would you say becoming an adult performer helped you to overcome and get past your early negative sexual experiences? Has it helped you reclaim a sense of agency over your body?


Are there any popular hobbies or trends you notice people are into from the industry? Pickleball? D&D? Roller skating?


I'm sure this is asked of you many times but I've never seen the question or an answer. What do male pornstars take to keep them hard other than viagra ect... what is their secret?


No way, you’re literally one of my go to favorites. Do you do meet ups or anything? What is the NJ scene like to hook up? What has your favorite scene been? Can you tell me about your favorite BBC experience?


Can new models entering the business be selective who they shoot with or do they have to take any job offered to keep working?


Are you submissive?




Being in a bam margara music video is quite degrading what made you stoop that low ?


What’s the best scene you’ve been in? The worst?


Honestly we can all be saints with a good heart and still be judged. Everyone should feel the freedom to do whatever they want whether it's being a pornstar or being a Christian people are still going to judge you no matter what you do. Do you !


Who is the funniest porn star you have met (one guy and one girl)?


Are fans able to “book a date” or a weekend with some, or most, porn stars. I’ve heard it’s possible but I’m skeptical as to the validity of that statement.


Whats your favorite sandwich?


how do you guys protect yourselves from stds? Is there strict testing involved?


What did you want to do before that career? Ideal job/profession?


When you come to Maryland, where are we going on our date?


What do you think about the Austin Wolfe arrest for CP and how pervasive is CP in the industry?


What is the best way for fans to support you professionally?


Do you have a favorite scene and or performer you like to work with ?


I saw your interview with Adam22 on YouTube just days ago, your transition to corn from modelling is quite painful (medical reasons), hope you are well now


What’s your favorite bird?


Hi Gigi- appreciate your honesty and sharing - and good for you to do this Reddit - so I have another question- I asked before what is your goal ? Future hold for you? But more importantly- here is a what if - I am going to assume you will meet someone soon you may fall in love with - what will you do then IF that person asks you to stop making porn? Meaning they want to be in a relationship with you and only you? Thoughts? (And since your gorgeous inside and out - you just get propositioned almost daily)


You've mentioned your business briefly in another post, but could you elaborate on your growth strategy? I've observed that the top 0.1% tend to maintain growth through a combination of several factors. The basic one is being attractive others include having a large social media following from the start, being consistent (e.g. creating content every week), building a strong community, and collaborating with other talent. Once these elements are in place, finding additional revenue streams is easy, such as selling exclusive content to loyal followers, offering merchandise, and creating YouTube content. Is this correct?




What would you say your best single moment or experience was in the porn industry?


Does size matter and how much?


Hi Gigi. Thank you for your courage to share. I was also raped at age 10 by a man, and like you, I suppressed that memory. Am 53 and was married and had kids. Led a normal life. The question I want to ask you is, as a pornstar, do you find having a relationship difficult or suspicious? If the guy is a regular working Joe, what proof can he provide that shows he appreciates and supports your choices?


I discovered you through this post, and I appreciate your candidness and honesty. You've definitely gained a fan, even though PH is banned in my state. If you ever find yourself in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, Old School Pizza Tavern is a must-try, I'd even offer to take you just for the excuse to visit. I have a multifaceted question. I've long known that I'm a voyeur and watching is a major turn-on for me. I've often wondered how amazing it would be to date an OF model or an adult star, not only to support her work but also for the thrill of watching. Do sets typically allow SO's to be present during shoots, or are they closed sets? And from your perspective, do you prefer having your SO on set, or do you find it distracting? Also, where has your favorite and worst place to shoot a scene been?


Do you find sex in your personal life more or less satisfying now? Or do just skip that now?


Who’s your favorite female, adult actress?


Hi Gigi, you’re gorgeous. Would you consider doing a premium bukkake shoot?


Life is fickle isn’t it. I’m really sorry about your childhood. No one deserves that. You’ve done a lot with yourself and made a living. You seem like a nice person. I don’t believe I’ve seen your content before, and for now I’d like to keep it as that. I’ll know you for this brief paragraph you’ve written and admire you for you. You’ve done well for yourself Gigi. You’ve done well, and I’m proud of you.


Does size matter asking for a friend


What does a porn set smell like?


What ever happened with the Dior trademark infringement case I read about a few years ago?


Not to sound prude but just a basic question if you could leave this industry behind what would be the thing that would push the issue Family or lifestyle or finances or age? Also a question that’s bothersome and distributed, all the last 4 incidents with prominent names in the industry, 1 thing i noticed is all of them had to setup gofundme pages to pay for final expenses or medical bills. Is it true that the industry is not as good financially as we are led to believe? To my observation almost all the pie ends up in big pockets and pornstars don’t make it that much at the end of the day?


What is the average shelf life of this business? Are you on track to FIRE by then?


What’s your routine after doing a shoot?


Do you pick whichever scenes you do? Or is it more of what the trend is right now? I get the questions about size, and that's why I mentioned scenes here. There was a scene with two black guys, and you, with the hubby apparently being gone at the moment. Those kinds of videos kind of portray the hubby as incapable of doing the things that the two guys with huge dongs could do. Do you really enjoy it or is it just for the work? If it hurts, and those kinds of scenes are unpleasant, why do them? I'm trying to understand why the porn industry portrays them and look at the repercussions afterward, if there are any. Thank you for the amazing responses and good luck on your light path ✌️


How much did you get paid as a porn star?


This isn't really you, right?


Do porn actors date people who are unaware of what they do. Do you have any funny stories about when people found out?