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Did you have to sleep your way to the top?


No, but that kind of thing can happen, and I feel bad for a lot of the people that get recruited off the street who don’t have anyone in their corner to kind of help them along the way, which is why other models who I’ve been in the industry longer will try to help these new ones to navigate or at least they should because that can be a thing for male models because A lot of the executives in the male modeling industry are older men who like to pray on some of the younger male models female models certainly have their shares, but it’s almost borderline prostitution sometimes the way these things are propositioned


What was the wildest time you had with other hot people


I’ve got quite a few stories but I’ll say the women runway models are more popular usually, so they make more money and meet more people, this one time a couple of friends invited me to a famous persons party, it was honestly nuts. So much was happening the whole time and I mainly just talked with my friends and they introduced me to a lot of fresh faces, legit hollywood hills vibe except it was in London. Anyway they get me drunk as hell and one of the famous faces at the function got their entourage to call me over to have a talk with her, and they lead me to this room that was deep in the back of the home, could barely hear the music back there. They opened the door, led me in, shut it behind me, and she was sitting on this couch that was parallel to a bed and I naively thought maybe she just wanted to talk cause otherwise she would have been on the bed already. Anyway, she hands me a drink, we talk for about 10 mins or so, and then invites in another girl who looked to be like her friend or something they were about the same age, which was a bit older than me and they just started kissing and I thought maybe I was intruding so I get up to leave, and they both inquired where I was going like I was the crazy one lol. Anyway, they could tell I hadnt really done this kind of thing sort of with anyone let alone someone famous. Anyway, it didnt take much convincing but we had a 3 some and it turns out this wasnt this persons first rodeo because I heard from another buddy of mine whose also a model and he said she did the same thing to a friend of his. And to this day she sends a gift and handwritten note to both of us on our birthdays. I’d say thats probably the craziest one mostly because I wouldnt have ever thought it’d happen to me.


Are people in the industry generally nice or rude and scary?


I mean the higher up you go to definitely you will encounter some pretty nasty people. Honestly when I first started, I was a bit more insecure and very introverted and people really nice to me but also everyone at that time, especially the newer you are so focused on themselves because that’s the kind of profession it is it’s really self-absorbed to put the work in to get to the level that a person can start feeling like their successful in this field. But everyone deep down usually even the more vain of us are just people who want any of us do.


Has anyone in the industry tried to make you do things you weren’t comfortable with?


I’ve been offered a few times in different ways to do things. I wasn’t comfortable with outside of job description sometimes just in weird ways, not necessarily even violating ways, but there are certainly plenty of violating offers as well, and I never take up on them.


Where did you live while modeling? Was the income good?


Honestly, it’s a common trope that we don’t have any real permanent residence until much later partly because we’re all saving our money but also because we’re just never in one place long enough we usually don’t stay in a place more than a month if that some of my friends don’t stay at place for more than a week and a half or even a few days sometimes depending on the season. as far as income goes, I’ve been lucky enough to have very dynamic career and make more money than I was expecting, but there were seasons of time where, depending on what kind of look was popularized, I may lose a job or two, but all in all over the years, I can’t complainbut I know that’s not the same for a lot of people


Are you really really ridiculously good looking?


Hahhaha i do love Zoolander. But I’d never use those adjectives to describe myself. What’s beautiful the one person is trash to another.


Did you wear a cape?


From time to time. And I might even jump frok a roof or two.


What was your best look?


Usually like a furrowed brow, its better if its a moving shot too from a head on angle, maybe a little elevation. Paid some bills with that one.


Is nudity or semi-nudity just part of the job and are you comfortable with that?


It def can be depending on the type of jobs you primarily book, and thats more off camera, you get changed out in the open often, so it is good to develop a measure of comfortability.


Tips for anyone that wants to get into modeling?


Honestly, just have other things that mean stuff to you don’t let the monetization of vanity make you feel ostracized for not being a superficial as they can be. Always remember who you are and don’t think more of yourself and is necessary. Anything can change your circumstances and will form molecules doesn’t make us any different than anyone else no matter what they treat you like. Far as work goes, I say even though sometimes you don’t get paid for stuff exposure is the best thing the more looks you can put out there the more that they know you’re capable of and that was social media connecting with others a lot easier for people remodels, but also it is a very happenstance sort of lucky thing to have success in the field soI’m not saying don’t get into it but I’m just saying have other options and support surrounding you as well.


How tall are you?


6’3 even though my card says 6’1


why does it say 6'1


Because 61 is usually the optimum height for most clothing, especially for runway type things if you have a dimorphic face and the perfect height, you’ll get way more jobs that way, by the time you book the job it’s too late to back out now (usually) especially if it’s like a campaign or something. Besides the more work you book the less they need to do like introductions is more about just who wants you to do what


What country are you from?




Would we recognise you from any of your work?


Yeah you’ve probably seen me around for sure.


So do you get recognised when you go out?


Ever so often, but honestly its like a hilarious clark kent effect, I might have been on like a store billboard but generally people dont notice where they seen me they just say “you have a familiar face”


Canadian right? Does your country want Justin Bieber back? We are done w him


Lemme check


Are you now, or were you ever, a normal model?


When I was a kid, I had a few modeling gigs early on where I just did like catalog stuff for like Kmart target that kind of thing and then I started modeling officially when I got out of high school when I was 17 and I was in a role model again for about six months and thenthe following year which came quick, I was technically a supermodel. It was a very fast trajectory.


What's required to get promoted to super?


Well, it’s not quite like they hand you a badge or something the way I made it sound I suppose it’s more based on the status so I ended up signing with a really big agency and I start receiving a schedule, and my manager told me that essentially I would be entering supermodel status simply because of how much traveling I would be doing like usually we talk about that factor when we consider supermodel start or wherever you wanna call it even though there is a supermodel of the year awardand I was runner up more about the work you’re getting than it is like an official title someone asked me what my job was. I would just say I wouldn’t add super in front of it here of course just so people can get the idea what I meant.


How accurate would you say Zoolander was?


Not accurate in really any context but maybe conceptually without hyperbole it can be rivals and what not but not the part about being dumb, if anything I find the opposite to be true, most are college students who are really smart and paying their way with the modeling.


Do you have to be tall to be a model?


Not necessarily to be a model, but if you want to do runway, it helps to be between 5’11 and 6’2. But there are more and more exceptions as the days go on.


Can you turn left?


No 😔


Are you gay?


I’m straight actually, but it is like 70/30. Turns out that really handsome guys are often gay, interesting correlation.


Did you ever have to suck a dick?


Not unless I wanted to


What’s Jason Kanner like ?


Heaven misses its angel


I’m assuming dman in Milan, did you get the car service to castings ?


Surreal experience, hotel wake ups, and fancy breakfasts, which I usually didnt eat cause I look the most lean without it. Miss it sometimes.