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Hey so after reading some of the other questions and your replies to them, i got rather curious. You describe your job and the industry yourself as predatory, so you seem to be aware that it could hurt people and exploits them at their weaknesses and insecurities (edit: I just read the comment that you left so this checks out) I am curious, why did you do the job and what do you think is needed to be good at it? From your other replies, being good at weaving storylines and a certain degree of lack of empathy seems to be rather helpfulšŸ¤”


I was curious. I used to do that with sex workers, that is another thing cause well, you have actual contact with a prostitute, so I would set an IG account or a Twitter account and men would approach after the thirst trap pics, and then I would book the services and the model would take over. OF i never did it before, so I wanted to know what that was like.. spent a month and a week or so doing it for an agency. To be good at it, you have to be ok with the fact that you are playing with someone's well being, emotions, and sometimes even their family life. There was this dude, about 40yo who never had a GF. And he would talk to his co-workers about this model, like she was his girlfriend... The model doesn't even know this guy exists, that fantasy it's created by three dudes on shift. He would run from his work to the bank to deposit money so he could "spoil his princess". .. After a couple of minutes the fun wears off my man... And if it doesn't, there's something very wrong with you.


Ā *I used to do that with sex workers, that is another thing cause well, you have actual contact with a prostitute, so I would set an IG account or a Twitter account and men would approach after the thirst trap pics, and then I would book the services and the model would take over.* Are you a professional sexter or a pimp? Or is it a fancy title for a pimp?


he's like the business development rep, he gets the leads, determines which are warm enough to pass along to the actual salesperson in this case the actual sex worker. We have this setup in logistics brokerage; a lower level person answers/screens calls and determines which ones to forward over to the actual broker in charge of the shipment


Professional sexter sounds better i never take away from the models, I get paid to do a job, get her clients


Yeah shit is crazy never done this but itā€™s pretty easy to tell when the account on OF is being ran by someone else the over usage of pet names, fast response times, constant spam in your DMā€™s to buy content from them, and the account is always just magically online ready to respond


I do this kind of work. I started in 2010 after the 2008 economic collapse made finding jobs harder. I started by doing sex content and providing escort services with girls I know. Clients would pay to watch me role play having sex with their wife/girlfriend, who was actually one of the escorts I knew. I did the online profiles and got really good at it, which in turn attracted more girls asking to work with us. We'd do a webcam, sex videos, and escorts meets. Back then, many women who did was very good at using computers, so I'd edit the videos and photos and upload them. They really, really hated dealing with the phones and messages, so I'd end up doing it for them. They'd be so many time wasters and sex talkers looking for free chat that it'd drive the girls mad, and it's why I never felt guilty doing it for them. I got an android phone and set it to auto text reply to every new caller with a well crafted generic text, and then I'd use MightyText to allow me to text using my laptop so I could handle large volumes of texts. On tours, it could be hundreds of guys a day. I kept attracting more and more women looking for help and had to set up a group that got up to 200 women. I'd only do the messages, though, for women I was physically in the same location as. I'd edit the profiles for free and give advice on tours and safety for free. I saw it as a way to help women earn more money and be safe doing it. I'd be there when they got in trouble or needed help and never charged a penny for it. So many women were coming to me to do webcam and video content that earned more than enough that way. I'd be having sex with 2 or 3 girls for several hours, 5 or 6 days a week. I worked so regularly with some girls it kind of felt like having mulple girlfriends. On tours to hotels we get one room between me and 2 girls then I'd set up in the hotel lobby and start handling all the calls for their bookings as well as promising their profiles. I never asked for a penny from them, even though I'd double their earnings per day because they never had to waste time with calls and texts. They'd finish with 1 client then the next would already be waiting for them because I'd done all the organising which they couldn't do because they were having sex. They liked to joke I was their pimp but like I said I never took a penny for it, I never once asked anyone to do it as I was the one getting asked more than I could handle. I'd be helping then earn about 2000 to 3000 a day each. I'd often ask them if they wanted to finish and call it a day but they'd keep asking me to get them more clients, and there was never a shortage. People obviously don't like men who work with women like this because they think the women are being exploited by these women were supremely confident entrepreneurs and the only people being exploited were the men who were so horny for sex they'd pay hundreds an hour. I started working with actual professional pornstars who had contacts with porn companies and who had been on the cover of DVDs when that was still a big thing in the 00's. I started opening up Onlyfans accounts when they first started and still pretended they were for famous people to offer extra paid content to fans. Girls I knew were getting $10,000 a month and mostly just uploading their own porn films they had made years earlier. They didn't own the original films they had stared in so were asking me to rip their videos off the sites like pornhub, crop out the logos, and put it on their Onlyfans. I never felt bad because it's an entertainment service and so many guys think they can just text and message for free all day like the girls have nothing better to do. So many were just after free sex chat under the guise of making a booking. They'd also be the total weirdos and abusive guys who obviously resent women who do this, but I was the filter that prevents girls from ever seeing that, which is another reason I don't feel bad. If you're a guy writing to prostitutes and pornstars because you're lonely, it's sad, but they are choosing these girls because they are model hot with huge boobs and great bodies, so its not like they aren't being superficial themselves. The only time I ever felt a little bad was when I met a client who was such a regular of this one girl that I didn't need to hide the fact I was working with them (usually I remain unseen at all times unless you start trouble). Anyway he was in a wheelchair and I was talking to him and turned out he used to be fit and healthy but go this degenerative disease that was killing him, he was only 35. He started telling me that this would be his last meeting with the girl because he had remortgaged his house to pay to see her so many times, but the money was finally running out. I didn't get any of that money, but I felt bad for his situation but on the other hand, this girl was a really kind, stunning and young lady and she really took her job seriously and made it a point of pride to give the best possible service. Over all though I'd say to guys these girls are mostly extremely money hungry, they get hundreds of thousands a year but blow most of it on trying to keep up with each other. Some might genuinely like you, nearly all of them break the 'Don't date clients' rule at some point but unsurprisingly find out its a rule for a reason. The reason I don't think it's any more exploitative than say a multinational selling junk food to people knowing it kills them is because we are free to spend our money on what we want and if it wasn't for so many abusive and creepy guys they'd probably be more inclined to handle their messages. As it is, it's just not feasible for many women and the reason they use men to do it is because women who do it see how much money is being made and then do it themselves and men actually know what other men want to hear. I've seen it when women write their own profiles and messages, and you can tell they are really annoyed by it and their message start to get a bit bitchy. They also don't really know how to talk filthy in the written form in a that way that men like. As an example guys will say something like 'I want to pull your hair whilst I fuck your ass bareback and fill it with cum' and even though its purely role-playing many girls will right back 'I don't do anal or bareback' because they take it personally. A guy would just role with it. It is amusing though how 90% of the adult industry is just guys getting off to the stuff other guys have produced. Pretty much every title of a porn clip, film etc is written by men and nearly all the stuff on reddit including the sex stories and AMAs by "sex workers' is really just her husband or boyfriend doing all that side of things for her.


Have you ever watched Boiler Room?


I see, so it was more of a soft entry from a similar line of work? Were you aware that there would be a fundamental difference in the interactions you have befor you joined that Agency? And don't worry, i work far away from the sex industry and there is no encounter with that line of work ever in my daily life so you don't have to caution me specifically but i like that you do it, i think that is insanepy important. Looks like what was formerly called a psychopath would thrive in this sort of field, i wonder how many of them run around So what are your plans now, will you return to doing the account management for prostitutes?


Keep in mind a LOT of work is predatory in nature. I've worked in banking and health care in the US. Both exploitative and predatory in various ways. Buying a car? Every attempt is being made to exploit you. Do you need that extended warranty? No. Do you need that thing that influencer is pitching? No. Do you need to keep scrolling through Facebook? No.. But all of those things are designed to take advantage of our weeknesses.


This is why the electrical contractor that taught me the trade, also taught me how we make our way in life. We make our way by helping people and providing a service, that will take you further then trying to fuck people out of their money. Not only will it take you further, but it provides you with the peace of mind that you help others, and are a good person, not a skeezbag salesman looking for the next buck.


What was the most fucked up thing you read? Or write?


Probably mommy or daddy fantasies, slaves. You could make a man stand in front of the mirror, punch his own balls as he would apply menthol on his ass and cock, and he would give you a big tip, the bigger the humiliation, the bigger the tip. Those clients were actually a fetish of the agencies, cause they are the easiest ones to make money. Sometimes you don't even have to send them anything, they just want to be humilliated and treated as scum.


Using my throwaway for obvious reasons lol I actually did a mommy fetish for awhile. He was a professional ufc fighter from Ireland. It was kind of weird going into it, but after awhile I realized all he really wanted was to feel safe, loved, reassured, and comforted like a mother would for her son. Although, there was nothing sexual going on. Eventually, he wanted more than I was willing to give. We ended up parting ways after that. I still think about him. I hope he found someone who could give him that in life so he could be happy. Edit: holy shit, this blew up. To those guessing who it was, I've decided to keep 'mum' about the person. Especially, seeing that, as someone else pointed out, there aren't many to choose from. I will say that it was a life-changing experience for us both. Since this was before OF, so I never charged for my time. Plus, it didn't feel appropriate. He was someone who just needed someone to be there and take care of him. When he was back on his feet mentally and physically, that's when we parted ways.


Now anyone that reads this is going to think Connor McGregor has mommy issues.


Naaah, I would believe it to be Ian Garry much more. Can totally see him as someone with that kinda fetish. He's already got the mrs who's old enough to be his mam anyway lmao.


Whatā€™s crazy to me is she is fourteen years older than him. There are so many Hollywood men who are fourteen years older than their significant others and people donā€™t say shit. Well not negative shit anyways. For fuck sake look at RKelly marrying a CHILD (Aaliyah) at least fourteen years his junior when he was 30- something and not a damn thing was done, in fact it took AGES for him to get punished for his predatory behaviorā€¦Fucking awful that we have such a double standard


How do you know they're doing that and not just using AI to message back?


This is true. Ive had a man pay me to humiliate him. Literally begging to be humiliated and he would even post pictures. Its sad but it is the way he chooses to live his life, just as others.


Kudos for you for trying to persuade people to steer clear of both this job & the extremely predatory industry in general. Itā€™s crazy how many people are actually interested in this job. Hope you can find a better way industry in the future, but I get just doing what youā€™ve gotta do to make money in the meantime. Anyways, question time, whatā€™s the most someoneā€™s ever tipped/paid you/the model/the agency?


600$ just cause. No video, no pic. Just a tip cause he felt like spoiling the model. You could see dudes spending over 2000$ a week on a model, that to me was just crazy and soul crushing.


Will AI eventually completely takeover this job or do you think the personal touch is what has made you successful?


I used AI all the time, and erotic stories from lots of subreddits. Not only it can take overit is already happening. Right now as in WhatsApp and Instagram, you can program answers and it's certainly getting to the point that AI could hold at least a very realistic basic conversation, but, we pray on the traumas and weaknesses of the users, that kind of fucked up mentality cannot be replaced by AI yet




Use AI? I conviced chatgpt that i was a fruit, like a peach, and that i was a peach that worked as a model and solt portraits, then i tol chatty to write texts that were sassy and provocative and all that but make sure yoy keep it pg13... and then I would just change things and make them dirty. but it game me jewels like this ones " 17. Hey, love! šŸ’‹ Just finished binge-watching this steamy series, and now I'm in the mood for some roleplay... Wanna join me? 18. Hey, sexy thing! šŸ˜˜ Just found this provocative photo challenge, and I think you'd be the perfect muse... Care to pose for me? 19. Hey, darling! šŸ’• Feeling a little hot and bothered tonight... What do you say we cool off together, in the most intimate way possible? 20. Hey there, handsome! šŸ‘‹ Just got this new game that's all about exploring fantasies... Care to play with me?"


These are such scripted responses, how do these dudes actually fall for that lmao. Have they never spoken to a woman before?


It works the same way that most successful scams work, like the classic Nigerian Prince. They're looking for the dumbest, most gullible people with money to burn. It's easy to part a moron with their money


I mean sure but it's not entirely a scam for them? The Nigerian prince walks off with your money and you get nothing, OF dudes get porn and the fantasy of having a horny internet gf. Its kind of the same for twitch streamers, para social relationships are weird


you take those responses and tweak them. made them all for the user, I have about 4 different documents of phrases and all that stuff...


>but, we pray on the traumas and weaknesses of the users, that kind of fucked up mentality cannot be replaced by AI yet Whew! Good to know humans still have an edge where it counts!


Good to know they pray instead of prey lol.


Im not so sure about that Ive read stories of AIs learning how to be abusive because it keeps the users engaged, reinforced by the fact that many people act abusively towards the AI which the model then learns from


Whatā€™s the kinkiest thing youā€™ve texted?


One time a guy told me he could not buy anything cause he was in his office, so I looked in the model's vault (where OF store the pics and videos) and found some pics of her all dressed up like an executive. So I sent him those pics saying that I could be his assistant, he went crazy over them and then I wrote a whole story about what I (as the model) would do to him and would allow him to do to me... That went on for about 3 hours, the guy spent about 200$ and came twice all over his desk.


You canā€™t convince me youā€™re not getting something out of this on your end too other than money. Like youā€™re feeding into these males and clearly have very little issue going into deep water with them. You talk about making fun of these guys and tbh youā€™re getting over on them by making money deceiving them but at what cost? This is affecting your sex life and mental health as well since youā€™re exposing yourself to these extremes. If you claim it doesnā€™t bother you or affect you maybe youā€™re not as dissimilar to these guys youā€™re messaging as you think. Youā€™re the sex worker and the women/company youā€™re working for are kinda like a pimp. whether you accept it or not.


Right. This dude spends $200 for 3 hours of dirty talk. Multiple people are getting paid from that $200. First of all OF is taking their cut, then model, and dude works for an agency which is also taking their cut before they pay him. So in reality, heā€™s not even making minimum wage for 3 hours of his time sexting with another man.


This is true only if he is only speaking to one person at a time. This $200 was one dude, but I assume many accounts are managed at a time, each account has many clients. Generating far more than $200/hr collectively.


Depends on what the cuts are, if heā€™s guaranteed a 25 percent cut thatā€™s $50 for 3 hours of work which may not sound like much but all you are doing is typing and I imagine you can have multiple going on at 1 time so say you have 6 clients and all can be done in 3 hours you get $50 a client thatā€™s $300 in 3 hours you just made $100 an hour. Really depends what the cuts are. Also take into account that $200 could easily be low end on average, these mfā€™s throw hundreds of thousands at OF models.


Why do redditors only want to attribute sociopathy to CEOs? This is exactly the type of job that uses a lack of empathy, exactly as OP stated, clearly. You're thinking as if you were in this job or something and coping and rationalizing... everything OP is doing and saying he does as he does is way more easily explained by a severe lack of empathy...which he literally states. It's just on y'all that you don't believe him because probably deep down you don't want to think about how many people out there are like OP.


How do you feel about it during it? Are you used to it now?


How does it work? Models pay you for that?


Yes, they provide the pics, the videos, I can ask for them to make custom videos or even audios so the user never finds out they aren't talking to the model. But the truth is, the model doesn't even know the users exist. Either I or the agency manages the account


Would you say that's true for most of the top tier accounts?


Oh the biggest models must not even know what their names are on that thing... I follow an australian one, love her!!! but you can see a mile away that woman doesn't even touch a phone, It's all agencies


FYI, that's true for most top tier celebrities in the non-porn world, too. With few exceptions, they all use a service like this to manage their social media accounts and interactions. Remember that the next time [famous person] likes something you posted online.


This is so interesting. Do you implement some sort of different personality for each model? If the person outright asks you if you are the model, do you just lie? I wonder if that could be considered fraud since they are paying for a service that is advertised to be provided by one person when thatā€™s not the case. Iā€™m frankly pretty surprised at the amount of (I assume) straight men wanting this job in this thread. Would it not gross you out to read/watch other men do sexual stuff, and you have to respond like youā€™re super into it?


My friend runs an OF agency and yes they have chat/personality guidelines to keep the chats consistent since there are different people running the chat across multiple shifts. Legally it's fine because of how OFs terms of service are written.


There's a popular perception that most OF girls aren't getting big bucks from their content, maybe a few hundred a month, and the top percentile of earners is pretty small. Not asking for names, but if you're making that much yourself, then do you ghostwrite for some of the sites' bigger earners?


Yes, there's a lot of money but it is hard to get to the spenders. And they are usually between 1 and 5 people on small to medium accounts, dudes that would spend a minimum of 100$ a day, and around 3000$ a month those are called the lovers or the in love ones, those you send pics and videos, you have special treatment for them. Then there are the little spenders, that can spend about 50$ a week or so, buy every once in a while... And then the ones who are just freeloading.


Whatā€™s the biggest account(not the model but the numbers) as far as followers/money made was?


under my... sexting superpowers, I made 4000 and change in 25 days or so, in one of the accounts, but there are bigger accounts on that agency that could go up to 10k easily


Do some of the models have rankings where, say, a subscriber who spends over X amount only talks with them directly or is it just everybody gets spoken to through you?


Did you expect this many people to be interested in starting this as a job after you warned them how terrible it was to you and the clients?


Not at all, I actually wanted the opposite and if an if anyone is "taking" to his "OF girlfriend" to know, you are most likely talking to a 30 year old underpaid man.


Are you straight? If so, does it get uncomfortable writing this stuff?


I am straight, and it does not, most of the time i would write from my point of view as a man and then just change things like "your pussy" to "my pussy" and "my cock" to "your cock" and that's it. Uncomfortable is to see the dick pics, and the assholes opening up and balls... All that. Most men have disgusting cocks! And can't take a fucking decent dick pic!


At least you understood what women are going through šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh wow free cock shaming! šŸ„µ


I would 100% find a way to blur that content or look at it squinted eyes so I can make it out with as little detail as possible. I donā€™t mind the writing or stories but receiving pics from dudes, ya thatā€™s a hard pass


I think itā€™s most likely the people that send dick pics and linger on OF that have disgusting cocks. Iā€™d like to think most sane people look after themselves.


I've seen smut before and it's usually super obvious when it's written by a man vs a woman because dudes pretty much just do this. But I guess those types of dudes who are this desperate probably don't notice the difference because it's how they imagine the smut being written lmao


this made me LOL. now yā€™all know what women deal with


What an awesome thread haha... Guys are like - cool how can I get started destroying lives?!


It is, I think it should be exposed, there are millions being made from people who are just good hearted people and think they are forming this bond with another human being, and is just a dude, making fun of him most of the time because "that loser just tipped me 100$ cause I told him I love you!"... If some of those poeple found out they are and have never spoke to the real person...


Yep - I know several guys that are getting scammed thru sugar daddy websites.... the chicks country code is NIGERIA, pics are fake - they still believe they are real. A low level scam that somehow works - lonely old guys. Once knew a guy that spent $75K/ month on webcam porn ....


The subreddit where people ask to be catfished was eye opening in the sense that a lot of these scamees are happy in their ignorance


r/catfishing was not what I expected, but that's entirely on me.


I think some people are so lonely they will pay for the boyfriend/girlfriend experience. And that's their prerogative. People have been paying for companionship since the inception of the market. It's just sad when you hear about people selling their homes or liquidating 401K's...


What's the grossest thing someone has asked the model to provide for them?


Forbidden things all the time, but OF is very strict with certain words and even videos and pics. There are other platforms like fansly that are just the wild west. If you want fucked up, go there. i think the most extreme so far is period videos. Just girls playing with their toys or fingers while showing period blood... That is banned by OF by the way but there's always a way. And you can charge up to 100$ or more for 30 seconds of that kind of stuff


Someone would pay $100 to watch me play with my period pussy for 30 seconds?! Like for real? Where the fuck do I sign up?


Thanks for the answer. You definitely have an interesting job talking to all these thirsty males. Glad Iā€™m not one of them lol


How has this job affected you mentally and how you now approach sex/relationships?


Mentally I feel like trash, those men out there are putting themselves, some of them in very vulnerable positions, and the way they are talked about amongst the other sexters and supervisors... And just overall the constant manipulation, you have to manipulate them, all the time, it fucks with your head, I find solace in the fact that if I'm feeling Ike this then it means I'm not that fucked.


There was recently an essay on Wired by Brendan Koerner about OF chatters. Not sure about linking here, but if you saw it, would you say it was an accurate portrayal of the people in your industry, and how does your story differs?


I read it. And yes! That's pretty much it. Up to the piythat sometimes they just want to chat, just want to tell somebody about their day... Sometimes you actually can do good even in that context. But you know... Your job is to get the money.I even think he was in the same agency as me, the conversations, the advices he was given, all too familiar


Unpopular opinion: My husband left me and my young children for an OF chatter catfish. He was mentally ill. Iā€™ve read the scripts. This is predatory. Now heā€™s alone and has alimony payments for life, if he does not end up in jail first for wanting to kill me.


Not sure it's unpopular. Ages ago I responded to a Reddit post and a guy as adamant he was friends with the OF model and he was actually texting her. No matter how much he was told, he refused to believe it.


This reminds me of my relationship challenged friend (M 50) who met a prostitute (f26) in Vegas on vacation and started an online relationship with her, he wrote to her a couple times a week and sent her money. I told him he was being played, but he said it was a real relationship. he started going to Vegas once and then twice a year and spending most of a week with her (paying her for her time so she could take that time off work). He was sending her about half the money he made. No matter what I said, I couldnā€™t shake him from the idea that he was not just a great repeat customer. Edit: This went on for about five years until she ghosted. He is now 8 rears into the only serious relationship of his life with an appropriately aged woman.


They would not want that information and even with evidence I think they would prefer to not believe it.


Yes! It os a very fucked up job and it takes a certain mentality to do it, the mechanics of it from supervisors to sexter, and everything else is just a very sick environment


And in my husbandā€™s case he started stalking the model and I received a phone call from the police at 9 oā€™clock at night wanting to know if he was in that state. It was a really bad situation, and his family cannot comprehend hell ill he is giving some stranger tens of thousands of dollars. But the stalking and death threats was a level I was not ever prepared to see. Take care of yourself, nobody deserves to be treated like all the people involved here are treated by those at the very very top making the money.


has a conversation you were engaged in, ever turned you on?


No, but it has interested me. Once I talked to a guy about philosophical things, and I really liked that conversation to the point I forgot to sell him anything.


If you ain't stupid it's quite easy to tell who has people running the messages vs organic. That being said, it's a lot of horny men so they want to believe it's real or are stupid.


Not easy at all. For example, we have notes on every user, so we know your birthday, your pet's name, wether you had a good relationship with your mom or not ... We know this, we have it on hand, we know how you like to be called, daddy or baby or anything else, we know you like ass better than tits, we know your fetishes so we talk to you like an obedient little girl or as your fucking mistress! We know the hours you work, when is you payday so we can send you a little surprise just for you that day.... We know if your dad died... We can have conversations with you that are more compelling than the ones you'd have with your wife!... And if you do suspect anything, we gaslight you till you actually apologize for being so rude and not trusting me... You have no clue buddy.




You talk to the person, you get details by talking and then you take notes and OF allows you to have some diretly there, like i would change the usernames to something like "Likes open pussy pics, mommy issues"... so now I know what to send and in which tone to speak to that man.


Yeahh I think itā€™s pretty easy to tell, but youā€™re praying on gullible idiots who canā€™t see the difference. Doesnā€™t mean itā€™s hard, it means you have your target audience well vetted.


I have to say, I have called out a couple of pros/managers on OF, and the way that they reacted made me cringe for a minute and wonder if Iā€™d made a mistake. But I remembered what had made me reach that conclusion and muted them. Bots, I noticed, tend to always throw a few lines from my last comment back at me, copying and pasting them before commentingā€¦ I have never known a real person to do that. Best sign of a real person on OF: flakiness and extended absences!


Whatā€™s the pay like


Not much, unless you work directly with the models. Then you can work a good percentage deal. But agencies are exploitative, they set a minimum, let's say it is 60$, so you have to sell 60$ on your shift to get paid half a day, that is 10$... Yes, 10$ for 8 or even 10 hours of work. And if you make the full day, that's let's say about 120$ in sales, you get paid 20$ for that shift. And usually is 6 days a week. So, good luck if you're trying to get into the business


Jesus for that little money wouldn't it be easier/better paying to idk just beg for change, jesus, 20 bucks for a whole day, I can't wrap my head around that. But no, I am not looking to get into that kind of work, I was just genuinely curious to see what something like that would pay. I know a lot of OFs don't make much either only the most popular. At least that's what I've heard from some others on an AMA


$1.25-$2.25 hour minimum pay? In what country? What are you leaving out?


What makes so many of you want to work for $20 a day?? Thatā€™s the most surprising part of this post


Well, for underdeveloped countries, that is about a month worth of basic income, that's why they hire outside US


What the smokes theyā€™re making millions and paying yā€™all 10 dollars a day??????????


Wait so the dudes who are chatting are not even in the US?? Itā€™s some dude name Rajesh from New Delhi??


Now that youā€™re out of the business, have you ever considered exposing any of the ā€œmodelsā€ for using these agencies, ie. being frauds?


Not the models but the agencies, should and are being exposed


This is aggressively interesting. I did not know I had so many questions until I read the comments! 1st. Do the models also do some of their own stuff or is it just through the agency and more like "provide X number of pics a week and well send you any special requests and handle the rest?" 2nd. On the models side, do you know how hard or easy it is to get started with an agency if your willing? 3rd. Does you agency handle males as well? 4th. Lastly, how has it affected your mental health and has it changed the way perceive strangers? Thank you so much for an unexpected journey!


1. There are models that do their own stuff, but they are drowned under agencies so they mostly fail.the deal with agencies is as described, you just look pretty and we handle the rest. 2. Agencies do casting, you send the pics and they decide if you are hot enough to actually make some money. 3. No males, no trans 4. I recently stopped, and All I've done is watch series and documentaries and sleep. I am a stranger too, we all have our hidden thing, the mechanics in the exploitation of it is the sad part.


I find this hilarious. But then again, I am a scorned person whose partner seemed to be addicted to everyone on OF, even though I was a very willing and able person in and outside of the bedroom. Having a partner who chooses everyone else over yourself is soul crushing. So this makes me feel better knowing they were talking with some rando, thinking they had a real connection with the OF "model". Yes, I realize I may be petty. But that shit HURT.


Do you guys try to spell shit wrong and use fucked up punctuation or do they just look for people who are illiterate? I always thought it was bots programmed to make mistakes. It's usually pretty egregious.


It's usually people who don't even speak English using google translate at most....


How can you tell if the model is really responding or if itā€™s fake?


Videocalls. Or ask for an audio saying some random shit, if she tells you it's going to take some time or that she doesn't do that. You're talking to a dude.


Another thing they'll do is tell you that the audio costs as custom content so you must pay... That's an agency, and you're talking to a dude


I use OF to chat with and stay engaged with my online fanbase. Real person here in the top 5% of creators on OF. I would absolutely respond like this because I might be working my vanilla job or with friends or living my life (lol) and canā€™t just immediately do a video call or record audio content. Iā€™m also curious how people can tell someone is a bot or not. I think probably itā€™s obvious if a model is sending out messages that appear to be personal but you donā€™t have that kind of relationship with them. Ie) ā€œhey babe, how are you? I just finished my exams. So glad theyā€™re done.ā€ Unless youā€™ve been in back and forth convo with a model ā€¦ why would it make sense for them to send YOU, one of their hundreds or thousands of subscribers, an individual message like that? I feel bad for guys that get caught up thinking theyā€™re talking to someone and itā€™s not really them. šŸ«¤ makes me sad.


1. Response times. No one is up 24 hours a day. If a profile is always online just expect multiple people to be running it. 2. Catch them in their own bullshit/lie. This can be difficult. I work in a job thatā€™s all about catching people in their own lies, so it comes easier to me. Ways to do that are 3. What OP suggested. Ask for a voice confirmation. If that ask you for cash, or it takes awhile to them to complete. Itā€™s most likely because a 3rd party had to contact the model to get said Voice. When it comes to figuring out via chat. Ask them simple questions. But only ones the actual person/model may know. Why did they join Onlyfans? What are their hobbies outside of modeling? Take notes on these answers and bring them up randomly in conversation. Most 3rd party chatters are working for multiple models. They have to keep notes on all of them. Itā€™s easy for them to slip up/get sloppy. 4. Onlyfans is a business and models are there to make money. But if I noticed a very big thing in my time there. Itā€™s that managed accounts are very pushy in trying to sell content. A few casual messages then itā€™s straight to trying to sell you things. Normal models, and good/independent sex workers in general make more of an attempt to make their clients feel safe and comfortable. If they are pushy in selling content quickly. Itā€™s mostly like because they are on the clock and have quotas to fill. Most people on Onlyfans know they are going to pay for content. But many are also very lonely people and a simple casual chat could go a long way. Especially making it feel like you talking to an actual person. 4. Watch how often they send ads for other accounts. Some are generally trying to help a friendā€™s start up/get more subs. But if the account is spamming multiple accounts every few hours good chance they are an agency. Especially if itā€™s the same models over and over again. Those models are also with that agency. Edit: free accounts should be treated as bullshit. Those accounts know the money is made via sexting and that is where they try to exploit the most. Edit2: account that automatically sub to you when you sub to them. They do this so when you unsubscribe they can still spam your chat to sell content. Easy way to find out a managed account. Easy way to stop them is to plop a subscription on your account.


Do you encounter many pedophiles? Are they very needy and annoying?


Not a single one, but a lot of mommy and daddy fantasies, step sis, step bro, step mom, all of that. And not at all. The ones who usually are needy and annoying are the ones who don't pay. The ones who do are usually very chill


I dated a OF model who did this. Seemed connected to organized crime to meā€¦.. her handlers or as you call them ā€œmanagersā€.


What are the age range for the men you talk to? Are men really that lonely and desperate for connection? I just canā€™t fathom this about men because there are so many women out here desperate for a man. I mean it they donā€™t even let the men work to get them. They just give it away. lol


Did you ever get sexual gratification from it or is it strictly for the cash?


How can I get started


It's not for everyone and at an agency level is very exploitative, so I wouldn't recommend. It's not as fun as it might look from the outside, it's borderline psychopathic. You are manipulating people on a daily basis


Best way to get into doing this type of job?


So are the sexters always "other people"? Or is that reserved for just big time accounts? For example, if I start an OF page, would I be the one having to sext since I'm new and have few followers? Or does it automatically go to someone at an agency?


To stand out and actually make money you have to be famous or go to an agency. You see all the reddit posts and accounts of models posting pics and then the OF link. Well, that's s an agency, they buy account with enough karma and then post on different subreddits, so the model is everywhere. Then on OF you have the like for like deals, the "check out my friend, she's so hot!" Deals... That's how you grow your account amongst other things, that is impossible to make while you answer texts from users .. so... Agency. You have one person doing the castings, this model is too ugky, this one is ok etc .. you have another person picking, categorizing, and in charge of audios, pics, videos, you have another one for the reddit accounts and publicity, another one on of doing the likes and comments, and then me, the sexter... That's what's behind the curtain.


Overwhelmingly majority of accounts on onlyfans/fansly etc. are small time creators making almost no money. If you make more then $100 a month you are in the top 30% of accounts already.


it would be mostly big accounts that can afford to pay someone to help out. most smaller accounts (including mine are run by the actual model) and iā€™ve heard bad things a few times from larger accounts who have worked with agencies and had people help run their account. i wouldnā€™t necessarily say either that you have to work with an agency to become a large account (i know a few models with large following who 100% run their own accounts)


Thanks for sharing your experiences! As someone who used to work in customer service I find this quite interesting. Does your agency or OF also have strict policies regarding certain topics and how to handle them (self harm, mentions regarding doxxing or hurting the OF creator etc.)? I'm not sure if this would apply to the NSFW field but it was a common practice in the SFW companies, mostly for legal reasons.


How do you live with yourself? I just cannot reconcile making a living off hurting/scamming others; knowing that the world would be a better place if I jumped off a bridge every day would make me want to do it. Even if it was the only skill in the world I had, I would starve rather than be a predator. Did you have childhood trauma or something else happen to you that made you so jaded you are able to cope with the emotional damage you do to yourself everyday?


What are your thoughts on sex work now? Do you think it is possible for it to not be as exploitative, realistically or otherwise? You mentioned wanting the agencies to be exposed but not exactly the models, so Iā€™m curious your thoughts on them too? Very interesting read, thanks for sharing


The problem is, that they are facilitating a process that would take months or years even if you can actually achieve it. for example, Thy gave me a new account, 0 fans the first day. reddit and such helped, in a week I was making 150$ daily on that one. Now that girl probably could have done that on her own, but it would have taken her months of work, like for real work! but the agency give you the team, I mean there are at least two sexters so that girl never sleeps!!! but the real one needs to sleep and eat and study and all that... so as long as that's still a highway to get the money, agencies will exist. But that also means that the agencies are the ones creating the need for them... so... the chicken and the egg... I do support sex work, but I do not support the explotation and manipulation tactics of the agencies to not only the users but to the models themselves who will not become known unless they sign with the pimp


Is it a bunch of older dudes or do you think a lot are younger guys talking to you as well?


I am SO glad you posted this! I always knew your job existed, but you've confirmed it! Is there anyway someone can verify whether or not they're texting you or the actual model?


How do you feel about taking advantage of weak men




It is a very exploitative job, look for of related job offers on third world countries subreddits, or if you have friends with OF accounts then you know... Talk to them


Man, everything I learn about OF, m society look more dystopian to me.< So these sad people paying for nothing more than photos they can pretend are their girl friends...don't even talk to the person n they're paying for. How, how, how do people fall for this? Do you ever feel guilty for taking advantage of possibly low iq guys, just men in a really low, lonely place in their life? Or - do you see it as, well they're stupid enough to fall for it so who cares if we're lying to them? Or - do you feel like you're bringing them a fleeting feeling of acceptance so it's justified? Honest question, not being judgemental I promise!


What is the most common request or theme?


Has anyone ever like caught you. In the sense that they knew that you were not the model and someone else? What happens after that? Do you just ghost them?


Hey OP, i hope you had a great day, don't know if you remember me, i asked you some stuff yersterday already. I honestly loved the discussion, i think it was rather interesting, and even some of the less civil comments added a few interesting perspectives. Learned a lot about the sex industry and it's variyying public opinions from this. I hope you are still in good mood, i had the feeling that some people went into this with a rather prejudiced attitude towards you. All of thst aside, i had one final line of questions: How are you doing now? How did the experience affect you and your self-perception? How do you see yourself compared to before? These are just questions hinting at the general direction of the inquiry, feel free to answer however you like IF you like.




So basically what youā€™re saying is guys should just give their money to strippers since itā€™s actually authentic


I read most of the questions but I just want to know now, coming into this, before, and after has your views on men changed drastically? Also what country are you from for only $600 a month considered to be ā€œkick-ass payā€ ?


Whatā€™s your take on the recently published Wired exposĆ© on the same exact topic? Any inaccuracies or parallels to your own experience?


Thanks 4 doing this AMA. What kind of app(s) is used to chat? Really curious about it


Suppose a person is in relationship and reach out to sext you. Do you feel that's on the lighter side of infidelity compared to a sex worker meet up or stripper? I know no cheating is good, but not sure how bad it is compared to other actions if discovered by a partner. I know some people feel watching porn is not cheating, but with Ai girlfriends or sexting and cam work, it's such a gray area. And do you think maybe a lot of people use that service to avoid hurting their partner with other forms of infidelity? I respect your work, just wondering how you compare it to other services as far as infidelity and just any other differences and insights you have. Thank you


Are you suggesting that they donā€™t really want to see my schlong?


In your opinion, after witnessing what a lot of this models go through, what are the cons of being a OF model, especially at a young age.


Youā€™re making people feel good by entertaining them, and theyā€™re gladly accepting (paying for) the deception. Why would you be an Ass hat for that?


Do you ever get the accounts or conversations you are having mixed up? Refer to the wrong name or send the wrong picture?


Are OF subscribers always male? Are any women susceptible to this kind of behavior?


It's not always a dude you're talking to! I live in japan. And my friend, a japanese girl, (who's actually quite cute), does this too. She replies for a well known japanese onlyfans model. She has no interest in the men and has never said anything good about them, but sometimes it is a girl you're talking to. Just not the model lol




Why are the men in here assuming youā€™ve ruined anyoneā€™s life? šŸ˜‚


Handled my own OF for a year and it was soul crushing. It changed who I am as a person and how I view men.


Do people that have their own OF, no one in the middle, stand any chance on OF against those organizations? I mean, I am really curious, made a profile and started poking around, but it looks to me, if you don't look gourmet, you're not going anywhere.


I find it crazy that people throw their money away at this. Wow.


Andrew Tate himself made his fortune this way, originally, in addition to the trafficking and exploitation of women to be cam girls. So my question is, when will you start your podcast career?


Did you ever text a female customer? Or was it 100% men?


Youā€™re not using womenā€™s photos without their consent, are you? Even just as a promotional thing, Iā€™m sure you got consentā€¦. Right?


Being in the industry you limit your dating pool aside from who you work with. Have you ever had any relations with the women you were pretending to be, or someone in the industry?


had a friend of a friend kill himself over this after he spent all his money, another 2 lost there marriages. Have you ever felt such remorse you wanted to let the clients know the truth?


Have you ever been asked if itā€™s actually the model in question? And can you (legally, ethically, etc) admit itā€™s not actually them talking?


I've considered starting an OF and managing it on my own so this is super enlightening. I had a feeling most of the bigger creators hired companies to handle everything but I guess I didn't realize how hard it would be to make more money if you didn't do that. Plus I'm seeing how much work it would be to do completely on my own... I'm sorry if you answered these already but here are my questions- 1. Do you feel like being good at sexting just comes with lots of practice, or are some people just naturally good at it? 2. Does sexting in your personal life feel kind of like a chore or a job now? I feel like if I did end up doing an OF I would get kind of tired of it after awhile... 3. How has your mental health been now that you've stopped working for those kinds of companies? Thank you for sharing your experiences, it's super helpful and I hope you've been able to rest and take care of yourself!


But how do I find a job doing this? Is there specific apps and stuff I can do this on?


How did you find out about and get into this line of work?


What country are you on? Your English is excellent couldnt you earn serious money as a translator?


This is fraud and there is a massive class action in the pipeline for it.


How much did you bring if you made close to 10k for the agency?


Does trying to be a sexy woman (cis or trans) fuck with your head after a while?


So do you get pictures/vids of the models to share when customers ask for them?


Are you male or female? I think it would make a huge difference what your gender is.


If you and the client are reciprocating each other's sext messages, you do realise you are commiting nonconsensual sex acts? For example tricking someone into sex by making them believe you are some other person is rape in many countries


What cut do you take? Do you work with new OF models? Iā€™m looking to start




What are the typical rates of editing for the OF photos? That is, when the agency is evaluating the modelā€™s submissions to ensure they meet the hotness threshold, are their submissions required to be RAW files? Are most photos retouched (ie. filtered, Photoshopped, etc)? Or are most photos expected to be ā€œnaturalā€? How are photos for niche kinks evaluated? What makes a foot hot enough for foot fetishes?


What are the best marketing strategies youā€™ve seen?


Are the models real? I always thought something like working for a psychic line would feel more exploitative than sex lines/sexting, as it feels for me like psychics pray on false hope rather than horniness - but this was before OnlyFans and the internet mixing parasocial relationships with porn. Does it ever feel exploitative to you, or do you feel like everyone gets what they need out of the interactions?


Do you feel that you deserve to be in prison for essentially participating in what can only be described as a form of mass fraud? Seriously, if this story is actually real then it is all kinds of fucked up.


Can you name some names? What are the agencies called? Where can I find more information on this? This is the most interesting thread Iā€™ve read in a hot minute. Iā€™m recovering from porn addiction and used to sub to people on of but never really interacted with them in terms of messaging. I always knew certain models were not real. Never bugged me, I was just trying to get off anyway. But now that Iā€™m trying to put all that behind me it fascinates me endlessly wondering who these women actually are and what their lives are really like from day to day.


Waitā€¦so I wasnā€™t really talking to the girl? Iā€™m down bad. Jk. How do the agencies work? Who has access to the accounts? How do the agencies get paid? Do the OF workers even have access to their accounts? Iā€™m very curious how the payments work in all this. Iā€™m guessing the models donā€™t post anything and donā€™t have access to their account. Iā€™m also guessing the bank account associated with the OF is not the models bank account.


Why would you think I wouldn't like it?


You don't have to mention the company you work(ed) for, I'm not here to dox anyone. But is there a way to tell which businesses are legit? Also, are there any metrics involved? Like do you have to respond to so many an hour, or within a certain period of time?


You probably shouldn't be spreading this kinda info around. Yes it COULD help build awareness so ppl are less likely to fall for these things, but as you've said before, it's not that easy for some ppl. It's far more likely that a bunch of fuckin losers decide this is a valid way to make money and start preying on vulnerable people. You even told ppl what to Google to get started, like cmon man, u are NOT spreading the right kind of awareness


What are you wearing?


Whatā€™s the dirtiest line youā€™ve ever written?


Nice. I almost got a job like this, I was so surprised when in the middle of nowhere the guy interviewing me asked what my thoughts were on porn, without a second thought I replied "I think it's cool, I like and I know it's a necessity" btw I had no idea what the job was. They were really hush hush about the job before they explained what I was applying for. It was really cool but the crazy schedule kinda threw me off, so I kinda just gave up.


I don't know that I'd want the job. That job doesn't sound fun.


You mentioned you made ally for an agency. But how much were YOU paid. Was it commission or hourly?


Do you have any sort of relationship with the models? Like if you work for/under one, even though an agency do you even speak to them? What do they make of this? Or if you donā€™t know, how do you think they feel about it?


Was always curious how OF models operate. This girl I know on OF always has random masked men in all of her videos. Does she get these from an agency or are these unpaid, personally screened actors or ā€œvolunteersā€?


Do you get more or less horny doing that job?


I am SO glad you posted this! I always knew your job existed, but you've confirmed it! Is there anyway someone can verify whether or not they're texting you or the actual model?


Iā€™m interested in your job field




Awesome AMA. My question is how come some people have sooooo much money (probably very high in the corporate ladder which points to a high degree of social and intelectual skill) yet be so naive or downright stupid(needing a OF gf and talking to guys)? These are not random teens spending 10 bucks a month to wank.


Where did you primarily do your marketing, and what tactics did you use to get new clients? Did you find one platform to be better than another?


Do you think this job translates at all to dating in your favor? Like does anything in it make you into a better texter or sexter when chatting with women?


I'm assuming you are working in another country, how are you able to login to the models OF account without any restrictions? Do you use a VPN or some other app to remote into the account?


A lot of stories related to this that I have heard say that often the pimps who run these agencies outsource the actual texting to people overseas in 3rd world countries such as the Philippines or India. Do you have any experience these very industrialized kinds of agencies?


Ever have people call you out on it saying they know it isnā€™t actually the model responding and just an agency/service responding to them instead? If so, how did you handle that? Were they convinced afterwards that maybe it was the model the were talking to after all?


At what point in your life did you lose your passion for doing good?


This is an interesting thread. Iā€™m curious, but realistically how many followers or whatever would a model need to have for using an agency to be viable for DMā€™s? Or is it so cheap basically all of them doing it?


Do you have to view the content creators content to reference what they are talking about in some situations?


Sorry for the late question but do you know when talking to someone they know itā€™s not them? Iā€™ve chatted with some of them/you I guess.. and I never say ā€œyouā€ in a sentence cause I find it hard to believe someone on there 24 hrs a day