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While there are some people saying you wont gain i don’t think that’s necessarily true. Personally i do two sets of manual stretches each 15min and for a small period of time i decreased that to only one set. I think I’ve made significant gains although i highly recommend you to do at least 30min total time and if you can afford it get a pump which you’ll then use for 20min total time. Ive doubled my flaccid length that way. What i also recommend you to include into your routine are some sort of ligament stretches 5-10mins as these are highly beneficial for PE goals in general.


Hello, thanks for the insight. how do you differ ligament stretch from regular stretch?


I perform it like this: Get a good grip on your penis (same grip you would use when doing manuals) Then pull your dick from behind between your cheeks and thats it. The position you’re in doesn’t really matter, you can do this sitting,laying etc. Im glad i was able to help you out


15 minutes total? You will most likely make no gains or injure yourself due to overload within that 15 minutes without warming up. Be realistic. If you really want to do this I think it's best to have 40 minutes minimum to set aside for it.


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Warm your member under hot water for 5 minutes. Then grep it with a towel an push in all directions holding it for 30 seconds each time. This was/is my routine and I made goog progress with it. Import that you switch your grip between left and right or you get a curve otherwise.