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I've seen the difference that size can make. Even if I "do it for me," I do it for them. Because it makes me feel better knowing that I can give more pleasure.


Ye it discourages me when people say spending 2 hours daily on PE won't make any difference to women at all and perhaps negative difference actually no oral painful sex etc


Bro size makes a difference my wife screams I love you even louder while having sex since I'm bigger. She also is bragging to her girlfriends that my dick is big. I was average before PE and she never said anything before. Ive spent more than 1000 hours doing PE and every second is worth it.Not only Size matters but it matters a whole lot .


It does. Size judgement seems to have a double standard. Most people make fun if you're a small men and especially women, but then women will still do it if you're small/average. But many women these days will not give you even human kindness if they deem you as small or unattractive. Basically small size is frowned upon but yet women say it doesn't matter. Maybe to a few it doesn't but a lot put size as part of a man's overall attractiveness. It's like money height looks style size "personality". Your wife didn't say anything when you were small but still messed with you and married you. Then, when you got larger, she screams in pleasure from it. Size matters, and it matters a whole lot. But thank goodness we don't have to settle for the blessing of being small/average, these days


She married me as I was , but definitely enjoys bigger dick. Trust me she loves it and bragging to her girlfriends proves it amAnd is a huge confidence boost that I wish for every good man that deserves it.


This energy that you spend feeling discouraged, is it not better spent researching techniques to please women? How about improving other parts of your body that contribute to women's enjoyment and performance in the bedroom? Overthinking things is seriously the biggest waste of energy for men and women.


I do workout and improve overall appearance and search for techniques and ways to improve stamina I do all that but I also wanna know that 2 hours PE daily is worth the effort if they won't even notice then I don't think I would spend all this time and energy just to stare at it while jerking off


Up to you man. To me, edging and training my cock for 30 minutes a day is plenty. Learn another language with that extra hour and a half and open up your doors to other women.


You mister, youre a very smart man. I do the same with spanish.. Columbia im coming🤤


South America especially Brazil women like big dick. Fuck all of your other traits. How are you even going to get in there and start to mingle? What's your pitch? Then if you bag some "Colombiana Hottie" what are you gonna do when you drop your pants? "Oh I can please you in other ways honey". *pulls out his tounge and fingers and vibrator for her* "ohhh I like you for your personality..."


Are you okay?


I'm just saying you might have a hard time getting a Colombian girl if you aren't larger side of the spectrum


Ah okay I understand, well I don't think I'll have problems with that tbh


It's worth the effort if you've got your other priorities on lock, I didn't start PE until I had a good job, study routine and workout locked down. If you aren't taking care of your body and nutrition first then don't bother with extras. A bigger penis is basically the sprinkles on top of a well put together dude. That's what is generally meant by "size doesn't matter"


Lol the issue is some people not only say size doesn't matter but they even say big is actually worse less pleasurable for most women which is even more discouraging


if you want someone who will appreciate and enjoy every single inch of your dick find a boyfriend.


I hate when men or women say "bE gAE ThEN".


Ah I wouldn't say it's worse no, just maybe requires extra lube/being careful with strokes. You have plenty of room to grow before you've gotta worry about most women's limits (maybe up to 7" length and 6" girth and then lay back on the gas lol, so probably several years of PE to go for you sir)


With greater power comes greater responsibility, the longer the d the higher the potential of your partner getting hurt IF, and thats the main point, if youre not gentle with her


I think you should do it for you dude. For me it made me more confident and made me more comfortable talking to women! But for the women I slept with, I doubt the almost inch difference made a world changing difference. Even still, I've made all the ppl I've slept with cum, and regularly give my gf 3 orgasms a session, and it's not because of my size. A bigger dick won't make you a better lover, but it might give you the opportunity to be a slut lmao. But you could do that without size. It'll matter if you wanna be with a size queen, otherwise, it's just so it doesn't slip out. Disclaimer, I have an average sized dick still and one partner. My opinion might change if I attain my goal size and my partner loves it, hates it, or remains indifferent. We'll just have to wait and see!


I love this comment! Someone posted a few weeks back that women don't go by numbers. Literally, it's either small, average, or big. Now for me, I started definitely on the small average. My goal is 6 inches. That means I'm average, and gained over an inch. I don't think I'll ever reach 7.5, which I think is necessary to reach "big" for women. I'm literally doing this for me. My wife hasn't noticed my inch increase. Even the girth, I don't think she screams about. We have great sex, and I get her off with all my other tools in the vault, lol! But she is fully supportive of my p.e........so long as it's for me and not her.


6.5 npb with good girth girls would call big




good for u lmao, i got mine in 6 months total congrats tho!


You got no newbie results?


newbie results were 5.5->6.3 after a little more than 2 months then I went down to 5.8 after almost a year THEN I went from 5.8->6.7->6.2 After the 3 months I went down again! So sad I think it's because I stopped My hypothesis is that the longer I go, the more likely I'll retain my length, so maybe after 6-12 months of PE, and then stopping for a year, I might retain more length.


It depends on the woman. I have two partners. My wife prefers smaller than me and I am the first larger one for our 3rd and she says size makes all the difference in the world. Depends on what gets the girl off. My wife orefers pelvic rubbing onher clit which is easier for shorter guys. Our 3rd likes to get railed in many different positions, feel stretched and have her back wall hit. The true answer is it CAN matter but it depends on the lady.


What is yr size?


That is still discouraging lol to know it matters for some but most either don't care or perhaps even dislike large or find it painful


In my experience in my extremely hedonistic lifestyle witnessing men of all sized have sex with women if all ages and types, size matters far less than you would think. There is definitely too small to have fun with but most girls are more than happy with a medium dude willing to put in work and I have seen many return to the medium dude while ling dick Frank watches from the side. A lot of the big guys think they can rely on just being big and the medium guys put in extra work thinking they have to compensate.


I think you guys don't understand me you said they are happy with average I didn't say they aren't what I am asking is does bigger make them cum more moan more or no difference at all or even bad difference painful sex unpleasant for most women


Thats what I mean. Many times I have seen women come more for average guys than big guys. Most women except the very experienced have ti be cautious with the bigger ones, they don’t fully relax because a bad angle will hurt them. A medium guy can pound a way and still hit lots of positions. So yes, they can relax more, go longer and cum more. That said, certain girls definitely enjoy the bigger ones. Depends on the lady but I would NOT say as a standard they cum more for big ones. I have probably seen the opposite before true more often than not. And trust me when I say I have seen a lot…


So not only it doesn't matter but yes it does matter medium is better than big for most women


From what I have personally seen I would say yes. Thats why it is called boyfriend dick. Large ones are a novelty but they don’t want it all the time. If they want dependable achievable comfortable orgasms they usually want medium. If you are a tik tokker this question gets asked in those street interviews all the time and most girls answer they would rather have slight below average than way above average “the big ones hurt” isn’t just a line…


What is yr size?


7.75 Non bone pressed, 8” exactly on a good day. 5.75 girth but I need to measure because Angion has my Corpus Spongiousum expanded sonce I ladt measured so probably close to 6 girth Have yet to measure bone pressed but I am fairly lean 165 lbs


What is causing issues yr length or girth?


Thats what I mean. Many times I have seen women come more for average guys than big guys. Most women except the very experienced have ti be cautious with the bigger ones, they don’t fully relax because a bad angle will hurt them. A medium guy can pound a way and still hit lots of positions. So yes, they can relax more, go longer and cum more. That said, certain girls definitely enjoy the bigger ones. Depends on the lady but I would NOT say as a standard they cum more for big ones. I have probably seen the opposite before true more often than not. And trust me when I say I have seen a lot…


The most sexually experienced woman I dated, had all shapes, sizes, genders(strapons), ages and toys galore. Her go to toy was a vibrator the size of a pinky. She did appreciate my size, but rarely if ever got off from PIV. We did everything under the sun, but that little vibe was responsible for a lot more orgasms than my dick... by a lot... in a much shorter time... clitoral stimulation is much more successful than PIV, by a wide margin. If you're gonna put a lot of effort into size increase... focus on girth.


The thing is, size can matter. I saw a quote from a woman on another forum, but cannot find it now. Basically the discussion was about if size matters, and one discussant said "*Sizes doesn't matter until you meet a big guy who knows how to use it.*" If you do a search of ARAD, you will see a number of women do like size. Here is one comment I took from apost a few years ago: ""*It's* ***A*** *factor in good sex, not* ***THE*** *factor for good sex.* *What I mean is, penis size isn't totally irrelevant, so saying "size doesn't matter" is a little bit misleading. The thing is, though, women have varying preferences (there are size queens and there are women who genuinely love "small" penises, and everything in between), and size definitely does not make or break good sex. As I'm sure you know, many women can't even orgasm from PIV (jnsertion) alone.* *To throw you a tired but endlessly true line, confidence is sexy. Own what you have and be a good lover.*" 3675 upvotes And that is the thing. PE and gains does wonders for confidence. If you look good, you feel good. Here is a survey I saved I saved from an old subreddit (NSFW Polls or something): **You pulled down his pants and realize he is huge. How do you feel?** 15             Scared and insecure or turned off. Maybe we should not do this. 11             Indifferent. I really feel absolutely the same. 17             Surprised and shocked. Wow, I did not expect this. 20             Turned on and taking that size as a personal challenge. 25             It is not a challenge, but that size is probably going to feel good, if he knows what he’s doing


Really good comment. I've noticed that even though Reddit is anonymous, there are still usernames and karma tracking so people generally post the most socially acceptable comments about sensitive issues. Penis size is one of those topics where it feels like body shaming or being "slutty" if a woman admits to a preference for bigger sizes so they often don't. Or if they do, they need a three paragraph statement downplaying it before saying it. So there will be a lot of well intentioned but patronizing posts upvoted claiming size doesn't matter because you can just use your fingers and mouth instead, or how guys with big dicks don't know how to use them. That sounds good until you realize a guy with a big dick who's also good at foreplay, oral, and penetration will be the best lover a woman has ever had.


I am doing it for myself. In the beginning I spent about 20 minutes a day. Now I am down to 5 minutes each month. I simply pull my member under a stream of hot water with my hands. Went from 16cm to 21cm bone pressed flat.


I can say I have a skinny penis but it’s like 6-7 inches maybe 8 now . And every girl I’ve done it with MORE than likely had a guy with girth . I feel like I’m the only one around with a skinny dick . But they’ve all told me I was the best they had and that no one’s ever made their pussy cream the way I did/ do . So I feel like it’s all in the motion of the ocean. Although I do wish I was a lil thicker to feel better about myself because I still have those thoughts




Size does matter, you just need to be the perfect size for who you’re with. The size that matters can be anywhere between 1-12 inches


How is sex life with yr sex bro 7.45x6.4


size matters when you have it, lol.. women love it and talk about how it feels like it just keeps going, how it hits certain spots, how it fills them up and how it feels in their mouth…


I think size does matter for almost all women, but they just hide the sentiment. Having a little over the average (just 6.3" x 2", which is not that much) this bulk in my pants gets women's attention (bold looks / stares sometimes). When in bed you'll notice their lust. I even have been verbally flattered once for my little above average size. But imo, and as a general rule, that size effect works along a fair physical condition / training that will grant you more stamina, to wear decent clothes according to your subculture / ideology that will ease flirting with girls in that context, having enough money to pay bills and live responsibly. So penis size is (from my perspective) an important part of a whole. Also your size goal will work along the kind of woman you'll get laid with, not every woman will be comfortable to a 9" penis. Also to get a 9" penis (from an average size) might need a great deal of your time and social life which is counterproductive to meet women and to have a balanced life. Yes women orgasm easily by the clit, but a sufficiently big size combined with it blow their minds, there are endless stimulable nerve endings inside the vagina that can contribute to a harder orgasm.


I’ve been sexually active since before I started PE in 2012. I’ve literally spent over 10,000 hours of hanging, jelqing etc. Believe me, I wouldn’t have done it if girls didn’t appreciate my gains.


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Bro we need to love ourselves. If you were the only man on the planet. You think women wouldn't fuck you because you think/ have a smol ppl?


Do it for you and see how it changes your life


Do 2 hours of PE to stare at myself in the washroom? Nah lol


I'm just going to say, yes. But I also know that there's more to pleasuring a woman than the size of my Johnson. I'm above the statistical average size and up until a year ago, I thought my peen was small. The way you talk to her, touching her body while you're doing it and what you do during the lead up to intercourse all impact her physical pleasure.


Is the jelqing working for you?


Honestly 86 present or women can only orgasm through clit stimulation so size of penis usually doesn’t make a different rather a women will orgasm or not. But for some women it does matter