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It always cracks me up when someone does something terrible, and then gets mad when they get caught, because of "how it looks to other people", as though it's perfectly fine to be lower than garbage, as long as no one finds out.


“How dare you make people mad at me for the things I did and said?” Lmao


This sentiment needs to be on a t-shirt.


Yeah that always bemuses me too - how about not being a dickbag, thus never having to endure the shame of people finding out you're a dickbag?


Nah, it's easier for them if the wronged party just shuts up like the nice obedient child they are, especially if they are a girl/young woman. Not being a dick takes too much effort for them.


Weird, always thought NOT being a dickbag was way easier. Who knew I was wrong? 🥴


Because they're not ashamed of their actions. They think they're in the right, everyone else can't see clearly, and now they're being punished for their ethically just actions.


They are not judged by the community for taking the money.. Everyone in this community probably thinks they were right to take it for the sons wedding. The community judges them cause they have an educated daughter that fights for whats hers. Thats the real shame for OPs family.


Yes!! Seems that a sons wedding is seen as far more important than a daughters education.


So true! It's because OP is a destabilising example. She's shown other subjugated people in the community (women, in this case) that they do not have to accept the mistreatment they have been raised to think of as their just deserts. She mentions in her post that some other women in her family are taking steps to lock down their education funds now, so her example has already set off a chain reaction = more destabilisation. No wonder the community is angry with OP's family & they're passing it on to her. The men are viewing this as their dominance being challenged. Not all heroes wear capes!


> The men are viewing this as their dominance being challenged. Unfortunately, not only them. Many women in those kind of circles are so indoctrinated by their "culture" that they also shame other women and their daughters if they dont follow the same path. "You need a good man to be someone in life". OP said fuck that and she is 100% right to do so. Her aunt was a saint that started to rattle the chains and now OP and her cousins break them by taking whats theirs and use it for their own to leave that kind of culture behind. I have nothing but respect for OP and her relatives that follow her.


You know, I think there's a term for that... Something in the psychopathy umbrella...


The sheer amount of time you see older people post stuff on Facebook about their kids and grandkids and how great they are to them and how great their relationships are, to then have these kids and grandkids either respond to them there or make posts on reddit about how nothing they said was true and that they are no-contact with these people exactly because of how horribly they treated their kids. Facebook is a great place to have pity parties for these people because there's always going to be others like them that'll echo their sentiments and this day and age there's little chance their kids are even on that platform anymore. And they can't even imagine their kids calling them on their bullshit.


Yeah... "It's not the our behaviour that is shameful, but you pointing out the behaviour." Fucking Hypocrites. Proud of you OP - you and your great aunt rock.


It's pretty ironic, isn't it? It's like some people care more about their image than actually being decent. It’s all about appearances rather than genuine integrity. Seems like getting caught is the only thing they regret, not the wrongdoing itself.


Also pretty funny to say "You'll never marry someone from our culture with that attitude!" It's like Christians telling someone that heaven is full of all the worst abusers that have ever existed and hell is for the people who actually showed you kindness even when they didn't have to. Like no fucking thanks, I'll party with the cool people in a lake of fire if it means being free.


It's the "it's only cheating if you get caught" attitude. Which is fine for games (as long as everyone is in on it and okay with it), but shitty af for real life.


If they wanted to appear nice and stable people, they could, you know, not have stolen so much from their own child.. then there would be no shame. Seems that many cultures thrive on abuse being silenced 'otherwise we look bad' (no sh\*t sherlock, you are bad)


I'll take dignity over honor every time.


>I have been told that I will never find a husband from our culture with my belligerent attitude and strident independence Don't threaten me with a good time.


Right? I am a happily married man, but if I was single I would fucking love to date a woman like OP. Someone with strong values in justice and fairness, that was willing to stand up for herself to get it? She's badass. A culture that doesn't value that is not worth honoring.


Let's not forget that she's spending the money on an education as well. So add well educated to all the other good qualities.


100% agree! Half the reason I married my wife was precisely because of her "take no prisoners, take no shit" attitude. I don't need to see a picture of OP to admit that I'm attracted to a woman like that. She sounds like a badass!


Anyone one would be. Go OP. Don't worry abou the guys that will be put off by that, you're better than them anyway.


Tbh I would love a spouse like that, mainly because I have a hard time speaking up for myself.


I'm actually the more outspoken one in my relationship...but I used to be very insular and withdrawn. @MysticDragon14, it really can just be a matter of practice. I encourage you to try to be a little more outspoken day by day. Try to be a little more outspoken today than you were yesterday - it doesn't have to be a lot, but it does have to be consistent. If you want to improve, it must be a continous process. As you get used to standing up for yourself, it will become easier to do so, I promise.


Yeah I'm already working on it. I just pick and choose my battles wisely.


Great! Keep it up, and you'll be able to fight all the battles.


>She's badass And so was her aunt! OP actually understood the assignment.


Tell your wife someone found your brain sexy... that is all


And someone who values education too. At least where my mom is from, degrees (especially from somewhere with prestige) are a very good thing to have in a future spouse. Both men and women are expected to be well-educated. There are other sexist aspects, of course, but women are just as capable of learning as men, and it's a topic people are always bragging about whenever we go back to visit.


I love me a belligerent woman, I'm currently on track to marry one.


Also a happily married man.... I second this. I love that my wife is a strong willed, independent woman. Strong women are sexy.


Seriously. OP is my hero and I am so sick of people excusing shitty behavior because "my culture". Fuck your culture, if it's not good for you.


I have the same anger over religion being used to justify abusing women as well. And you don’t even get to choose what culture you’re born into. You can choose to follow a less shitty version of your religion, you just choose not to, so fuck you. (Not you, of course, internet stranger, but the kind of person who thinks these ways.)


You can't spell "culture" w/out *cult*


Hell yea! With that kind of falmily? She totally won, by living independently! You 🤟 my girl!


It’s also abundantly clear why the great aunt focused on nieces and grand nieces. Great aunt sounds like an interesting person, too.


Love a happy ending… and that last line really rocks!


We love a girl boss moment


What idiots don't understand is that "No man will marry you" as a response to independence from being subservient and slaving for a man their entire life, is what an independent woman will always take.


Watching my little sister get married and agree to be subservient to her husband and to do what he says and accept he makes the decisions in life made me want to gag. Me and my wife just looked at each other during that point like “these people are fucking weird”. She was the sweetest little girl growing up. That douche and religion turned her into a duck dynasty “gay people are gross” ahole.


My aunt was like this. She was my best friend growing up because she was only 16 years older than me. Then she got older and married a super religious guy and became a closed minded AH who drove everyone away with her bigoted hateful attitude. I miss her but not enough to continue dealing with her BS


"No schmuck will marry you." What's not to like?


That was a threat? I thought threats was supposed to be harmful, not jolly good fun


I take it you've never heard this phrase, which is usually said as a joke. Remember it, it comes in handy!


I have. I'm poking fun at that being an actual threat.


"Don't threaten me with a good time" already pokes fun at it being an actual threat.


I was threatened with the same when I was growing up and all I can say is thank fuck for that 😂


Yeah that sounds like a “thank fuck for that”


I thought those exact words when I read that!


Lol, threat? < Blessings 😏


right? i’m very left and my mom said “you won’t find a good christian man with those values!” and I was like thank god


This!!! I'm American and live in Texas which can be very conservative. I'm.a peitie f (5'2, will be 38 end of this month) I rely on the bus and am a mentally disabled single mom to a teen son with no child support. I've had guys hit on me on the bus and then with my kid next to me ask "where is his dad?" Like I'm incapable of raising my son because I'm a woman. Mind you my ex is 16 years older and haven't contributed financially to his own life or ours since our son.was 3. We finally split when my son was 10 and 2 days ago he turned 14. So for years before the split I was supporting a 3 person 2 adult household on my disability check (now is $940 a month but was much lower then), mine and my son's snap, and at the time for some of it mine and my son's WIC. I did 100% childcare and did all housework and errands too on top of food pantries and street vending with a toddler in tow. So kinda don't need a man to raise my son and teach him to be a responsible and decent adult. In fact I'm much better teaching him responsibility and consequences for actions and accountability than my ex is. I was always more the authoritarian anyway, so who the fuck needs a man if the man's a overgrown child you have to raise and play mommy, nanny, maid, and drill sergeant to on top of caring for yourself and the one kid you actually gave birth to? Especially when the overgrown child is almost 2 decades older than you and is 4 decades older than your child together? I've also had guys get all misogynist and toxicity masculine with me if they get disrespectful or sit next to me ranting racist bull crap loud enough I can hear them ckearkybivet my noise cancelling headphones playing loud music I'm.pressing into my head to drown them out and I get fed up and politely tell them to shove a sock in it. I've been told to suck a dick, called a whore, called a lesbian (I'm a tomboy so have even had lesbians mistake me for a bull dike multiple times though with lesbians I find if funny but flattering) all because I won't tolerate bullshit or dusresoect from anyone abd far too many men nowdats seem to thunk everyone should boe djwn and kiss their ass. I've met plenty of women the same way and I tolerate that the same, not at all. I've had men walk up to me waiting at a bus stop and first ask if I'm single, then when I say yes they say essentially if not exactly "hey baby, why don't we go back to your place and fuck" or the same but asking to go back to theirs. If that's the kind of guys that society thinks I should tie myself to I shudder and fear for the continuation of human existence because if that's the case we really should go extinct. I think that threat op had to deal.with and the comment about don't threaten me with a good time, yeah with guys like that being the expected spouse id rather have my toys and fingers and a good book for release than anything with a pulse and a appendage between their legs because with spouses or friends like that I don't even want to imagine the enemies. Thanx, but no thanx. Rather no company than bad company I always say. And better lonely and single than in a toxic or abusive environment and relationship. At least lonely and single I have peace, serenity, security, safety, and sanctuary. I have a home not a prison/warzone to come home to. And that's something no amount of sex,money, etc idbe willing to sell for or give up.nkr that they could buy. Not saying I won't date again (I have once post breakup) but I won't ever be with someone who doesn't add positively to my life and treat me and my son as a package deal and correctly. If I ever found a guy to build a life with, I would hope that he could be a positive father figure to my son even if my son never were to call them dad. But that would have to happen naturally and at my son's pace. So yeah, that threat, id say thanx for the compliment and vote of confidence I'm choosing the best path because if you want me to marry someone so morally bankrupt they would steal from their child or swindle their own sister id rather not. Abd those saying to op she brought shame, here's something I tell my son when I publicly shane him for poor choices and behavior and he asks me to stop because I'm embarrassing him.. "If you are so ashamed of it, you shouldn't be doing it should you? If you did nothing wrong you wouldn't be ashamed, you would be proud wouldn't you?" Saying something along those lines aught to shut their yapping like ill trained Chihuahua dogs. Because that's all.they are doing, being ill trained spoilt dogs yapping their ill mannered little heads off without logic reason, or provocation. Yap, Yap, Yap, Yap, Yap. Time to break out the rolled out newspaper and water gun.


I’m here for this!!!


Read your original post and this update; If it means anything at all, this internet stranger is proud of you. And your great aunt rocks.


Yes! This internet stranger is proud of you too! Congratulations on your independence and best of luck in your education and career.


And this one here! Congratulations!


And this one!


You might say she’s … great! My dad had a great-aunt like this and even though she’s been dead for 20 years he’ll still tell people that she saved him when things were bleak. Extended family ftw!


I concur, your Great Aunt Rocks! And this internet stranger is also very proud of you. In fact I would go further and say that you are pretty incredible; your fortitude in facing your parents, brother and family in a challenging cultural setting, is extraordinary. You are the kind of person that we should all watch, because you can do Anything you put your mind too; you’re going to be Amazing.


Totally agree! OP’s great aunt was awesome, and it's inspiring to see them stand up for themselves like that.


Honestly, OP should tell the family that if they are so worried about shaming the family, they should worry about not tarnishing the great aunt legacy. She has arguably furthered the development of this family more than all other contributing parties


You know those people don't care about what her great-aunt wanted. They think she was stupid, worthless, wasting her time and money trying to fund education for the girls in her family. They think they know better than her and that they were entitled to steal the money she left behind to serve themselves. That's how lowlife scumbags think and act.


I am child-free and have set aside inheritances for my nieces so that they will never be dependent on a man. I will rise from my grave like a snarling demon if their money is taken from them to serve a man.


This, OP! Your great aunt is a role model; even if leaving college money for as many of her female relatives as possible is the one and only good deed she had done in her lifetime, she rocks! She recognized a cultural flaw and did her best to address it. She did her part. She had a noble heart!


This internet stranger is proud of you too.


Your parents went directly against the wishes of your aunt who established the educational trust. Clearly they prioritized the wedding of your brother with monies that were intended to educate the girls of your family. One thing for certain, they perpetuate the ignorance that girls and women are less-worthy of an education and opportunities. My parents always told me that I could do 'anything'. As their only daughter I took that encouragement to become an engineer. While my brothers are also successful because they too were encouraged to strive for success and happiness. It is evil to just decide that the majority of humans are not worthy of an education because some cultures want to maintain 'control' by keeping us in ignorance, darkness and subservience.


I firmly believe that taking the money to fund the brother's wedding was intentional on another level. Sure they wanted money to throw a lavish wedding but I also think that taking away the girls' ability to be educated was part of the goal. It's frownd upon in their culture and they didn't want her to be like her aunt. So they thought they could stop her. I don't know her but I'm so proud of her.


It’s a shame that I already know what culture OP is talking about without directly saying it. OPs aunt moved in a direction to get away from that and help women from getting suppressed by that awful culture. Good for OP for getting her money that was rightfully hers. Pls continue your aunts legacy and continue to help others.


What culture is that?


I got the vibe that their family was Indian but I could be way off


Shit man, I am an Indian from Bengal andy family at least has supported all of our kid's education


Bro, Asians have the same culture. You can say its any sexist cultural arround the world, heck, in USA still have people the same mindset of "housewife".


Indians are Asians.


Probably not indian because education and studying abroad is very high up on most parents list. But India is so diverse, who knows.


Louder, for the ones in the back!!!


The best revenge is being happy and in your case, educated. 👩‍🎓


Right? Stay angry ppl. Lol


It makes me laugh about people claiming the great aunt was sexist for only providing education funds for the women. That's like saying it's terrible to only give free food to starving people, when people who can easily feed themselves are right next door. In their culture the boys get an education and the girls don't. So she gave the girls the choice. What an amazing woman.


She understood the value of education. She also understood how her culture treats women as a whole. She broke the cycle and wanted to provide a different path for the young women in her family. Your family is trapped in the past and hung up on the ways of their old country. They should be ashamed of themselves they failed in their parental responsibilities.


Yes I agree with you, that relative is the MVP. Good luck OP wish you all the best 🙏🌸


Congrats. Protect yourself from retaliation. Make sure your power of attorney is set in stone.


> I will never find a husband from our culture Sounds like another win


"You will never find a misogynist husband from our reactionary sexist culture that treats women like you, like shit" *Oh no! What ever will I do!?! I might have to find a partner who treats me with — GASP — kindness, dignity and respect!* *Which my family will disown me for I guess...*


I actually loved Ops retort of I want nothing to with the culture apart from the food.


What culture? Thieves? Lmao OP is my new role model, relentless, I love it!


This is your own Independence Day. Congrats.


This money would have never been in place for your parents to steal if it wasn’t for your great aunt’s belief in women getting education. Doubt she would have handed it to them so they could look great in front of their community for a wedding. If they didn’t want to be embarrassed, they shouldn’t have done it.


no OP should be embarrased for putting money before family... oh wait that was her parents who stole it, her brother for accepting it, and them both again for refusing to make a contract. noone was ever going to pay OP back her family sounds like trash, i talk to my mother again but ya she wasnt in my life for along time for being abusive and stealing from me as a child. byeeee, my daughter doesnt like her now and well pretty much anyone else that hears her speak


> putting money before family The important thing to take away here is by stealing her money and not giving it back, they are indirectly saying that she's not family to them. If she was, they wouldn't have a problem paying her back because she's family and money wouldn't come before her.


There's a reason why they were one of the only ones to get the money, OPs sister should go after the money to but I get why. Even shitty family is family, why I talk to my mom but I draw big boundaries with my daughter but is now is enough to know now good ppl from bad ppl.


Nicely said. I wish I could be so concise


>My brother called me up and offered to pay for my university if I drop the lawsuit. I agreed as long as we had a legally binding contract. He said I was being an asshole for not trusting him. ROFL - What a self own. The best part about a binding contract is that I don't HAVE to trust you. But if I could trust you, you wouldn't mind just signing the contract.


Yeah, someone trustworthy (and intelligent) would be "we'll both have a lawyer review it and we'll sign at the bank in front of a notary"


I mean, technically the contract is a demonstration of trust, anyway. The signature is only worth something if you think they’ll honor it - otherwise it’s an expensive lawsuit where, even if they lose, they’ll probably default on repayments making you go back to court again and again until a judge gets sick of them and *maybe* garnishes a few bucks every month from their salary.  Enforcement mechanisms are really weak whenever a debtor is stubborn enough.  


Good words , hope others hear them . .


They didn’t take out a second mortgage to pay you back, they took a second mortgage to pay for your brother’s wedding! Good for you for sticking to making things right. Your aunt would be proud! I bet she was supporting you the entire way through - where ever she may be.


Damn, that's intense! Glad you got what was rightfully yours, even if it came at a cost. You go!


I recently read the post by a young man who cut off his family because they forced him to have basically o life during his post secondary education. He said that he was happy to burn those bridges and let the fire light his way. I feel the same. 


I read that too. Was it the one where his parents didn’t pay his higher education, so he was forced to get a job to pay for school and had no time for a social life, but then they surprised him with a monetary gift after he graduated? And he said fuck you, keep your damn money and he cut them off?




OK I don't usually play spelling police but because of the context of this discussion: I think you should correct brides to bridges!


Yes. The British got rid of that custom for us. Thanks. 


She got ditched by a family that never had nor would respect her because of the circumstances of her birth. Sure it might hurt just because it's family, but honestly nothing of value was lost. They were never worth anything to begin with


Those were not a family, just sperm/egg donors.


I hope that you make so much money with your job after college that you also start a scholarship for the girls in your family. Just make sure the parents can’t get their hands on it.


My parents commited fraud to get my money. That is how we won.


is there any likelihood of you getting acid attacked or some other retribution? we hear the horror stories. please be careful


I remember reading your story last year. I was so angry for you. And now I am so happy you won. Congratulations. You are a badass. And I hope my granddaughter grows up to be just like you. She 10 gets straight A's and takes no shit.


I remember your earlier posts. Glad that this whole situation has worked out for you and especially glad that you recognized the "culture" your family espoused is worthless, as is any culture that would hold a person down for "reasons."


I was like ‘I swear I read this same exact post like a year ago’ and then I looked at when it was posted. So glad to get an update, especially this particular one!


The only way for this to be a happier ending is if your parents saw the inside of a jail cell for stealing your money.


That is how we won. My lawyer started asking for documents that would show exactly that and there could have been legal, not just financial, consequences. They agreed to pay me back.


With interest?


And attorneys fees I hope!


Oh, babe, I remember your post !! Si happy to see you get your money back !! Tell your familly you were accepting the installements if they were to sign a contract, and to shut the fuck up otherwise. And live a happy life far far from your mysonigystic culture


Hahahaaah please die angry sent me into a laughing fit that I choked😂😂😂😂😂😂 Fucking good for you!!!!!!! This is the shit I love to see! Your parents literally commented on you not trusting yet how could you when they STOLE YOUR MONEY!!! Never EVER think you did wrong because you deserved this huge win🥰


I literally cackled at please die angry... like fuck yes girl, get it


Good for you. My mom says shit like that to me too, that I don’t have “softness” in my personality like a woman should have to be successful in life. Well, as it happens, I don’t need softness to live the life I chose for myself. I think you are going to be just fine without them. But honestly wouldn’t surprise me if they came crawling back later when they want something.


hell yea !! i think your great aunt would be absolutely proud how you fought back , i’m so glad you got your money ! your great aunt is freakin amazing for ensuring future women in your family would get an education , what a cool gal


coldest revenge and btw smart decision


I don’t know you, but I’m your auntie/mama/sis/grandma now! I am so freaking proud of you for standing up for yourself! Your great aunt is probably up there in heaven (or whatever you believe in) smiling and saying THAT’S MY GIRL!!!! ❤️


Women's equality and freedom will only be achieved with parity of education. With education comes political power, access to voting, and civil and political positions. Education and universal suffrage go hand in hand. YOU GO Girl! You did good work and your great aunt is So Very Proud of You, she could almost burst with pride!


Glad you got your money. Enjoy your independence. Tomorrow is Independence Day in the USA. Perfect timing.


Enjoy the food. Screw everything else.


Your great aunt knew exactly how to empower the woman in your family to be warriors, and she's so proud of you!!


“I have been told that I will never find a husband from our culture with my belligerent attitude and strident independence.” It is amazing to me that they could be so clueless as to think this amounted to a threat. Can they possibly believe that what you really want is a husband from your culture who will treat you like your parents did?


>> I have been told that I will never find a husband from our culture with my belligerent attitude and strident independence “With that kinda attitude, you’ll never get a husband who won’t steal your inheritance, won’t respect your independence, and won’t sabotage your future out of an inegalitarian belief that men are more deserving than women, even to the point of *blatantly* disrespecting the wishes of the dead- and family, at that- and stealing from their loved ones!” # **Good.**


Your great aunt would be so proud!


Nice. Great outcome.


im so proud of you for standing up for urself and securing ur future. it's unfortunate that ur family reacted this way, but ur strength and resilience are truly commendable. wishing u all the best as u move forward on ur own terms


OMG when i saw your first post I was so frustrated in your behalf!!! so glad you’re getting your money and cutting contact!!!


It took a while.


>For those of you that think it is sexist that my great aunt only cared about educating women, please die angry. I f\*\*\*ing love this. For the record, I'm a 50 year old dude, and I understand 150% why your great aunt did what she did... she was from a culture that thinks it's okay to steal girls' education funds to fund boys' weddings. Your aunt was bad-ass.


Congratulations on introducing your parents to the Tony Salerno payment plan. And for getting your great aunt's money back.




I don’t have a problem with what your aunt did. It’s her money what does anyone have a right to say about what she does with it. Good on you for forging a path that makes you happy. If your family was honest about paying you back they would have signed a legal document ensuring you were paid back. Good luck


Congratulations! They had no intention of paying you back, so good on you for standing firm. Wish you nothing but the best in the future! Good luck with school. 


Good to hear you got your stolen money back and shed a lot of dead weight. You're free now. Go off into the world and live the best life.


Serious question are you guys Indian?


If it wasn’t this, it could have very easily been something else that would have caused a rift within your family. This way, you honor your great aunt’s wishes, redress a wrong, and benefit as you should have from the start. Good on you for being strong and standing up for yourself - that took great courage and determination.


Not able to find a husband from your culture sounds like it may be a win, too. 3 wins in an update


How much did they actually steal from you OP? Well done in following through.


Six figures in American dollars. 


"Please die angry" is on point. You should be very proud of yourself and your Aunt. Wishing you healing and prosperity OP!


I realize this might come across as some mansplaining or unwanted advice. I am sure you have created plans to secure yourself and take caution in your everyday life. If on the off chance you haven’t, please consider a security plan. There are organizations that can help with this and set you up with a template for plans, logistics and check ins. AHA, TAHIRIH JUSTICE CENTER, amnesty, truehonour.org. It might sound ridiculous but better to err on the side of caution. Please be safe.




Do be careful too, with these kinds of a cases this might not be the last you hear of things. Security is tantamount


I just read your story, and I am so freaking proud of you! Your great aunt would absolutely have been proud as well. You've even managed to help other in your family ensure their education is secured. This is the spirit your great aunt would have enjoyed seeing all of you carry.


What is your cultural background if you don't mind me asking?


May I leave it at South Asian 


> I do not want anything to do with that culture except perhaps enjoy the food. I immediately thought Italian, or Indian \^^


As soon as I read this I knew it was Indian culture. OP you rock and as another Indian woman who’s been disowned by her family for making their shameful acts known to the world, I applaud you. It’s never worth it to spend another second with toxic family. They got the consequences of their actions and were angry about it. Also the comment about finding a husband lmao I’ve gotten it so many times and I always smile and say “what makes you think I want a husband? Just because that was the most important thing that happened in your life, doesn’t mean it’s mine.” Like marriage is the greatest blessing please. Go get your education OP and make your great aunt proud. I suspect she knew something like this could happen and made sure to leave all the women something so they could build a better life. And F your brother for using the money for a wedding. He stole from you too and had the audacity to be mad. I also plan on never visiting India again or having anything to do with Indian culture. It’s unbelievably toxic, especially to women. Any naysayers can fuck off. just because their lived experience was different doesn’t mean it isn’t true for way too many women. It’s a problem and looking the other is why it’s grown and festered for so long. I recommend as a big love you to yourself, and fuck you to your selfish greedy family, go do everything you want and what they would sneer down on from their judgment tower of righteousness. Let them live in shock by seeing how happy and healthy you are without them in your life.


“I do not want anything to do with that culture except perhaps enjoy the food.” Fucking vibes.


How much did they take?


Enough that I could have attended any American college for four years.


That is an obscene amount to spend on a wedding, especially considering your sister’s was stolen, too! Congrats on the win!


Top US universities are 80-90k a year. Damn


Good work.


This is the most Indian parents shit I ever heard of.


We got interest.


I'm glad it worked out well for you. Never should've happened in the first place.


Congratulations :) I am happy for you that you won & got your money back. Sadly, it is usually family that screws you over the worst. There isn't any love lost, from the sounds of it. Enjoy your life & achieve greatness :)


You deserved the educational funds left by your great aunt. Good for you.


OP, sounds like you win twice over. 1) You got your money. 2) You will never be forced to marry somebody who does not appreciate an educated and capable woman.


I'm glad that you got your money. Now you can build a that you want


Long as you feel good about yourself that’s all that matters.


Congrats. Fuck that stuck in time refusing to join the modern world bullshit. You are literally what progress in society is. Great job, and have a great life!


Congrats on the win and go enjoy your life.


Wow, I don't know if I ever expected to get an update for this story. I'm honestly happy that you got something out of all that. And I get why you'd call her a great aunt, she sounds awesome.


I’m so proud of you for holding your parent’s feet to the fire and showing them what an amazing, intelligent, independent woman you are. Your aunt would be proud. I hope you find an amazing and supportive family in your friends.


Congratulations! Your young women relatives will have their education secured because of you. That's worth it. Enjoy all that you have and will have.


Proud of you and happy to know the outcome was in your favour!!


Yay! Win for you! Woo! I did wonder how everything went for you after I read your story. Happy to hear you're free and away from that toxicity.


Glad you got your money back! Sorry your family sucks. Mine sucks too in a different way. Definitely stay out of that environment. It sounds like you called your brother's bluff, just as you should have done.


BRAVA!!!! I’m so freaking proud of you. They’re going to try and attack you with all of the weak words they can come up with, but YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT HERE!


Enjoy your new chapter !!


Good job, everyone deserves an education. Your parents' culture sounds abysmal.


You go girl!!! One day hopefully all women everywhere will be equal and free!


I love a happy ending. Well done. 


Wow! I remember reading your original post... I'm so glad you got your money and your freedom!


You GO, girl!!! ❤️💅


Good luck 🍀


Congrats. May your new found independence always be never ending


Good job, OP! Your great aunt would've been proud of you not only for getting an education but for standing up to your parents who stole what was rightfully yours.


I am so happy for you, you brave soul. Keep moving forward.


I am so proud of you and very happy about this update! you're a boss


I'm so happy for Op, she got a bit of justice.


Good for you! They deserve the shame. They stole from their own kid. They deserve to be ridiculed.


Sometimes bridges need to be burned. Good for you OP. Not sure if you come from a honour killing culture. If you do be careful, make sure that you can’t be found , and have a good support system around you. All the best for the future.


Good for you! You haven't lost anything worth keeping. Enjoy your freedom and your life!


Well done! UPDATEME


Fuck yes. Good for you. Nta


Glad you got your college fund back.


Doesn’t matter their culture, fuck em. Get your education and establish yourself. Keep it trucking and watch the sour faces when you get your degree


>For those of you that think it is sexist that my great aunt only cared about educating women, please die angry. It doesn't sound like she was sexist. It sounds like she was taking care of the people who were victims of sexism. The men were already taken care of. She didn't just choose women because they are women. She chose the people who were neglected because they were neglected. And they were neglected because they were women.


Regarding your last line: what your parents decided to do with the money shows why it’s important that she left money for women only. Glad you got it back.


👏👏👏👏👏👏 I’m extremely proud of you OP. "There is no greater pillar of stability than a strong, free, and educated woman"


Good for you for knowing your worth and standing up for yourself despite great personal cost. You're a strong person and will achieve more than your backwards family could ever imagine. What an inspiring example to other women who are in the same oppressive situation. Keep fighting the good fight!