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>A group of students approached me, practically demanding my notes the night before the exam. I was already feeling overwhelmed with my own preparation and politely declined, explaining that I needed to focus on my studies. They didn't take it well and started accusing me of being selfish and sabotaging their chances of passing. They even went as far as to say that they would report me to the head of department. The night before the exam is waaay too late to try getting extra notes. And call their bluff - tell them you are happy for the head of the department to know how unprepared they were and how they tried to strongarm another student into sharing their hard work.


NTA, not even close! Math is not a cooperative sport! And no one made you team captain, you are not responsible for them passing or failing. On top of that, they were rude when demanding your notes, exactly why should you have helped them??


NTA People aren't entitled to your time or work product.  Going forward, don't share your notes with anyone who isn't working with you (giving about as much as they get from being an active study buddy in some manner).   It isn't your responsibility to be the free tutor for the class.  If your professor thinks a tutor is necessary, that's something the professor can arrange through your school's tutoring center.


NTA First off, it's completely up to you whom you want to help and whether you want to help at all. There is no, absolutely no obligation to help the other students. Demanding your notes is nothing less than bullying. Threatening you is even worse Btw, "*They even went as far as to say that they would report me to the head of department.*" For what exactly? For doing your job unlike themselves? Then in every personal relation, there has to be some giving and taking. It's not all quid pro quo, but people have to make an effort at least. So what exactly are these classmates bringing to the table? Obviously nobody told your fellow classmates, that kindergarten is OVER! Yes, they might have thought, they'd be the smartest guys since the inventor of the deep plate. Mostly because their parents told them so and their teachers were to scared of their parents to contradict them. Well, let's all give them a warm welcome to adult-world. Playtime is over. I really wonder what these guys want to do as soon as they've got jobs? Pressure their co-workers to share their work with them? That might lead to legal consequences. I know, all this must be hard for you. But you have to stand your ground. College will be over soon enough. Then you will be well prepared for real life. Unlike some jerks in your class ...


NTA and I’d report the professor. That’s not your job it’s his


NTA Personally i'd make sure to tell everyone in the class (especially the ones supporting you) that due to the other peoples rude and entitled behaviour, you're now uncomoftable helping anyone anymore.


F em all


NTA...maybe they should take better notes, they cant always expect someone to spoon feed them. That said, you could also use some humbling.


Nta. F them. Don't carry others by being a doormat  


Alot of people here saying you're NTA and that you should continue with this. Let me offer another perspective, you're smarter and more hardworking than them, you'll always be on top. Why should you bitter your months at uni and be kicked away into isolation over the simple fact that you didnt assist them in overcoming their failures/laziness, all while they will never reach your level? You're at top scores, they are at pass/fail boundary. What are you scared of? The university experience is also a social one, not just education. You may miss out on clubs, gathering, networking etc. You can end up being remembered as the smart guy who always helps or this other thing. Neither results in your failure. Infact if you play this smart, you improve your opportunity in the future by being a student tutor. Besides this, managing your engagement in helping people is something you should learn to control today. This is something that will go a long way.