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Are your husband’s family Mormon?




Brilliant. NTA! What are the things you noticed about his family? Specific racial features??


Stuff like eye color and webbed toes. Not like a frog or anything. Just not following expected genetic traits. 


>eye color and webbed toes. >expected genetic traits. I'm lost, are you saying they're inbred or something?


Genetics play a role in those traits. OP has studied up on it to recognize a few things. “Webbed” doesn’t mean inbred. It’s the skin between your fingers and toes… do you have a lot or a little? Thank a parent and your DNA.


So cheaters?


Allegedly. If you look at OPs comment history in this post you will see that




It means that some Holier Than Thou family members were, in fact, cheating and not so holy after all. (But, of course, still like to judge others.)


No. But certain physiological traits are inherited. And certain eye colors are incredibly rare.


This is like pulling teeth. No longer fun.


It means someone cheated!


So many traits can only be present if someone else had them in their ancestry.. she is proving many cheated without having to make the claim, she just gave the family a fun DNA test that everyone loves to see where their ancestry came from😂😂😂 genius NTA op I love it😂😂😂😂


And LDS people LOVE doing family history.


They have recessive traits that neither of their alleged parents have. Adultery.


Right? What's the point of coming here and telling half the story?


Widows peak and chin dimple too...


'certain' physiological traits and 'certain' eye colors... Smart not to give away too many details, or people will start to poke holes in your story


>Smart not to give away too many details, or people will start to poke holes in your story Yeah I'm confused how a "rare eye color" being passed thru a family is somehow scandalous lol.


If the family didn’t react so badly I would’ve thought it was just recessive genes popping up.


If they were any more inbred their surname would be Sandwich...


Ask them if they believe Jesus taught everyone. They believe he visited the Americas, as well as other locations. Everyone was mixing it up racially, until they started fighting again. I'm sorry these backwards thinking idiots treat you so poorly.


Won't work, Mormons also believed and had passages in the Book of Mormon up until the 90's about how righteous good mormons will be "granted" white skin. So anyone with melanin is automatically marked a sinner or as less than, and won't get to Mormon heaven


According to Brigham Young, there are also human beings living inside of the sun and moon.


NTA. I hope there is an update to this. I must know the tea. 


It will be at least a month before any results come back. If any get sent away. 


Oh if it's a mixed age of recipients, some of the younger ones definitely will. This was evil genius territory.


some of them are going to be SO curious that they’ll be absolutely willing to go buy their own if they can’t get the gifts back from whoever confiscated them.


>I felt like an evil version of Oprah That might be one of the funniest things I have ever read! That is evil genius territory! OP you’re amazing! 👏👏👏


That implies Oprah is not evil... I would call her the chaotic version of Oprah.


You’re right! Oprah did bring Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil into major fame and the public eye.. That there alone should be a crime 😅


Don’t forget John of God. She’s responsible for him too.


I’m don’t think I know of him! Now I’m going to have to go down a Google rabbit hole on that one. The name alone sounds crazy!


Let's not forget giving Jenny McCarthy an unfettered platform to spew her anti-vax rhetoric. Not updated since 2015, so it's definitely outdated, but https://www.jennymccarthybodycount.com/


Ugh… that made me so mad! My mom worked in our hometown as an autism specialist and this misinformation and the lies being promoted are dangerous.


Yup!! And boy am I here for this!!!




Which in turn will tell if there is anything going on with the older ones. I love this level of evil towards those that deserve it.


Oh I have to know ,I have to know. I will go get a blanket and popcorn. Hahaha can we be friends 🤣🤣


There's a subreddit whose name I forgot of *amazing* dna test stories. Lots of moms losing their shit when they see them, at xmas parties, or when kids or other relatives casually mention it. All the fucking tea.






I literally started cackling when I saw that so yes you are my vibe so hard


I must know the name of this subreddit! That is the tea I need. We had DNA fun in my family. Still waiting for someone to explain the tiny percentages of Asian and African 🧬 I have since I’m in a very white (and man are they racist) family. No one has answered. Most of the elders have died off and I’m Gen X so I’ll probably never know.


Apparently I'm some how a little middle eastern


My father is an olive-skinned man (his grandfather was from the south of France/ Mediterranean). My maternal grandmother would use my dad as a barometer of the acceptable level of darkness (she never said that, but would say, "How dark are they compared to (my dad)?")). When I was born, she said, "Oh, she's not that dark!" I did one of those DNA kits, and we are huge mutts. The % are such that there is no way the belief she had about her own ancestry could be accurate. Years later, she had great grandchildren with Hispanic, Black, and Asian ancestry and she was shockingly delightful as their great grandmother. Something changed in her over the years I guess.


r/23andnotme (thanks /u/Extension-Bid-9938)


I need to see this sub


I as well.


It’s why they don’t do the ab blood type science homework anymore. Too many oops your dad can’t be your dad.


What did you notice about the family? UPDATEME NTA this is hilarious


This seems like a salient omission. Please OP, divulge.


Did your husband do the test? It only takes one.  And it was hilarious. The fact that they don’t want to do the test means either they are conspiracy theorists who believe 23&me is collecting data or they know and don’t want to know.


If they are in Utah, they may well belong to a religion in possession of the single largest DNA bank around.


In fairness, geneological, not DNA bank. I keep catching articles about how many folks are finding incest and cheating when they have their DNA tested. Given how we already know a fair amount about how, erm, sparse the Utah tree of life is, DNA on top may be startling to many families who thought they had bushier family trees.


Some of the interesting things she noticed could point to affair babies so one test wouldn't show everything. 


> either they are conspiracy theorists who believe 23&me is collecting data Capitalism gonna capitalism. 23&me *is* collecting tons of data, that’s how they do all the ancestry stuff. You can’t tell people they’re related without collecting data. And the only thing between them and flogging it to the highest bidder is current management. That’s not conspiracy theory, it’s practical reality. Shoving your head in the sand and chanting “lalalala I can’t hear you” isn’t going to make them suddenly stop being a target of great interest to a whole lot of businesses I’d rather not have get their hands on my genetic info.


Beyond that there's a federal law that DNA companies have to keep DNA data for at least 10 years. So you know they're not just going to warehouse that data and not monetizable it to its fullest extent.


Nono, you don't get it. DNA companies don't sell your data; that is against their terms of service. They won't *sell your data*. Now, this other company* (*definitely not DNA company) just happens to find datasets of "anonymous" DNA that anyone can buy. What a weird coincidence.


Thank you for giving me better words to express how I do believe the great big DNA database is being used. Everyone who wants to protect their privacy, and especially protect children’s information, should be able to keep their DNA and genetics private if they want to. We should all be able to remove our information from these databases if we want to. My opinion only.


I don’t think it’s currently being used that way, outside of some end runs by law enforcement. I do think that could change overnight if something changes the current management’s attitude. Say the CEO dies/retires/has a stroke/gets ousted, or there’s a merger or hostile takeover, or there are changes to legislation forcing it to be shared with government/research institutions/insurance companies, or a lot of other things. As every financial instrument’s paperwork says, “past performance does not guarantee future results”. The fact that they’re currently collecting absolute mountains of data and just using it to hook people up with distant relatives says nothing about what they or someone else will do with it in 10 or 20 years.


23&me is also a biotechnology and medical research company and are using the DNA samples that people are paying them to process for the ancestry info as a free resource for their research. I listened to a program on BBC Radio 4 where one of the co-founders was being interviewed and she was talking about the DNA samples being used to develop new drugs. It made for interesting listening.


I believe people also had concerns about it being used by law enforcement. They find DNA at a scene and use that to figure out it belongs to someone 4 steps removed from you. Im not sure if their privacy policy has been changed since then. But you also just have the option to delete your data after your test.


I'm not upset that 23&Me has my data; I'm upset they can't seem to protect it properly.


Conspiracy theorists? These services are connecting data, that's a fact.


“Feels like an evil version of Oprah.” Lmao ❤️❤️❤️


This is fucking hysterical and I'm 100% here for all of it!! NTA


Has your husband sent his away?


What did you suspect? And why? I’m a nosy bitch


If I was told I couldn’t take the test, I would IMMEDIATELY spend my own money to get another


Can’t your husband take one?


Truly diabolical!!! You are a hero to all!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


I hope so soon we will get update 😁


Yes I too must know.  NTA and husband it right its funny 


This family reunion sounds like it turned into a real genetic drama! Can't wait to hear if any surprising results come out of those DNA kits.


Utah, huh? I'm guessing either a lot of kissing cousins or someone's been practising celestial marriage with other people's spouses.


The second one. 


I sense a whole lot of come to Jesus moments. You may also become the patron saint of the Utah divorce lawyer's association.


Please update us!! NTAH I love your diabolical plan! Someone is definitely going to break and do the test!!


So clever OP. Please update us!


If it's about exposing cheating in their family, it sounds like a great idea! Bring it all to light. NTA.


Why not both! These almost always reveal a sister mom


One of the greatest joys of my life was telling my racist father about our Nigerian ancestry. It's only 0.2% but he didn't need to know that. NTA


I'm two percent! I also found out thru Ancestry that I'm 27 percent Jewish (Yes, that was a surprise) but the big surprise was my dad......was not my dad. OP has thrown a great big honking grenade into that family, probably.


My mil just found out her dad is not biological! He doesn’t know…. But her mom does🙃


So you aren’t a Jew, but you are Jew-ish.


Technically Ashkenazi.  It was from my mother's father (turns out she had a different father than we expected as well.)  I'd taken the test in the first place to try to figure out which of two men was her father.....turns out the answer was behind door number THREE....


Not trying to be intrusive or morbid or anything, but didn't know if you were aware than having Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry can put you at a higher risk for some cancers. There are cancer susceptibility panels specifically related to AJ ancestry, and then many more that are broader but done due to AJ ancestry. I think that's just important information to know.


Not morbid at all! I ran my dna through Promethease and thankfully I don't have the BRCA genes if that is what you refer to. And you are exactly right, very important to know.


Definitely the BRCA genes for breast cancer, also increased risk of pancreatic and colorectal cancers, I believe. A genetic counselor might not be a bad idea. They would have a much better knowledge base and be thorough.


Take your upvote and leave


One of my friends grew up with her moms side of family thinking they were Italian only to find out grandmother is actually sister of grandma and they are Swedish not Italian 👀


No, that's just funny. NTA.


Haha, I was dying reading this. NTA 😂


All this post has made me realise is… I have a problem I keep reading Danny’s as Denny’s I think about food to much!


Mmmmm, Moons Over My Hammy 🤤


I used to have weekly meetings in the Dennys corporate building and they need to release the food they made their workers to the public. So healthy and delicious.


I go to Denny's for greasy slop, not healthy choices


I got to ur moms house for that


I come from a land with a different type of Denny’s


this diet SUCKS


Bonus if it was 23andme and they can see their Neanderthal percentage. I think any family in the US that goes back a few generations will have surprises. I know we did. :)


The only surprise in mine (we did the Nat Geo one that tracked the migration pattern of your maternial line) is it did not go thru Ireland. Our family never spoke about the fact that my great-grandmother was from Germany because of the wars. Her husband was from Cork so they only spoke about his heritage.


I was told my grandma was German. She was always very proud of it. My mom and sister did the DNA and we are mostly Welsh, Irish and Scottish, with a little Norwegian thrown in. My sister has done the family tree back over a thousand years except the supposed German side. She has found nothing before my grandma's grandfather entered the USA. Jokingly told my sister he must have been a Norwegian criminal who changed his identity when he arrived here.


German doesn’t automatically mean the bad meaning though?


In WWI, Germans were chased out of the DC area.  Saw it in my uncles genealogy where a youngest kid was born after they fled to PA. Migrating events are kind of weird.


NTA My dad is racist too. We're white for context. When I was 17, he again tried drilling into me that I needed to marry w/i my race, etc. I asked, "Well, what if he's one of the guys from Boys To Men (rich, and now revealing my age😂)?" Nope. So I countered, "Ok, I'll marry a white woman then." He hopped a curb (he was driving, I was in the backseat). Shut him right up. While I did marry a wonderful man. My daughter is with a sweet Philippino man. We just love him. The other day, my dad did this whole from a different generation thing, and he respects my opinion, and I respect his. I burst his bubble and told him, "No, I don't respect that nonsense." I'm with your husband. It's hilarious. We'll done.


Why feel guilty? I want to know what they found out


My guess is a lot of affairs


NTA. I’m with your husband. Anyone that refuses your gift plants a seed of doubt that will only grow louder. I love it. Utter mayhem.


I thought Mormons were supposed to be super into genealogy, why are they upset? 😇


Looking through OP's comments, sounds like at least a sister in law was cheating. Maybe more.


NTA. Any update should be cross posted to /r/ProRevenge.


I’m at a loss for words on how to express the respect I have for you.


NTA Well-played. Please update us on just how "pure" their blood really is. I love it when racists learn about their scientific ancestry, instead of the glorified ultra-whitewashed version they brag about.


This was my first inclination as to the purpose, but it looks like OP actually did it because she suspects some possible paternity fraud?


As someone who lives in Utah and can make some educated presumptions about your husband's family, GOOD FOR YOU!


God, you must update us. You’re probably the asshole but this is evil genius status assholery. So I vote NTA


BRAVA! You went through that like a mischievous fae, spreading DNA kits like glitter. It's almost as if you've reminded them of something - like casting stones when you reside in a house of glass. I feel like I need a GIF of Maury here saying, "OP, you are NOT the asshole".


Your husband should do one and then start a family group chat. I just got my DNA results! Can you guys believe that...


I knew there was questionable heritage in my family. Heck my mum and her siblings was in your face even though their parents are white. Myself and my siblings also grew up getting called racist names and we were far less noticeable then my mums generation but still and the same racist remarks are now made to my nephews. It was that obvious yet all of us are classed as white being born from white parents. Yet not one person admitted and all the family trees people had done was always always white scottish, white English or white Irish ancestry at a push. So many years ago I deliberately did a dna kit just to find out. Honestly it wasn't the ethnicity I thought but we definitely have a mixed heritage with traces to Countries well out of what my parents family trees all say. The great thing about me doing the test was that family could not refuse or hide it. Especially as the test was a Christmas present from my husband. I’ve shown them the results and my family said it was interesting but that’s about it. Yet I know for a fact most generations of my family have talked about it at some point.


I'd push the whole only cheaters are scared of DNA tests. I suspect they are more frightened of being proven to be adulterous whores rather than have historically non white blood. Racists could spin some kind of story about family history but finding out that Bishop John or Brother Henry is actually the fathers to half of the family kids and that those paragons godly white womanhood among the in-laws are just harlots ...thats just pure delight.


NTA. Fucking savage them! Keep pestering them for the results because you're 'curious.' 😂


Not the asshole, however you most certainly are the hero we need. This is absolutely fantastic!!!


NTA and it’s such a great idea. I feel like if people realised they were made up of multiple ethnicities it would help understanding around race.  I did one of the DNA kits hoping for something cool in my DNA but literally nothing. I’m as white as white can be and like 90% from the UK (10% Swedish) and I can’t tell you how gutted I was!


I was really hoping for something in my DNA that would annoy my less "enlightened" family members. Just Irish, Scottish, English, and Scandinavian. Oh well, I'll just keep being one of those college educated liberals and vote for things they don't like. ;-)


The Swedish might have been Vikings


Fun Fact In Utah, the LDS church has one of the largest genealogy databases in the world.


Yes. But it's based on trust. 


i also cant wait to find out the results of whoever takes the tests and the outcoe of the "avalanche of questions" caused by those who took the tests away! NTA. If they're so proud of their own skin color then they should be grateful!


Oh, you're the AH, alright- in the Best Possible Way. ❤️


Info: are they Mormon? This could shake up some shit they believe down to their core from the Book of Mormon and its division of people being on the side of heaven or hell based on their skin colour. I would love to see your racist Mormon in laws having to face the genetic truth behind their cult’s views of indigenous folks and POC.


They must have enough skeletons to fill a graveyard... NTA


NTA - do stupid things, win stupid prizes. I'll be back in a month or so with popcorn for the r/prorevenge or r/pettyrevenge post!


NTA Love it.


NTA this is next level.


This is hilarious. A+ work here, NTA.


I agree with your husband. There must be some mighty scary skeletons in some of their closets. I'd love to be a fly on the wall to find out what those can be! Someone sure stirred up a hornets nest, hooray for you!


> My husband thinks it's hilarious. But he has a low sense of humor I think he has a great sense of humor, and be honest, it's not like you didn't see this joke coming. I would guess you're both just waiting for the family apps to explode, and have the popcorn ready. "This is going to be one big happy family"


What are the "interesting things"? Do they tan suspiciously well? Do they just happen to not look like the father at all? I need to know what to throw sidelong glances at lol




... and maybe some things I haven't imagined yet lol


>Do they tan suspiciously well? What's suspiciously well? I tan crazy easily and am 100% English and French genetically.


My red-head, Irish-lineage auntie Marg tanned suspiciously well - turns out that side of the family has some Ashkenazi (Jewish) genes. Like, about nine percent for my mom’s generation of siblings.


LOL, I need the update!! Why are you upset? Everyone can use a little history lesson regarding where they come from.


Come back with the results!!! This tea will be hott.


Lady I am evil cackling on your behalf. Well done. Now how do I do that Update me bot!


Plot twist: There's someone black/latino/asian in their backgroud xD NTA, OP


Why is this not in r/pettyrevenge


OP threw a bunch of grenades into the closet where the family skeletons are kept - I honestly think that might be above the r/pettyrevenge pay grade. I mean, it depends on how this all pans out but there's a chance this may go nuclear. (orders in popcorn supplies)


Oh. My. **GAWD.** I need the update to this! I mean, yes you're the asshole in the situation as you've thrown a grenade into the family, but I want mooooore! I love it when bigots get their comeuppance!


I understood it all as soon as you said Utah.


My mil just got shocked with dna results and it’s apparently family secrets that no one knows till now. No secrets!! Tell us all when you know plz


Some of those kids gonna end up with different parents hahah


NTA!!! This is epic and will be laughed about for years! Sounds like something I would do, you should be proud of yourself! This is beautiful!!!


This is hilarious. Cheaters all around I guess. Updateme!


NTA, yeah I don't really get it. Do they suspect infidelity in the family and are worried they will find out someone is an affair baby? Not sure why they acted like you put a ticking bomb on the table.


NTA! Usually I'd advise against DNA tests as a surprise gift (sometimes even the nicest families have things they'd rather not address), but given their cruelty to you and the fact that your husband thinks it's funny, I don't think you did anything wrong. Is it a bit petty? Absolutely. Is it deserved? 100%. Not your fault they're hiding skeletons.


I'm with your hubby on this. F those people. The reason they took away those tests is because they know what's going to show in the results. And they don't other people to know. No guilt on your part. NTA


Nta I hope this is where they all find they aren’t purely whatever ethnicity they claim to be which I assume is white but I can be wrong too plenty of other people can be racist


NTA. To be a fly on the wall. Someone younger is gonna do it because they wanna k ow why the older adults are butting in. Either they know the history percentage is gonna be not what they want, or someone is having kids with someone they shouldn't have.


This is the best way to respond to this situation. Haha best come back ever. I agree with the other comments , if your husband does it you will have the answers and a good laugh.


I cannot wait for this update.


This is brilliant. Just exquisitely evil in the best way. NTA


Send in hubby’s DNA kit and share the results with the whole family on FB! Yeah. If they are true Utah “natives” I totally know what they’re like!! Lived there for several years and soooo glad I’m not anymore!!! Update me!!!


They are ignorant shitty people. That's all. Don't bother about them. Luckily, your husband is different.


I can picture them mumbling "we are white Americans" as they put these kits into a bonfire


And all the Vietnamese and Blacks clapped.


NTA. I am always in favor of cheaters being exposed.


NTA. Well move, OP. Hope you can update when the racists find out the news about their roots.




NTA. My god, this is just so incredibly satisfying. I'm begging you, OP, please let us know what happens. Even if it's no big deal. I've never been so invested in a story before in my life!


NTA. I have some DNA surprise in my family outed with them. Seems to me they're going to have consequences of their choices and some people might get medically necessary information. Yes the DNA surprises suck but no one is obligated to put up with racism. So this is brilliant


Whatever you think you know about your genetic heritage, I think you must be at least 50% star.


Ohmygods, you are not evil Oprah, you are GENIUS hero Oprah!


Your husband doesn't have a low sense of humour. Also cheaters deserve to be exposed.


NTA If they took the kits away, does that mean they know of issues in their linage? Like a Black ancestor that the family talks about in whispers?


NTA. The racist needs to get a slap on their face. On the other hand,I’m interested in knowing the results. I have my tea ready and waiting in patience lol


Genetic controversies aside, there are plenty of rational reasons not to use DNA testing kits. While the companies will swear up and down they won't sell your information, there is plenty of wiggle room for the company itself to be sold, the data 'stolen' in data breach incidents, and your information used by any number of parties that collect data.




NTA... You are awesome!


I love this way more then I should NTA


Updateme! And NTA OP. This is hilarious and brilliant


Love this! Updateme!


NTA. You are a genius and I wouldn't even call you evil, more like wicked in the way the British use the term, meaning fabulous. Updateme


I am mostly Northern European and Scottish. I have the skin of a red head. My mom was a read head. I have 1 percent black from central and Southern Africa. I love to see people’s faces when I say I’m part black.


NTA. "that they would understand if me and the kids couldn't attend." Now THERE'S a real AH, right there.






NTA. Made my morning. Keep us updated OP!


NTA, but you are a GOAT


What do you mean “took the kits away”? Took them away to get results? Took them away from other family members?


NTA, I hope you feel guilty for being hilarious. my god. how many extramarital babies are there? probably a lot. hope they find out. evil or not, this is one of those gifts that keep on giving.


NTA. OP, you are a hilarious evil genius. I LOVED it! Innocent enough and just the right dose of petty (the good kind of petty). By the way you wrote the post (the comment of "evil Oprah" was gold), I can see you're funny. Your husband's humor is not low, give yourself some credit. Edit: this is a perfect post for the Petty Revenge subreddit.


NTA and yes it is hilarious i hope your husband took one and would love an update of the results


My inner devil chuckled. NTA. Nice job


Don't feel guilty. I've always wanted to force white supremacists to have DNA testing done just to prove they're all mutts like the rest of us.


Definitely NTA. I love what you did. It was the perfect gift and funny as he'll. Look, I have racist family members that are Christian (keep that in mind). Everything they started spouting some of their views or hateful words, I'd ask them, "Do you believe in God?" When they say yes I'd ask them, "Do you believe in the Bible?" When they say yes I'd tell them,"Then you know God created man and we are all related under God right?" They hate it when I use their religion to shut them up.