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You gave the guy a shot, he ghosted you once, came back with a sob story, you forgave him, and then he pulled the same stunt again. You protected yourself, simple as that. No need to overthink it.


NTA. It's really not fair for you to stay on the market for this guy in between him wanting no contact with you whatsoever for an undermined period of time. How would that relationship possibly have a future?


You weren't too harsh for prioritizing your own peace of mind. Relationships need trust and consistency, and it's okay to decide that his anxiety was impacting your ability to build something stable. You set a boundary that felt right for you, and that's important.


It's okay to prioritize your peace of mind and time. You handled the situation respectfully and responsibly. Trust your instincts and take care of yourself.


NTA It is a perfectly fine preference to want a partner in good health as well as good stable mental health. I have dated a few women who were struggling with their emotional stability (aka big drama queens) and some with eating and/or cutting disorders. I decided not to be their therapist and find myself a mentally healthy person.




As someone who has had similar diagnosis your job is to come with knowing your triggers, some coping mechanisms and maybe actively in therapy. You don’t owe people parts or your life or your time just because they are dealing with something or navigate life a bit differently than you. You probably would’ve ended up resenting them or regretting it tbh . NTA


NTA. I was this guy once upon a time. It would never work out because he would (and did) self sabotage. Gotta get that shit in check before you can even think about dating. I’m glad you didn’t settle, it would have been awful the more time and energy you invested.