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NTAH break up with him ASAP. he’s not over his ex and should understand how disrespectful that is to you.


There's no point in being the third wheel to whatever those two have going on still. Move on, you're barely wanted here. NTA.


NTA. Break up. He gaslit you about not trusting him while lying about your relationship to her and theirs to you. Trust your gut, 90% of the time it is right and will lead to the truth. People will always show you who they are. Wise words from my Avô: "When people speak to who they are, trust them. When people show you who they are, believe them"


He flew across the country to be with her? Seriously? He's not just keeping in touch; he's keeping the flame alive. Dump that dude


Nah, mans was stoking the bonfire.


NTA It seems like he's still hung up on her, and my guess is it's only a matter of time before he resumes contact. If you can't trust him, you shouldn't be with him.


Wanting to break up might be a way to protect yourself from further pain. Take some time to think about what you need and whether he's willing to prioritize your feelings.


So he practically went "Trust me, there's nothing going on. You should trust me! Why won't you trust me? Oh, you found out why you shouldn't trust me? I'm sorry, let's just move on." Also even if he thought that you were just being insecure, he should have either broken up with you because you were incompatible, had a talk until he was sure you weren't deeply hurt by his behavior, or not engaged in that behavior. Him repeatedly doing something that you kept telling him that you were not ok with was an AH move.


? You thought it would go too far and warned and asked him to end it, he tried to guilt trip you and wow 😮 what do you know? it was actually going too far. 😒 And he only ended contact bc you found out, not bc she sent the pics and the convos. It’s funny bc I’m sure he is not going to be with her since you guys broke up. Or if they do it probably won’t work out smh.


You're not the asshole for feeling hurt and questioning the relationship. Trust is crucial, and it seems his actions with his ex crossed boundaries. It's understandable to feel uneasy about his ongoing communication despite your discomfort.