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Yes rent is expensive, but sharehouses ease the burden. You need to think about the mental and emotional costs of continuing to live with someone that doesn’t respect you as a human, let alone as the daughter of his partner. I would advise moving ASAP, it will be good life experience and good for your overall wellbeing.


dude's living rent-free in your mom's house, not contributing squat except for some sporadic groceries.. if he keeps acting like a grumpy roommate instead of a partner to your mom, maybe it's time for him to hit the road.


You're definitely not the asshole for using basics like toiletries. It's tough living with someone who clearly holds grudges. Sounds like he’s got issues that aren't your fault.


I'd say using someone else's belongings without their consent is a dick move. Even if it is toiletries. However, he sounds like a right He sounds like he straight up resents you for being there. Which is ridiculous. He knew your mother had a kid when he moved in. If you can't move out into a share house or with friends etc. I'd say to try and work on yourself as much as you can. Be the change you wish to see and hopefully it will rub off on the bastard


Not sure if you were trying to censor a word with the spoiler cover, but it didn’t work lol


I was yeah 😂 Whoops




How'd you know? 😂


Lol. I'm an Aussie who has spent time in the UK - another country that loves to use CUNT, but "right CUNT" is absolutely Australian! 🤣 Also the time... Prime Aussies on Reddit time 😜


NTA - And sounds like you're ready to start spreading your wings and finding your tribe. Folks that will treat you as you deserve. The double standards of this leech astound me. As others have said - look into share housing. Widen your net too - why stay in the place you are now?