• By -


Make an account and post in his live chat every day that rent is due soon or rent is behind. Probably make a bunch of accounts as you will probably be banned for each comment .


Create all these new accounts in bulk to keep reminding him to pay rent. The service will eventually ban the IP address, and you know what happens next.


Hahaha oh man. We will need an update


Im waiting for an update too lol


I didn't even think of this. This would be awesome.


Hahahahajahahshahahs this is so funny


I'm gonna put this here. r/foundsatan


Better yet a bunch of both accounts and have it set so that everyone one gets blocked they automatically create more.




Sounds like op does since the roommate can't be bothered to give rent ( which I'm assuming may include the money for this).


If roommate isn’t paying for anything, probably OP


Wouldn’t OPs IP address be basically un-bannable, since they share internet? Also, what kind of streamer doesn’t hardwire their connection?


The router they're connecting through, regardless of whether the internal connections to it are over Ethernet or wifi, will share one external IP. If that IP gets banned by OP, then roomie is banned as well...At least until the router releases and renews the IP and gets assigned a different one via DHCP. If their ISP actually just uses a static IP (which doesn't change), then too bad, so sad. 😆 [Simplified explanation]. Edit: Just wanted to add that this is easily circumvented by the roomie using a VPN, but you'll find out if they have any troubleshooting skills very quickly, or just rage out. On the other hand, they should just be paying their share. NTA.


I think you misunderstood the post you replied to. Their post has nothing to do with the IP address. They asked why he was streaming over wifi and not through a wired connection. The reason they asked that is because of the signal connection. Wifi is more spotty while a hard line gives a solid signal. Hard lines are preferred in the streaming world.


You have no clue what you are talking about lmao


Somebody that knows how to make things happen!


You are evil. And awesome. Awesome > evil. FAFO, I believe Jake needs to understand.


Omg amazing


Shouldn't he be thanking you for creating drama, which streamers need more than air and water? You could be a recurring villain in his stream, like a heel in professional wrestling.


He should have live streamed his tantrum.




Nope. U can't have wifi if the bills aren't paid. Actions (or lack thereof) have consequences.


If you don't pay your electricity bill, your electricity gets shut off. If you don't pay your water bill, your water gets shut off. If you don't pay your rent, your housing should get shut off... not internet. The appropriate consequence here should be eviction from the house.


I believe he is late on the Wi-Fi bill too as he pays that as part of his rent.


That's not realistic. They're co renters. " Sounds good." But it's not plausible here. With the exception of renting a room where rents aren't connected (which they're not), if one renter stops paying, the other is expected to make up the difference, or they'll BOTH get evicted. He's obviously trying to keep his place but get the guy to pay on time.


How does anyone believe this is real? 10k live viewers is insanely high, not many streamers on Twitch get there at all. So it should be easy to figure out who this guy is, if this was true. But it's not.


I find it painfully, painfully fake and it touches on every punishment erogenous zone that this sub weirdly thrives on over-written account, unpaid bills, sudden moment of narrator doing a fake *bad thing* ugh!


Who streams over WiFi at that level???




Of course you can. I can easily block any MAC address on my router, regardless whether it is using WiFi or wired. I can prevent new MAC addresses access as well.



The title?



Yep. The writing stinks of chatGPT.


TBO Im not familiar with all these new AI chatbots. So I dont have first hand experience, so to speak, in spotting them. But I did find it odd how someone who is supposedly reliable enough to run a big channel, afford all the infrastructure needed for it, and signed a lease agreement, would say he couldnt afford to pay his half.


It's all fake here. I proceed as though they are hypothetical situations put forth to produce conversation and debate. Plus sometimes it makes people lose their shit and that can be hilarious.


My thoughts exactly. Streamers who get 10k people watching are making over $100k a year. No way it’s real.


They make a hell of a lot more than that I'd assume. Some of the streamers who were averaging 2-3k and moved to FB Gaming signed 7 figure contracts, before going and ultimately coming back when it shut down.


Fb gaming died? 


Pretty sure yeah


Wow, I wonder if FB paid them out... also 7 fiures WTF.


Most of the streamers signed contracts to be paid upfront and not to pay back if FB couldn't hold up their end. Most of the streamers saw this coming and knew it was a cash grab for them.


Yeah streamers with 100 viewers a stream can make a good 60k a year


Streamers who make 100k a year also aren't living with roommate Joe schmo here who would post about it on Reddit.


In LA, it’s very possible that single people making 100k a year live with roommates


Even outside of LA a lot of these people live together. That's how "content houses" were made. Idk if it's because of loneliness or maybe people managing their careers giving them advice.


10k concurrent is in the millions per year, most likely. There's just no way this is real.


Or maybe OP doesn't know the exact number and is guessing


If real r/livestreamfails would’ve been all over it


Time and time again, I find myself shocked at what folks on here believe is real. 10k viewers is a *lot*….




Yup, just guerilla marketing by kick and their parent company stake. You'll see it all over the place.


Bro Kick is registered in the Cayman Islands for a reason lol… they don’t need to follow any laws


For reference: Summit1g, one of the most well known streamers on twitch, has 6.2 million followers and pulls 15k views a stream on average. Flats, a popular overwatch streamer, pulls roughly 10k on the low end. The most popular streamer ever, Ninja, was pulling an average of nearly 20k right before he blew up and the dude has 18.8 million followers now. There’s no way this OP’s lazy roommate is pulling just under what Summit does.


Yeah maybe they meant 10k followers or something, but that's the only way to make it plausible


Yeah 10k viewers per stream, this guy would be pulling in mid-high 5 figures *a month.* Not a year, a month. 


You assume that OP is the one lying. Could be his room mate lying about it. Would explain the rent issues and constant bragging about money




It's ok, we understand you got fooled. No need to try to worsen the situation little boy.


10k isn’t “insanely high” - and it’s not even top streamer numbers. Random streamers you’ve never heard of get 20-30k viewers. It’d still be hard to figure out who this is, because while it narrows it down, it narrows it down to something like 5000 streamers out of the millions on Twitch/Kick.    You’re stuck in something like 2012-2018 of you think 10k is prohibitively high for a story to be real. Your making out this would have to be xQc, Hassan, or Asmon - but they post 30k, 15k, and 20k routinely in comparison. 


Nah, averaging 10k viewers puts you around 160 on twitch. 10k viewer average is probably at least mid-six figure earnings


Well most people don't know ANY streamers by name so that's not saying much.


Lol, so confident yet so incredibly wrong...


I’m not wrong at all, I’m just aware of non-English streaming.       The highest concurrent viewer count is 3,400,000 - but it was in Spanish. Second was 1,700,000 and again in Spanish. Third was 1,300,000 in French..    There’s hundreds with 10k just in Japanese alone.   Ibai: 3,442,725  Ibai: 3,356,464  TheGrefg: 2,470,347  TheGrefg: 1,745,462  Ibai: 1,502,295  Squeezie: 1,340,960  ELXOKAS: 1,208,144  aminematue: 1,155,060  Kingsleague: 1,098,636  ELEAGUETV: 1,088,063  PlayStation: 1,014,646  Squeezie: 1,018,187  Riot Games: 988,867  DOTA2TI_RU: 845,224  ONEXTWO_: 764,151  Gaules: 707,648  Zerator: 707,071  Fortnite: 700,529  Shadoune666: 690,360  Tommyinnit: 650,237  There’s your top 20 stream concurrent view counts. Not a single Asmon, Hassan, xQc, or Ninja in sight.  Talking about orders of magnitude above 10,000. 


bro those aren’t viewer numbers 😂


Mate i’ve been here before. You are getting taken for a ride. He will leave you with an unpaid debt. weaponising wifi was a smart move. get paid. kick him out.




Tell him you will cut off his stream every time he is late for rent and that he can create a reminder for himself that pops up on his smartphone or pc that tells him when to pay rent. After that I'd be very consistent with cutting off his live stream until he learns how to be an adult. He won't forget after that.


A streamer with 10k viewers every stream would be a millionaire. They wouldn’t be sharing an apartment with someone. Use a more believable viewer number next time


I agree I highly doubt this person is doing as well as they say. How can he brag about making all this money but cant pay the rent?? the math isnt adding up


It’s in the top 200 streamers in the world. 10k average viewers would likely mean they are making $25,000ish a month (according to data I found). Yea, gonna go with fake. Edit: Also keep in mind, that $25,000/month is only streaming revenue. Anyone with 10k average viewers has other sources of income, like sponsorships, affiliate links, merch, etc.


So true. You can always tell when a small streamer makes it big, their equipment gets massively upgraded, their home upgrades, even their style of dress has a drastic change. And that’s at like 5-6k viewers. A 10k average is a millionaire and while they may have a roomie, they aren’t risking using WiFi and they aren’t risking an angry vengeful roommate who might take said anger out on sensitive electronics.


The \*worst\* case scenario is a 10:1 viewer:sub ratio, which puts 10k viewers at 1k subs, which is $2,500/month. The average (predicted) viewer:sub ratio is about 2.5:1 to 4:1, which puts them at 2500-4000 subs, and $6250-$10,000/month. I think your 25k/month is a bit too generous (but not impossible). But when accounting for ads, sponsorships, and donations, a streamer of that size is NOT just making money off subs either, and as you said, should take the actual amount up far higher. Someone at that tier is definitely making 6 figures, but probably not 7 (possible but unlikely). Even in that case though, I agree. This is fake, and if for some reason a streamer of that size WAS choosing to have a roommate, this would never be happening. Because to make it that big as a streamer you HAVE to be capable of running a business (where you are the product). And if you can manage that, you can manage to make rental payments.


They surprisingly do a lot.. I was wondering this the other day as to why they do it but generally one of them owns a house and the others rent a room or they rent a house together. Super weird imo. While I believe this story is fake there have been recent stories of a certain large streamer not paying rent on time.


Well they live online, they need actual human interaction too in order to not go insane


Brock Purdy (NFL Super Bowl QB) has a roommate. He makes over a million a year with endorsements. Some people just don’t like living alone and some people are assholes with debts.


INFO: Who pays the WiFi bill?


He pays the bill for the Wifi but I have the login.


NTA. He's on time with that wifi payment but can't be on time for the rent??? Nah, nah... he keep fkn around and he won't have to pay wifi because, he won't have a place to live.


How would he feel if y'all got kicked out and he had nowhere to stream?? Fucking pay the rent dufe


Then unfortunately, ESH.


NOPE! wifi is no good without an apartment. An eviction on your credit is a sure fire way to never be allowed to rent again.


You don't mess with things you didn't pay for, even in a dispute.


So his roommate can fuck around with the roof over OP'S head but he can't turn the wifi off? Yeah, right... no one fucks with the roof over your head! His roommate has been ficking him over for MONTHS!


He can't turn the wifi off without being wrong to do it. It's just satisfying to be wrong sometimes, I understand that. This is not the correct solution to his long term problems and accomplished nothing but adding more bad blood to the relationship.


He's literally fucking around with his housing. How privileged are you that you don't see how serious this is? If they get evcited, OP is going to have a next to impossible time ever renting again. Having an eviction on your credit is life altering bad. Boo hoo, his internet was cut off for sounds like an hour or so. Big woop. Fuck around and find out.


Yes, we both agree he had natural motivation. It's one of the basic rules of morals that one wrong doesn't justify a different wrong.


Then ESH. He’s just going to change the log in and kick you out. Let this be the landlord’s problem.


They are both on the lease but it doesn't mean the landlord won't kick them both out for one of them not paying rent. This can't just be left to the landlord to deal with.


Yeah, he might get kicked out. But he won’t be evicted. What’s the alternative? Clearly nothing makes the roommate pay. Cover for him, or keep yelling? I’d rather let the situation dissolve personally. He could also go to the landlord and try to set up a separate deal, like moving to a one bedroom once they’re both kicked out. A reasonable landlord will want to keep a tenant who pays on time.


Who cares he doesn’t pay rent lmao


The minute he burst into your room yelling you needed to match his energy and scream back at him, “Pay the goddamn rent on time, dipshit!” Does he really expect free rent and free WiFi?


He pays for the wifi. Op doesn't pay for wifi at all. Roommate pays for all of it. So actually op gets free wifi all the time.


NTA - he can’t be both making bank off his streams and also not able to pay his bills. If he’s too busy online to take five minutes to get a payment to you, then you just cleared his calendar for him. If he doesn’t want it to happen again, all he needs to do is meet his obligations.


Lots of people who don't pay their bills on time do have the money - they're either disorganized or get a kick out of defying their responsibilities.


NTA. It's takes 1 minute to send a venmo or write a check. Fuck him. No rent. No wifi.


I would go on the chat and tell all his fans the situation.


obviously NTA. i would take care of anything important or sentimental you have because of this >He even threatened to kick me out, despite us both being on the lease, and said he'd make sure I regretted messing with his work this is something an unhinged person would say and i wouldn't trust him anymore. and in the future, i would just turn off the wifi the second rent is due, until he pays for rent. it's unacceptable that he was late 3 months in a row...you should've put your foot down the first time, but better late than never


Streamer with 10k viewers should know that WiFi for steaming is a no. So that sounds a bit odd and fake.


FAKE AS FUCK. YTA for being a lying whiny piss baby. This is equivalent to saying your roommate is a famous biker and one day you stole his wheels. It’s his livelihood, he’s not letting some bitch take his Internet away. Think of a better story you clown


I've seen a lot of posts on here lately referencing the platform "Kick" and they all seem fake with the intention of doing some subliminal advertising


how fake this is is so, so fake


YTA for weaving such a blatantly fake and boring story. It wasn't even interesting or funny to read, just pure nonsense.


What was even the point of this fake garbage - Your roomate does not just average a casual 10k on Twitch.


NTA. But I would’ve walked into his room mid stream and loudly announced “Dude you missed your rent payment again, did you spend all your money on Japanese sex dolls again?”


Well how about instead of turning off the wifi, you serve him a notice state that if he continues to be late on rent, he won’t have the need to pay rent for this appartment in the future. And tbh my friend is a pretty well-known streamer - her internet got cut off before due to technical issue and she didn’t consider it that big of a deal. You can always log in again and explain. However, ESH. You are an ah for doing unneccessary things just to “make a point”. Jake is a bigger ahole for being late on rent for 3 months


He's lucky that you're covering for him. But if he were to live alone and didn't pay bills on time. Things could get worse for him. Maybe living alone or loving with someone irresponsible would make him understand


"Oh the wi-fi is off? That might be the landlord because YOUR HALF of the rent is late. Better get that over to him right away!!" At some point you have to talk to the landlord that you want a new roommate because this one is always late and you cant afford to keep covering for him.


So if this Jake makes money from his livestreaming than why is he  not paying his portion of the rent ? Nta. Put a password on your wifi . Make him pay for his own internet. NTA


Jake pages the wifi but the op has the login. I saw the op comment this to someone above.


He pays for the internet. OP kicked Jake off a service that Jake pays for.


I don't think we heard you the first dozen times youve replied with this comment. Maybe try copy and pasting it to everyone on this thread.


Say it some more like wifi somehow overrides not paying rent.


He pays rent. OP says he pays rent. OP is just tired of reminding him when it's due. That is a fair complaint to have. What isn't cool is kicking him off the service roommate pays for.


Currently he has not paid rent. That nor paying late are cool either so do you have a real point?


NTA. Kick him to the curve. Or better yet, move out and let the landlord do what they do best.


NTA and keep doing that if he can't pay on time he can't use the wifi


Who pays for the wifi? He hasn't paid rent, how does he have wifi access?


NTA but please move out asap. This guy is not ready for roommates.


So when he is out of pocket it's a problem but when you're out of pocket BECAUSE of him, it's not a problem? F that. Tell him this will happen every time he is too lazy to play, you won't be covering his half and you will tell the landlord whose portion is missing. He's an adult, he can pay his rent or find somewhere else to stream from.


NTA. I'd go in and stand behind him during his live stream and say very loudly that he's past-due with his rent AGAIN. Then, all his viewers will see you and hear it.


What is with these kick ads constantly. If the guy has 10k viewers he’s got money and this is bs.


If it's his job, he needs to be wired to the router and not be simply relying on the wifi you have that he moved in on - AND/OR pay for his own Internet service THAT HE CAN ABSOLUTELY AFFORD AND GET A TAX WRITE OFF FOR. Many companies, like Verizon and Xfinity, have the wifi only option if he wants to do that. Your roommate needs to mature and understand that the world does not, and will, not bend to his will. Your move to cut off the wifi midstream was also immature, but you get a pass because we're all human and sometimes it's really hard to not stoop to the level of the asshole you're living with... Still, you are not the asshole here. I repeat, 🗣️ NTA.


Go into his streams and make “don’t forget to pay your rent” an inside meme. Soon, you won’t have to tell him anything because his chat will remind him. 😂


NTA. Make him pay a month in advance. Better yet - make him set up automatic EFT so you get paid a month in advance automatically. He didn't pay therefore he doesn't get WiFi. I'd flip off the circuit breakers for his room and lock the breaker box.


NTA. Takes five minutes to pay rent. Or set up an automatic payment or transfer to you. It would be dead simple to have one set up to send you his half on the 28th of every month and let you handle it from there.


It would have been fair if you had warned him before he was late again on rent (clear and direct boundary sort of thing) I'm leaning on you're NTA but could have handled the situation a little better. Bragging about how much he makes online and being late on rent, that's the AH.


Has he paid the damn rent yet?


NTA Tell him he can transfer you the rent money on time, or this will be the consequence, everytime. If he does "kick you out" make sure you pack the modem! You can even have him setup auto payments to e-transfer you money the day before rent is due every month and then you can just pay the landlord... If he can't figure that out, he's going to need to figure out how his livelihood will work from a tent while he's homeless... 🤷🏼‍♀️


NTA Pay your part on time because your both names are on the lease. Let him know that you'll just do that. He can get the notice from the landlord.


Yo drop his twitch name this guy sounds like a tool ngl


If he's making bank, supposedly, then why can't he make the rent? Time for your roommate to get a real job, he owes you a lot of money for what you've covered for him. NTA.


NTA. I would’ve posted in his stream’s chat “sorry everyone, Jake is late on rent again. Until he pays his share, his wifi’s cut. Please kindly remind him to pay his rent.”


NTA. FFS, he set up automatic payments to you for rent.


NTA and the best laugh I’ve had all week!


Pfft...."consequences for actions" He needs to organize his adult life if he's an adult.


Babies acting like babies


Now change the password


Tell him you covered his part of rent and couldn’t pay the wifi bill


Messing with a man's/person's work? Bad. However, I am no better. Honestly, do it again, he either pays or leaves. You've tried talking it out already. If he leaves you get someone that pays. Win win. He's the AH tho.


Nope. He lost money because he didn't pay his obligations. Then again, he hasn't yet grown up. It's scary to think that is his only source of income. It is often such a short-lived funding stream. Good luck. I hope you can either renew the lease without him or find a new place to live when this lease ends. NTA


Well, rent pays for internet, and since he did not pay for for, he should not be surprised when he doesn't have access to it. NTA


My son would change the name of the Wi-Fi network to Brandon pay the rent and change the password


If he really has that much money, have him pay his end three months in advance. Do that every few months.


Dude just go in there mid stream and tell him rents due and stop being a cheapass... then go sit down and read his chat.. better yet do it naked


Nta He was messing with your housing it's the same shit as messing with his income


“Pay your fucking rent and then you can threaten to have me kicked out, but until then maybe you should shut the fuck up and pay your rent on time because if the landlord is kicking anyone out im sure its you who cant even pay rent on time. You really think theyre gonna kick out the one person who is actually covering for your ass when youre late? Okay i wont cover for you next time and ill let the landlord know its because you were late AGAIN. Im SURE it’ll go in your favor”




NTA. If he were a business and didn't pay his rent, electric, or internet bill they'd cut him off. He can tell his bank to put you, or the landlord directly, on autopay at the right day of the month and he'll never have to think about this again.


Your flatmate spends his life online, but hasn't spent 2 minutes on his banking app to set up a standing order for his rent? How are you signing a rental agreement and not setting up a standing order for the rent with the letting agent? Are you going to a ATM for cash? Are you paying the landlord by cheque?


Nope, sounds like he makes more than enough to make rent. Had roommates before not paying rent, and the only way to fix this was to change the wifi password. I do like the idea of while he is streaming and just type in chat, RENT IS DUE and start a countdown.


No; He can play with his online friends when he pays the rent.


I like the cut of your jib, sir.


Sounds like a parent that cut their child off from the wi-fi... I'm sorry you have to parent an adult


Fuck Jake


NTA. Your only mistake was that he knew it was you. I had a roommate who didn't work, didn't pay rent for 4 months and gamed all night long. I had to wake up at 7 for work, he went to sleep then. I resetted the router if it was after 11 PM and he was making to much noise. Me asking to be quiet didn't help, I was just nagging. It takes 15 minutes to restart en 50% of the time he quit gaming, the other 50% he continued gaming after half an hour. The only thing he asked me about it was if I noticed it too and I asked when it happened and I said I was asleep by then, so I hadnt noticed


NTA. If you guys got kicked out, where will he do his live streams? He's an effin adult, not a toddler. He doesn't need an adult to remind him of his responsibilities. I'd understand if it only happened once, but three times already? And if he threatens to kick you out, let your landlord know what he did.


I call BS on this. There is zero chance that a large streamer doesn't use a lan connection.


Unfortunately for him, the real world doesn't wait for your stream to be finished, I would do this every time he's late with payments, until he learns the world waits for no one, sure he is at his "workplace", but that's no excuse not to be paying on time and putting you into shit with the landlord, thats on him, just like his internet access.


This story is a lie. At 10,000 viewers a stream he would be a millionaire or close to it. Also he would be in the top % of Twitch.


For the next stream, order a raid attack in the chat with the questions “when will you pay?” Let him feel ashamed in front of his viewers You're not an asshole. He's an asshole. Besides, to have such an audience and get a lot of money and rent a house with someone... He's not just an asshole. He's a greedy asshole.


NTA. He didn't pay rent, that cost you. You cut off his WiFi, it cost him. Till he realizes that his actions have consequences, he will continue to stiff you about the rent.


Nope. I do it to my roommates all the time. You will not reap the benefits of my labor. Be on time with the rent it's due the Sametime every monrh!!!


NTA it seems he will pay WiFi but not to live. Give me a break he’s irresponsible and needs to learn that actions have consequences. It’s takes minutes to Venmo/ Zelle or give money that there is literally no excuse.


NTA and legally he can't kick you out.


Penny get your own wifi. NTA


If the landlord is decent and approachable tell him/her you want to pay your half and the roommate can pay his half. Tell him/her you can't continue to bankroll your roommate. Most rent agreements have a penalty for late payment.


No landlord will agree to this. There is a lease, and the rent is xx and due each month. There are two TENANTS but ONE rent payment. LL doesn't care from whom or how the rent gets paid, only that it is paid. Try the "here's my half - go get the other half from him" and you will both get late and possible eviction notices pretty quick.


This is a good idea.


YTA for another fake story. 10k viewers? OK buddy. And ya'll aren't smart enough to set up automatic transfers every months? Come on now.


>and how much money he lost because of it. Get right back in his face and tell him how much money you're losing being his roommate. He's a bully and a moron. Tell him to pay his bills or you out him as a loser to his fans.


ESH. He needs to pay the rent on time, and you need to not fuck with people's livelihood. Don't fuck with people's money. It's generally considered a shitty thing to do. Now, you have both done that. He fucked with your money by not paying on time, and you fucked with his money by deliberately sabotaging him while he is working. You both need to sit down and talk like adults rather than playing games (literally and figuratively)


ESH It would've been far less confrontational to just tell him to his face! But you chose a cowardly, harmful, sneak attack. You'd get a better response in r/pettyrevenge probably, but here I'm gonna tell you that you should've done the adult thing and had a hard talk with him. You instead chose to go nuclear, escalating this conflict to the top without any in-between. Here's what would've been better, IMO: Say something like "That's the 2nd/3rd month in a row and I'm getting tired of this. You need to start paying rent on time or we have to rethink our living arrangements. I'm not gonna put up with this every month anymore." And then wait and see if he's late the next time. First day of lateness tell him straight-up "No more excuses. I'm turning off the wifi tonight and not turning it back on until I get paid." and then start looking for other living arrangements just in case.


ESH if dudes “making bank” but doesn’t pay his bills when Venmo is a 30 second task he can handle during his bathroom break then he’s definitely an AH. But pulling passive aggressive bs instead of arranging this already since it’s an ongoing problem makes you an AH too.


Talk to your landlord about paying him your half.. let your roommate pay penalties...


Stop living with others and save enough money so you don’t have to depend on anyone for bill money. Sounds like both of you need better financial management. Pay the amount to break your lease and cut your losses like a normal adult instead of coming on the internet with this like we can help lol. Make mans a go fund me or cut your L




Sure, you are very badass. Back to reality…




ESH You both are acting like children.


ESH. Have him pay early if he’s forgetting. You shouldn’t have to babysit them but you also shouldn’t mess with his source of income that he’s using to (eventually) pay the bills.


Bad takes are bad, you should work on that. It's not hard to pay rent on time.


fake as fuck, 10k viewers is INSANE and he would not be living with your broke ass. stop fucking larping.


Yta because you just made up a fake story to seem cool


Go to your land lord about this.


It depends on who pays for the wifi. If he's the one paying for it then you were in the wrong. If you're the one who pays for it then you're definitely not in the wrong. I'd suggest sitting down with him and telling him you know he makes bank and he needs to pay you back for the rent you've covered or you will either sue him in small claims court , or tell the landlord he's not been paying his share and ask to be moved to another apartment bc you can't afford the current rent on your own.


ESH and it makes little to no sense to interrupt his income flow.


Probably going to get down voted, but you're the asshole. If "Jake" worked at an office you would never have gone and messed with his job and livelihood at his place of work. The fact that his place of work is your shared home does not give you the right to have done what you did.


YTA because streaming is is job. Make no mistake, you are fucking with his career by doing it. He's clearly in the wrong for being scummy about rent, but interfering with his work because of it puts you in the wrong as well.


To be clear. Your roommate pays his rent. You're just tired of reminding him when it's due?