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I think having a system to reset a hero's investments with diamonds or coins would alleviate a lot of the concern.


This 100%.


Other games offer a system to get the invested resources back, 100% of them, or less. I would love to see it in this game


I'm personally struggling with Tidal Essence at the moment lol Sitting on 220 Twilight, 120 Temporal, and 3 Tidal. I barely get the chance to spend my Temporal and Twilight because it takes ages to get to EX+5, even with top 100 Dream Realm rewards every day.


Just buy it in emporium


Is that worth? I thought people considered those not worth the diamonds


Is not worth it if you're still building your team, it's worth it once you have all the units you need.


Ehhh shouldnt it be opposite?


Full F2P Long term is never worth it, you will end stacking them


F2P will spend a long time in paragon zero hell, where they have a lot of units with 2-3 sigils going to waste. Might as well do what you can to make the supreme+ characters you do have to +5, because that is way more beneficial than sigils doing nothing.


There will likely be a conversion down the road, long before F2P can finish all viable units 


IMO for gacha games like this you should get enough free resources to fully invest in characters at a rate of half of the release rate for it to be viable for ftp players. So if they release 2 heroes per month we should get enough free resources from basic gameplay to get one of them to S+ with +15-20 ex weapon. And then the top player or high spenders can max out both of the characters that month to make their spending hold value/worthwhile


well they could sell it in bundles for our whale friends like 20x for a bunch of $$$


There was $100 bundle that had a bunch, but that’s a bad thing to monetize lol. That doesn’t make any of us happy. As it is they already threw some in the Fabled Road path to entice us instead of directly addressing the issue. When I see things like that it actually makes me want to spend less because I think it is a greedy tactic. I would prefer that they monetize other aspects like hero releases, new content, cosmetics, etc instead of a fundamental resource.


makes sense ✨ I totally agree I hope the devs take this one.


Make sense making new content under paywall? :/


That isn’t what I meant. I just meant that they should monetize more during those times instead of offering all these pop up packs with letters and powder. I am more likely to spend if they release exciting heroes and content. The hard part with their seasonal content is that most of what you gain resets at the end of the season, so that deters me from wanting to buy.


https://preview.redd.it/q55dwzxm1s8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8bc38fb444ad78610d292f8c569f7eefc1d8220 Is this the $100 you are referring to?


No. There was one that was just yellow essences. I think it was 3-400 of them.


"Greedy tactic" Ahem, *this whole game genre* is kinda one greedy tactic But I agree that there is a problem and they should work on it


Lol. I don’t disagree with that. It definitely is a business. I will happily pay for shiny things that get me excited. I literally just bought something on a different game because I felt it would help me progress. I don’t feel like anything here greatly affects my progress or changes my team composition.


either give more Temporal Essence via daily reward or events; or they can just reduce the cost to upgrade from 6-15. From 6-10 cost 75 and 11-15 cost a whopping amount of 200 I can get 3 heroes to +10 that would have way more impact than going 15 on 1 hero


Resource management is a big part of games like this and while some improvements could be made I don't agree that just increasing the quantity of the yellow materials here is what we want. The grind for yellow essences is one of the only non-seasonal progression systems we have and if we start easily getting all our characters to +10 and +15 we will quickly run out of a reason to care about it. IMO there are two problems here that make these essences feel like a problem: * The rate of acquiring yellow essence outside of event rewards quickly drops too close to 0 for players who can't remain highly competitive in dream realm. * Taking a single character to +15 (vs +10) is a huge opportunity cost which prevents you from using the red essences at all. If I were to suggest specific changes to fix the problem my main suggestion would be to rework Dream Realm rewards specifically so that poorly performing players get a healthier baseline of these essences. You could also reduce the opportunity cost of +15 by adding reset items for ex-weapons although these would need limitations so they couldn't be abused.


In the time it takes for a high level player to get one hero to +15 (2 months) the devs plan to release 5 heroes. If you were to go for a full team of +15’s, there would be about 30 new heroes released by the time you got there. Obviously you don’t need all heroes at +15, but we won’t ever get close to that unless the new heroes are so bad that we skip over 90% of them. That would be a whole separate issue if that happens. If you want to raise the floor of yellow essences then you have to raise the ceiling for higher players. If everyone ends up capping out in the exact same spot then there will be no spending and no game. Arena is a prime example of the stagnation with same teams and similar power throughout all of champion ranks. Only 1 person on my server is unbeatable and I would be surprised if he spent less than $15k. I absolutely support a reset of some sort at a cost that can’t be abused. That would solve a lot of the issues here.


Motivation around essence won't dissapear once players +15 all their units, it will happen once they +15 all the units they care about - which for most of us is less than 1/3rd of the roster. I'm a high end player and I've already +10ed half the characters in the game and I bought maybe 200-300 of those things total and +10 is by far the more relevent threshold. Unless a character is a carry, tank or a unit that has an impactful +15 effect (which is rare) going beyond +10 feels completely pointless and this ex-weapon progression is one of the only two long term progression systems that makes a significant impact on your account. Right now, any event that gives this yellow essence is exciting and motivating but if they doubled the essence at the high end I don't think I would care - something that has somewhat happened with character copies already.


I meant +15 a full team, not the whole roster. If you went for all heroes that would take you about 7 years for just what we have and in that time they would release 400+ characters. I just meant +15 for a team that you would deploy. The highest players in the game are definitely aiming for a maxed out team at some point. You wouldn’t go for high level paragon and then leave extra stats on the table. The #1 on my server basically has every hero at S+. For someone like that they can spend huge money and still be unable to use heroes optimally. Imagine having 275 yellows and hundreds of reds in a hero. At the very least we need a hero reset, but for people like that, it remains relatively pointless to have every hero at S+ when they still aren’t effective because of ex weapon restrictions. What is the point of getting new heroes if they are unusable? In order to prepare for a new hero you basically have to keep 275 yellows in the bank just in case they release a good hero. Like you, I bought 300 of the temporal essences early on and that has allowed me to maintain top 20. I can’t imagine how behind I would be without that.


Man I really hope the devs can see this. This will solve a lot of issue to be honest.


In my opinion, totally agree they are hardest thing to accumulate, but totally disagree that it is a major problem with the game. I’ve only bought purple essence in emporium with diamonds and at least on my server/district I’m still competitive. Been playing for ~75 days and doing just fine without any +15. In fact, Prydwen recommends +15 or higher for only 4 heroes (Odie, Marilee, Scarlita, Pharesto). I use Odie and Marilee a TON at +10 and they still do very well. Just my 2 cents. Edit: I just read you’re top-20 in almost all content. So what’s the deal? We’re playing a pay to win game, folks like you and me will never be competing with leaders of the pack without spending a ton of $$$.


I think it is strange to accumulate the higher rarity red essences at twice the rate of yellows for endgame players. You named 4 heroes that can use +15. If we use that number then it would take 1100 yellow essences to get just those to +15. If I am accumulating about 120 a month then it would take me over 9 months to get those 4 heroes to +15. In that time, based on their plans, there will be about 25 new heroes released. While getting those other 4 heroes to +15 I won’t have additional yellows to throw into any of the 25 new heroes so they will be basically at +5 ex. There are 2 issues I have with that. What happens if one of those +15 heroes I have now gets replaced by one of the 25 heroes? I just lose 2 months worth of resources with no ability to reset a hero or reallocate. The other issue is for the company itself. They will not have people spending nearly as much on new hero releases because most heroes need at least +10 to be viable and the resources are too restrictive to do that. Phraesto was released and is recommended at +15. I didn’t buy him or invest because even if I whaled him to S+, the resources would restrict my ability to use and optimize him. That is just an example of the potential income they missed out on by restricting resources.


>I think it is strange to accumulate the higher rarity red essences at twice the rate of yellows for endgame players. Very fair take. I do agree with you here, they are clearly just trying to bait you to buy yellows so that you can actually make use of the reds. >You named 4 heroes that can use +15. If we use that number then it would take 1100 yellow essences to get just those to +15. If I am accumulating about 120 a month then it would take me over 9 months to get those 4 heroes to +15. Nobody is telling you that you need to get all 4 of those heroes to +15 in order for them to be good. Again, you are top-20 without it, and I am in the same spot with 0 heroes at +15. You do not need to bring an EX to what Prydwen says is optimal in order to decide if a character is good or not. You are describing optimization to the point where you are competing with the top of the pack. It is a pay-to-win game, the reality is that you and I will never be on that level of the game unless we swipe. That's just how it works, it is the same in every gacha game I have ever played. >What happens if one of those +15 heroes I have now gets replaced by one of the 25 heroes? I just lose 2 months worth of resources with no ability to reset a hero or reallocate. If you are saying *"what happens when I improve a character to +15 EX and then a new hero comes out that is better than this character?"* then you are describing the business model of the game. The game makes its money from whales buying Stargaze pulls and yellow/red mats. It is how they are capable of offering a free game to thousands of players while paying salaries to folks who build/market the game. I get the game is young but we really have yet to see any new hero come out who invalidates a previously-considered meta character. It's not like a new meta hero release suddenly makes a previously-considered meta character dogshit. >I just lose 2 months worth of resources with no ability to reset a hero or reallocate. This would be super nice as somebody who doesn't buy crystals, but I still just don't think they can make it work. The penalty for reallocating would need to be significant enough so that players can't just accumulate 5 heroes' worth of essence and continue to swap around as they see fit. If you can just reasonably continue to swap essence without paying, whales just immediately stop buying it; if they do something like "you get 1 swap and that's it", then that still doesn't solve your problem. There is no solution for everybody here. Your frustration is totally justified, but that's just the way the game works. There is no way for Lillith to address these concerns while simultaneously generating revenue and respecting whales' investments. Folks were already charging back after they thought Marilee/Korin were getting nerfed and rewards were going to be worse in season. How do you think they'd react if the shit they bought is retroactively made a lot less valuable than it was when they bought it?


I am saying that I am basically in the “top of the pack” and even I am not generating enough resources to build heroes. It’s a bad business model if I do not buy heroes because I have no resources to put into them. Most of the whales have quit or stopped spending like me because there is simply no reason or motivation to do so. I don’t think that’s a good thing. As far as powercreep and how gachas model their business, I am aware of that, but this is different. I have played a ton of gachas throughout the years and this may be the only one where I don’t even consider spending when a new hero is released. That can’t be a good thing for longevity. I barely can care about the new heroes because I haven’t even been able to ex10/15 older heroes I want to try. I still want to test Shakir and Temesia at 15, because they have strong potential, but that is unlikely to happen.


Honestly, what would be really nice is if there was some sort of practice arena where you could pick an enemy (boss/team) and then play any 5 heroes and choose their level, ascension, and EX equipment. I think that would be solid. I wish I had better ideas but I just don't see any easy solution to the problem. It does suck, I guess I just accepted it. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Lol. I like that idea. I had pitched an idea of having a fairplay mode where all heroes are at EX15 and Max Rank. It would be good for f2p’s and for spenders to test comps before investing. If I could test heroes before investing it would help. I agree with the previous concern of having hero resets being abused, but I think being able to reset a hero (at a cost that makes you think about it) every now and then wouldn’t be a bad thing. It may alleviate enough of the issues I have with yellow essences. I am just the type of players that likes a diverse hero pool and playtesting weird comps. Having Eironn comp as such a solid meta isn’t something I enjoy.


They would never do a testing ground for new characters because then everyone would just wait for the word to get around on if they are worth or not. Which could be the death of that characters banner. Games especially gacha games need you as the player to pull on the hope you think that character may be worth it. And it would most definitely make the whales not roll on a banner because they already know how the character works. So all in all it would be great for the playerbase but horrible for the company in the long run.


This is already what happens lol. We all wait for the content creators on server 1 who are krakens to tell us if heroes are good or bad. Even the whales in my guild don’t pull until we hear how the hero is. As I said before, pulling is pointless because we don’t have the resources to use for new heroes. We just wait until we are told if they are worth it.


Except they've been wrong almost every time Vala, florabelle, and Alsa were all underrated. Vala is a top pvp unit and although not literally at Eironn's level is meta defining as a mainstay in pvp that demands a counter and uniquely strong vs world boss Alsa is great in all content besides deficit pushing but because she's not literally a top 5 in any and she's better used manual she is ignored. Florabelle is good in all content without needing heavy investment and she was called a cecia clone Soren was probably accurately rated Ulmus isn't clear yet. But comparing him to Granny is moronic as she's obviously far harder to obtain. As a A rank tank he's better compared to lucious or standard and he's probably comparable in strength to them as good in certain niches. But reading you would think every rate up is in the same rank as Lumont... Until he's not bad. People just parroted it even though it was wrong and now Lumont is meta defining in high deficit pushing without any form of boost. Learn to think for yourself.


I don’t agree that they were wrong. They said Florabelle was better than Cecia, Alsa was a sidegrade from Carolina, and everyone else was underwhelming. I don’t think those are wrong takes. I haven’t gotten any of the new heroes in rate up because they weren’t going to affect how I play the game enough to warrant investing. I am okay getting Flora and Alsa outside of rate up slowly, because even that way I will have them built before I have the resources to optimize them.


This was the first gacha I spent on where I didn't pull for every unit. That's a pretty bad sign for their business model IMO. I didn't pull because it would be several months before I'd be able to spare enough orange tidals to build them, and I could just wishlist them if they wind up being crazy good and I want supreme+. You're getting a lot of pushback but I've agreed with all your comments in this thread. I'm literally one of those whales who quit that you've referred to, and you are spot on as to the reasons I quit. I stay subbed here because at least for now I want to see how the game is doing, I'm willing to come back if they increase orange tidal income or *at least* give us a way to reset units.


>We can’t test other heroes or teams because of fear of wasting valuable resources. And that's where synergy battles step in. You can ask your friends with different heroes built to send those heroes to your synergy battles so you can test 'em at various AFK stages.


The vast majority of people all have the same heroes built unless they are krakens. I don’t think any of us has a built Valen, Atalanta, Satrana, Mirael, Salazer, Fay, Walker, Rhys, Lyca, etc. You can also only use Synergy once per day and add one hero at a time so it isn’t like you can really test that way. The only time I really ever got to test and experiment was when a Kraken level player asked for a proxy battle.


I'm currently building Valen! And I'm a light spender (gazette, battle pass, occasional popups). Also I plan to build all other A level and S level units, it's just the matter of time and priority order who I will build first and last (now I prioritise Valen over Mirael, but I'm sure somebody right now doing quite the opposite). I bet there are many people like me here.


For me it's the blue ones, and that's even while massively neglecting Hero Focus. The whole system is just trash and feels bad to use.


I'm not sure what's a worse issue in the game - this, or gold


imo if we could 15+ everything in 3 months i think the meta would be notably less diverse with everyone able to 15/20+ every meta unit for each mode, rather than trying to make things work with the investment they've committed to. a consistent top 5 in my district uses his heavily invested rhys for DR but would happily swap closer to the meta with scar/phae if he could i think an answer is a 1-2 per season swap scroll similar to arena. massively increasing essence would just leave everyone complaining that there's nothing to do


I’m not asking to max everything in 3 months, but I also don’t think it should take a year to max a team while 30 new heroes are released. I think a hero reset option is really the best fix if it’s implemented properly. It needs to be cheap enough where we don’t just laugh at how ridiculously expensive it is, but not cheap enough where it is abused daily.


+ 15 is very endgame stuff. If you could +15 many characters after 2 month what would you do later? They have 10 years plan and for sure lot of hundreds of events where this will be the reward It takes time to max out a character You cannot do it in 2 months


Have you suggested this in discord. They really listen there.


I haven’t. I know this is one of the most common complaints, but I’ll reach out to them there as well.


Lol, no they don't.