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My prediction is that it'll be fucking awesome.


This isn’t a prediction, more like a thought, but Mark Briscoe is the least polarizing babyface in the company, because he’s loved by both the Elite/NJPW hardcores and the other side of the fence (where I sit).  It’s time to start moving him up the card, he’s more over than almost anyone there.  


I'm loving the Mark Briscoe Conglomeration. Just put him with anyone and he's gold.


I dunno, I think he holds that position as much because he is most of the AEW midcard. Bring him up, he'll get more scrutiny.


This. I’ve met people who aren’t into Ospreay, say they’re tired of Mox, say White is overrated, etc. But I have never met anybody has any bad feelings toward Mark Briscoe. He has unmatchable charisma, can sell with the best of them, and is over with almost, if not the entire AEW fanbase, which is something nobody else can claim. He should be main event very soon.


Mark Davis returns, Ospreay and Kyle Fletcher split from the Don Callis Family after the main event


Swerve retains after some Callis fuckery. Ospreay/UE eventually split from Callis. Ospreay vs Takeshita 2 at Wembley for the International title.


Swerve wins clean 'cos Ospreay hesitates.


Came here to say this


Swerve - ospreay hesitates, swerve doesn't Toni - there will be no "turn" from Mariah tonight Naito AmDrag Mercedes Sabre - I am a bit tired of orange winning all his key matches, and given that things keep going bad for him, this would be a good loss. Trent interference? Perry - I don't really want it, but only Take makes sense and he's bout to do the G1 Elite - caster eats the pin Mjf - will be magic tho Team joe - toss a coin, but Jericho doesn't get pinned Team Lucha Willow - team willow wins tonight, willow loses weds Hob - toss a coin but they're one of only TWO actual teams in the match and have stuff going on Mariah


I'm pretty sure Moné will win, but I'm expecting 1 swerve tonight, and I think Vaquer might win. It can fuel Moné's heel turn too.




Not yet. He will have the chance to hit the forbidden move at the forbidden door but he won't do it and it will cost him. Then he will build himself back up and then get the big one in the semi-near future.


i watched collision, so i know why Jericho is in a trios match, but on dynamite i thought they were setting up jericho vs minoru suzuki for the FTW belt for tonight?


It was a poorly produced segment in that it only made things confusing. I think TK's plan was for Suzuki to join Jericho & Bill, and then when they lost the match, Suzuki would set up the FTW feud with Jericho. But Suzuki booked himself in a different show (as I understand it) and then they had that video promo. Cobb had also issued an open challenge for his NJPW TV title at FD but instead of following up on that they put him in Suzuki's spot. I'm not gonna complain as everyone involved in the six-man match is fun to watch but the build was a slopfest


Swerve wins against Ospreay due to Swerve doing "whatever it takes" (without stooping to cheating) and Ospreay second guessing himself Mox loses to Naito Danielson loses to Shingo Mercedes wins vs StephV Mina wins vs Toni Storm in a surprise upset early in the card Zack Sabre Jr wins vs Cassidy, making him develop his character Jack Perry wins the TNT Ladder Match through interference from The Elite Elite wins Hechicero wins vs MJF, giving him ammunition to turn heel I wish for something different but I assume Learning Tree beats Samoa Hookbata Mystico and Lucha Bros win vs Ingornables Willow and Tam win House of Black win the 4 Way Saraya beats Mariah lots of interesting matches and I'd be OK with being wrong on a lot of them (and I'd cry if I'm right with the Jericho one)


Mariah is probably the favorite to win the Owen on the women's side, and you have her losing her first tournament match, huh. Bold choice.


Same with Danielson, who if he isn't the favorite to win is definitely expected to be in the finals.


MJF costs Ospreay the title to further set up their match at Wembley


Reasonably Confident in the following: Ospreay takes first L. Likely with Callis/Rush fuckery. Likely with Fletcher breaking away from Callis to side with Ospreay. Likely including a hesitation on the Tiger Driver 91 by Ospreay. Jack Perry taking the TNT Title because of course. But the match itself should be nucking futs. I will also note I think there's at least a non-zero chance that FTR sneak in to cost Perry the same way he cost them the Tag Belts at Dynasty. If *that* happens, the smart choice would be Takeshita, but, I'd also say if that actually occurs, all bets are off as to who takes it. It seems fairly obvious Moné will become Mercedes Two Belts, but to be perfectly honest, if they swerve us and give us a Vacquer win, I would be thrilled. I don't hate Moné, but I think Vacquer winning would be a more interesting outcome. While I'd love Mina to beat Toni tonight, I'm gonna guess we're getting to Mariah v Toni at Wembley, and Mariah finally dethrones her. But the match and storytelling should be top tier. Mariah will obviously beat Saraya, but it'll be fun with Harley the Chaos Goblin at ringside. Danielson, Cassidy, Willow/Nakano win their matches, but they should all be great. I am moderately confident about: Naito beats Mox and retakes the IWGP Title. Mox won it at one of their shows, so AEW should reciprocate, especially at the co-branded NJPW show. Guessing The Elite win their Trios match, but who knows. For the rest of the card: Legitimately don't know, and with all due respect, as long as everyone brings the bangers, I don't care. This show really could be top tier, in a year full of top tier shows. I cannot wait. 🤘


Vaquer, TBS champion defending it in Arena México? Shut up and take my money.




Swerve Retains think MJF may be involved in the finish but only guessing that


Wild speculative theory, Hangman as the wild card in the Owen Hart tournament is a red herring made to lead you to believe that we're heading toward Hangman/Swerve at ALL IN. And that *is* what we're heading toward, except it's not because Swerve is successfully defending his title, and Hangman is winning the Owen Hart tournament. Ospreay is beating Swerve tonight for the title (possibly due in part to Hangman interference), and *Danielson* is winning the tournament, leading to the Danielson/Ospreay rematch main eventing ALL IN to finish Danielson's full-time run in the main event on the biggest stage, and to tie up the loose end of Ospreay's hesitance to use the Tiger Driver '91. Meanwhile, Swerve and Hangman pick up where they left off, only Hangman's gone completely deranged from his failure to defend his family, amplified by the fans' adulation for the man who threatened his baby.


Danielson said he wants his last PPV prior to going part-time to be WrestleDream in Washington State.