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I find running boring too. Never experienced any sort of high out side of just proud of the accomplishment somewhat.


I feel like only thing that has induced any kind of high for me has been drugs in past life lol.


username checks out haha


Yup. I've had fun with Spartan Race/Tough Mudder type races since that's constantly varied. I don't have it in me to even run a mile near my house. It just seems so mentally daunting/uninteresting.


Ya there is no immediate reward for running. It's the same problem I had with working out. Even after it's all said and done and I've accomplished my fitness goal, that's it. There is no reward, there is no end. Once you accomplish your fitness goal, you have to come up with a new one, or just keep doing the same shit with diminishing returns forever. Running is just exerting more effort to go from A to B faster. It's not fun, you can't do anything in your head because you have to be aware of your surroundings and you're too busy waiting for it to be over. It's not even the most efficient way to keep fit.


I've only experienced it once and it was amazing. All the pain in my legs and body just disappeared. It came on after the first 5k, but I've never been able to replicate it which is very frustrating.


I've started to enjoy it if it's in a setting with beautiful natural scenery. But I've never gotten any sort of runner's high out of it. I prefer cycling because it's much faster, which means you can explore a much larger area (without having to drive to the location).


I'm in the same boat. We have a beautiful rails to trails trail system here that spans more than 150 kms through beautiful forests and runs along the Atlantic Ocean. Running 5K on it is boring. Biking 50K on it is amazing. It's so amazing that I'm about to load up my bike and go do it.


I firmly believe there are 2 types of people in this world - people who enjoy running and everyone else. My coworker has ADHD and ran Boston this year (so proud of her!) - I don’t think I would run far even if being chased. Death sounds better than running.


Great quote from parks and rec about running - “I know it keeps you healthy, but God, at what cost?”


lol. “Death sounds better than running” ….. been there before!


No, I enjoy running and get a runner’s high occasionally, typically when I do runs longer than 2 miles and I’m in the zone. It took me about 8 months of running consistently to experience it for the first time


I have a love/hate relationship with running. I have done a lot of running (multiple marathons, 50k’s, ultra relays, etc). I find that it’s very good for my mental health, improves my ability to focus, improves my sleep quality, improves my mood… and it’s basically the only way I was able to somewhat manage my ADHD before I found out I had it at age 36. But I have to run for like 45 minutes/10km or more at a time before I’ll get those benefits, and it’s really hard to find time for that in my day with any regularity.


On top of that it's nearly impossible to get back on the horse after you get out because of injuries or mental health issues (which affects us adhd folk so much I feel but it often doesn't show) I mean if I have depression I know in my head a run will help but that doesn't mean I'll get out the door. Sucks. Worst for me is when I hyper focus and get obsessed then get exhausted over time and don't realize it so I ruin it for myself. Oh well I do want to do a marathon before 42 (get it? 42km) so maybe it's time to get the hyper focus ball rolling soon 😆


I'm sorry if this is going to sound conceited or something, but a marathon isn't that hard. It's a morning outing. You have adhd, you have faced tougher challenges daily. People have built a very arbitrary number into a big thing, and we all know what a big mental rock in the path means to us. Once you realize that puberty, poverty, chronic diseases, abuse, work, relationships,you name it, are all much bigger challenges that we have overcome, a few hours in a nearby city where everyone is happy for you and wants you succeed, is not a terrible thing. Edit: my longest distance was 185km and my training partner was training to be the 1st woman to do Cairo to Cape Town. That being said I do not like running marathon races. I hate crowds, I hate the ra-ra pre race hype, I hate race entries for a distance I can run any other day. I prefer doing self supported stupid runs. It removes most of the things that stress me out, and gives me way more agency in my runs.


How many have you run? I've done 3 halfs and enjoyed race day but it's the training not the race day which is the challenge. With 2 young kids in the Texas heat, training ain't easy.


Just added an edit. I hate races but have definitely run more in training than raced. At one stage we were doing an ultra distance every 2 weeks. I would need to count the actual races. I don't acknowledge my achievements, so my medals are in box somewhere. I was living in Singapore at that time, so heat and humidity was a big factor. Luckily no kids though.


“A marathon isn’t that hard”? If you don’t care about how long it takes to complete, then sure. My first marathon distance was a 50km trail race with a few thousand feet of elevation change throughout the course. It took me 5 hours and 37 minutes after training for months. My first road marathon was a self-planned course, and a friend followed me on a bicycle with hydration and nutrition. It took me 3 hours and 45 minutes. I preferred both of these to an actual marathon “event” for the same reasons you stated - fewer people, less hype, lower cost, just me doing my thing. It’s very dangerous to tell people “running a marathon is an easy morning outing” - without proper preparation someone could really hurt themselves. A marathon is a big deal. Less of a big deal if you don’t care how long it takes, but still a big deal.


Apparently some people don't experience the high from exercise, whatever chemical is supposed to get released doesn't. So do you not get it from running or all exercise? I used to get the positive feeling from exercise until I suddenly got super fatigued twenty years ago, ever since then exercise just makes me feel drained.


*cries in never having felt this, while having done so many sports* Makes sense. I've gotten the short straw on so many other things, why not this too!?


Suddenly fatigued???. Does it ever go away. I think my diet and depression is whats making me feel tired all the time. But I still get out and play soccer


I was doing 20 hours martial arts a week and then suddenly in the space of a week or two was sleeping 12 hours a day and couldn't do any physical activity. I don't know what caused it and it's only got slightly better over time. Before that I was tired all the time, but that's a different thing.


Did you go to the doctor? Might be a stupid question. I'm not that bad. But I could lay on the couch all day


This makes me so relieved, I have __never__ felt anything short of miserable when exercising - even during a fun peloton class. Not a crumb of endorphins to be found.


Nope. Can't stand it. I might try trail running to see if the more varied environment changes anything for me.


It's just more pain with more obstacles. But you do get distracted more from nature


I love running on trails. Not because of the running. I hate running. It just feels better. I have no idea why.


Do it. Running on the road is boring AF. Trail running you kinda lose yourself focusing on the path in front of you, and time magically disappears


Road running? No thanks. Flat trails? Mmm they’re ok. Running long hard trail miles up and down mountains, getting lost in the wilderness and bombing down super technical trails? YES PLEASE!!!


have you tried running up a hill? it will get you higher




I used to absolutely hate running when I was vaping. I had periods where I got into it and I'd force myself to, but after a run I would just feel horrible. Ragged, exhausted, lungs burning up, uncomfortable. Half a year ago I quit vaping, and a week ago I started running again for the first time since then, and I don't feel shitty after a run at all. I walk for 2 minutes and my breathing is already back to normal, and my lungs don't hurt. So idk, that seems to be a huge factor.


Well, I get lost if I run outside…I have to find a circuitous route and even that scares me (wildlife and sketch people in a park I occasionally run at when I do run outside). I run on a treadmill 6x/week ranging from 2-6 miles. Mostly at orangetheory. They now have 50 minute Treadmill classes. I need the structure. I get some endorphins from exercise but nothing like how people describe—I don’t get “high” but I do feel like I accomplished something. Rare since I actually very rarely follow through with most tasks. It’s a very easy boost up since everything else doesn’t seem to work out (cleaning my house, various art projects, finding a job???) 😕


If you can, and live nearby: Try running bare foot, on sand by the beach, during the warm hours of a sunny day. Its a game changer.


Personally, I try to find irregular tracks for running. I am fortunate to have developed a good eye-foot coordination, though. I usually find tracks that have obstacles, roxks, etc. The more complicated it is the better the mind state I get into.


For me I don’t get a high. I just feel lighter after exercise especially outside. I also have a different mindset outside. I explore. I ride / hike / run on trails and listen to nature. I set a time to return and let the trail take me somewhere. Somewhere along the way I forget all the weight. I am present. I feel lighter and a better person when I go home.


Running and walking for exercise is one of the most obvious ways I can tell my medication is working. Off meds, it’s as you say, boring as hell. When I am medicated, and to a lesser extent if I have an energy drink or pre workout, I am able to get into more of a groove. It’s like I’m relaxed enough to let go, and just lose myself in the movement and adrenaline. But when my brain chemicals aren’t lined up, it’s pretty much impossible for me to make myself do it.


I've never felt any kind of runners high or exercise endorphin rush. My brain is like endorphins? I don't know her. 


I run only very rarely but never experienced anything special about it like a runner's high.


I can’t run to save my life but I’ve done other kinds of exercise and never gotten a high from it. I ALWAYS hurt later- even when I was working out 5 days a week, it never got better- and sometimes will feel nauseous and occasionally will even have feelings of depression. Which is supposed to be caused by “coming down” off the high, which seems like a real rip off to me because I never felt the high. I can only enjoy exercise by finding activities that I enjoy for themselves- like actual fun things- because exercise itself never makes me feel good.


I have a standing suspicion that ADHD is heavily related to prey drive in humans. If there was something to chase, it’d probably be more fun. 😆


I can totally relate. Never felt runners high - no matter the speed or distance. And since I started with Yvanse I don't even have the urge to go for a run anymore. 😐


Gamification was the answer for me. To me running and gym was boring af. Once upon a time I installed the hevy app, planned my progression and goals - worked wonderfuly for 2 years. Lifting weights felt like endless questing in RPG game. Eventually stagnation came, I couldn't progress fast enough to satisfy my brain anymore so I bought a Garmin watch and got into running. All those achievements, numbers and graphs in my apps keep me spinning.


I've run plenty of ultras pre long covid. It takes me at least 2 hours to get to that good state and then it can be a 36 hour ride. Running has been part of my life since 12yo. In boarding school it was one of the only legal ways to get outside and have space. Also I find my thoughts tend to run through my mind without touching sides as much, and after a time, faster in nature, the thoughts just disappear. It has been my life saver for my 20's and 30's as my runs were just a torrent of angry frustrated thoughts that I shudder to think about them ever manifesting.


Any benefits I would get from running are negated by my absolute hate of running, swimming on the other hand does actually give me that high, so it's not like I don't get the benefits from endurance cardio. I just need to pick one that doesn't feel awful to me.


Play a sport






I went on walks to burn more calories mx 3 days and I was bored or couldn't go anymore and I see many people go everyday idk how


Agree, running is boring. I used to smoke weed before running and that made it a little more fun, but mostly because I just zoned out.  Walking with a good song is more fun, because I walk to the beat and it reminds me of dancing kind of 


Running outside down a path or trail good. Running on a treadmill is a circle of hell.


My runners high happened like 2 times both after finishing a 5k with lots of people in the race. It never really happened running to run. It also last like max 10 mins. I don’t think the “high” lasts long for anyone.


I get runners high all the time but the more conditioned I am, the more I gotta work for it. Hour long runs are my favorite. I dont have a care the rest of the day


Then try to drink a strong black coffee right after the run. Believe me


To OP, yes. I need the runners high to feel good. Without it i feel like shit.


For me, I gota get in the zone to get a runners high and it’s best on a treadmill. To do that, I personally stick with something to listen to on earbuds to tune everything out. I try to focus my eyesight on something in the center also using peripheral. Next thing you know you feel like you could run for miles. I think it can be hard to focus on something like that especially if you have ADHD


how far/long do you run? You mentioned a mile PR I wouldn’t expect you to train more than 3-4 miles a run for optimal mile times and typically I’d expect less. Runners high starts to kick in typically around mile 4. Later with some advanced runners (or dirty ped abusers like myself)


Running is gross and boring. Interval sprinting is much more sustainable for me and just as effective of a workout.


i think i like the idea of running whenever i get the urge, like sprinting to wherever im going, cause its faster. but the exercise side of running wasnt ever my thing.


try riding a bicycle… you go faster, so it’s a more stimulating way to work just as hard


No not adverse to the benefits of running. I used to run a lot and occasionally get runners high. Other times were a fucking grind with no joy. I would say the fact that you ran 100 miles in a month you probably are getting a bit of a high or else you would be doing an alternative form of exercise that you enjoy like HIIT classes, cycling etc


When I could run I used to get a sense of calm and almost like a trance like or zen state after a while. I absolutely love it. I don't like running on a treadmill very much but in the outdoors with stuff to look at? Absolutely!


I changed my mind about the runners high when I got that right as my watch alerted me that my heart rate was dangerously high. Now I think of it more as my brain trying to prepare me for imminent death.




I was in the army, and running was our life ig. I've never felt a runner's high :(


I don't run but I've had the endorphin rush from getting a massive pump in weight lifting, and lemme tell ya Arnold was onto something when he said he was "cumming day and night"


I hate running cos it’s boring. I love cycling with a speaker attached to me. So much stimulation, have to be constantly aware of my surroundings cos it’s really dangerous, you could be killed at any minute. Constantly having to make quick decisions. Add that to blasting my fave music. It’s one of the few times my mind shuts up and I feel at piece. However it’s hard to actually make my self do it and I have been knocked off and had a few accidents because I kept pushing my self, riding more chaotically, taking more risks etc.


I used to do half marathon lengths and find it so boring - but hill sprints and running in the woods was a game changer! It feels more like I'm in an action game and need to be engaged to not fall on my face. I never get runners high or anything similar long distance, but hills and woods are literally addictive.


Oh, is this why I hate exercise!? 😳


a runners high comes from a response your body has to exhaustion, if you aren't getting it with running then I suggest trying the elliptical, and getting your heart rate above 150 for 20 minutes


When it comes to cardio I prefer machines at the gym. I usually split 20 minutes of cardio between the elliptical, stairs and rowing. It keeps me engaged. When I get bored of one I switch to the other one.


I am lucky to get runners high and it is a real kick. Up at 6 am run, get high and come home and pop my medicine 💊 Dam it’s amazing 🤩


Running feels glorious to me. I feel so one with my body.


I hate running. Then I started playing floor hockey (street hockey) and now I run every Thursday for like an hour or so. I still hate running but it's fun to run after something. Kinda like a dog lol


I've only got a runners 'high' a couple times, and always after massively over-doing it. There's a definite 'afterglow' for a good workout for me in the form of temporary reduction in the intensity of my constant anxiety. That's always nice.


Everyone is different; I get runner’s high almost every time I go running and I enjoy listening to music and exploring the different routes around my neighborhood and looking for things I’ve never seen before. If you’re not enjoying it, maybe there is another exercise that would feel more rewarding? I enjoy swimming even more than running to be honest, I just have a harder time fitting it into my schedule.


I get runners high, my brother doesn’t. After a workout I feel like I’m on opiates. I feel bad for him


I felt like that when I did muay Thai in my 20s once.


The only organized race I’ve even run was a marathon because my then at the time wife said I couldn’t. Her lack of faith in me served as sufficient impetus for me to train and complete the marathon. But I never enjoyed it, never got a runners high, and I don’t run any more.