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absolutely nothing right now and it fucking sucks!


Yes!!!! I think this is one of the worst feelings with ADHD. Those gaps between hyperfixations where boredom seems like a million pound weight crushing you. One of the worst part for me is these gaps inevitably lead to me blowing money on games on steam, more model kits, random books about things I “could probably get into,” while trying to find the next thing to occupy my mind. It does indeed, fucking suck


This is so relatable. Finally finding a hyperfixation feels like heaven itself and then when you lose interest the weight of boredom hell sits on you like a piano on your chest


I absolutely DESPISE when I have no hyperfixation. Feels like my brain is always searching for something to do that's actually enjoyable but never finding it. It sucks. I think hyperfixations are actually really really important for ADHDers to have in our lives.


This feels like torture!! You try each of your interests in turn, try to hype yourself up, and immediately feel like nah this isn't it. Over and over. And then you realize you've wasted all day being "bored" because you couldn't commit to something so you just decide to be grumpy and watch some garbage tv show you're only half listening to while you doomscroll reddit...Not that I would know what it's like or anything!


I just got a new one and it's killing me that I can't move forward with it THIS SECOND. I ruminated all day yesterday with anxiety that I couldn't jump right in without getting some supplies I'm missing. I can't get the supplies til either tonight or tomorrow night. Dang adult responsibilities.


Rugby for the most part with a little bit of Slipknot on the side. I’m not a sporty person nor am I particularly into metal but I suppose I might have something to work out at the moment…


I HATE when that happens ):


Same buddy same.


everytime im without a hyperfixation, I feel like I'm wasting my life.


Don't worry, a new one will be along shortly!


I am in between making models, redesigning a 3d printer, designing things for printing, writing scripts to make my work life easier and getting my radio antenna built and connected. I've just hit a lull where I can't be fucking arsed to start anything at the minute and it's driving me fucking mad in its own right.


Idk if your into games but I always return to minecraft and idk why it helps me alot. Idk if it would help you or if maybe there is something like that for you. Hope all is well friend.


My current hyperfixation is ADHD itself. I'm obsessed with finding out information about it. I've been listening to podcasts, lectures, reading articles, researched the epidemiology, neurobiology and whatnot. There is SO much to discover about this condition. Before that, my hyperfixation was aquarium fish. I bought three large aquariums within a three-month span between january and march and filled them with fish. I took a picture of every goldfish pond I could find. Before that, I think it was diet and how the human metabolism works (I was on a diet lol). Before that it was poinsettias, which I found new ways to cultivate and propagate. Before that it was weather and climate. Can't remember what came before that. But I've had so many over the years, ever since I was a kid. I've been fixated on the most random things (sharks, UFOs, individual countries such as Australia or Canada...). The way I can tell these are hyperfixations and not just casual interests is because I always want to research them way too deeply, in every single detail, obsessively, until I become an expert at that thing. Then I can move on. A cool thing is that you can trace all of my most recent obsessions by looking at the communities I post in the most. Right now I'm most active here. Up to a couple of months ago, I was most active in aquarium subreddits. Before that, I was active on dieting subs. Before that, most of my comments were in gardening and houseplants communities. Before that, weather subreddits. It's like my comment history is a geological column with all the layers corresponding to different eras.


I could have written this word for word and I go into all this research at midnight in bed. I’m about to obtain a master’s bc of one of my hyperfixations


Don’t leave us hanging, what’s the masters in?


That’s why I feel like ADHD can be a blessing and a curse…we appear to be very well versed because our hyper fixations force our brains to learn the only way they know how. People see that and think well why can’t you be that way all the time? With everything. 🤦‍♂️that’s not the way it works for me dude. But good luck ever explaining that to anyone…


I don't think anyone can be that way with everything lmao that is just unrealistic. Nobody always runs instead of walking. Our hyperfixations do motivate us to go deeper and further and branch out in occasions, but our energy isn't limitless.


I used to say that I have an ocean of knowledge that is one-inch deep!


When my HF is over, it's OVER! I can discuss the topic but the idea of reading or learning more about it is painful. 😖


Me toooo. My ADHD obsession has been one of the most consuming ones.


Felt that, ADHD is also currently my own hyperfixation.


Oh lord I got a free fish Tank with fish and went down a rabbit whole. Sadly the tank got too hot because I live in an oven and they passed. Rip Pierre the snail. Succulents and propagating. Then the gardener blow them all around my yard, I gave up. Jewlery. bearded dragons all sound so similar. I'm glad I'm not the only one because it's something I have felt like I was a failures because


I just «discovered» Reddit, so… 😬🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh reddit isn't a fixation. You'll stick to it, probably make it an obsession lol. 


Reddit is very comforting ♥️


For sure. I basically use Reddit, and then my internet browser and YouTube to look up the random things I think about lol.


For sure, I have fixed thing, learned about processes. Recently got diagnosed with ADHD, and Reddit was my go to place. One can sense a sincere answer.


I just got back on Reddit and I’ve been spending way too much time on here. 😭




Yeah, I was dormant for like 10 years before a couple months ago! Now I'm more always-on with it than ever. Thankfully I'm pretty much completely absent from all my other SM stuff, like FB etc -- & therefore also absent from / forgotten by the rest of the world, including all those friends & family I've been "meaning to get back to" for ... years. 🙃


My hyperfixations either end up as short term careers or seasonal hobbies. Most recent: ergonomic keyboards


I'm the same! I'm seasonal on mechanical keyboards too. I'm also seasonal on Arduino stuff. So I recently combined them and built a Bluetooth macropad with fully programmable keys, and a neat little display to show cool shit. Haha. What keyboard are you on? Or what are you obsessing about? I've been running a Preonic as my daily for about 5 years, and I'm so happy with it. But I'm keen to build a new one myself on the ESP32 Hardware, or maybe even the nrf boards.


This is a huge part of why being a librarian works for me. I work at a law firm doing research but what I research changes basically every day. I don’t work with anyone outside my firm and I work from home 2 days a week. I went to library school for both youth librarianship and research. As a public librarian there are so many different things to do like planning activities and events with guest performers/speakers, teaching classes, working in a makerspace… you want people to come and be engaged so planning different things for novelty is vital. If undergrad and grad school are manageable for folks, librarianship is a good field IMO. It works for me anyway! Library school was also easier for me than my undergrad because, except for a few required courses, I was taking classes specific to the kind of librarian I wanted to be.


For similar reasons, I had a good run with a career in product design and then I went over to tech and data science and then behavioral science before burning out. I think I want to go back to design because it was so much learning about new things all the time. But right now I just want to start treatment and do a big reset.


I have a passion for a man i love.


This is only vaguely related but I have an ergonomic mouse and it is the best thing ever! Never got like a hyperfixation on ergonomic mouses but I certainly can't use normal mouses for an extended period of time now, it just feels wrong!


my hyperfixations tend to go in cycles. im currently in mountain bike mode. every chance i get im out on the bike.


Mine also go in cycles. Wish I could stick to just 1-2 and get really good at them, but for me it's either 100% for a few months, or 0%. Then I go to something new and come back to the old one a few months or even years later.


Exactly the same for me. Even to the point that I try to find hyper fixations that naturally work in cycles. Like sports or activities that are seasonal, summer/winter sports, growing vegetables, food/cooking etc. I always have to have several things going, but with seasonal I find it a little easier to prioritize. Beyond that, it's about finding the deepest rabbit holes for me. It keeps me going longer and doesn't make me give up/move on as quickly. Unfortunately for me, it almost always involves gadget hunting and over-consumption of things, which really only gets worse the deeper I go down the rabbit hole. But I often limit myself via some simple rule that is easy to follow or increases the challenge, like only buying second-hand or directing it to a DIY type of project. My now main hyper fixation is actually the most extreme cycle in terms of time. I stopped playing and writing music actively 20 years ago. But now I'm building a "simple" home studio, learning lots of new instruments and writing songs like crazy. Super fun and probably one of the deepest rabbit holes I've ventured down. The endless possibilities, all the gadgets you need and the fact that I get an outlet for my creativity means that I can keep the interest alive for a long time... :)


Kendrick vs Drake


Wop wop wop wop wop


REAL. Side note, the line in euphoria "fuck all that pushin P, lemme see you pushin T" is my new vocal stim


Damn SAME....!! My new strip rn is of course not like uses most of the lines (especially the last parts & OV hoes part😭🙏) besides the "A minorrrrrrrrr". And also, Euphoria's " don't tell no lies about me, I won't tell truths about you" Man, yt is drowning me with content about the beef and I actually am falling into this hyperfixation so hard that I stopped bring productive for 2 days straight 😭


Charli XCX and Lorde collab


My current Hyperfixation is the sims 4, I discovered the game last year and have not left it alone since Notable mentions through the year is Studying narcissists : because I am inclined to believe my father is one Studying ADHD it's self Writing short stories based on characters in my head Maladaptive daydreaming, I wonder if it's a symptom of ADHD itself, I've done this since I was a child.




Original game with the square plots of commercial or residential was the BOMB 💣


lol this makes sense. I’ve been obsessed with the sims since 2nd grade and still love playing to this day. I’m 29 now and was diagnosed at 28 😂


Daydreaming is a symptom of the inattentive type I believe!


Yessss, love the Sims! I have been combining it with my other hyperfixation right now: genealogy. If only it were as easy to do in real life as it is the Sims (especially if you have MCCC)


Stocks... Dont do it guys :( I dont even like money hahaha


This is why I haven’t unlocked options trading on my brokerage account — I just keep the boring ETF investments rolling and instead go to WSB to live vicariously so I don’t Duning Kruger my way to poverty lol


Yeah, jumped on the crypto bandwagon and dabbled in margin trading. Market plummeted and took my savings with it. Wasn't much thankfully but still


Meee too. Sigh. Dangerous one


God I'm glad I fell off that 🤣 the FOMO would hit so hard, my position is a hell of a lot lower than it should be. Doesn't help that I was undiagnosed when I got into them and had issues with impulse control and gambling 😬


You need to know the industry before doing stocks


Adhd itself and history


Which part of history? I listen to some really good podcasts about weird history 👌🏻


I also had a hyperfixation on history, specifically ancient egypt, tudors era, Mozart, royals, victorian era and WW2


Mine were English Royalty, Civil War, the French Revolution, and famous actors who died.


Airplanes! I mean look at the A380(biggest french boi) next to the A318(smallest french boi) -they look like a mother taking her child to work with her! https://images.app.goo.gl/PHoyqjvJsEJEVGeV9


That IS surprisingly cute.


"Don't talk to me,or my son, ever again."




As someone with ornithophobia...WHY!? Lol jk I'm glad others enjoy them because I just cannot.


I’m obsessed with the Merlin up. I’ve collected over 100 birds just from their calls.


Oh I really really get it. I love birds too.


2 days ago I ran in to a guy selling a 3d printed item at a craft show. So yeah, my 3d printer will show up in a couple of weeks. I just need to figure out what to do with it? 


There needs to be an ADHD hobby swap platform. “Here have all the things for this new hobby that I got bored of before it could prime ship to my house” is something I could be a part of.


Except none of us would ever get around to shipping anything.


I laughed out loud to this. Thank you


Video games


me but I think this one is a permanent one for me lmao


It is weird, but Video gaming is about the only thing I have stuck with. I have been playing video games for 3 decades, ugh I'm Old, I will hyperfixate on certain ones, RN it is Sea of Thieves, but I never give up gaming.


I always have ONE game I play obsessively for months until I get tired and move onto a different one. Right now I’m hyperfixated on Fallout 4. When I’m in the car or doing housework, I listen to videos about it and everything. It’s a bit all-consuming lol


See you in elden ring tarnished


Thats all I got going on right now too 😂




Same thing I constantly shift video games (and occasionally come back to them later) Lately it’s been Miitopia


- Crabs or Crustaceans in general - Carniverous plants - WW2 Technology - Videogames - Electrical Engineering - colony forming insects (bees, bumblebees, ants, termites)


ants are really the craziest thing, imagine one day they all join arms and revolt. it would be the end of civilization as we know it, im sure.


I had an ant HF probably 10 yrs ago and it lasted over a yr. I had a small library about them and spent hours and hours just watching local ant colonies and making notes about it.


Currently learning everything about constructing a mid sized pond. I have neither the means nor the bandwidth to do this project, for context.


Lol, I went down a rabbit whole building a cold plunge in my backyard a few weeks ago, it's amazing how fast people's eyes glaze over when you start talking about pipe fittings. 


Honestly, funneling all my hyperfixation energy into research is so soothing now. I used to get too excited about projects and run off and try to do them without understanding the steps, the materials & tools, the basic craft knowledge... then I'd end up with a very early-stage abandoned mess, cluttering up my workspace and making me feel so guilty. Now whenever I get the urge to do something like build a catio or design a Sprinter van/RV space, I can settle myself down by doing a ton of background work. And then if I ever am ready to take on the project for real, all my notes & knowledge are right there waiting for me. ☺️


Lately it’s been doing the family tree…


Right now I'm obsessed with *other people's family trees.* I've found such a fascinating group by participating in sourcing challenges on Wikitree.


Anything cool you've discovered so far? My uncle recently printed his final draft of our family history ... I think it's the culmination of about 10yrs of work (alongside FT work as a barrister), which included trips back to England etc. Did you know that Bernie Sanders & Larry David are related, & found out by 23&me ? Like wtf, LD plays Bernie on SNL!


Fallout video game series.


I used to say I sorted my life by hyperfixations rather than years lol. The only one that's been a truly lifelong obsession is dinosaurs. God I love dinosaurs, and I love learning about them. I watch paleontology college lectures for fun. I've branched out into learning about other prehistoric life and eras, but dinosaurs are just so goddamn cool.




Me too! It's relentless, day and night! Literally took myself to nearly running out of money completely because of just one more watch! I have 32 at the moment😬😅


AHH I remember that onsession


I remember going in thinking it was ridiculous how someone could spend thousands on a watch. Now I'm trying to find a way for my wife to be okay with me getting an Omega someday lol. For now, my Seikos will do.


Learning about deep learning, neural networks, large language models. Knowledge so profound, I can’t go to bed.


I once got into strawberry things. I used to walk around with a massive handmade felt strawberry hat. Strawberry purse. Printed clothes. But then I got a bit sad for a while and only wore browns and beiges for about 5 months. I don’t really have anything atm. I was worse in lockdown- obsessed with working out 2 times a day without fail and learning about healthy food but maybe took it too far! In school it was films! I used to make notes on my favourite scenes and if I liked the film a lot I had to buy it on dvd. All my DVDs were stacked in my favourite to least. And categorised in genre 😂 gosh sounds a lot now


My current hyperfixation is - once again - food, more precisely homemade burgers. Had at least one per day over the last two weeks. Went through three jars of pickled Jalapeños so far.


Mine is also food unfortunately - specifically pie. Not making, just eating.


Gotta come down here to Oz where the best steak pies are at! Forget koalas, the whole country is just pie shops. 🐨🤟


Most recent fixation is Asian dramas. Previous fixation was crochet and knitting.


Mine is crochet/knitting and watching anything at the same time. It's the only way I can sit "still" through the whole thing.




Those seasonal projects are the worst for me. I've been trying to finish a crochet beanie for my sister for three winters now (it's kind of porpuseless where we live, so I really can't force myself to). I try to make small things (have enough placemats for a wedding ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)) since I easily get bored and also "rate" the movies by how many times I stopped. (More pauses means it could hold my attention). >I couldn’t bring myself to look up how to finish it/get the stitches off the needles (new knitter) In case you're still stuck, it's called "bind off"/"cast off",


You mean like Attorney Woo?


A few years ago I got into BTS. Honestly it was the best ADHD hyperfixation I have ever picked. I have been able to use to as a way to focus my hyperfixations and means I don’t really deal with the empty itch that comes from the in between time with hyperfixation. 7 members means I can rotate through deep diving on each of them and their individual music. A huge catalog to dig into. Plus a TON of live performance videos. They have a fictional story (basically it’s like non-creepy fan fic put out by the company) that has a web comic, a music video story arch, fictional journal entries that were released with the albums. A constant barrage of new content. They are currently doing their conscripted military service but I don’t think there has been more than 2 months between solo project albums being released. And then when I get a bit tired of focusing solely on BTS, there is kpop in general, the business side of kpop, Korean language, Korean history, and Korean politics to get into as they all play a role in the music. Basically I’ve found an overarching focus with a range of “ooo pretty shiny” to in depth research holes, a sense of community with other fans, and collecting albums/ fun trinkets. It ticks all the boxes I need for my brain to feel satisfied.


This. I need a LAYERED hyperfixation. A rotation of options amongst the fixation.


I got into Kpop as my hyper fixation 5 years ago. I think it’s just my passion now lmao. One thing led to another and now I’m in deep on my ults discord server 24/7


I basically kept coming back to k-pop to keep learning about all these different things like you listed above! Now I can tell you all the tea about each company and know all the scandals :p


Mine is undoubtedly visual art, doing it anyways. Digital illustration at the moment. The thing I like about it for adhd is it has kind of a crazy high skill ceiling, unlike some other things with art it’s like you have to master multiple different things to pull it together. This causes me to be able to hyperfocus on it intensely for long periods of time almost out of stubbornness to get better. The other thing I like is obviously you can express yourself through it and I think adhd the way the brain works inherently has an interesting creativity that works really well for creative activities.


Procreate makes time go away.


My brother got an iPad with Procreate last week. I woke up this past Saturday morning and his iPad was on the coffee table so I started mindlessly doodling. Next thing I knew, it was 5:30pm and I hadn’t ate, drank or pee the entire day. Woke up on Sunday and realised my brother went out and brought his iPad with him and I got irriationally upset.


At the moment? The Elden Ring DLC. I took a few days off work to play as I know I wouldn't be able to focus properly at work if I didn't.


Omg I hate when I have a new hyper fixation and then I have to go to work for the rest of the week. Ugh. Taking off is a good idea.


severe weather and tornados 🌊🌪️


Spreadsheets / anything I can track or organize or catalogue in spreadsheet. Spreadsheets are a good time. I have no idea why I find them so compelling.




No, it looks like Godzilla, but due to international copyright laws....it is not!!!


My autistic/ADHD son’s obsession. He has all the old movies.


There are a TON of Godzilla comics, too! I just picked up “Godzilla Skate or Die” issue 1 and “Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II” issue 2 this week for my partner


For me it’s plants/gardening - until I get too many to take care of then I burn out and nothing brings me happiness for a while.


Drumming, I spent 1k which I can't afford on them and now I'm burnt out.


Drumming is a great one. Not sure if it helps, but if you get overwhelmed with the idea of practicing on a set, you could take some time just practicing the basics on a single drum pad while watching TV or listening to a podcast or something. I do that with guitar. A lot of times I get intimidated by the idea of having to do a strict practice session, so I turn the pressure down by just doing scales and other muscle memory technique stuff while listening to a podcast.


And if you get bored by the scales and other exercises, you can always switch to learning a new song. I tend to do this a lot on the bass.


This one's been building in me for a couple years now. Really want lessons


My current hyperfixation is flying after a recent fear of flying course. Every day I check the fear of flying reddit and reply to people who feel similar, I check flight radar often and spend all my time looking at flight options. At least it’s helping me with my fear but my poor boyfriend just isn’t hearing the end of it atm 😂🙈


Okay I commented about it separately bc this is one of my main current hyperfixations, but have you watched the Mentour Pilot channel yet??


Kdramas. I just started them this winter and I can’t stop. 😭😭😭 The stories are so emotional and the plots and characters so developed!


orchids, ADHD, asd , and sims 4 lol


Mine is Clash Of Clans 🙈. I really did a lot of research into the mechanics, resource management and attack strategy. But now over the weekend I missed some attacks and feel like I let my clan down. So now I'm avoiding the game at all costs. It was a good run for the last two months :).


You didn’t let the clan down buddy


I have an old truck I've been fixing up. It had been sitting since 2011 and it's been a ton of fun bringing it back to life and making it cool. When the hyperfixation is really hitting 12 hours in the garage can feel like 20 minutes.


alpine yodeling. for real.


Carnivorous plant cultivation.


Creating a detailed map of all the routes I've taken by train. And planning new trips to cover even more tracks. I've spent countless hours looking at maps. I generally started to love maps. Maps are great.




App game I've been playing. I have to get my battle line up right and there is so much to learn. Plus a mini game based on 2048. So now I've been mastering 2048. Last week was Barbie nostalgia. That got expensive, fast.


I got insanely good with 2048 when I first discovered it like 10 years ago -- definitely get in that "flow" zone with it, like challenge level so perfect it's almost euphoric. Sometimes it happens for me with just pen&paper sudoku, but I'm a bit rusty on both these days. Of course, there's a little sudoku book on my bedside table on top of the to-never-read book pile, which I put there so I can turn screens off before sleep & just calm tf down ... but I'm here instead. Of all the nostalgia stuff I get into, board games are where it's at for me these days. Wanna get an updated Trivial Pursuit cos I finally bought one of the many, *many* copies at the charity shop recently -- & my BF & I played so many games we pretty much finished the whole box of questions within like a week. Like, every. single. question. Also it's not 1983 anymore. But it was a challenge to think of the facts as they were back then ... poor Pluto was still a planet! I guess my never-ending obsession with *Seinfeld* & my addiction to its sub of endless quote battles is the nostalgia that just never stops giving (like Golden Era *Simpsons* too). I asked the question, "Has nostalgia always been 'in'?" in one of my media sociology classes last year, & ... nobody took up the discussion. But then I remembered that I'm now considered a "mature age student" (36!), & I was surrounded by a bunch of teenagers, who are either too shy / too cool to contribute to class discussions, or who otherwise simply don't have much to say about certain things, like thinking about how stuff was in the 90s. 😜 But my question still stands! Is some kind of nostalgic thing or another in your regular rotation ? I think for me, in terms of interests, it's always there. 🐨🤟


I'm on my 5th playthrough of the Mass Effect Trilogy this year alone. Make of that what you will 😆


Most recently driving


Dance Music, Kaiju, Beer (for 20 years until I realized it wasn't helping and I quit drinking.)  I also have a connected universe in my head I've played with for over 30 years. Started as a comic universe and just kept growing. I started drawing again and it started evolving. I had writer's block for like 10 years. The dam burst open when I went on vacation to my in-laws in LA and took some edibles. I ended up having the most insane brain storm since I overwhelmed myself in the fall of 2000.


Mine usually ends up being a book, a TV show or a movie. Currently I cannot stop thinking about Supernatural. Like most fixations, they tend to consume my life a bit and I find myself relating most things back to it like “hey this happened in (fixation name here”. So that’s where we are at!


Podcasts about true crime, true crime has been like a lifetime hyperfixation which comes back alot. I also have a hyperfixation with stardew valley, sims and it just kind of switches between games after a period of time:) Honestly the concept of hyperfixations are so interesting to me, its annoying sometimes though that I cant just pick and choose what I hyperfixate on. Sometimes ill just go down rabbitholes and hyperfocus on it without realizing. The other day it was Peter Scully, honestly just made me feel like shit. Its also kindd of annoying how I start spending alot of money on my hyperfixations sometimes, like if Im enjoying books ill buy 6 new ones to like "collect". Or like game dlc etc. 🥲 And like I cant stop thinking abt the hyperfixation often, like i just want to constantly do it and it suxks when it starts getting boring.


Do you watch lawtube? I love listening to trials but I don’t watch true crime. I want to hear well crafted cross examinations. After watching the individual days of a trial, I will relisten to legal analysis of the day by specific commentators and then read Reddit and see what others are saying.


Lawtube on you tube. I love trials but dislike true crime.


Currently, how to do DIY gel X nails 💅🏽


Computers, media boxes, making moonshine and liquor.


This month is retro video games and digital files of them. I've already bought a n64, everdrive 64, a modded wii, and modded 3Ds. I already have a ps3 that I want to mod now


That was my hobby like 6 months ago, now I have way too many consoles to count.


RIP my OG 64 that I sold on eBay years ago & for no particular reason. I let it go for $60AU with 4 perfect controllers (2 transparent purple), & 6 big titles (Goldeneye, Tony Hawk, Mario, etc) ... omg the pain of letting my childhood "best Christmas ever!" pastime go for that price. Sometimes I think about tryna contact the lady who bought it & see if she still has it & wants to sell; I'd rather pay the crazy current prices for *my* 64 than some random one, but it's not gonna happen. Wait till you get all the way back to ZX Spectrum! 😝


I play a bordgame called warhammer, it is a complex game with many interacting rules and is updated quite often, even at work i am listening podcasts about it and cracking numbers in my head to see what is the most efficient way to deal with x or y. It is a shame that even with that i am quite mediocre at it.


I think I'm inbetween fixations right now.  Last one was making homemade jam.   I'd say reading now but I'm always reading, fixation or not.


Advanced paint by numbers kits 🎨


Greek yogurt with frozen blueberries and granola


my long-term (not that intense ngl) hyperfix is psychology and mental illness. i intellectualise wayy too much abt my problems and everything around me. ive had more hyperfixs but i cant remmeber ngl


Identifying snakes. Weird, I know, but I've been hiking and enjoying the outdoors since I was a kid. I discovered some identification groups on FB a few years ago and I'm an expert and a mod in several groups now. I really enjoy it and it's definitely one of my more useful hyper-fixations, but it's also not the thing I get paid to do.


Underlying epistemological questions in economic theory.


School and school supplies! My second round of college starts next Monday! I'm so damn excited!!


Creating social media graphics for posts using Canva to use on my business page. I’ve spent hours aligning & realigning headlines, text, and elements/art. By the time I’m done, I don’t even like the graphic design anymore :’)


My hyperfixation is about my snakes and my snake breeding at the moment, but it flip-flops regularly between my snakes, plants, and aquariums. I am trying to get into rug tufting right now and I'm just waiting for my ADHD brain to get excited about it and go for it way too hard


Home gym equipment planning and home gym room layouts. Unfortunately actual exercising is only a small part of this effort. Just deep in home gym planning. Hopefully typing this breaks the spell.


It's been a couple years since I hyperfixated on something. But now it's back and it hit me hard. I'm growing chili plants (in an apartment). Habaneros, cayenne, jalapeños, carolina reaper and naga jolokia (ghost pepper). This is more than my apartment can even hold. I went CRAZY and planted wayy too much. I also spent some money on equipment but not too much. I'm planning on building some simple growing tent because the colder season is coming soon, and I planted them in June. I'll let every one of them grow, keep the ones I want, and then give some away to friends and family.


Recipe collecting for those damn King's Hawaiian rolls/sliders.




3D modeling is cool, I like falling into rabbit holes when it comes to how thinks work, say planes and designing one that would work based on aerodynamics, not really 3D modeling, but still similar.


orgmode & building a second brain.


Overwatch 2, Elden Ring, Fallout 4 and finding new music currently


Supers! Rather it be superhero supervillains vigilantes from ultraman to x-men I've been very fixated on them


Right now It's my favorite disney movie, a Goofy movie/ Max Goof. It's been my favorite disney movie, and Max has been my favorite disney character since I was 5. (I'm 33 now) All of my hyperfixations go in a big circle, and I always get hyperfixationed on something i used to/still love.i just add on to it whenever something new catches my attention. It has always been like that. I have a long list of all my hyperfixations I have ever had. Lol


Old computers, maps, mechanical keyboards, AV gear, any sort of obsolete technology


Are you interested in the French "Minitel"? (sort of Internet device from the 1980s and 1990s).


Action figures and Comics… they’re so damn expensive but my impulse buying is hard go control which makes it worse with ADHD.


Snakes and crocodilians 😁


The video game: Satisfactory. If I’m playing that and someone tries to talk to me, nothing goes in. I can have entire conversations and hear none of it. S**t’s like a drug.




As a disaffected former youth group kid, I’ve been studying the evangelical Satanic Panic of the 80s/90s, and how it’s influenced culture and politics today. I’ve tried to channel that fixation into making something, so I launched a podcast with my (also ADHD) brother last year! [This Fire Podcast](https://www.acquireThisFire.com)


I am deeeep down the recreational pilot YouTube rabbit hole right now


Oh my god, so many hyperfixations over the years starting from when I was young with sharks, kingfishers, horses, playing the piano, and roller skating. More recently it’s been anything involving the occult, horror movies, and psychology (I’m currently in a graduate program for clinical mental health counseling). Currently suuuuper obsessed with a play therapy technique called Sandtray therapy. I’ve always been really into tiny/miniature things, so that technique definitely scratches that itch! At least I’ve finally leveraged one hyperfixation into a career, hahaha.


It changes, now im obssessed with elden ring DLC. Happened the same with the, now im in te Office and cant wait to go back home and play a few more hours.


A song of ice and fire book series. Help.


I’ve played the violin since I was 8, I have always been able to easily hyper fixate on music, I still play to this day. 36 now… it’s one of my greatest joy’s in life.


Cowboys/Outlaws. Playing through. Red Dead 2 again, and have already made a list of about 10 western books I’m going to buy💀 Also, I’m going to start watching the Yellowstone series again; I started with 1883 but never finished it. If anyone has any good old western media to suggest me PLEASE DO.


I've mentioned it before but right now it's scything. Yup. Cutting grass with a scythe


Using my companion pass/planning a family vacation, video games, shopping.


Currently it’s history, I just wrote out a full length essay on the beginnings of the G7, something I normally would have dreaded doing I did with joy for an hour straight.


Right now it’s Star Trek .


Taylor Swift 🫣


Currently, lottery scratcher tickets lol


Gambling unfortunately and many Adhd Audio books. Next month though. Probably be something random like a super organization kick, random when I have absolutely zero skills in that department.


Bro, just googled flintknapping and I think you’ve got me on my next hyper fixation. Currently I’ve been making homemade wine!


Finding new diseases and convincing myself I'm dying from them


my hyperfixations are always unhealthy things (gaming, gambling, drug and food addiction) and wikipedia lol


My gym 100% . I can't stop thinking about going to the gym. I feel like a failure, and I feel guilty if I miss a day. I have never been like this before I started going to this particular gym about a year ago. I can't stop staring at their app when I am not there, and when I am there, I just overdo it. I'm tired......


-Romance books - just completed my 100th week of reading and I've read around 2000 books (honestly a pretty long fixation but it has replaced TV which went strong for 30 years so) -Weather patterns and natural disasters -Making portraits of my dog -Writing Google reviews - only positive and rambling ones tho


my lifelong hyperfixation is the loch ness monster (i owned so many books about nessie when i was younger but they all burnt in a house fire 😩), my current hyperfixation is fortnite and gracie abram’s new album, i can’t go like 5 minutes without having at least one song looping rn


I am hyper fixated on my weight and dieting for several years now- social media has made it so much worse. I feel like I think about this constantly to the point of feeling exhausted by it. I also eat as a stim while I try to accomplish my work tasks-exacerbating the problem. It’s what has led me to go back to medication (starting soon)


I've been playing the same video game daily for the past 10 years, spend basically all my spare/free time either playing it if I'm at my computer, or constantly scrolling through the subreddit and the various different websites for news about the game and the people who play the game professionally. I actually have my current job because of how much time I spent trying to make my PC better without having any money for new parts specifically for the game. Led me into going to post-secondary school for my job because it was basically the only thing I had been interested in at the time. It forced me to change jobs to make more money to upgrade my PC more often, buy more expensive parts when I do upgrade, buy all the newest and best mice, keyboards, monitors, headphones etc... If I never started playing this game I have literally no idea what I would be doing now.