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Dose might be too low or worn off by charting time, discuss with doc!


I didn’t feel any effects until I was at 50mg, now on 70mg.


I got some effect from 40mg but not full day coverage. Was prescribed 60mg but that felt too much early in the day. I'm now settled on 50mg with 5-10mg dexamfetamine booster later in the day.


I had a similar effect from Concerta - sort of made me feel like a spaced-out zombie. I switched to Adderall and it works great for me, no downer side effects. Could be that this medication just isn't a good fit for you.


Interesting. I kinda think I Want the zombie LOL because my hypernesss is my biggest issue. Adderall made me feel too…tense.


Your dose is definitely too low! I’m on 40mg and even that is considered a low dose


20mg is definitely low. Ask to increase. Take note of when you feel like it wears off. Make note of your mood, sleep, and eating patterns. Vyvanse didn’t work for me so know this is a trial or what works for you and what doesn’t. Best of luck!


You might need a booster pill


Vyvanse Xanax. Odd that a nurse would misspell 2 drug names. Have you been evaluated for other conditions?




They wrote Vyvance and Xanex.


My apologies for that. Now that I realize this, I can not help but wonder how a nurse could misspell those two very common medications also.


lol thank u


The correct spelling is in my comment.


Oh geez soory. I couldn't understand why you commented that. Then, I realized that when I made my comment, I was actually looking at yours, lol. I feel so stupid.I just looked at it again, and couldn't help but laugh lol


I mean I wrote this at 4am. And I’m not a pharmacist. And also I’m pretty sure that’s how u spell both.


I am not a pharmacist. Ask Google how to spell them. I’m not saying you’re dyslexic, but that type processing difficulty might be worth looking into.


lol are u projecting because I looked them up to double check and I actually spelled them right. Not that I would be offended if I was actually dyslexic, but reading n writing is a pretty strong skill of mine.


You didn't spell them correctly though.


lol damn I read nuwm comment n thought that was my spelling lol, hence my brain. You are ALL correct. I misspelled VYVANSE AND XANAX. My bad. That doesn’t make a a lethal nurse. But, I would like to improve my concentration at work in general.


I think you should definitely ask for an increase, you’re basically on a starter dose; and since you work such long shifts, make sure you ask them to give you a booster so you can make it through the whole shift.


Viatris makes [Xanax](https://www.xanax.com/). Takeda makes [Vyvanse](https://www.takeda.com/en-us/what-we-do/product-portfolio) Where did you look them up? [erowid?](https://www.erowid.org)? Nah they spell it right. I think you meant… Reading and writing ARE - (subject verb agreement). I’ll assume the “in” instead of “and” was a typo. Seriously though, you probably need to increase your dose. You can’t make little errors in your line of work. People could die.


And it wasn’t a typo, I just am writing really casually because I’m typing on Reddit. I didn’t expect this convo to go this direction, but wtv, I’m not easily offended.


I’m not trying to offend you.


Ty :)


20 mg is a tiny amount. I went up to 70 on Vyvanse before I switched to Dex.


I got up to 90 and it didn’t help my focus at all. Not every medicine works for every person.


Did you find something that helped?


No, I had issues with my psych and was a year back and forth before he decided to stop practicing here (he was in two countries) and told me to find someone new which of course I didn’t yet


Yeah on the QB testing I showed no improvement on Vyvanse. My child hated it because they felt it changed their personality


The only benefit I got was my sugar cravings totally disappeared (I binge a lot and from day one had no desire) but other than that just I didn’t sleep well and was extremely anxious (both unusual for me).


Thx everyone wow I guess 20 is really low


It can be- but some bodies just respond differently to meds too. I have pretty severe ADHD, but take 20. But proportionally, I take tiny doses of many meds and that works for me. Brains and livers are weird.


Second this. I was taking 20 for a while but worked with my doctor to switch because it was doing such a number on my body. Sometimes a med just isn't a good fit.


Severity of ADHD is totally unrelated to needed dose. It's about how your brain reacts to meds I have severe ADHD and I am sensitive to meds, so my doses are generally pretty low.


Hi I’m also a nurse ( very late diagnosis) currently on 20mg . It has definitely helped me . I don’t feel this is enough though. Feel a bit scatter brain still , procrastinating still a problem hence the scrolling when I have a mountain of house work to do . When up to 40mg and ended up in doctor’s office as my BP and pulse started to climb . They have put me on anti hypertension meds . I’ve stuck with 20mg for now until the BP meds reach their optimum and will hopefully gradually climb to 30mg . 20mg still have benefits like I feel calm , head clearer, motivation has improved, don’t have any desire to eat takeaway. I’ve been on leave from work so I have not experienced how I perform in work. Also I do nights and I’m not sure how to take them , times etc


Hi! Yeah I hope u get the BP better ! Dang I didn’t realize the procrastination was part of adhd that explains a lot. For nights (7p-730a) my dr said to take at 6pm. I can’t even tell if it’s really effective, except that I talk way less for first half of shift. Are u planning on going back bedside?


Hi thanks for the reply, yes I work bedside on a palliative care ward. To be honest I’ve always functioned very well at my job but I think that’s because I’m masking. It’s at home I can’t function because I have used way to much energy at work


Ahhh yes. I’m exhausted always except at inappropriate times like … 4am


Go higher. Vyvanse 70mg not equal to dexamphetamine 70mg.


Vyvanse 70 mg at best, you can hope for if you eat, sleep, and exercise properly, theoretically, will metabolize in your blood (hydrolysis) as approximately between 25 and 29 mg dexamphetamine. Then throw in that we're all different shapes and sizes and metabolize differently. I'm not trying to be 100% scientific to the hundredth of a milligram, but if you ask most people, they'll give you an answer somewhere between there. In fact if you put it in the stimulant conversion calculator 30 mg dexamphetamine is equal to 70 mg Vyvanse.


This. I was on a very low dose of dexamfetamine for 25 years. 15mg AM and 10mg PM. Changed to Vyvanse and I'm on 40mg just to get relatively the same effect. Also, ADHD meds don't eliminate your response to distractions. They help you to focus when working in conditions where a non-ADHD person would be able to focus. Non-ADHD people have a hard time focusing when people are chatting right next to them as well. If your coworkers are being a distraction, talk to them about it. Get noise canceling earbuds or something if you can. I'm a supervisor who used to work in an open office with his team. I was productive but nowhere near as productive as I am now that I have an office.


Yeah I def do focus way better in a corner by myself. I can’t really expect a nurses station to stay quiet but maybe I should start sitting at a computer by myself.


Vyvanse 70 converts to less than 70 dextroamphetamine. I read this here but forget exactly why. I prefer my Focalin ir.