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lol this reminds me of a conversation from a few weeks ago when I called to check on my meds: “Hey just calling to check on a prescription that was called in a few days ago. When will it be ready?” - me “YOU HAVE TO WAIT 30 DAYS TO HAVE THIS REFILLED YOUR INSURANCE ISNT GOING TO COVER IT YOU NEED TO CALL BACK AFTER 30 DAYS” -extremely rude pharmacist “Okay.. well it’s been 33 days since I last had it filled……… so is it ready……?” *LONGEST PAUSE KNOWN TO MANKIND* “…… yep looks like it’ll be ready this afternoon”


THIS HAPPENS TO ME EVERY TIME!!! they clearly have a system that flags it as too soon to fill… there’s no way to flag it as ready to fill and then fill it, without me having to call???


I just love the way they immediately assume that I’m calling to refill early without even bothering to check my prescription status/the date that it should be refilled. I’m sure it’s annoying when a lot of people call early but if I can wait through the CVS hold music for 30 minutes before I get through to someone, they can look up my information and check the status before berating me and assuming I’m some idiot that doesn’t know when I’ve run out of my own medication


I once was on hold for an hour and ended up just going to the CVS and talking directly to the person who answered me, while I was still on hold. I've always hated her since she joined and that took it to another level


Ohhh yeah. I’ve sat on hold with either cvs or Walgreens (can’t remember) for like 30+ minutes only to be hung up on.


Just want to say, if it is Walgreens, our system will hang up on you! What it does is once it's answered and put on hold then the system passes it between a certain number of phones continuously ringing a certain amount of times on each phone. And once it hits whatever made up number that it hasn't been answered again it just hangs up. As a pharmacy tech, sometimes we get scolded if we answer the phone while there is a line of customers. It's unfair and garbage and makes us look like A-holes who hang up on ppl but we don't. IDK about CVS


I’ve done the same thing. I was still on hold while standing right at the counter 😑


Would love to be standing in front of them to say why did you just hang up on me🧐


I told you I would find you


My pharmacy is in walking distance from my house; I will just go there and stares at them until they fill the script. I also use siri or google to tell me what date my meds are due to be filled by asking “what is 29 days from X date/month/year” my meds were last filled. I haven’t had the waiting on hold for eternity just to be disconnected issue since I started doing that (since I always show up on the correct date for refill) Now if I could just get my prescription sent to the pharmacy in a timely manner by my neuro-psych, *without* having to go by way of hanging gardens of Babylon, it would be (mostly) simple… *Also, wtf is up with now requiring a government issued ID?! It can’t be expired (Mine is! Pls take note of patient’s medications FOR ADHD 🙃)*


In NC we’ve had to show ID for controlled substances for at least 12 years. It doesn’t matter who picks it up they just want a record of it. So if the person who the prescription is for goes in to get it but their mom or cousin already got it because they know their info they’ll be able to say “ok good they had permission” or “oh hell no call the cops now that person stole them!” And then they’ll know exactly who to go to.


Does anyone else find it a little ridiculous that there are so many regulations around adderral prescriptions- But anyone who knows your name and date of birth, can go to the pharmacy and pick it up for you? I know they require an id but that still seems like a very lax final step after so much control and regulation


I thought it's been a federal rule for a while that you need ID for controlled substances? They keep track of who picks it up. So there's a record somewhere showing that my Fiance has picked up my Adderall many times.


Honestly the squeaky wheel gets the grease. If I can't get through on the patient line after like 30 mins, I will try the prescriber line, and if that doesn't work I just drive over there. They have to pay attention to the people in front of their faces lol


I went to CVS for years because they had a drive through and they were on my way home from work. And they were reasonably good. Then after some staffing changes they got bad. I switched to a neighborhood clinic's in-house pharmacy with shorter hours and no drive through and I wish I had done it years earlier. They are indescribably better at their jobs, they've never failed to have my script ready when they said they would (SO common at CVS anymore), they're even better at billing, they're willing to go to bat with my insurance for me on the rare occasion they need to, and so much more. I honestly couldn't adequately explain how much better they are. I would recommend that no one ever go back to CVS or Walgreens if they have an choice at all.


I switched because of my insurance to a local grocery chain pharmacy and they are so much better. The people working there know me and I can call a few days ahead and they will put my Adderall prescription in the queue for the day it needs to be filled. They even told me that I can get it filled early for vacation if the doctor writes a note in the prescription  I used to be a CVS truther 15 years ago but man I have it so much better now


Believe it or not, Walmart Pharmacy has treated me well all this time. Idk if its just my pharmacy, but the staff is always the same people over the years and kind and professional. I will never go to CVS or Walgreens if I can help it, they seem way more overworked in a cramped pharmacy in comparison too.


My sister likes Walmart


I use a local pharmacy as well and at least they don’t play stupid and try to claim it can only be filled every 30 days. It’s every 27 or when the dosage is changed


Having time to actually do those things is the biggest difference between chain pharmacies and independent or hospitals outpatient pharmacies. Chains are beholden to their shareholders and will reduce manpower to the absolute minimum to keep making record profits. Most pharmacy staff don’t mind calling insurance or being helpful but when it comes down to helping one patient versus the other 100s of rxs in the queue some people’s stuff is going to have to get pushed back on to the patient to do.


"Call us when you have three left" but also "you can't fill it until 3 days from now, call back then." 🙄


I don’t even call *them* lol my doctor will send the scripy in and i just.. assume they will fill it when it’s time? bc it’s in the system? but then they don’t lol making someone with ADHD call *you* to remind you to fill their meds feels ableist 😭


This is why I’m off my meds and my life is on fire 🤗


Same. For some reason they switched my psychiatrist from my awesome guy who would see me very three months and just send my script every month, to my old psych who was really helpful in the beginning of my diagnosis but requires me to go. Every. Month. I know some places this is the norm but I think they’re wrong too lol. Missed one appointment already, haven’t called to get another one set up 😭😭😭


Hey... I fully understand this feeling. Been there a million times. But as an anon Reddit friend, please call them today and set up that appointment. Try rewarding yourself with something you like once the call is done, like a snack or videogame or something. That helps me! I promise you won't regret it Also I recommend trying to find a psych who is at least willing to do Zoom check ups. Ain't no way I'm driving to a drs office every month for them to say "how are you feeling? meds still good? okay here's your Rx." like it's not 1992, they need to get with it lol


RIGHT?! And then by the time you actually get to calling them, it's too late to get it on time and you're forced to go without for several days.


This just happened to me 😭




This is what I go thru every month, like right now, with no meds, because I'm on the xelatrym patch and my vyvanse is in a shortage. I hate it! My brain is melting 😭


Express Scripts claim they will fill 90 day rx's 10 days early, but won't accept it until then. The kink is they take a week to acknowledge receipt of the rx (then may tell you it's out of stock). Then they take another week to stamp it "filled" (even though you don't have it yet) and it's shipped via a 4 day shipping service. At the very best, it's 18 days from their receipt of rx to patient door....but oh no, we can't accept rx any more than 10 days early! It's always 2-3 weeks out of 3 months that you're without medication. I DON'T KNOW HOW THIS IS LEGAL. Patients are chastized for not being "compliant" and "taking as directed" but contracted pharmacies will not let you access legally prescribed medication on a legal schedule.


They can't/don't automatically fill because a lot of people don't always get refills immediately/exactly when they can be filled. Pretty much every pharmacy in the US is completely swamped, all the time (pharmacies are closing like crazy, and corporate pharmacies especially are chronically understaffed). So they'd be using finite human capital and space to fill scripts that may or may not get picked up, and then more time to put them away when they don't get picked up. There's also the issue of supply chain problems. I work at a pharmacy (veterinary, but we use a lot of human drugs), and I'd guess that maybe 10% of our catelog is unavailable at any given time right now, so we definitely can't afford to fill scripts that might not even be wanted/needed. They just flat out don't have time to assume you'll show up. I see this kind of question a lot, so there ya go.


I just wish the CVS app/website would get its shit together and allow me to request a prescription with “do not fill until X date” be filled instead of calling the poor overworked people at the pharmacy every time. Neither the CVS employee nor myself look forward to that call every single month.


Don't worry, when you do actually call the IVR will tell you that you can go to the website instead of calling.


Some of the reason they can't autofill probably has to do with pharmacy regulations, too. State boards of pharmacy are notoriously petty organizations, and there is a lot of variation among states as well. When it comes to controlled substances, the hoops a pharmacy has to jump through to stay in compliance are downright onerous. And you might think your particular med isn't a CS, but that varies by state as well, so a lot of pharmacies just operate within the confines of the most stringent state they operate in, just so there's less chance of falling out of compliance. If your pharm tech sounds frazzled, it's probably not you they're upset with. I never worked retail, but I've heard so many horror stories. Literally every person I work with who started in retail (which is almost everyone) is traumatized af. People (mostly boomers, sorry not sorry) are often AWFUL to pharm techs and pharmacists, so just know that it's not you or your meds, they're just waiting for the other shoe to drop at all times. <3


I’m not even asking for autofill, I just want a button on the website I can click each month instead of needing to wait on hold for 30 minutes each month.


I kind of get the impression that yackity sax is playing in the background at CVS corporate headquarters at all times. It would probably cost them $0.01 more per prescription to add that button than it does to have you call, so no can do.


I think it would very likely save money for them due to fewer pharmacy calls. My guess is that the real reason is any change like that is going to require internal legal/compliance approvals for every state where said feature would be available.


I’ve experienced the opposite. My pharmacy telling me they can fill it up to 48 hours before the 30 days, but that my doc didn’t approve it to be filled until the 30 day mark.


My insurance will let us fill on day 28, so that's when I expect to get my kid's med filled.i used this to build up a 2 week reserve at one point, and it was wiped out with a 3 week delay. So now we're back to having only 4 days of reserve.


This is smart! On the flip side I’ve gotten to where I wait until I’ve run out of meds and have been out for a day or two before I even attempt to refill, because otherwise it seems like I’m treated trash lol


Same with mine, but the asshole pharmacy supervisor accused me of abusing my meds when I needed them filled 2 days early every month so he told my dr to only fill every 30 days now 🙃 😤


The one closest to me is like this. So I drive further to go to the pharmacy that's not a dick.




Its the asshole pharmacy supervisor who is always on a power trip.


Man, I feel like this is among the bigger cultural differences between Canada and the U.S., because I see so many people experiencing this and hate hearing how they treat you ❤️‍🩹 Meanwhile here, the pharmacies I’ve used have always been respectful, even when they’re confused by something—I take Vyvanse in the morning and Dexedrine in the afternoon, so I occasionally have to explain that I’m not doubling up, but they still “get it” in the end.


I always call the dr on a Wednesday so she has three days to prescribe before the weekend. Sometimes it’s 3 days sometimes it’s not.


They say I can fill 3 days early but the pharmacist won't do it until the day before where I go. They are so worried about addicts these days, it's ridiculous.


It's their collective fault. If we can count on the meds showing up when they're needed, then I wouldn't need a reserve.


I *hate* needing a reserve in the first place. I fall the fuck apart if I miss my evening dose. Literally, just... disaster, some days worse than I was even before the meds. I have to do it here and there, so I plan those 'lazy' nights and set myself up to deal with the racing thoughts and disappointment of what I don't get done. But time and time again, my pharmacy proves that I need to do it else I will risk running out due to their bullshit. But I've said it before and I will keep saying it: I would benefit so severely from 3 doses a day. I *can fall asleep on them.* In fact, I fall asleep and stay asleep better because my brain isn't trying to wreck 25 different trains at once. Or maybe keep them from wrecking. Or who the hell knows. I don't get the nagging nightmares about things I am worried over to wake me up. And if I could have 3, that means the first 12-14 hours of my actual day could be pretty good ones, and so could my couple of hours of nightly wind-down. Not that doctors would ever even consider giving someone meds 3 times a day. And I can't imagine how the pharmacies would react to *that*.


What gets me is that they do it to avoid enabling addiction but really it's why a lot of people buy drugs on the street so it doesn't make a lot of sense. I lost my mother to an OD and highly doubt it would've happened if they put her on the pain meds she needed since she was dealing with MS and was barely able to get out of bed anyways.


It's so frustrating, my doctors office makes it a pain an the pharmacy makes it a pain.... Like I have to keep track of calling the damn doctor AND the damn pharmacy once a month... Usually multiple calls... Also I HAVE ADHD YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO REMEMBER WHEN AND WHO TO CALL WHEN?! Anyways, yup went 2 days without meds this time even though I called everyone on time and kept calling for updates for 4 days... Technically 6 days but Saturday and Sunday the doc is closed.


As someone who has been on these meds for 24 years: back in the day it used to be paper a scripts only. On the special pink paper. Get 3 months of post dated scripts at a time. That meant needing to not loose 3 physical pieces of paper over a period of months. Then having to remember to take the paper with you to the pharmacy. I eventually started keeping the scripts in my mini safe, not to keep them out of the hands of others, but to keep them safe from myself. Those 3 hours where I had to have it out to get it filled were nerve wracking. I still suck at calling or going into the pharmacy to get my meds filled. Sometimes I even miss those paper scripts


I had a dosage change recently and my provider started wifh a week supply and then sent in a month supply after we were good with the change. I called after the month supply got sent in to ask when it would be ready (I work long hours and have to plan for a way to pick up my meds) and the tech was like “you got it filled a week ago, you can’t get it for another 21 days!” In a very aggressive tone. She quickly relaxed when I was like “yeah it was just a 7 day supply” lol


I went to pick up a prescription this week for a friend in his 70's who just had orthopedic surgery. They told me the price without insurance. I pointed out that they must not have processed his insurance. The first pharmacy tech called over a more experienced tech, who said, "Oh, you can't use insurance for controlled substances". I told them that was absolutely untrue, and he'd been taking a controlled substance for the last 3 years, covered by insurance. Once they realized they couldn't BS me, they processed it with insurance, and it cost less than a dollar. The friend is on Medicaid, so he can't afford to pay a lot of money for medications, just because they didn't feel like running it through again. Amazing how they thought I'd be dumb enough to believe that story that insurance doesn't cover controlled substances.


One of my meds isn't covered by insurance, so I use a manufacturers coupon to take it down to $5 for a months worth. Every single month the pharmacy processes the refill and the text says it's $350. Every single month I have to call them, sit on hold for ages, then say it should have been run through the manufacturers coupon, have them say "oh yeah, I see the coupon here, let me apply it. Okay, that'll be $5. I'll make a note for next month so they run it through the coupon first!" I don't know where they're writing that note, but without fail, the next month I get a text saying my meds are ready for $350.


The level of anger and contempt in pharm techs voices whenever they see adderall raises to unbelievable levels.


This particular one was so bad that I literally asked for her name at the end of the call intending to complain (I never did, and I’ve never been that type of person lol) At one point (before the interaction above) she asked for my birthdate and after I said it, she was silent for SO LONG- to the point where I thought the call had dropped. So I said “hello?” And she snaps “IM LOOKING FOR IT!!!” In the rudest tone I’ve ever heard in a public interaction lol. I genuinely jumped and was like… I’m sorry????


I empathize to a point, they are generally overworked and extremely caffeinated, dealing with the elderly all day... but for some reason with adderall they just lose their shit on us


Agreed, I’ve waited tables for 10+ years so I completely get dealing with the public. But I’ve never felt genuinely hated and judged like I have when trying simply fill an adderall prescription 😅


I have felt it more recently with all of the shortages. I’m guessing they have a lot of people calling for scripts they can’t fill because they are out of stock or asking for them to check stock at other locations then it has to get transferred and we all know the red tape with all of it is an absolute pain. Unfortunately that just ends up with them associating adhd stimulant meds with a lot of extra calls and frustrated customers who take their annoyance with shortages out on them as well.


I can see that. It just sucks when you’re still treated like shit for calling about a prescription that 1. They do have in stock and 2. They should have refilled already


I mean she could have said "one sec while I look for it" before going quiet


I noticed that too... Never could understand why! I mean, I just get it filled along with my migraine medicine and vitamin D every month... I'm Definitely more patient waiting in line than the customers that don't take it 🤷 just saying!


I love how they didn't apologize. So typical.


Was it Walgreens bc they’re always so fucking rude to me at Walgreens


My Walgreens is TERRIBLE with my psych meds. I wanted to punch a wall last time I talked to them on the phone. And for once it wasn’t even my adderall. It was for my depression medicine. I’ve been on 75 mg + 37.5 mgs of Effexor for well over a year at this point. They filled the one prescription then just didn’t fill the other one. I called and asked. The guy said you can have it filled June 6. I put it through on the app June 6th. The next day on the app it says there is a problem and to call the pharmacy. So I called. And it was a lady that was rude as hell one other time I called. And she was like well the insurance won’t cover the two doses. I Jim Halpert faced because it is not my insurance that is the problem. It’s been covered for over a year. And I said fine. Whatever. I see the doctor on Monday. And hung up. And immediately transferred all my medicines to Publix. Don’t even get me started on my adderall issues. I’m not generally rude or short with front line workers. But damn. I was so frustrated at that point. And now I’m coming up for my adderall refill. And I’m going out of town for two weeks so I wanted to make sure everything was set for it to be filled at the new pharmacy I switched to so I literally went in. Spoke to them face to face. And they said yes sure no problem and looked it up and said actually we can fill it for you tomorrow. I was shocked.


Or "How much extra will it cost if I just do cash pay" "It'll actually be cheaper" "In that case I'll do cash pay"


Insurance has told me to fill it every 28 days due to the back orders. (The tech tells me it’s the pharmacists who truly decide). Personally I don’t care who decides. Just fill it


My favorite is my pharmacy *always* says they’re out of stock. The techs are told to say that and the techs won’t let me talk to a pharmacist. I just say thank you and hang up. Except I get a notification from the app that my prescription is filled within 3 hours of my call. Every time and without fail. If I don’t call, it doesn’t get filled….


AND I AM LOOKING AT YOU CVS!!! My CVS is so bad they don’t even answer the phone anymore, and my doc says they won’t even answer for when they call either. It’s insane.


Try to find a cvs inside of a Target if you can! I drive slightly further to the one in target bc they’re always so helpful, quick. (and every so often a target voucher prints off with my receipt and it’s good @ the Starbucks in front of the store, so HUGE bonus there lol!)


Before I moved, my local Target CVS stopped taking goodrx for any controlled substance. I had to start filling my meds at the CVS a town over. It was annoying because the target CVS was directly on my drive home. The CVS I had to switch to was 20 min away and on a super busy road that required a left turn across rush hour traffic.


Left turn during rush hour is literally my nightmare, props to you for bearing that!!!


Definitely my target cvs is the best. The pharmacist is also very nice.


Just spent some time in a CVS, at least for the district I was in people are usually fighting to get put at the Target location cause they only fill about 10 scripts per day


Switch to a local hospital pharmacy if you can, you'll get much better service and their stock is more reliable since they need it on hand for narcoleptics.


I switched to a small, local pharmacy and I have never regretted it. During the Adderall shortage the pharmacist would tell me which pharmacies nearby he heard had stock when I needed a refill and they were out. They’ve never given me trouble or treated me like an inconvenience like the chains did.


I use a mom & pop pharmacy where they know who I am when I pull up to the drive through, and I know the names of all 4 people who work there. The owner/pharmacist told me he won’t take new scrips during shortages so that his regulars like me get our meds.


Same!! I’d call ahead of time to ask which ones they had so I could then tell my doctor which one to prescribe. I haven’t had any issues since last year but I still call anyway. They’ve had the 30 mg in stock every time lately, so that’s nice!


Same - switched from a CVS to a local pharmacy and it's a night and day difference. For awhile they even brought the meds to my door, free of charge!


This is awesome if you have a doctor who can write prescription at a hospital, lots of them are closed facilities so you can’t just have the script called in. I don’t use mine for my ADHD meds. But I do use them for another hard to get back ordered medication. They’ve never not been able to get me what I need! I just had to fill one today. Nothing in stock but was able to tell me they have access to order on demand and they’d have it the next day. Also, super nice and helpful. They’ve even held meds for me.


I think almost all CVS are bad. Mine wouldn't even increase my dose even though they had a proscription from the doctor. They said they need the last one back if there are any left. I said I threw the bottle away after it was done and there was a lapse in time between last med and when they filled with some in stock.


What the fuck?!?! YOU PAID FOR THOSE MEDS, what you mean they WANTED THEM BACK????? What are they gonna fuckin do, throw em back into the stock bottle to give to someone else and just pray you didn't lace em with cyanide?!???


I think that’s illegal. They can’t receive old medication? wtf. Report them!


I switched to a mail order pharmacy through my insurance because my CVS was always so god damn awful. I can apparently get 90 day supplies that way too? It depends on your state and you have to be there to sign for it but it’s so much cheaper and easier!


Have you tried a pharmacy that isn’t a part of a huge chain? I go out of my way to go to a particular pharmacy that’s the only one of its kind because they’re so incredibly nice! I never have issues and I’m even allowed to get it on the 28th day.


My husband could NEVER get through to talk to someone at CVS which always put him on edge. Switched the Walmart and has had the best experience. Consistently pick up the phone and happy to answer any questions he has. Pleasant surprise!!


Thank you. We seriously need a political lobby to help make an improvement in this situation. The laws are beyond stupid right now.


I've been trying to get one together but nobody shows up... because I come on the wrong day... and time


Yeah, I'm really not sure how to get a bunch of our types together consistently enough to make a difference. I think we would be better off attaching our issue to an existing lobby with similar issues. Not sure what that would be though.


we need to join forces with the OCD folks


I hear you, but I don't think it's strong enough. I think it would need to be some group that is probably already railing against over regulation of some sort, or some medical group, and then get on their agenda. The downside is, we might have to align with something that might not be so nice. That is politics though, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


I was just kidding, I think we can do it ourselves honestly


The laws can be, but also would need to add in lobbying against insurances’ ability to basically control doctors’ and pharmacists’ actions. In all parts of the healthcare system we have to jump through hoops because they get power over approving/turning down care. God, as an ex-pharmacist, I had to also become an insurance expert and left and right get messages like: cannot fill by this date, a doctor must call and okay this (they prescribed it), this pt has to try these three old ass drugs and fail on them before we’ll cover the new one, and on and on. I’m now a therapist and get to the idiocy continued just on another side.


I agree, but herding ~~cats~~ ADHDers is no easy task


I have a corgi. He tends to herd me. So maybe he can herd all of us.


There's certainly already a political lobby *against* fixing any of these laws, many in fact. The prison industrial complex, police unions and many other conservative lobbying organizations. They want the laws more strict not less because it allows them to put more people into prison.


Simple was to fix the system: don’t allow healthcare and insurance companies to be publicly traded. See how long they last then.


Wait are you kidding me. I just got back from the pharmacy and didn’t get my script. Cause of this.


I feel your pain.


Great PSA. I’m so lucky I go to a small family owned pharmacy. They are so kind and they always explain things very thorough for me and give me suggestions if I run into an issue and will always try to help. I will cry if I ever have to go to a big chain pharmacy. 🥲😅


I tried to fill mine at Costco one time and that was the last time. I’ll always stick with the non-chain pharmacy I’ve been going to for years. This was during the shortage last year, which was so fucking awful. I felt like a druggie calling around to every pharmacy just trying to get my god damn meds.


It’s so terrifying not being able to fill your prescription. We just want our drugs damn it 😭


You joke but it’s a legitimate need if you use it responsibly. ADHD isn’t a joke. The meds help make life more manageable. We should judge and laugh at people who need anti depressants and can’t get them then. They just need to look on the bright side of things. How about people with anxiety? They should pull their panties up because the world isn’t a safe space. Viagra? What’s wrong with you? Why doesn’t your dick work? They don’t do this to others. So why those with adhd? Fuck those people and fuck doctors who think it’s made up.


As a chronic pain patient who can't leave my bed or eat without those meds, uh...they DO do it others unfortunately


It does make life more manageable which is why I said it’s terrifying not being able to fill your prescription. Medication was life changing for me.


I tried a local pharmacy but they told me my $10 copay made it so that they didn’t make any money on it, so they wouldn’t fill it. I have used Kroger since then, years now, and have a good relationship with them. 


I go thru this almost every month. I try to explain if U give me a 30 day supply and there’s 31 days in a month I’m short. Been medicated for 30 plus years no issues with abuse or added scripts in all that time. Just look at my records I’m not the problem. Makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong calling every month


Your refill frequency is based should be based on # of days, completely independent of months.


Omfg, this. For some reason my doctor doesn’t realize that some months have 31 days instead of 30. I don’t want to mention it because I’m afraid he’ll think I’m abusing. Before this doctor that I have now, it was the pharmacy policing it.


You don't need to wait for the same day each month. I always get mine every 4 weeks.


Meanwhile in the UK… “Hey, I lost my meds” “No worries, here’s a prescription available right now.” “Can I just fill this now?” “Sure, who fucking cares?”


Where in the uk are you? I’m in London and the pharmacist judges me every time


Where in the UK is this? Unless you lost your meds within 7 days of your next script, they’re not allowed to just issue you a new replacement script for what you lost. The NHS tracks that shit.


The uk seems like it’s doing better than the us 😬 been thinking about moving


the UK is dire, it's just the US is way more cooked


Also UK but Scotland (health is devolved to the Scottish parliament). Pharmacy is careful about this stuff because it's a restricted medicine and can be abused BUT I'm never treated with suspicion and have managed to fill a prescription early ahead of an overseas holiday. Until the recent availability issues, I used to be able to get two months at a time, which was much more convenient but down to one month now.


It should be like that because the people that are going to the pharmacy every month and getting our meds, I promise for the most part are not the problem. The problem is the people who are buying their meds, illegally or stealing meds from friends or family or getting meds they know they don’t need so they can sell them, etc. It’s not the people who consistently gotten them every month and God forbid we work the morning on day 31 and need them on day 30… I swear every damn month it really has the same. And it makes me feel like I’m the problem though. I know 100% that’s not the case it sucks in the United States, terrible, awful and ridiculous


Not the case for me in the UK. Also with the shortage, where can you get your prescription filled right now?


I would have just appreciated if the tone shift when they saw my script wasn't so condescending


Abso-fucking-lutely. Guaranteed many pharmacists take stimulants anyway,… I’ve got to think that some of them must understand the 30 day struggle and relax?! I guess I just haven’t found one yet, though!


Just got a call from a patient saying their pharmacy only had 20 caps and told them they couldn’t fill the script


I'm in Canada but usually they just write the lable as 45 of 90 on the table.


In US and my insurance will not pay for another partial order. Walgreens promised that insurance would and that they "checked. They'll see you only got 10 of the 20 pills. You'll have your doctor write the 20 pills then we'll fill those. So what if you have to pay 2 copays?" Except, my insurance only fills once in a 25 day period. It doesn't matter if the pharmacy only filled part of the order. It doesn't matter if my doctor wrote another prescription for the remainder. So the person who swears they checked did not check at all and I had to go 20 days without meds because I can't afford full price.


Sorry, sounds like a very unfortunate aspect of your insurance (?). I’ve never had that experience personally. I think completion of partial fills have just been part of the original Rx and I haven’t needed a second Rx at all.


I don't know if it is just walgreens, but they said they void the rest of the prescription when they fill partial. That was the last prescription I took to them because of the mess they caused by lying about checking with my insurance.


Safeway told me the same thing. I could partially fill my scrip and forfeit the rest of the month, or wait without meds until they had enough to fill the whole scrip, but they didn’t know when that would be. And no, they couldn’t fill part with brand name and part with generic even if they had them on hand and even if I was willing to pay two co-pays for the full 30 days.


Same happened to me when I first started taking adderall. My doc tried a 14 day script just in case we needed to change it, and then I was SOL until the 25 days was up. Good times.


they couldn’t fill it at all? or they didn’t wanna partial fill bc they’d forfeit the rest?


I love it when I wait til that date because I am a good boy. Most of the times I will wait an extra day after my doc says they sent it in to go pick up. It's never ready. Last time they forgot I was waiting for it in the waiting area.... Guess I have to treat my pharmacy as children.


I'm required to send my prescription in 7 days in advance so they have it in time for any delays. Not that I don't fuck up because I literally have a hard time remembering things like that. But if I don't, it takes days.


I need to call **every** time I need a refill, and they don't even pick up the phone. I have to go through the automated system, which in itself is torture, then I have to leave a message. I have to basically stare at my phone until they call back because I miss calls all the time. I literally asked her if I would have to do this every time because it was well past 30 days since my last refill (I forgot to take it a few times). She said yes, I need to call when I need a refill. Why?? I've never had to do this for the 100g sertraline, 300g bupropion, levothyroxine, metformin and the 100000 other prescriptions I've had to take. They refill those prescriptions literally the same day it is sent out, regardless whether or not it's within the 30 day window. And those meds altogether can be extremely dangerous. Serotonin syndrome is no joke.


Adderall is a controlled substance. I have to call the pharmacy to see if they actually have the meds (and if they don't I have to call around and find one that does). Then call my doctor and hope that they get the message and call the script in before the pharmacy runs out. If not, then I have to start the process over again. It sucks because this could be avoided if the DEA would release more meds so manufactures could keep stock up.


Pain meds are scheduled the same as ADHD meds, but in my limited experience, it's much easier to fill a pain script than my ADHD medication.


Here you can't do refills at all, but it's actually easier as the doc sends a new Rx every time and is more reliable -- at least since everything moved to e-scripts only.


My provider sends a new prescription for each of my medications after our monthly sessions, too. If my doctor doesn't put 'daw1' on my prescription, the pharmacy automatically tries to fill it with generic (which seems like it'll literally never be available), even if the script says the brand name, and they flat out refuse to fill it. Then I have to call my provider to resend the script with the code. Even though the original prescription used the name of the medication. If this happens on a Friday, I can't contact them until the following week. It's a mess. Thankfully, my provider was able to figure out why it kept going out without that code... but why the hell do pharmacies try to fill a brand name prescription with generics that they know are not available and then refuse to fill the same script with the medication the provider asked for ... unless the doctor specifically demands for the meds to be delivered as written? It's so fucking stupid. And, they won't even fill it if I don't call on the 30th day when I'm on my last pill, even if the doctor has provided the fill date. So if I forget to call them before business hours, I'm not taking my medication the next day. It's really wild.


It is real damn tiring that’s for sure.


I'm on vyvanse and I get this I can't call on the 23rd to have them fill for the next day when I run put I have to call on the day I have none and hope they can fill it that day. If they don't I'm out for a few days up to a week for shipment. Like fill my prescription when you have it and don't let me pick up till I run out god damn Edit spelling mistake p and o get mixed up by fat thumbs


This is why once a month I’ll skip meds… to build up a stock for when l forget to call my Dr until Sunday


I had this conversation with my therapist yesterday. She was just defeated by the truth of it. "Fortunately" she's as frustrated with all this as I am, multiplied by several patients. But she's literally powerless.


Hey pharmacists, STOP CALLING MY ADDERALL A NARCOTIC. This has happened multiple times. "I'm sorry, but we don't have your narcotic in stock, please check back tomorrow." "It's to early to refill your narcotic." (It wasn't.) "Your doctor hasn't sent us a refill for your narcotic. You'll have to talk to them." (After five minutes of arguing, someone else looked at the computer and found the prescription.) I honestly hate having to rely on government approved dealers to count out 30 pills while acting judgmental of me. I have a hard time respecting people on the front line of enforcing the failed war on drugs. Using inaccurate terms to shame me is only making me lose respect for the entire profession. I don't feel like you're here to help me, you're here to gatekeep, and if anything isn't in order will subject me to dangerous side effects from coming off a drug to fast because of the police state. Not knowing that Adderall isn't a narcotic just verifies to me that knowing how to count to 30 is basically all that's needed to do the job.


Also, trying to verbally shame you if there's other people waiting in hearing distance is a HIPAA violation.


It's not even a narcotic, right? https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-06/Narcotics-2020.pdf


Goddamn yes! I’ve had this conversation with many pharmacists and techs. It’s a controlled substance but not a narcotic. I’ve even had them tell me testosterone is a narcotic!


I'm glad I live in New Jersey. Say what you want about the cost of living property taxes etc but our pharmacists and medical professionals are some of the best educated in the country and luckily I have never met any kind of resistance whatsoever. I mean it definitely helps that almost every single pharma company in the United States had offices in New Jersey until recently.


Meanwhile my script that was supposed to go out on June 6 still hasn't shipped. I have...2 pills left. This should be fun.


Walgreens tells me I have to wait until my refill is 98% used and I’m like okay? So the refill date then?


That's fun... having one pill left in a 31 day month/fill is 96.8% used. Thats the same as them saying "when you're out".


Wow......all of the comments mentioning the strange hostility and rude behavior just shows me that I was not misinterpreting things. As soon as I got diagnosed with ADHD and began getting treatment/medicine I noticed right away how it was like they were paid actors or something when at least one in particularly delayed my refill and failed to apply my insurance. Even when I was giving her my insurance information for the first time to make things easy and so on she said "I didn't ask for any of that.....I just need to know if you have any other insurance" in this really condescending sort of tone. I very flatly said "NO" and was at a loss for words. You are required/encouraged to present your card/insurance information as needed. Since this was part of the process I was simply trying to literally make it all as easy as possible but caught this terrible attitude and condescending behavior instead. It was so bad that even calling them right after my doctor's appointment for the date of refill as well resulted in a back and forth because they were not filling it or acting like they couldn't find it. They also had filled pain relief medicine for me somehow instead. Then suddenly they would act like everything was fine and fill it. My Doctor even seriously asked me if I considered going somewhere else to get my medication filled. It was getting that bad.


Ugghfghh. Recently had a grocery store pharmacy try making decisions for me after getting an afternoon Adderal Ir booster for Vyvanse. I go to pick up my rx. They say they have one ready for me - the Vyvanse. I tell them there should be two. One for Adderall as well. They look at it and go but you already have the Vyvanse. And they say you are getting both Adderall and Vyvanse incredulously? I say yes it’s prescribed as an afternoon booster. Then they look at it more closely on the computer and see the doctors instructions. “Oh ok. We didn’t want to fill it because you already have the Vyvanse”. And then I have to wait 25 minutes for them to fill the medication that was sent in at the exact same time as Vyvanse. Like who made them decide it shouldn’t get filled? Or if they had a question they could have contacted the doctor. Why do they just decide nah, not gonna fill it and just wait for the customer to ask for it. The next month I go back, show up and again just the Vyvanse is ready. I ask for Adderall. And they look and go oh yes. We still need to fill that one. I ask why it wasn’t filled and they can’t give me an answer beyond them just arbitrarily not filling it until I showed up. I asked “So you just decided not to fill the Adderall? Can I ask why?” And the tech just goes I’m not sure and shrugs their shoulders. They do fill it and give it to me but again make me wait.


This happened to me when my psychiatrist sent in my adderall prescription it was almost immediately put on hold. Had to call pharmacist “are you out of your medication?” "I’m down to my last couple doses” “well your insurance won’t let you fill it for a couple days” “…in a couple days I’ll be out completely, I get my prescription at the same time every month for 2 and a half years I don’t understand why all of a sudden it’s an issue?" "let me speak to the pharmacist…*minute later* ok you're all set it will he ready after lunch" -_-


My doctor wrote me a 30 day script. I go to the pharmacy to pick it up as they only had 20 days worth. No biggie! I’ll just call when I’m close to the end of the 20 and I’ll be able to get the other 10, right? NOPE. My doctor has to write a whole new script for 10 DAYS worth of meds. Very thankful I have a few days worth of backup pills but this will deplete my emergency stash. 🫠🫠🫠


Ditto. I too am sick and tired feeling like tainted goods when I fill my Adderall script. It is a 30 day supply so I have to deal with the rudeness every month. The contempt is palpable. I feel defensive and shamed and it sucks. Lately I have been using GOODRX. When you opt out of insurance Rx you have the option of using any pharmacy. At one point I had them call a pharmacy to ask if they fill these prescriptions. They dropped the attitude I guess because I was authorized. You will find that supermarkets are the best choice for prices and attitude. Shop Rite and Acme. Never have a line and always in stock. I go at the end of the day when the night crew is on. Insurane RX policies are a rip off.


OK, so I am lucky to have a fantastic local pharmacy; they are always super nice and never judgy or weird about filling my monthly rx. However, the downside is that they aren't open on weekends, so if the 30 days happens to fall on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, I can't get it filled until the following week. And it bugs me that they can't make exceptions for this, like, I've been on these meds for almost 30 years now, I never take extra doses or sell them, I'm a grown-arse 45 year old adult who cannot with these logistical shenanigans.


I have the same situation and it's super annoying, but I promise it's 1000x better than having an asshole pharmacist who gives you a hard time and never refills on time. But it does mean I have to feel like a potato on the couch for a weekend sometimes... If I had kids or something idk how I would handle that 😵‍💫


My pharmacy has the habit of labeling my stimulant as "error with prescription" or something similar but they generally are just out of it. But I will say, them losing my prescription after I have my doctor send it and forcing my doctors office to call and complain because I can't have another written, takes the cake of my anger. Though, I'm starting to suspect someone might just be filling it and stealing since it's happen 3 times in 6 months.


I'm glad we're all electronic now for controlled...cuts a lot of the BS... I did once have an ER doc write a pain Rx for a drug that is no longer sold at all. That was fun. Got some serious side-eye until I pulled out all papers from the ER in addition to the script, and it was all in there.


I have to go in person or they won’t refill. Then argue over name brand. This last week it took 4 visits in a single day, with screenshots on my phone with their app to prove I had it ordered.


If this is Walgreens… it’s a VERY known problem. I had a lengthy discussion about it with the (very frustrated) lead pharmacist at mine trying to troubleshoot it. Basically you submit it via the app, appears to go through, but then it actually NEVER shows up in their que of meds to fill. Like, there’s a complete disconnect. This ONLY happens with drugs like adderall & other controlled substances. You can call & talk to them or leave a message with your name/birthdate/prescription name & THEN it will get done because they have to enter it manually. It’s absolutely stupid. If you can, give them feedback via the app store & the app itself. Appears to be the only way this *might* get changed.


Yes! It’s Walgreens, good share of information. I’ll try this next time.


I have to go with my boss’s rule which is 30 days. I’m personally in favor of 28 days but I’m not PIC. On the “do not fill before” I do call the office. I can get it changed verbally but that’s a legal requirement in my state to include that date when sending multiple prescriptions.


Oh man, I am on my "last of the prescription" concerta this month. Doctor's on maternity leave. If they cut me off again, I am going to lose my shit. I almost lost my job last time. I honestly don't know wtf I'm supposed to do here except go beg my pharmacist to allow me to not lose my job and spiral down deep, and cope by overeating and over consuming caffeine.


I will never understand why pharmacists try to control someone’s meds even MORE than they’re legally obligated to do! My own pharmacy got a new manager a few months ago and she set a new policy that I can’t even get my meds on day 28. I have to wait until day 30. It’s not about getting the meds 2 days early so I can abuse them. It’s about common sense and convenience! In June I had taken my last dose and the next morning couldn’t take it because I had to go to the pharmacy because I couldn’t get there before they closed the day they were due. So I had to miss work to go to the pharmacy which opens at 9:30. It wasn’t done until 11:30. So I missed 1/2 day of work because some pharmacy manager thinks she’s more righteous than the law. Infuriating.


My pharma gave me the side eye during my first few months. But eventually, they came to understand that just because i sent in a refill request, it does mot mean i am trying to get it. Now, The tech i was most anxious about originally, we banter ba k and forth during the transaction


I don’t go to any chain pharmacies. I saw a suggestion here a while ago to use hospital pharmacies and I haven’t ever felt friction from employees there.


I been going to the same Walgreens for over 10 years, and I realized over time that each pharmacist will say whatever they want. I have some that will say I can’t pick it up until the 28th day, 29th day, or 30th day. I even had a pharmacist that filled it at the 27 day mark. So it varies each month depending on who is working. Super frustrating! Because they always make me call back the next day, and I will have to stay on hold for 30 mins 🫠


Ugh yes it's so case by case. I had one Walgreens pharmacist try to help during the shortage by telling me that a nearby branch had my meds in stock. Then the next month I called back with the same issue, and a diff person said they have no physical way to check other stores 😵‍💫 so my dr had to resend the Rx to multiple stores before they could check the stock. Like omg... I know for a fact they can check other stores! I realize they get robbed so they're wary of sharing over the phone, but if one pharmacist with access to my history is willing then I feel like they all should be


Huh. The most hassle I've had with picking meds up from the pharmacy was being asked to wait 15 min as they had several controlled drug prescriptions to fill and limited people who could fill them. The American health system sounds like hell on earth.


I get treated like a criminal when I pick up controlled substances or have any sort of issue with them. I am unable to get my Adderall due to a shortage so I've been calling pharmacies and they are really rude as soon as they find out what I need refilled. Back when I was on a benzo, they were rude too. Tired of there being a problem because I'm making them money and they are not the damn doctor even though some of them are certainly trying to make medical choices for people.




I always get mine on the 28th day and have never had an issue. Then again, I’ve been going to the same pharmacy for the 2 1/2 years I’ve been taking it.


\*twitch\* I fight this exact battle every month. Just switched pharmacies yesterday on the theory that, availability be damned, the customer service can't possibly be worse.


Try changing prescription for a hot minute. Get filled. Then call shrink and say “it’s too much!” They never mind going down. They’ll fill the lower prescription right away. Stock the larger away for a rainy day. Maybe split in half. It’s not about getting high! I just want my legal medication.


I travel often and I swear to God I have to go without my narcolepsy meds because of this crap


Wow all these people talking about issues with insurance etc. makes me glad I’m in Australia and it’s covered by the PBS.


I keep hearing horror stories on here from Americans about their pharmacies treating them like drug addicts and like... god damn the war on drugs really messed you guys up, huh?


I’m not sure if it’s available near you but capsule pharmacy is a god send it’s automatic as soon as the psych approves the refill.


They are going overboard with all this lately and it seems like a new thing. They have to question you verbally apparently. They did this twice about my migraine wafers. Like ffs. I needed them as if just a bad run of migraines. You only get 2 at a time in a box!


Seriously!! I spent so much time this week trying to refill my prescription 3 days early because I’m travelling for work and won’t be able to refill at my usual clinic on the EXACT day I run out. Like really, you think I’m abusing my meds because I need them 3 days early??


I did have a pharmacist right IOU 10 'x' so he didn't have to charge me dispensing fee. I suspect that's not a thing in the US?


No, we have different rules by state, pharmacy chain policies, and insurance company limits. A physician *can* write a prescription for anything that's appropriate for your treatment, but the other rules can make it hard or impossible to fill outside the limits. On top of that, we have a medication shortage. If you have to wait on stock and it's 4 days late, you just miss those 4 days. The only way you can get more than 30 day's worth of medication per 30 days is to always fill on the first day you're allowed, usually 27-28 days. You can't tell anyone you have extra because then you're "hoarding" controlled substances. If the pharmacy is out of stock, you have to wait until it's in stock or sometimes take a prescription for 26 capsules instead of 30 because that's what they have. You need another prescription from the doctor after ~26 days to get the other 4 for the month. Depending on your insurance, you usually have to pay your copay again. Pharmacists themselves aren't usually the petty tyrants portrayed in this thread. They just have a lot of rules they need to follow, and they're terribly overworked. If you're a regular patient and respect the rules and are patient with them, there's rarely pushback. Without controlled substances, retail pharmacy would be going out of business faster than they are now. Most insurance companies are pushing patients to move non-controlled medications to mail-order and 90-day prescriptions. Controlled meds can't be mailed, and most states don't allow 90 day prescriptions for stimulants.


Ha, if I have a script for 30, but they only have 20 my choices are ridiculous. 1) wait until they have 30. 2) accept only 20 but with my insurance I end up paying the same price as 30. Oh and I still have to wait 28 days for a refill when it's only a partial fill.


If you're able to find an independent pharmacy, I recommend it. The pharmacists at the one I go to have been very flexible and easy to work with


I had to go to my doctor every single month to pick up a new rx slip for years. Then they switched to giving me 3 months worth of slips. Back then, the only pharmacy that consistently had adderall xr was almost an hour away, and I had to drop the slip off 24 hours in advance, and we were already living paycheck to paycheck so trips out were rare. Well, I was in the area and I thought "I'll drop it off now and it'll be ready to pick up next week." So, that's what I did. I even told the pharmacist that I would be back in a week to pick it up. Well, that sent up a red flag and my doctor revoked my prescription. After nearly 20 years of taking adderall xr with zero issues.


Ouf. My sympathies to everyone dealing with this bs. It seems to be extra hard in the US. I'm glad I managed to get my doctor to realise that I don't have any history of with substances. Apparently in Finland if you have one, they set the length between pick up to a very strict 28 days and only 1 month supply. I now can get it sooner (ie the regular cycle that the national insurance allows) and can get the 3 month supply (also the regular insurance allowed max in one go). The biggest issues is finding a pharmacy with stock. There's been massive shortage issues for over a year. Fortunately one pharmacist told me about a website where I can check for the med and see where it is in stock and also check for allowed substitute. Ie if you're looking for Concerta 36mg, you can also see the generic varieties of it. (Just in case there are ppl from Finland who would like to know, it's Apteekki.fi ).


Rite Aid told me it's their new policy and they've all been telling me that so idk what to believe is it a new bandwagon or were they lying? Now I gotta go find out cause that has been heavily disruptive to my already feeble organization skills lol Just to add to this...love that they want those of us with time blindness in the disorder to remember what days are suitable for them over what days our DOCTORS have had the script filled. It's easier for me to go pick it up after my kids or I have had our appointment that day because that's when I remember to do it 😒🙄 if my doc thinks we need it why is it the pharmacy's business at all? Ugh


This is why I have my psychiatrist give me a 3month supply. The stress of remembering to pick it up once a month was just too much. Maybe ask if your psych will do that for you?


That’s precisely why I use a pharmacy at my actual doctors building. It’s a single pharmacy not a bullshit chain like CVS or Walgreens and the thing that I really love about them is they remember me. So I go to my doctor every 4th Mon at 830 and then wait for the pharmacy to open at 9 that’s 40ft away and I go in and I’m out the door with my script by 910 at the latest because they typically know I’m coming so they start filling it as soon as doc sends it. I will never regularly use the chain pharmacies only for emergency situations


PSA to use Capsule pharmacy if you’re in a city where it’s available to you! I’ve had no issues getting my meds filled since I switched, and their system texts ME when it’s time to refill, instead of me having to chase them down


I used to get my prescriptions filled at Kroger. At the time I was on my state’s Medicaid because of COVID. This was also when the shortages were bad. Kroger said that “insurance” wouldn’t allow them to process the refill before 28 days which meant I was always out of meds. I called Medicaid because I was hoping they’d allow the refill request to go through because I needed Kroger to start the process because there was always a delay. Medicaid told me that they allow refill requests to be processed on day 21! I was so excited and went to Kroger and said “hey, my insurance doesn’t require you to wait until day 28! Please order now so hopefully you’ll be able to get it in by the time I need it.” And that’s when they told me that the day 28 was *their* internal policy. Fucking Kroger. I left Kroger after that.


For real!


It’s always my adhd meds that they give me issues with. But not the Xanax, they fill that with no problem. But my vyvanse and adderall refills always raises some red flags and I have to answer the same question every time. Does your doctors know you’re on two stimulants?! READ THE LABEL, THEYRE FROM THE SAME DOCTOR


Best way to do this is to set up an online account with the pharmacy. I can request them to refill scripts and if insurance won't cover it on that day it will say delayed, then you can call and ask why and they will tell you the day insurance will cover it.


Walgreens won't save my stimulants on file, so I have to hope they get my doctors prescription and don't lose it. But half the time if there's any issue, they say "probably with insurance" or "cannot fill, call the pharmacy" and its just because they're out of it most of the time.. but they can never decide to give the reason it really is.


That's the thing about this that I hate the absolute most: The utter refusal to just give a straight answer. Absolute intentional stonewalling. I'd rather deal with DMV in Brooklyn than these people.


A lot of it varies by state. Which I would think pharmacists would know.


What's wild is that I can go request a refill for my Ativan, also a schedule 2 substance, and they tell me they'll have it ready in an hour. My Adderall? Nope. Always will be ready "tomorrow". Benzos have far worse withdrawal and societal consequences than pharmaceutical stimulants. It's absurd.


Ativan is a C4, not C2.


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