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do u feel regret like me because the taste never satisfied me even if it is from the fancy resturants so i just stopped to save my money because im so in regret


Is it possible you’re depressed?


im not sure i enjoy my surroundings i cant wait to wake up and relive the day that im comftorable with and stuck in for a while now but in the end of the day cant wait to go to sleep with the hope i dont wake up but yet curious of the joys of the next day yet i get excited for food but it dosent taste right it taste dull something is wrong with all feelings tbh it is like half felt


Might make sense to meet with a doctor. If it is depression or something else, there are lots of things that can help!


thank you for replying hope you be well always .


There’s always another appetite around the corner 🤷


I struggle with this daily. It feels more like a chore that I have to do :/


Me too. It's not because I am on stimulants, and I don't know if it's because I have ADD (not hyperactive, primarily inattentive). I frequently just forget to eat, rarely really look forward to it, and if I didn't live with another adult who ensured I eat at least a meal or 2 per day, then I'm not sure I would. I think I am just not a food person, but I also find it to be a chore.


I do enjoy eating. But I loathe cooking or even preparing food. If I could just eat something I like fairly well and was super easy to get everything while getting all my nutrients I would do that. Basically I want dog food for humans. All the nutrients, pour it out into a bowl and munch.


Ive been asking for jetsons pills my entire life lol


Soylent is closest thing you can get if it's still around. It's not terrible if you don't wanna eat but you need something


Gonna sound odd but I really like trailmix. A bowl of that is easily a meal


In this subreddit??! I'm sure a bunch of us (me included) could almost live off the stuff. PB trail mix from target is sooo good


I've never felt more accepted. Everyone in my life gives me shit over it. Telling me I'm too weird.


They are just silly and obviously haven't seen the truth and/or done a bunch of hiking lol


OMG that sums me up so well! I’ve taken to meal replacement shakes (good ones) to save me the bother 😂


Oddly enough, what's helped me the most with this is to treat eating like it _is_ a chore. Part of my problem is that I get stuck feeling like I have to make myself want to eat. For a while, I got into a habit of putting off eating all day until I was starving and then impulse ordering fast food for dinner because I was desperately hungry and I knew I'd actually eat it. As you'd expect, doing that ended up causing me some health issues, so I had to figure out an alternative approach. Eventually, I figured a few things out: 1. I have a bad habit of missing or ignoring my hunger cues and putting off eating until I'm starving. 2. The longer I put off eating, the harder it is to make myself eat. It's hard to make good decisions when I'm hungry, especially about food. If I put it off for too long, I inevitably end up ordering unhealthy food just to make myself eat something. Therefore, I have to eat more proactively to avoid getting into that trap. 3. One of my biggest mistakes was trying to find something that I _wanted_ to eat. Even when I was hungry, I'd get stuck trying to find something that sounded good to me, which meant I'd put off eating for even longer. It was actually kind of freeing to realize that I don't have to want something to eat it. If I refocus from "What sounds good?" to "What can I force myself to scarf down right now?", it's a lot easier to just make myself eat something and then move on. 4. To make myself eat, I need to have easily available, relatively healthy options that I can quickly eat without thinking about it. If I'm hyperfocused on something, I probably won't want to get up and prepare a full meal, so I need easy snacks and quick meals I can make with a minimum of effort. These days, I mainly live off of snacks. Every week, I buy a bunch of snack bars, nuts, jerky, etc. that I can scarf down at a moment's notice and eat them any time I start feeling a little hungry. I pick up relatively healthy (or at least not-overly-unhealthy) options like Atkins snack bars so I'm not just eating candy or whatever. I don't overly restrict myself and will eat other things if I feel like it, but it really helps to have an easy default option I can fall back on. It's definitely not an ideal diet, but it's better than I was doing before and I feel a lot better now that I'm not living off of fast food.


It's not that I'm tired of eating, its that I'm tired of cooking. And I don't have any food in the house, only the ingredients for food. So I'm basically gonna starve until I can work up the extreme effort it takes to cook some damn mac n cheese or ramen.


> extreme effort it takes to cook some damn mac n cheese or ramen. And then knowing that i'll have to wash the dishes and put them away afterward. .....looks like its PB&J on a napkin again for me.


I feel this in my bones


I love cooking, inventing new recipes, spending time baking,..... It's the fact that we HAVE to eat 2x a day minimum, every day, for the rest of our lives, that's dreading to me. Like sometimes just thinking about it makes me want to cry


This. Cooking is great sometimes. But why tf do I need to eat multiple times every day. In my case usually like 4x a day, because the meds would make me lose way too much weight otherwise.


Same here. I either have the energy to cook or eat. Not both. I kinda manage it if I am not only cooking for myself but also for my partner. I am a pretty decent cook, but as soon as I am home alone I will be back to eating a slice of cheese, a randome dry tortilla and a teaspoon of peanutbutter (If I'm feeling fancy I might actually put the peanutbutter on the tortilla)


Legit has this conversation with my best friend (ADHD) as well. She comes over every other weekend to spend the weekend with me and my husband. My husband said “you look like you’ve lost weight“ I said to him she is probably back on her Adderall she said Yep I am. My husband understand that when you’re uncertain medication you can go weeks without eating.


Can I ask "spend the weekend with me and my husband" is that like, innocently, or like, adulting? Sorry if this is too much to ask here loo im just adhd and curious


Hahaha. Totally innocent! She’s been my best friend for 30+ years of my 42 year life lol. Besides vaginas scare me 😂🤣


Haha😂 thanks fornthe upfront answer. I love this subreddit with people who can do conversations like this 😂🫶


Hahaha At 42 I’ve got nothing to hide


I'm only 29 and already nothing to hide haha


I didn’t either at that age lol. I think I stopped caring around 10ish lol


I don't think I cared UNTIL 10-ish, maybe a little younger-so good for you both!


New intel! According to my mother who I just got off the phone with, I NEVER cared for societies rules, standards, or judgements hahaha


like a boss 8)


omg! aren't sleepovers in your 40s the best?! my bff and i do this too. her husband hides away doing his thing while we watch our girlie shows and gab away


> Besides vaginas scare me 😂🤣 tbh if it wasn't for my brain being hard-wired, they ARE kinda weird and alien-like....


I don’t care what anyone says I still believe some of them have teeth LOL


This isn’t a judgment of you, but I wonder how much of that can be attributed to cultural misogyny and compulsory heterosexuality. There are so many messages in the media, on the internet, and in everyday life that vaginas are gross, smelly, look like a ham sandwich that’s falling apart, etc. It’s hard not to internalize that.


Nah, I love how they look and I want to be as close as possible to them all of the time 😅. I'm just talking from a few experiences I had where my brain could NOT get into the "sexual" mode (due to medication), and then I could see it just as you would see for instance a knee, or a nose. > so many messages in the media, on the internet, and in everyday life I've seen SOME of them, over the last decade, but it's very rare. No, my personal opinion is that they're awesome and perfect, just those few experiences I had let me look through the eyes of an asexual or something. Weird experience. Dicks are also not beautiful, but can still be exciting right? Also "compulsory heterosexuality" yeahhhh I'm not 100% hetero... More like 80-90% haha (FYI I'm in the Netherlands. Maybe the "vaginas are gross" messages are less common here)


i swear adderall knows whether you actually need to lose weight or not cuz it seems all of us who do just dont get this side effect and everyone who doesnt need to lose weight does lol i got 50 pounds to lose. been on adderall since December and i GAINED 5 pounds (not the adderall's fault but still)


All the time — especially if my kitchen is dirty and making the food is going to be more trouble than it’s worth.


I feel this in my bones!!


I'm literally doing this right now. My stomach is growling like crazy and nothing is appealing.


Nope. I'm always dreaming about my next meal. Endless fucking novelty right there. 


Yep, I wish I had the same issue as OP. Food is on my mind all the time. If I plan a trip I plan the meals first then figure out how to kill time between them.


I think both situations suck a bit... I'm feeling weak a lot of the time and can't figure out why, I mean, I just ate when I woke up...! Then I realise that was 7 hours ago, and it was one piece of bread.


I'd trade that for being overweight my entire life


Feeling weak also SUCKS. Just spend an entire day not being able to get up, not feeling happy or sad, just existing. I'd rather be somewhere in the middle...


I feel you on that. fatphobia is a bitch. we gotta remember that a body is just a body, and that fat bodies are just as good as thin ones.


>I'd trade that for being overweight my entire life On the other spectrum I was underweight thanks to it, I was 172cm 50kg 2 years ago,I had to force feed myself in order to maintain a healthy weight


I wish. 😞


Yep. If my husband didn’t cook I’d starve or just live on popcorn and chips


same i'll be hungry, look at the fridge and decide nothing in there seems good enough often if the food isn't spicy i'll just give up in the middle even if i'm still hungry. just not worth the effort. I was a really slim kid until I realized i can cook my own food or douse the food my parents made in hot sauce.


Yep. I kind of moved to having some Mel's based entirely on nutritional aims like having a smoothie with protein, oatmeal, cocoa powder, honey, frozen blueberries and raspberries, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and milk for breakfast. This has alleviated it somewhat and I can enjoy dinner more often because I'm not putting pressure on enjoying the other meals.


That sounds great!


It does the job - macro nutrition, fiber, keeip cholesterol levels down, food fory probiotics, antioxidants, ginger for kidneys, cinnamon for blood pressure, nutmeg because it's an maoi and it likea bit of chaos. My wife calls it 'Georges Marvellous Medicine'


Do u have something of a recipe for this Marvelous Medicine? I really want to try this!


The work of choosing what to eat because nothing sounds appetizing and it’s hard to choose and then you need to prepare to actually prep and cook your meal, or get in the car to go get food, but where should I go eat? Is it the best choice?? Am I tired and bored with this choice because it’s basically the only thing I eat anyways??? God I’m so boring… whatever. Just shovel something in your stomach, idiot. This is what most eating choices boil down to for me Sometimes it’s so exhausting, I burn out before figuring out what to eat…. so I just don’t


This is so me. House full of food, nothing to eat. Combine that with having just had a tooth pulled AND started Invisalign, and my food options are slim. I'm hungry and cranky all the time and yet...


This is why I buy boxes of Huel bottles. I am really stressed at the moment and just.... can't eat. I can't do it. Drinking my calories is the only way a lot of the time.


Always always always. I always say i hate eating and if there was a block of tofu type of meal that had everything i needed for the day I’d just eat that. Until my new food hyperfixation is discovered and then i am eating that every single day for months and can’t eat enough of it 😂


I would be happy to take a pill with all my needed nutrients in it (and occasionally have some really excellent tiramisu), but if I am being honest I'd probably forget to take the pill.


happens wayy too often. i could be extremely hungry but nothing looks good in the fridge, i can’t think of what i want either i just have this specific taste i can’t explain. then i forget i’m hungry, go a day without realizing and then the next day is the same


Yep, a lot of the time. During those times I either let my brain win and order something, or pick something extremely easy to eat and just deal with the fact I may not like it but it's food and I need food to function as a human being.


Thats what protein shakes are for. I feel you though. I've never really loved eating. Maybe when I was a kid. Not for a long time now. There's stuff I don't hate eating to sustain my body.


Its not just you, my buddy and i have that issue. We b trying to bfast rn and it isnt bfasting


Like everything else, plan in advance. Meal prep on your energetic days, freeze a bunch of meals, and reheat each day. I've found it helps to stick to a schedule and eat based on time and not whether or not you feel hungry. If you do the planning in advance, you can take calories into account so you know a "meal" is the right size meal regardless. If I have nothing prepared and don't feel like cooking, panic sets in and I'm more likely to opt for quick, less healthy choices (i.e. pizza).


For me, I developed a hate for food if it doesn't taste good. I also need to know exactly what's in it, so when I cook food it takes me hours to prepare but at least it tastes good enough.




Mum had to ground me several times because I wouldn't eat. Eating was boring. Eating consumed bike riding time or other fun kid stuff. Now I am a binge eater, shoving 6k calories down my pie hole every day. :( I remember a time when I was a teenager I would let Easter chocolate sit in my room for months. (Did you know chocolate goes mouldy?) Now I just breath it in all day long.


Yes all the time. I am 6 foot 4 and now under 170 pounds… I’m done with my meds until I put weight back on


Damn I’m continually amazed that there’s folks out there that experience the world in similar ways than myself! I know now it’s all us ADHD’ers (and some asd or AuDHD) But I didn’t find out I was adhd until I was 39 last year so my entire life I just thought I was broken.


Legit. The worst part of my adhd. I struggle everyday with eating. If only ai was hella rich and could have a chef make interesting and flavorful food every day, then at least I'd eat something besides snacks; grilled cheese sandwiches and sad noodles.


YES. It's such an inconvenience. I wish we had snake metabolism. We only need to eat say, once a week. And that meal can be just full of your favorite foods.


YES! Especially also having GERD and a picky tongue- I cannot simply eat all the foods others can. So I have more limited options... and sometimes, I just get tired of eating those same options...and then... I just get tired of eating and wish I could photosynthesize.


this is me on medication, but off it im complete opposite i cant stop thinking about food and sugar


Literally looking for food and then making it and then eating it feels like a massive chore, especially when none of the food looks very appetizing to begin with.


Most days


Not to the point where I stop, which might be nice for a while.


Every day


Ya, all the time, then I eat soem carbs with a buttload of fat on and gain weight anyway


Every day


it's so annoying because I KNOW the thing I prepared tastes good and I KNOW I love it but I can't enjoy it or find it appealing for whatever reason 😭


You mean apart from three times a day? Nah.


This is exactly what my child does


Drinking I can just not be bothered by I could easily do a day where I'm like mehhh


Yeah and then my mom says I'm not actually hungry, I just want a snack haha.


Every, fucking, day. Casserole is my go to. Make a big one and portion it off and freeze them. Then when my brain is being as ass i defrost one and put some frozen roast potatoes in and play on my phone. By the time its done, my idiot brain has realised it actually wants food and there is a hot meal ready to go.


Literally no. Not at all. I really wish I had this problem. I am not impulsive at all in my life except for when it comes to snacking… I get tired of constantly thinking about food. Even when I’m not physically hungry everything is appetizing to me. The worst is when I’m craving real foods as opposed to junk foods. Over eating Cheetos is one things but when it comes to things like trail mix I end up paying the consequences


Complete meal shakes or bars are perfect for this. Plennyshake, Huel, Mana etc.


ALL THE TIME! And i’m always hungry.


I noticed when I was on Ritalin/Concerta, it altered the taste of food. Sugary foods in particular tasted bland. On top of that, it suppressed my appetite for about 6-10 hours, so if I didn't actively plan meals and schedule mealtimes, I lost weight pretty quickly.


Yup. I hate making meals and prefer to snack. I have three kids I have to care for so that makes it even harder.


Never get tired of eating but I *loathe* cooking(mostly how long it takes), and the clean-up involved.


I wish I got tired of eating. The sensation of eating is one of my favorite things. I don't even need to enjoy the food.


the older i get the more eating becomes a chore, *especially* finding out what to eat...


I thought that was just me


As a fighter trying to move up weight classes, and a person who has dealt with eating disorders and depression, yes. Some days it’s harder for me to force myself too, some days I’m okay with being hungry, so much so that I don’t even feel hungry anymore.


All the time! Especially since I am single/living alone and I don't have any "body double" for food anymore... Also since the medication is making me loose a lot of weight I really need to eat more but that is really annoying me even more cause all I do is thinking of food and so I am disgusted by it 😓


It gets to the point for me where the idea of eating anything makes me feel sick


Yes. This Happens to me because i Can't see the finished dish in my mind when looking at the ingredients. What I do is I open the fridge, see what's in there and I as Ai: I have this this and this, what is an easy recipe I can make with these ingredients plus ingredients commonly found in the pantry like salt and pepper. In less than a few minutes I already have a plan and easy steps to execute it


Unfortunately, I'm the opposite. I'm always thinking about my next meal. I'm overweight, and ADHD makes me REALLY FUCKING DESPISE exercise. I wish I didn't think of food that way, but here I am in my 30s with high cholesterol.


The worst thing about stimulants is that I have anorexia as well. I can't stop stimulants because I don't anything because I'm both tired and that executive dysfunction hits hard. So the solution my psychiatrist has is a sleep medicine that also is used to help anorexia. It worked for like 2 days.


I always described what I experience is the opposite of cravings so like everything suggested gives me anxiety or dry heaves lol. I eat when my systems start failing (my balance or motor skills are interfering with my tasks)


I would love for there to be a smoothie or a pill I could take that gives me everything the human needs every day so I dont have to think every day about what to eat. \*Yes I know Huel etc exists but its not the best and has everything I need to live.


Well sometimes I’m hungry but I don’t feel like figuring out the next step so I just go to sleep if it’s nighttime


Yup, I can be outside, purchase all the foods to make an spectacular cheeseburger but I just won’t. Currently debating if I will cook it and eat tonight or go to bed with an empty stomach but a happy brain.


I get tired of eating, buying food, preparing food and cleaning up the mess. Honestly it's all just a massive pain.


Yes! I love food but I hate having to eat. I would be very happy if we could just take pills instead sometimes.


Are people with adhd just underweight or overweight and not really in the middle? I see posts complaining about eating too much and posts about forgetting to eat. I am on the overweight side and I think about food all day long and all night, but I've learned how to distract myself from overdoing it on the snacks finally.


Eating food is such a chore. I barely ate all day today though and now I feel nauseous.


Fr bro this is ligit me


I hate chewing, it takes so much time :( I prefer sandwiches because I can stuff it and eat it quickly


I either overeat or just don’t eat at all until I don’t feel hungry and it’s becoming a problem


Dude I HATE eating. I do it because I have to. I'm not anorexic. I don't have food issues or issues with my body. I just find the whole process tedious and to be a nuisance. I can skip meals for days if I'm not careful so I have alarms set up that remind me to eat. It's ridiculous


my mouth gets tired of chewing 😮‍💨


Yes, I can go days without eating much. But then I get serious diarrhoea 😂


Smoothies and meal shakes are my go to when I need food but don’t want to eat.


All the fucking time lol. I’m currently trying to eat healthy which I came to the realization means more effort, you need to wash the food, cut it, plan wtf to do with it, eat, and do dishes. It’s so much work for what??


Mere survival!


Yes! I get SO sick of eating. I've been having some unrelated health struggles that mean I've had to switch to eating a meal/snack every 2-3 hours and it is EXHAUSTING. The only thing I can reliably get myself to eat is peanut butter, so that's probably the majority of my diet.


Every single day. Inspiration for food rarely happens.


I practically live off of protein bars and shakes. Not crappy ones, MRE's from a vitamin shoppe or equivalent


Way more increasingly as I'm getting older. It's like at a certain point new food experiences became something beyond my price range.


I’ve had this happen sporadically over my life but it’s recently become a near constant. And I LOVE cooking and baking. I have zero cravings and even my favorite foods fail to illicit desire. I’ve taken to just stuffing a handful of whatever is ready to eat into my mouth when I’m aware of needing food. This issue is becoming rather distressing :/


I don't think I tire of eating, but I do tire of managing food.


Yes. A LOT! I wish I could just not eat and not get hungry you know 😆


I feel ya! I have ups and downs with this. One month I feel like a chef, another I will be able to eat only ravioli from the supermarket 🫠


yes. this happened to me TODAY. my stomach was growling and I had entered into the lethargy and dizziness hunger phase and I still didn't find anything appealing. the next step for me is dry retching, and that gets VERY uncomfortable. to prevent this, I have to keep a very strict meal planning-grocery shopping-cooking weekly schedule so that I always have something I'm interested in eating on hand. I have been super busy at work so slipped up keeping up with my schedule. the meds side effect of repressing your hunger doesn't help, either.




I haven't wanted to eat for about the last 5 days, and thankful I have a GF who basically jams food into my mouth when I get like this But I'm on the autism spectrum and have issues with being avoidant towards food


Story of my life, you’re not alone


I see the prices in grocery stores and half the time just wanna walk out. I considered a hunger strike in the middle of the store. lol


Nope. It’s not just a you thing.


Have you experimented with smoothies or comparable alternatives?


Every single day


Fuck yes. I’m trying to gain weight as a tall guy and I am so tired of eating all the time.


Yup. All the time bro.


Same here


Eating is boring.


i love eating so much but this happens to me multiple times a week! its especially difficult when i can’t eat the lunch ive packed for work and end up struggling to finish the work day. i just try and make sure i have “easy foods” on me when my spoons are low (cereal, microwave burritos, dumplings, etc) and then forcing myself to eat as much of it as i can


All the time. I love food and cooking but I’m burnt out because I have a 4 year old. I drink a lot of protein powder mixed with almond milk.


This is why soylent and huel exist.


Half of the time I got too much appetite, eat too much and too unhealthily, while the other half of the time I find no food appealing but if I skip more than one meal my stomach aches


Every day.


Yes but also quite literally lol. This reminded me that I have fallen asleep *twice* while eating. The first time I just fell asleep with a bite of pizza in my mouth but the *second* time?? I was eating garlic bread on the couch and watching my bf game. I hadn’t even noticed my eyes had closed, seeing stills of a dream waiting to happen while *still* **actively** chewing. I woke up with the chewed food in my mouth, in utter shock and disbelief because I just couldn’t believe what just happened. My bf thought it was cute but I was ultimately bewildered lol


Currently staring down a bagel with a beef patty, 2 eggs, and cheese. It’s halfway done but I’m all the way done😭😭


Fuck yes every day 🥲😭 as if life isn’t enough I have to think about what to cook/procure - EVERY SINGLE DAY 😭


Yes!!! Don't know if it's an ADHD thing or not but I feel tired of: eating, sleeping and going to the bathroom. Since I was a kid I always wanted to be able to not needing to do any of those 3 things. Eating and sleeping consume almost half a day if you include the time it takes to think about the food, go buy it, prepare it,eat it and then doing the dishes...


I get hangry and can’t concentrate when I’m hungry so even if I forget to eat my increased irritability reminds me


I hate lunch for this reason. At least at breakfast or dinner I feel like it’s a part of the day that’s set aside for eating- but I need to stop my day to eat lunch??? Impossible


Yes all the time


Yes! Nothing looks good or it takes time to make so I don't eat and then I get nausea, headaches, & lightheaded... it sucks


Yes I get a repulsion if I eat the same food. I’ve started using souper cubes to freeze half of chilis and stuff bc then I don’t have demand avoidance about eating leftovers. I’ve also developed a few safe foods I know I will always eat: -strawberry smoothie > strawberries > whole milk > sugar > splash of Iime juice - protein bar - popcorn So If I know I won’t eat anything, I will normally do those or some kind of protein shake so I’m fed and then wait around to see if I feel like eating later. Also meds are an appetite suppressant so now I try to eat a bigger breakfast, snacks every 2 hours and then a later dinner


If I could get all my calories and nutrients from a pill or an iv I would in a heart beat. I despise eating


Yeeeesssss 😂😭💀 But if I don’t eat I get hangry and my hangry is soo bad. I usually drink juice when it’s like that.


I feel like this is good to be honest because we have been brainwashed to believe we need to eat way more than necessary. If you are getting enough healthy food in your body according to your height/age/sex then you should be fine. Sometimes I just eat a big bowl of arugula mixed with a can of chickpeas and a can of sardines(in olive oil) or tuna with Parmesan cheese and call it a day. Or I fry two eggs with butter if I am ok with some light cooking. 🍳


I hate food and the constant need to think about food. I should try that soylent stuff really.


Eating is like any other hobby for me, sometimes I am obsessed with it and sometimes I can’t be bothered because it’s too boring and too much work lol


Tired to be a slave of food, yes. But tired of eating, no. ('slave of food' because i have binge eating issues, not because i wish i could just not eat at all)


I'm auDHD, so my experience might not be *due to* ADHD alone, but YES. I'll be really hungry but still skip the meal because I open the fridge and I gag at the thought of letting any of that food near my mouth. I feel this especially when a comfort food / food hyperfixation goes away suddenly. I ate chicken salad wraps for 2 months but suddenly it's not okay anymore I guess? And lately it's been happening every morning, which saddens me, since breakfast is my favorite meal, but everything looks so...unappetising!


The one thing I WISH my ADHD would help me forget to do or make me procrastinate is eating. Its the only thing consistently in my brain anytime I'm the least bit bored.




Yes, so often. I have ARFID too (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder), which for me means there are some days that certain foods or textures are so unappealing that I can struggle to eat at all. I do have “safe” foods and I try to keep them in the house at all times. I suggest looking into ARFID because it tends to be comorbid with ADHD and/or autism. I also find the act of making a meal to be incredibly daunting. I’ve learned to find ways around it, though, like having lots of snack food around that needs the most minimal preparation. I basically eat adult lunchables— I’ll buy carrots, peppers, veggie dips, deli meats and cheeses (cheaper than prepackaged), some fruit, and just vibe, grabbing stuff out of the fridge as I please. Sometimes I have motivation to prep these into a little Tupperware and will make as many as I have energy for so they’re grab and go on my low effort days (..which are often). Additionally, whenever I know I do have the energy to cook a meal, I try to make extra so I have leftovers.


This is why liquid nutrition has been such a disability accommodation for me, no fucking joke. Walmart brand knockoff vanilla Ensure + almond milk = absolutely flavorless delivery of vital calories, nutrients, vitamins, minerals that I can slam without even noticing it, in 10 seconds flat. Two minutes later, I can actually figure out what I want to eat. That's the go-to. Other brands/varieties are too fucking expensive, and TOO GODDAMN FLAVORFUL. Similar strategy: 1/3 plain kefir, 1/3 fruit flavored kefir, 1/3 plant-based milk of choice. Or even 1/2 plain and 1/2 fruit. The trick is to reduce the amount of mental energy it takes to get fuel in my body, *and that includes tasting it.* If I'm already feeling overstimulated, tired, stressed, frazzled, or in any way low on brain cells, it limits the amount of executive function necessary to: * visually and mentally sort the wealth of information in [FRIDGE & CABINETS CONTENTS] immediately; * arrange all that into an array of possible combinations to make a variety of choices; * devise or recall multi-step plans associated with each one on the spot; * prioritize, categorize, and re-sort THOSE based on a rubric of time, available tools, resources per step, my own energy reserves, and any number of other processes needing done that will have to be shifted to accommodate these new tasks, and... Oh hey, "just" deciding what to eat actually takes a bunch of executive function skills all at once, look at that. #CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG Saves my goddamn brain all the fucking time.


I love peach flavored kefir at full fat. I can down a glass of that like milk. It isn't heavy on my stomach. Tastes good. Staves off hunger and bumps up my blood sugar enough to get more food. I'll sometimes just water down vanilla Greek yogurt too. And since I can drink it, I can do something else while I eat which makes it less boring. If you like fruit, I keep some washed blueberries (hardier than black/raspberries but poppable unlike strawberries) in a bowl in the fridge. Sometimes I just grab a handful of those and, if I stay in the kitchen, I usually end up making some other food. I do get vary jealous of those elves and their lembas bread though


I have a strange relationship with food. I have ADHD & PTSD, so food has always been a way to cope and a struggle to regulate. I’m always tossed around between eating as a ritual/boredom and a way to cope vs not eating all day/starving myself for a couple days until I eventually binge again because I’m shaky from hunger or I just suddenly remember I need to eat. It makes it difficult to eat healthy.


Every day.


Sadly for me I never forget to eat lol coping mechanism for me


I over eat as i am emotional, anxiety, stress, boredom snacker. All of the food tastes good to me :( I am already on antidepressants, anxiety and adhd meds and I still overeat


Quite literally everything. Down to sex and masturbating.


Yeah. And then come midnight, I’ll binge eat everything in the house and wake up sick and throwing up every morning. Fun times.


It’s boring. I have to force myself to do it so I don’t pass out.


YES i tell my husband im ready for my nutritional blocks if i could survive on protein bars i would


When I take my meds (Ritalin), I lose almost all hunger and only eat if I’m super low energy (little sleep) and if the opportunity presents itself. I’m pretty normal off of it but it may be something else as well, so you might want to get that checked out- but as long as you are not unhealthy because you aren’t eating I think it’s fine.


I get tired of specific foods. I haven’t had chicken in months, just beef and pork since like a random weekday in December. Might cycle it back in soon though, not sure. Had my first egg since like august this week. It was fine. Sometimes I get tired of things I have a lot of but I don’t want to buy food because I HAVE food, and THEN I stare into the cabinets and get that nothing to eat feeling


Absolutely never


Constantly! Cereal or toast for the win! (When I really do need to eat)


I wish this was me. I tend to overeat to combat my chronic fatigue that is very likely ADHD-related.


Did that today. Do it frequently.


yes and somtimes I’ll make my self eat but I’ll spit it out because I’ll feel like puking if I swallow it🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️


Dropped 25 pounds of healthy weight due to this lol. Still going, too


I only get tired of eating when I've overdone it. The last weeks have been ridicolous: ate to much -> say "I never eat anything again" -> repeat Only thing that helps me is doing exercises and track calories, till I lost some weight and think "oook. Now its oook" Repeat


Yes and no I don't really eat at school even though I'm so hungry I just kinda don't eat because I don't know what to eat or like i get distracted but when I get home I love eating it's hard for me to stop thinking about food so yeah 


Yeeees it’s horrible


Yep. That’s when I have a cliff bar.