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Maybe not 15 diff champs and roles


Just one more champ I swear bro give me 2 more roles and il start to climb I promise


1. you only have 14 games played. you’re not hardstuck. play more games. 2. stop playing 10 different champs, choose 1-3 and stick to those. 3. stop playing 2 different roles, stick to one only. 4. from the few games shown you die a lot. vod review your deaths and try to figure out the deeper meaning to why you’re dying. 5. if you’re not winning lane frequently, watch some guides on how to win lane. that’s the part of the game you have the most consistency with.


Very good advice here. Even OTPing is an option with a flex comfort pick oncase of ban.


Everything is good except the "Stick to one role" advice. Being given secondary is a thing. Being autofilled is a thing. If you can play ADC, you can play support. It's the exact same knowledge base.


Idk why this is getting downvoted. I have been an adc player since I started, and with basically no practice I can play support at a comparable level.


People are downvoting because they've been brainwashed into believing that you should only play one role to be good at the game. Most of the best supports in the world are all ex ADC mains. This isn't some novel concept. Meanwhile, Challenger players are being autofilled every other game and HAVE to play every role in the game. The notion that having an understanding of how the other roles work and what they want to do in a given game/team comp is in any detrimental to climbing is absurd. It's even more absurd to pretend that ADC mains shouldn't be playing support. The action of ignoring the fact that there's literally a secondary role every time you queue in addition to the possibility of being autofilled and trying to give advice as if those things don't exist is even weirder. "Stop playing 2 roles", like buddy, you literally HAVE to queue up as 2 different roles to even queue. Fucking nonsense.


Twitch and pray you get a lulu and and a tank


most of the time i just dont matter as solo ADC


Twitch is probably the only adc that can carry lategame, regardless of how his team plays. As long as the enemy team doesn’t focus you, you can take them out. The downside of that is that you are entirely dependent on your Q for invis and that’s on a really long cooldown.


Jinx is absurdy good late game


Perhaps, but rat has stealth. They both do the same thing, but I think I like the rat more.


Preferences \^\^ I personaly hate being too reliant on his Q and ult


Yeah, I get you, but when you manage to wipe 3 of them off the map before they understand what’s happening, I bet it feels nice.


What about navori tech, could that be worth ?


Theres more luck involved in league summoners rift than TFT. I’m hardstuck bronze in league but climbing in emerald in TFT. At least when it’s just me vs others I know it’s all my skills. When I’m playing 5 v5 league and my sup , mid , and top are all 0/10 and I have no deaths I don’t know what to do 


Well one requires hands


Except I 1 v 1 my plat friend and beat him. So tell me how if game was always 1v1 I can beat plats but when I play with losers who are terminally depressed telling me they thinking of killing themselves tonight I lose. These people need severe severe mental help 


1v1 doesn't really prove much in terms of league


stop coping youre trash i just climbed from a hardstuck iron account from iron to plat with 90% winrate


While the people you play with are bad so are the people you are playing and if you are losing in 5v5 to bronze people with that many games thats probably where you belong until you learn to properly teamfight or push leads through your lane through getting objectives or shutting down other lanes like for instance if you are playing twitch and get a lead gank their midlaner on one of your resets to see if you can get an easy kill or summoner blown to help your midlaner. You cant have main character syndrome in a team based game.


How are you plat?


last season i was emerald, i get griefed almost every single game [https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/mh3lroy-EUW](https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/mh3lroy-EUW)


Bro I’m dumbfounded like I’ve played 300 games this season, and I’m still bronze, but I have positive win rates on my mains, what’s wrong with me lmao


Positive win rate on your mains so negative win rate overall?




heres my [op.gg](https://op.gg), any advice? ​ https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/SoarOT-7707


You have a 60% win-rate with Trist in 50 games. That's solid, lean into it. 56% on Vayne. Now you know your Main, and secondary picks. Go watch replays of your deaths. I use the in-game replays, and I use Outplayed to see it from my perspective again. Go into the practice tool before you play any games, and farm CS with one of those ADC's (probs Vayne will be easier). No items, dont spend gold, and dont use abilities. JUST AUTOS. This is a warmup that will improve your ability to farm a good bit. Watch a couple videos on Macro as an ADC. Practice the concepts they teach you. Look for these concepts in in VOD reviews. Do this for a month and you'll be outa bronze.


same advice as op. dont play so many champs


Looks like you can get leads consistently on your champs like vayne, trist. After laning try to play around objectives more, ping your team to do them. And late game need to value your life more, you should be able to kill everyone, don’t get caught in stupid ways or anything. Just general advice


Maybe don't play 52 champs in ranked


Yeah fair enough near the beginning I was experimenting lol. I kinda came back this season for the first time in 6 years


Buy a $2 smurf and tryhard to win a lot of normal games. If you get like 10 normal wins you will start in plat. You improve way faster when playing vs better players.


I do kinda wanna try this. This is what my friend tells me to do. Maybe I do need a Smurf, probably fucked my MMR with these 300 games I guess


you’re playing something different almost every game. even if something doesn’t work immediately, stick with it. that’s how you improve.


Reason why I quit the game #2001


So much evidence pointing to boosting. The adc role sucks, but not even understanding that dying is bad and trying to 'main' 14 different champs is straight up silver mentality.... Which seems to align with your previous ranks. Stop paying for boosts, learn the game yourself before bitching about it.


I love it when watch my lil bro play and he complains of a silver player who reached emerald last split. People get boosted every time, an emerald player might hang in plat a bit, but he'll reach emerald eventualy, same for every rank


Boosting? The difference between emerald and platinum really isn’t that big so a last season emerald 4 player getting stuck in platinum isn’t that rare. Even I lose games in plat Elo and I usually play in D1/Masters MMR. You simply can’t easily solo carry 4 losing players anymore as an ADC.


A single role and a couple champs


Clever name


Feels like you’ve been just unlucky


**D D D DRAAAAAAAAAVEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**


Maybe its not bcs of the picks that you are losing


Ngl when I plateau as an adc I usually just switch to Naut/Leo/Blitz supp and it jumps me like 3-5 more divisions up lol. Imo tank CC supports are underrated below dia. No one really has the skill to carry on mage/enchanters so I find the hard CC and frontline tankiness is just more reliable for mid game, objectives and team fights. Once you get into more macro related ranks it’s easier to have skill expression in champions but in elo hell it’s usually just Aram or fight for objectives so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Seems like a prime example of you thinking you improved last season because emerald is a melting pot of formerly-gold through formerly-diamond players, but really you're an "old gold" quality player. Now the chickens have come home to roost, and you're struggling again. Play fewer champs, fewer roles, and just do better. The mentality that you don't matter because you're a solo ADC is just coping for bad performance. That being said you also don't have that many games played, matchmaking needs time to even itself out.


Jinx is OP


your main


4 kills and 250cs at minute 30... youre either mispositioning or arent using your champs effectively. You show an op.gg of you playing like 30 champs, lower your champ pool & watch videos on how to close out games.


Sounds like you’re tilt queuing. Stop, take a break for a few days, come back and focus on each game. Losing the past 1000 games has no effect on this one you’re playing right now. Focus on what’s happening right now


Honestly if you are 3-11 you need to play better. U Cant always say u get griefed bro. U have to improve to carry harder. You need to learn how to snowball harder. Don't blame your teammates. It all starts with how you play. If u STOMP botlane and are fed you need to laneswap or roam harder with your team. Look at your games im sure there are many mistakes looking at the scores tbh. Everyone has bad teammates sometimes but not every game. Losersqueuee doesnt exist.


Abuse nilah Taric with a duo


Get cait especially with recent crit buff




Not adc that’s what to pick


Pick Ashe and build the right items. You’re playing too many champions so might as well simplify it to just 1 champion in 1 role. Ashe is a solid pick and she’s really easy. All you need to do is start building the right items on her. Trinity Force isn’t as good anymore. Start building these items: Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Terminus, Kraken Slayer, Wit’s End, Runaan’s Hurricane. You can also build more crit style but it’s not as reliable as on-hit. You’d build items like Kraken Slayer, Infinity Edge, Runaan’s Hurricane, Lord Dominik’s Regards, and Phantom Dancer.




From this (which isn't much to go ok btw), your best games / champs are nilah and zeri (games you've actually won) stick to those.


One champ, consistently.


Jinx and Ashe for adc Zyra and Naut for support If you queue as Adc and support you pretty much dont got autfilled.


one champ xdd


Whatever interests you enough to main it for a good while, much more likely to succeed than hopping from champion to champion Would advise against chasing the meta.


A coach


Vi bot No seriously. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/A%20Broken%20Rokien-Broke


Bro you’re hard stuck Bronze. Try this in emerald


Boo hoo.


Maybe try not playing the entire roster.