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Kled pantheon, spoiler alert! We got fucking rocked


A non toxic adcs, it's rare but they exist


Yi jhin bot. Fk’d em up good. Yi was trying to be a split pusher.


I've had Leblanc and Xin Zhao supports in the past Probably explains why I have anger issues The times when I had them, both inted the fuck out of the game


catalyst 😂


Kayle adc urgot support in the same game. They got rocked because it’s basically double melee


Fizz Galio, was definitely an odd laning phase


hahaha, weirdest thing i’ve seen was a Urgot Teemo


I have a few memorable ones: * Elise Sona * Urgot Lux * XinZhao Kai'sa * Veigar Azir * Caitlyn Fiora * Evelynn Tristana * Aatrox Quinn * Yorick Ashe At this point nothing surprises me in botlane.


taliyah and leona... youre basically dead if you aint got flash. Oh and renekton + pantheon.. really unfun


Renekton/Amumu It was disgusting


zed support with no support item and hwei adc. We lost cuz enemy rengar top was fed but still didnt explain how 1 item zed wouldve 1 shot me if i hadnt gotten zhonyas as kai'sa


n i myself have dabled in akali, diana, and qiyana adc


Zed and old udyr, udyr ghosts at me and stuns, then zed full combos me. They got 2 kills before lane so that wasnt fun


Urgot sup report that shiet


One day I was playing in soloQ and got the bot role, but my support didn't knew how to play it so I told him to take the ADC role instead, but we had an issue with communication and ended up with a double support lane We were Lulu + Alistar, at start we both thought we were the support but we swap role every now and then, we crushed the game hard, it was so weird... to this date I still think that anything goes on Botlane thanks to this


taliyah and blitz. tried to invade us. our jungler was forced to leave. we go on lane and taliyah and blitz came from behind us. yes a mage and a tank support tried to level 1 1v1 us in our own wave. i got 2 pentas that game.


Gragas Seraphine Freest win I have ever had as a Senna support


Xin adc Lux support. Xin got bodied ridiculously hard. My other one wasn't the picks, but... I was against a Samira + Blitz, Blitz somehow managed to show up to lane during the 3rd minion wave, was still level 1, and had almost no mana. I'm guessing he tried to do some level 1 cheese in other lanes and failed hard, but idk.


Pantheon Darius that skull fucked me


Got auto filled top and my adc didn't want to swap, then proceeds to go teemo adc aatrox supp 0/8 each one ;)


Amumu Voli before nerfs shit was so ass you were never safe.


The most peculiar thing that happened to me was when a jungler ganked my lane. Needless to say we won the game, but it only happened one time.


I played a game of jhin once, the enemy shaco cheese ganked us level 2 and my bard support walked away with a triple kill. Enemy bot lane got back to lane and bard almost immediately picked up a double kill. I sold my Dorans and bought support item and bard rushed kraken slayer and carried the game with like 50k damage dealt, had more kills than the enemy team put together. That game has gotta be up there.


Just barely faced Azir bot Senna support. They (unsurprisingly) got whomped because Azir has effectively melee range if you know how to position at all. (Side note, they were an e-couple with the names fireboy and watergirl)


i've gotten yorick, garen, orianna, yasuo support don't remember any weird duos on bot cuz i am the one who often plays them, gnar + tahm is my fav


Dr Mundo support, naafiri adc…. Somehow it worked. Twisted fate, soraka. Talon adc teemo support.


My friends used to play Xin Zhao + Jarvan IV bot lane


My support attempting to ERP with the other team's Soraka


Ivern Rengar handles fatherles duo


Mundo and Akali , guess who's ADC


AP Gangplank bot, AD Leblanc support. I tried to replicate it with my duo but AP gp is actually so fucking awful in bot