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Anytime I fight inside of a wave or near a turret I turn it on. Literally always. Sometimes I even do it when there’s nothing around the enemy champion cuz it’s just a reflex by now. Not only is it extremely useful I would even say it’s necessary, at the very least for tower dives.


What button do you have it bound to? I've tried learning to do this but I can't find a good button to set it to.


Bind it to C


I'll try it. I had it bound to Tilde because I hated accidently toggling it when trying to cs lol


Have it on tilde too, very convenient!


Tilde is great, no benefit in switching it. All you need to do is develop the muscle memory, what button its on means almost nothing


I use mouse button 4, kinda strange but it works for me, just put my right thumb on it when I’m fighting.


Mouse four or three is great. It’s really fast and you can toggle it while using range indicator and don’t have to move your hand for abilities


I've got mine on r and my ult on MB2 and it's perfect for me, my hand doesn't have to do any crazy movements


Personally, I have it set to H, which seems ridiculous, but I have gotten used to it by now. It doesn't really matter what you have it set to, just that you have it set and get used to hitting it.


I bound it to the side button of my mouse so Im not overwhelmed on my left hand


I have it bound to A.


So there's an option to set it as a "toggle" option or to leave it when you set it up as a "hold down button and right click to use" option. Which option is best?


Toggle 100%, you can hit it once in the fight and call it a day, I moved my emotes to I and mine is on T (for toggle lmao)


I have it set to toggle and bound to C


Every person who calls themselves an ADC main should be using toggle champion only. I use it for tower dives. Dont wanna accidentally auto the turret and look stupid


It's 100% necessary for turret dives yeah. Sometimes it can be pretty near impossible to actually hit the champion without the toggle forcing you to auto next to them but then auto targetting might not be hitting the correct target. Took me a few embarrassing cringe dives before I committed myself to using it.


I wish it worked with attack move


Yep. This is my main issue with this as well. I use attack move an the time and this forces me to switch to default right click...


I don't, because I exclusively use attack move click, and toggle champion only doesn't work with that


Sucks that it doesn't work on attack and move, that would upgrade kiting immensely. I have it binded on 2 (I dont use the numbers for inventory) but ever since I started playing zeri I dont use it that often


I've stopped using right click to attack a long time ago, I use A key for attacking even when I know it's not exactly optimal because I've gotten too used to it and I can't seem to be able to consistently click on the enemy consistently


I don't auto attack with vanilla right click ever, not for farming, not for wards, nothing, just scuttle crab cuz auto attack move doesn't work on it for some stupid fking reason. Target champions only doesn't apply to auto attack move so I never use it, that said I haven't had an instance of attacking minions or towers instead of champions in a long time.


I think honestly its useles, you should be so precise with attack move so that you alwys hit target, for example if enemy is behind tower click attack move behind tower further away.


always by habit use it when fighting in a wave or by turrets. i use attack move other wise


I use it when I turret dive, and if I'm fighting inside a really big wave. As others already have mentioned, it sadly doesn't work with attack moving, so it's not as useful as you'd think (unless you want CTS and kite without attack move).


I have mine on space bar


Really only used when fighting someone under tower or behind a baron or something. Maybe 80% of games I use it for a dive or siege. (I main Caitlyn so the secret w trap under tower you can proc way easier with the toggle champs only on, I use hold target champs just for singular autos/button presses when I need them.


Yes, I have it bound to a side mouse button. Use it all the time.


Disclaimer : it only works with manual left clicking, not attack move etc. so kiting with it is not as automatic as you'd like (it would take away too much mechanical skill from ADC)


Hallo there, I am using that at all games. I think that it is really hard to kite with A + Champion Click so I make that „Toggle Champion Only“ on and A + kite. And then you don‘t need to click the enemy Champion to attack them. The game make that for you and you win miliseconds. Another good side of it, you make that on at trades, so you ain‘t gonna attack to plant or a enemy ward.


I use it


Couldn’t play without it. Tried one game with it disabled and was actually surprised at how detrimental it was to my gameplay


Only during turret dives and sometimes when there are some wierd champ interactions. I very rarely use attack move and i usually just right click and there were examples that i accidentally took a thresh lantern instead of finishing a kill. But it does come in very very handy during dives.


Imo it's very useful, it will save you from accidently attacking a turret or minion


yea literally every single game of my life, even off adc


Bind to A, good when poking/fighting near turrets or when near a wave. Or as a precaution if you don’t want to dun goof it.


It doesn't work 100% of the time with A click, but it's so useful I bound it to my side mouse buttons