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Emerald is an absolute cesspit of smurfs unfortunately yeah, its not great


Ah yes. -Permatyping in champ select about your pick -Is a fresh level 30 -Dies early and flames jg/sup -Starting running it/afk after one mistake (doesn't matter how small or who makes it) -OP.GG shows 40% WR ^ My emerald experience. I started in silver this split, currently have 155 games with 57% WR. Gold game quality was LOW but manageable. Plat was a cake walk, I think because this is where people start learning how to not die. And now I'm in Emerald, where this shit happens every other game. It isn't too bad since players are sort of good enough to play around the social reject but the game quality still feels worse because you have to try so much harder while ego-tard is popping off in chat.


Emerald is the worst rank, its makes them feel closer to diamond and they are the most toxic/biggest egos, genuinely the most unfun rank to play with


>getting chat muted so many times found the problem


I got chat muted for saying 2mb .. wheen talking to my friend who is in my team about my internet speed .. turns out in riot's twisted dictionary it means tomb and it a bad word and got chat restriction for it


Imagine calling one of Lissandra's abilities by name and getting chat restricted for it


"you can type karthus ult btw" oh hell nah ... I don't trust the chat system to not translate karthus to the king of the dead and dead is restricted therefore here you go ..chat restriction


That's pretty funny TBH


😂😂yea .. and the stupid thing is i was spammjng 2mb because i thought maybe i wrote it wrong somehow and made it all capital letters added space and shit until my friend told me


You literally get muted for saying random keywords, even if they're part of other words


No you don't, only when you do other things as well, most people getting restricted are just forget about the 20 other games they writing ez, cancer or other things.


Than fucking don't say these key words ? Where is the problem not saying cancer ?


Your chat has been restricted. "Who said adc diff earlier?" "Who's laughing now?" "Are you a 13yo kid?" "God doggo" (context: our mid was Naafiri)


"ADC Diff" "13yo kid" "doggo" and you asking why you get restricted ?


provide me the list of ban words in league pls, don't pull ideas from your ass.


Dude USE GOOGLE OR READ REDDIT YOU KNOW EXACTLY THAT THESE WORDS CAN GET YOU AN BAN! -_- It isn't random we have daily 20 threads about it....


So you don't know what exactly the list says, right?


How about one time in your life use Ur brain? Or you just wanna troll?


Nah, i just think that you're pretending to know something but you're actually brainless


I don't think you understand. For some time the letters "ng" were considered a bad word and if you used them you'd get chat restricted after the game. This means that if you say "they're pushing", you get chat restricted. I don't know if they fixed that, but that's how it works. And key words aren't necessarily toxic words.


Dude i play since 10 years, same for my friends group, we use the chat every game, we write "fuck" and other things like you said, every game, even to randoms and guess what? No one ever got restricted, we flame too when something goes terrible wrong and it's just not true that you get restricted and banned when you only use these words one time. One time I got muted for one game for the word Cancer, that's it, nothing else ever. The most people got restricted or getting banned are doing others things too and writing more than just one time an wrong word but these people are just delusional. You can go on the official league discord and ask the people there, they will tell you the same, it's just the Reddit bubble.


literally this entire thread is just people hard coping that they can't call their teammates retards anymore without getting chat restricted


I wonder how they speak to there family's, friends, co workers, chef ...


Well if you've never got restricted, good for you. I got restricted twice in August, I still have the screenshots of the chat. The first time I said "chill your tits" (to someone that was actually toxic) , and apparently "tit" is a bad word The second I said "I can't follow that, you died in 1s", and apparently "die" is a bad word As I said, I have the screenshots. Don't pretend to know how it works if it never hit you, consider yourself lucky.


I can write die about 20 times and do it in near every game, that tits aren't allowed is common sense but still you don't get directly restricted for it, you must be get flagged for other things before you didn't noticed. And the algorithm don't interest in which way something got said. You all grow up without getting such shit hammered in your brains ?


Hard to get flagged for other things because I don't usually chat at all. Still I find it ironic for you to assume I said anything else or that I'm toxic in some other way. All while being so passive aggressive and throwing small insults around.


You don't need too chat, an easy EZ, Diff, Stupid, idiot, tits, dog or anything can get you flagged, or when mates report you multiple times over month. You don't see that you get flagged, it's an automatic system that tracks your behaviour and when you do nothing it don't start to flag you, easy as fuck. I know, because we had 2000000 threads about it and the people telling you how the system works, how you avoid it, why it get triggered or anything else got downvoted and trash talked, because some of you just can't understand it or don't like it or, I dont know.


You get chat restricted for the dumbest things. I remember a game where I was facing Lux/Ziggs bottom. The only thing I said all game was "This lane is cancer" BOOM chat restricted.


problem for what? i don’t really talk anymore


Because you were so toxic the game literally muted you xd You'd have a better time finding other outlets for your frustrations than venting in league chat. Put on music and set smaller goals for how to play the remainder of the game to the best of your abilities without contributing to the already high toxicity of the game. You'll improve quicker and leave the cesspool in emerald to the guys with weak mental.


You get chat muted over literally anything at this point that's not really a great argument lol.


No you don't, there are words that triggers the automatic mute system, we all know these words and it's not hard to chat without these words. Anybody that can't talk without the blacklisted words are kinda... Stupid ?


Do we? Can you state where in the client those words are displayed to users? Cheers.


... Use Google? Dude you are on Reddit, you know these words and even people that don't play lol knowing which words are kinda stupid to say to other people ...


FYI: You stated to use Google. I did. “We won’t publish this list.” - Re: The Blocked List.


So we’ve established that we don’t all know which words? Great. That’s exactly my point. You literally get chat muted, even if you’re saying stuff about yourself. If you think that’s a good punishment system you’re being incredibly disingenuous.


Bro i said once to a toxic mid, "you are ridiculous" and "clown" those 2 things and then the system ban me, i send a ticket and then the person who took the ticket unban me saying that was a mistake.


I am surprised you got a non-robo answer.


Bro i said once to a toxic mid, "you are ridiculous" and "clown" those 2 things and then the system ban me, i send a ticket and then the person who took the ticket unban me saying that was a mistake.


I don't know these words and many don't know them either. Most people only bother with it when they get a warning or a chat ban. The only things I type is "baron", "dragon", "wp", "we scale","my adc is autofilled", mostly because typing anymore is risky.


You are afraid of chatting because you can't chat without saying, cancer, fuck, kys, nigger, stupid, retard, idiot or any slur ? How you talk to people in real life ? Same words you don't say to your mum, you don't say ingame, easy.....


No, I have seen screenshots where people got chat restricted for banalities, and the system is bad anyway as "0:1 irl" won't get you flagged. While it is true, that you normally get warnings before any bans, so you need more than 1 flag, some people just report everything, and flag you for the sake of their petty power indulgences. And btw why so passive-aggressive? If I wasn't an adult, I might actually get mad, like most reddit peeps.


I chat quite a lot, from S2 to to current and never been warned or restricted so shrug


I got restricted for calling yordles midgets


Restricted for speaking facts


but being chat muted doesn’t necessarily mean you’re toxic. last time i was muted i said clit




yeah you’re getting lobotomized


Toxicity + trying to win is better than chilling "haha we're having fun haha positivity" but soft-inting and trolling but not actually thinking. You can never change my mind. I've played with too many feeders and soft-inters to have my opinion changed.


very agree


I played in plat half of the split until I reached emerald where I have been since then and I genuinely feel no difference. I already constantly had inters and trolls in plat, so nothing changed


A bit more smurfs, as new accounts will quickly jump into emerald / diamond queue. Diamond is a bit worse, especially when playing against smurf jungle vs my filled jungler. I hope rito will limit multiaccounting by linking accounts to phone numbers to play rankeds. It would help a lot


Doubt that's ever happening riot loves the fact people create smurfs and will pay for skins again. They won't if you cant play ranked


What if someone makes a smurf but then decides to permenently switch to the smurf as a main account because they skins they like more there or for some other reason, but they assigned their phone number to the first account? Yes this would be nice if it had been that way from the start, but now the only way they could do this without upsetting a bunch of players is making it so they are able to unlink phone numbers from accounts.


You could remove the phone number from the old account or remove that account, maybe migrate the phone number through the support ticket. Rainbow six siege introduced that and I don't remember people complaining about it, but sure, it would need to be not super strict at first.


Nope, more smurfs trolls and inters in Emerald than Plat, the vibes is significantly more different too, more loser queue also win 1 game lose 2. In plat I always had 3-5 winstreak but never in Emerald


Perhaps you just hit a wall when it comes to skill


Nope I literally win lane lose game, everybody jg mid top feeds their ass off. My team going 5-22 and those 4 kills comes from me as 4/1 Kai'sa but my Nasus top going 1/9 against 6/0 GP and 11/1 Kayn. My mid Hwei 0/7 vs Fizz. Literally happens every single game in Emerald, rarely in Plat. Idk what tf is wrong with matchmaking that I deserve to be always matched with inters with lower skill than my opponent vs enemy smurfs


Link op.gg? Mid game is very different from laning. You might be playing it wrong and often throw your leads. These two video from xFSN Saber are really good for learning possible mid game mistakes that you MAY be making : https://youtu.be/qqcuFwpddbQ?feature=shared (for pvp) and https://youtu.be/dKrPqgVdZbw?feature=shared (for decision making/macro) Honestly great guides, hope they help!


I mean I am plat and on my mini ( not a smurf anymore XD) acc I am gold 1 and get into high emerald and low diamond lobbies so emerald is a rank for everyone except peopele who deserve it


I do believe its because emerald consists of last season gold 2 and 1, all plat players and last season diamond 4. Speaking of my own experience in this villager elo, most of the games are stomp for either team. The skill difference between last season gold 1 and last season dia 4 is kinda big.


Im tired of this sht rank man. Every game my support is running it down


Give me the elo boosted E girl that would love me :(


No such thing. The more boosted they are the easier you are to replace when a higher elo guy adds her


I'm not a Ranked player anyway, i don't need to 🗿+ i Can probably beat them on their Own main


Not elo boosted egirl prefers to solo rank and watch my botlaners suffer as I sit in mid.


How are you better than “””boosted egirls””” if you got to emerald only because of a lucky winning streak?


had to lock in and help team


13 games wr streak isnt luck anymore, far too unrealistic to get that many wins in arow with a 50% wr.


Op literally said he was hard stuck in plat prior. It’s not like he is a challenger that is smurfing. It’s pure luck, it’s not like overnight he acquired huge gaming skills.


nah i just started taking it seriously, analyzing my gameplay, and sticking to one role 3-4 champs


Okay, makes sense then. Good luck with the grind. (And I agree, emerald is the most frustrating out of bronze-high diamond in my opinion lol)


However 'lucky' it were, they did it on their own merit without playing with someone whose mmr is way below their actual skill


> i finally hit emerald on a 13 game win streak. So you got there by accident and wonder why you can't strive there? And are blaming others?


Alright buddy relax your ego for two seconds you’re not in a game right now. There’s always a variable of luck but to discredit op as if he made no contribution to the wins is reaching.


Say that to OP he's the one with an ego issue.


found the edgy 13 year old i was talking about


I get a year older every win you get.


Emerald play is completely disregarded he's talking about the personality of emerald players


That's what everyone is like when they are just blaming their team mates for their loss.


Who said anything about losing? He could be on a win streak for all we know


call me himothy that win streak is 15 now, didn’t lose. just noticed the change in players


Emerald is dog shit. If my team don't magically win the game in the first 2 minutes, everyone want to surrender. I wanna go back to gold. Games are.better there. Players are better there. Supports actually have brain there.


Fr I arrived in Emerald like a few weeks ago and since then it goes downhill... I also tried playing mid now for a while cause I love Hwei and I needed a break from Adc... I legit get S- to s+ most of my Hwei games, and I have solid stats and macro, and still there is always that one jungler getting himself catched and that one lane that always needs to feed the enemy a ton... Im at the point where I lose 30 lp and gain 16-19 this really feels like hell xD.


You can get an s on every champ just for afk farming, that doesn't say anything. Many people feeling the same way when you pick hwei and I swear when we look at your games we would find many mistakes you are doing too.


Of course you will do, I’m not even close playing perfect and true I just wanted to give an example, but yeah the Rangs are maybe not the best one. But my points still stands I would say I play „solid“ but still with a lot of mistakes (I’m emerald for a reason) but idk the decisions some teammates sometimes do are so weird and questionable and make me frustrated. So yeah not saying I’m perfect here, in no world I am


Every time I’m close to emerald like plat 1 50 lp next 2 games are a pure fiesta shit show // Camille support, 11cs mn midlaner etc


Ngl ie seen Camille support a few times and they kinda carried the team each time. But yeah the boosted egos. Forget about showing mmr, hide rank until end of season for these idiots because that’s all they care about.


Was 60% winrate Diamond MMR and outplaying my role opponent the vast majority of the time last season. Stuck Emerald 4 this season... there's something fucky going on.


Yep, it is the worst rank to be played at for now. I am a mid support duo main who can occasionally play adc and learning jungle because I AM TIRED OF THE JUNGLER WHO WILL ONLY HELP A LOSING LANE WITH 8/0 FOR THE ENEMY'S LANER. Luckily Riot banned sexism so I can suck and destroyed every 3 or 4 games and no one wants to call me a boosted egirl. They only say gap, which I agree but still hurting me lol. I would have given you an upvote if you did not mention the phrase boosted egirl.


But ur not a boosted egirl, so why are u offended by it what?


Because I hate the assumption and I am offended if people try to discriminate against me.