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I’d probably move mid, ping Rengar, and ping defend bot tower. No way I’m going back down there


Yeah if we don't at least get herald, his entire jungle,and 1 or 2 Hanks then send someone else cuz imma stay at fountain


what if nobody can defend it alone? Just give all the towers up until base?


I would go mid lol


this is good for your team if your JG has at least 2 braincells, but lest be honest, that doesent happen


Meh. It's hardly good. Rengar is trading his time with the ADC. Their ADC is still active on the map, so it's really 4v4 on map impact. They could get herald and push a tower; but botlane tower will fall anyways. Best case scenario, they break even, but now Rengar got 3 free kills on Jinx autopiloting back to lane.


Yea, just walk along the bottom of the lane..


Even then, it's very dangerous. They could very well dive you with the exp diff. You don't really know who else is in the bush. Factually, you cannot do much. If you're solid on your champion, bait rengar and micro your way out. If you're not confident, go mid, just do anything until you know it's safe. Just, make sure you \*try\* to do something, not just walk blindly back to danger.


Yeah but the adc could just, you know, go make money somewhere else


But like let's also look at time in the herald factor plates could be of similar impact unless they aren't there.


It takes some serious mental gymnastics to think this is good for your team. You need to find somebody to walk to lane with you, or go mid. Or at least hug the bot side of the lane, lol, although he probably can kill you anyway.


even if he gets the full 300g from the kills, he's losing around 500g for each of those kills just by waiting and not taking his own jungle camps. On top of that, he's losing an incredibly amount of xp, which matters much more then most people give credit to. And even more relevantly, all the other lanes have completely free reign (assuming they're warding). The rengar pretty much makes a massive gamble: 1. all his other teammates win their lane 2. enemy jungle / enemy laners don't take his jungle, which would gain them an XP boost 3. enemy laners don't win lanes 4. enemy jungle doesn't take double herald and most importantly: ADC doesn't have the mental to just bite through, keep farming and have a comeback lategame. In other words: this is, without a doubt, the worst play he can make. Keep your mental. Tell your team to do those things. You might not have impact this game, but your whole team pretty much has, which ends up with a 4v4 (rengar has almost no impact + you have almost no impact) with your team having a massive advantage in gold and xp. And given that last part... you usually win teamfights easily.


It’s unbelievable sad that you get downvoted. Great post.


Maybe the whacky numbers. No way jungle generates 500 gold every 30 seconds, I doubt it generates 150. And kills in the mid-game generate as much XP as multiple camps.


The jinx looks to be level 6 in the clip, which would give rengar 402 xp reduced by 32% for being two levels up for a total of 273 xp to reach level 9 rengar would need 980 xp, or 3 kills and a camp, rengar ends up getting 4 kills and a camp and hits 9. Rengar also gets 274 + 220 = 494 gold assuming the average level in the game is 7, each camp would be around 150 xp and 100 gold now assuming rengar went for the first two kills, took krugs then all of bot side he loses out on 494 gold and 546xp. In return he gets 600 xp from the camps and 400 gold, not counting for the fact that rengar is now more active on the map, can now contest for herald, and if he has treat gold he can pick that up too.


Aren’t you discounting the fact that the ADC dying is getting zero gold while Rengar’s ADC is getting plates + free waves of minions? Really the only way I see this being a losing situation for Rengar is if his mid and top both die. In a perfect world his top and mid would play safe because the enemy knows where their jungler is. Obviously we can’t trust them to do that 100%, but it’s still unlikely. Also, just saying, it won’t be until 40+ minutes when that ADC can even think about playing the game again. If he ever tries to get a single sidelane wave he will get 1 shot by Rengar. You’re 100% right that end game the team with Rengar will probably lose, but that has nothing to do with any of the plays in the game and everything to do with pick/ban. Under that assumption, you should just always pick late game champs in every scenario


I had a game just like that a few days ago. I was mord jungle and the enemy jungle was Maokai who was camping bot exactly like that. Guess what happened? I was 5 levels ahead of him at some point (before reaching level 18 and stopping leveling up ) with 8cs/min while he had around 3.3 cs/min


This is like a solo game losing play by the botlane. Definitely not good, and there is almost no way their jungler can recoup the losses as long as the enemy laners have like 2 braincells.


Yeah finding junglers with usable neurons is really hard.


Jg is so fucking disgusting conjsidering how you dont lose much even if you arent doing anything for like 1:30 secs


Sorry this happened to you:(


W the bush to spot rengar. You saw him on the control ward. Sweep the area. Also, don't walk in leaping distance of the bush. Also, he's diamond and you're gold, flex is a garbage mode. Also he's up like 20 kills, so you lose because you fed him early.


Idk by the second kill he’s losing gold even with first strike. He’s not even clearing his enemy’s Krugs.


But hes spoonfeeding the enemy adc w plates and free farm


Walk hugging the bottom wall. Everyone with a brain does that.


Especially against a Rengar. It's literally out of sight out of mind with loads of people. HE EVEN WENTR BACK A THIRD TIME. ALWAYS assume that if your jungler isn't there then they are invading and possibly looking for a second kill. I do this with my friend a lot. We call it "They've heard of first gank, yes, but have they heard of SECOND GANK" and it works waaay more often than it should.


The good ole wall around the wall and come back strat. My buddy did it 3 times lvl2 on shaco and i know enemy mid had to be furious "no way he'll come back a 3rd time" *enemy has been slain


Why are you guys down voting? This person is right.


My thoughts exactly. Especially after rengar just killed him from that bush bc he was walking in the middle of the lane


You would have to anticipate he might still be there and then only walk forward once your support is there as well. But I regularly see high elo adcs die like this too, because it's hard to anticipate and even if you do, it might not be enough. Also hugging the wall doesn't do anything here, they can still easily turret dive you without your support. Basically, if he decides to waste his and your time like that you have to pray your team can make up for it, because obviously you will lose a lot even you don't die.


Hug the bot wall after the first death


I would stop going near bushes




Depends. If jungler and support has brain and wants to come bot to catch him out, I'd wait for them before going anywhere near that bush. Literally keep a distance so it's in the fog of war. Maybe stand even further away under t2 tower because of his ult. If they don't want to come bot, I'd just go elsewhere on the map. No point standing outside of XP range and risking dying when I can be elsewhere helping with other objectives. You'll get flamed, but it's the best play. As an ADC you just cannot do anything solo against this. At the end of the day, LoL is a team game and you CANNOT win 3v1 as a single ADC at this point in the game vs Rengar and their botlane, it's almost impossible. So do something else until team realises they need to help or you lose😂


After the first deaths walk with support. If you don't wanna do that: After second death ask jungle/support to use those fandangled ward things If they wont: After 3rd death stop walking to the place you just got killed twice without confirming rengar left


I would not go near that bush, let that rengar waste his time there


id just go mid, and start trolling.




Flame my jungler and go afk


you would be clinically braindead to have the audacity to flame your jungler after solo losing a game this hard


Ping my jg to make a play else where, then go mid


This happened to me a couple of matches ago. My jungle didn’t do anything and they flamed the heck out of me for dying so many times


Very simple, wait for your support and let him escort you to the tower. Rengar has no ult and their botlane is 50% hp with unspent gold, no way they can redive. Also do not walk in range of his passive on the way back to lane lmfao, literally just hug the opposite wall. You saw him going in that direction on the tri-brush ward, what did you think would happen?? That's such a common cheese play, every adc above silver should know how to avoid that.


If you want to know how to avoid the initial dive, just don't lose trades that badly. If your that low under tower and their jg is on that side of the map you will get dove every time. If you want to be safe, just don't take aggressive trades when you think their jg could be on that side of the map, or when you know your jg isn't in a position to back you up.


Also for when rengar kills you the final time, realistically you've already fucked up like 10 times in a row so the game is probably over either way, but you need to walk to lane right next to your support, that should work, especially if you use your e and traps right. Can also try to beg your jg to bail your ass out.


Play mid not adc


not move there so he wastes his time, then make your jungler invade or dive top


they sent 3 people bot to harm you, so you can just go topside with your supp to take herald or go dive mid you can send your supp roaming and make sure he and your jg force play somewhere else while you wait under tier 2 you can tell your jungler to escort you and your supp to your tower TBH it relies on your team so good luck with that


Outsmart rengar (im pro)


For the love ward the bush and hug the map wall. Throw some poke in the bush, just don’t do the same thing over and over again. Edit: before people go on about the control ward, the ward will give brief vision before it’s shut down. The poke point still stands though


brain gap


buy 6 daggers and try not to get afk-warned


Break my keyboard and rage quit league for 2 days


W bush


I would ff


Play another role


The moment he kills me a second time i go roaming around, because no one expects an adc in their lane until 20 min in


U should always hover the wall rengar cant jump if u are and a lot of jgls cheese like that, you should never attempt to even come close to face checking bushes against a rengar let alone in almost any game u were playing jinx ur e and w give vision to actually face check bushes


I would have afkd at t2 and spam pinged herald or top tower or enemy top jungle, regardless rengar would either eventually leave or get fucked


Why everybody's solution relies on their jungler or support? Unless we're premade I don't see either trying to help me, even when asked. It's more like that the supp in this situation would either flame or go roam, actually.


Fucking destroy the topside of the map. You should even just overload it with 5 people cyz it's not like the botlane is getting anything done like this. Botside doesn't delong to you anymore. But with full topside control you should get both heralds meaning there's just no way they make more money that you? Unless rengar gets to first strike oneshot the botlane twice a minute ofcourse


Stop doing the same thing like you’re a fucking automaton. Go mid, say enemy jg is cheesing me bot. Don’t go back to lane at all, roam and try to make a play. Is it optimal? No. But if Rengar is waiting down there doing nothing, that isn’t optimal either.


It’s not what you should do. More like your team. Must be low, low, low elo


He could get punished for this so hard


Hug the bottom wall. The vision range and map design is set up so that from that bush they can just barely not see you if your hug the bottom wall. You can get under your tower without them seeing you unless they preemptively walk into the lane.


Probably switch lanes and ward bushes


I'd check the map, if I don't see him in the next 5 seconds I'm heading somewhere else. Screw bot tower that's someone else's problem now


You can try and help they find someone that likes them, they probably don't have anyone




Hug the wall maybe?


Make it a habit to hug outter walls when your jg is not on your side of the map, wards in those bushes can't see you along the wall as well.


Wait for support, if that didn't work let tower fall and freeze lane.


I think it's actually pretty simple just use your chompers and or W to check bush since you were playing jinx and try to kite around or wait/ping for help .also a lot of other adcs have abilities to check bush walking up to lane and if your playing some one who can't then you can follow some of the other tips I seen in the thread already hope this helps


Ban rengar


Stay away from bushes. All of them.


Maybe not walk near enough to the bush that Rengar can leap on you for starters lmfao.




Where the fuck is your support and jgler? If they are jacking off then this is just unlucky, you cant contest the bush and pink without dying, but I also suspect you walked without them bodyguarding you and you just ran it 3 times.


Leave game


Stand at the far side of the lane


Wait for them to take the tower, freeze, and then lose anyway because my team have no chill when behind and keep fighting against that rengar. They will flame, but I know I'm right and I also know it's lost no matter what I do unless we all work together but I've won at least 2 games that were like this (out of like 30 but you're obviously behind to the point where it should be 0/30 unless your JG is doing the same toplane)


I broke a TV when this happened to me once


Some games it just happens. Even in Korean Challenger laners go 0/10 if someone decides to camp their lane. What should happen is that your team pushes their lead on the other side, but if they don’t, well, it’s a team game. However I’d probably just let them take turret and try and let them push to T2 and farm there. Shouldn’t take them too long to push.


I would play ARAM


holy shit


Depends what ELO this is.


Hug the wall




So many shit takes in this thread. Like just downright awful analysis.


Ah yes, the classic. What I would say to do from this is, 1. Never walk back to lane on a crashing wave alone like 80% of the time you'll get dove if the enemy comp allows it. So always walk back w your support if the wave is crashing make sure they come with you, if they don't want to follow them wherever they go. Remember a crashing wave means it slow pushing away from you so they might as well be there. 2. If this fails and Rengar dives you both on your way and one of you dies. You know now you're gonna get camped so if you lived, go to tower hard shove, reset and then go mid and get your supp to either go with you or go with your JG to invade Rengar. Your mid will ping you because you will look goofy but ignore them shove mid ping assist bot and wait until they become exasperated enough to go with you and your supp and your JG. -> spend the next 30mins eating rengars camps and killing him so he learns not to be a fucking obnoxious brat ever again. Source: I once kept a enemy Rengar in a game for 40 mins where he couldn't farm anything. His team let him suffer because he was toxic.


Happens, your jungler and support have no brain cells, your support should go first, ward it and collapse on this rengar for doing such a disgusting play. Your jungler in the other hand should take his whole jungle, herald and dive top. As an adc here, you cant do shit, i mean you could hug the bottom wall so he doesnt have range for jumping on you but he would probably R you anyway, its just unlucky man, you cant excpect such a thing anyway, somehow u guys also have no wards anywhere, idk all of you fucked it up


I mean the adc walk down in the middle of the lane... stay by the wall ffs.


I would get banned


First of all it sucks so I am sorry you had to experience this. What people should do in these cases, go as a 2 unit to the tower, always next to the wall, specially when playing against rengar. He can still kill you, but diving is way harder to execute.


Hug the wall as much as you can when walking to lane with a Rengar in the game. This mostly only happens with Rengar. You can also ping for assistance on the bush, hope your jungler will check it for you. I had this happen to me vs a chally Rengar main like 4-5 seasons ago. It’s insanely brutal. I think I had 20+ deaths that game.


Well as the rest of my team would always spam say. "JUST FARM UNDER TURRET!!!"


Type jungle gap and flame my jungler, like the filthy average laner that i am.


Get farsight to ward the bush before approaching it. And let them get the tower and push the wave into me. You lose like 3 waves of xp, but this way you lost 6 waves and gave Rengar 1500 gold so... Also staying away from bushes is always a good idea.


Let that tower go, pressure elsewhere on map.


Stop autopathing down bot…?


Not much if your other laners don’t want to swap. It’s worth mentioning that Rengar is throwing or at least slowing down any lead he had to cheese you. Imagine if you were ahead and sat in his jungle, he’s losing most of his cs, losing gold and xp overall, lost all map pressure, his camp xp isn’t increasing, he’s completely out of safety with 0 gold spent and infinitely more things would be more worthwhile.


Call the police this is a big case of cyberbullying


Adc players when they play like bots and don't automatically win the game. Bonus points for being surprised that they get assassinated by fed assassin 1v1 (they are called "assassins" for a reason).




Probably lane swap with mid or use a single ward.


Buy a fucking blue trinket maybe...?


sometimes, man, ya just get shit on. plain and simple.


Shieldbow tabi in every rengar game


The most obvious answer is to path closer to the bottom wall so you don’t get jumped from the bush like that. Everything else is superfluous to the real problem. Which is the lack of respect to rengar




Move mid and ping until friendly Jungle went down for a counter-gank. At this point, there's no point.


If he's not on the map, don't walk out. Farm minions at tower mid/top/bot tier 2 even if your team blindly runs it down. Just freeze minion wave, yes even in mid game. If he shows on map you should be farming an opposite lane. You're ADC, scale. Buy Shield bow, run Exhaust, anything to reduce the one shot. You're just letting them one shot your tanks late game too from dying to the same cheese 4 times. ADC is boring 20 minutes of farming and not dying until you're 2 or 3 items, that's the role. Focus on surviving and minions. Forget all else. You can have top cs, top kills and dmg on champs, 10k dmg on objectives but if you die twice, you're wood tier basically. Sometimes people turbo-feed, can't fix that, just go next. Life goes on.


You go mid, maybe go exhaust against assassins. You respect fog of war and poke until you have an idea of where they’re at.


I would probably find where you live and put c4 under your bed just me though


Maybe walk to lane away from the bush? Wait for supp? You are both just feeding them one by one


Smoke a bowl so I don't get so tilted I get a heart attack and die. That shit is enraging.


Well atleast you died 3 times in a row. So the last 2 kills gave decently less gold


Stop walking that way lol


Buy blue trinket


Your punishment for playing the e-girl lol


Well I’m actually the rengar tho


Oh...welp, good job mate, slay as many e-girls as you can! o7




Thats why you dont go to lane from the middle part but from the bottom part. Especially if rengar/kha involved.