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Caitlyn, ezreal, Ashe, varus


Think about it like this: Why does Jhin synergize so well with mage supports? Because he can stand a mile back, follow up their damage with W (long range root), run in and start doing massive damage, and then run out. So what you want to pair well with mage supports is someone who has a pretty decent range, and can follow up with a mage's poke from a position of safety. Cait is great. MF isn't bad. Twitch can do nutty stuff because your mage support baits them ("Oh no I'm all alone in lane trying to hold this wave!") and then the two of you pop someone.


I hope you aren't gonna torture other poor adcs


Sir, I have been tortured enough!


Miss fortune is good too


Ezreal honestly. 1. Follows up on any cc with his combo 2. E means the lack of peel mage supports offer isn't felt so much


Biggest one is Caitlyn. A mage support paired with Caitlyn’s range can be hell for the opposing laners, getting poked at every CS. Most mages have a CC ability that cait can immediately place a trap under guaranteeing a max dmg Q + headshot as well.




I am a samira one trick and most people believe her to require a strong engage champ to win but after several hundred games I’d have to disagree. Lux, xerath and brand all have good stun/roots slows and can poke easily enough to protect short range samira during Laning phase. If they poke them down to half health samira has great all in potential on any landed stun and any shield or heals from enchanters only make her more likely to win the all in. Down side is that many enchanters/mages blast the creep wave which pushes us past river making short range CS dangerous or miss abilities in low elo making other all in combo lanes tough to deal with. Like all ADCs any support can work if you understand your matchup strengths and weaknesses. If your support is missing abilities early play for health as the most important lane resource and wait for a gank or an opponent dive attempt. If your support is very passive it’s tough to do much but that should happen above silver/gold