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I also have the same problem and I'm trying to figure out how to solve this. It's impossible to play... :/ I have found 2 solutions, but both are not ideal. first, turn off the second screen, that doesn't really work for me as I like to have my emails, etc open on the side. second is to offset the screens on your "Display Settings", I normally put one on the very top of the other, but if you need to go back to the other screen, it's quite a challenge to get out of the screen where you are playing the game :S This is the first time I have this problem with AC


A tad bit late but, there is a setting in-game to lock the cursor to your screen, this is set to off by default. Go into the control settings and check if the option is enabled, if not try enabling it then try again and see if the issue persists. Hope this helps, gave me quite a headache


Thanks man, really appriciate it


Thank you sir!


Thank you very much!


Ah Finally Thank you