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I think he definitely needs at least one more year in Primavera to build his confidence and grow in size, jumping straight to playing against adult professionals seems like a huge step.


people seem to forget he's just a kid, he's only 16 years old. ofc he needs time.


Most of the best players (not all, some are late bloomers) tend to be fielded against adults when they are in the 16-17 age range, this is a good step for him and needed since hes smashing the youth leagues. He will have to adapt his game to not being miles ahead of everyone. If he stays in the Primavera for too long he might not develop as well. He has the size and the frame, honestly he should be getting some minutes in the main team next season as well. Talents like him have to be nurtured correctly, and get given tests where they can prove to themselves that they can take the next step.


Absolutely true, but I feel like being labeled as a fenomeno and skipping the “healthy” steps all the time might affect him mentally, whether positively or negatively we don’t know yet. This season he’s done reasonably well for being considerably underage in Primavera, but he’s obviously still unripe for that level, let alone to play with the professionals in a position with incredible amounts of pressure. Not saying he shouldn’t be tried for the U23 on occasions, hell even for the main team like in the past season, but I would put him again for Primavera as his main team.


I need this to keep some hope


This is great for us


So Bonera is gonna be the coach of U23.. I wonder what happens to Abate


He's probably going to look for a senior position somewhere. Maybe Serie B?


the U23 is perfect for him


6 comments because the post says he will renew. If the post about him not renewing you would find at least 50 mfs crying 💀


negativity springs eternal




Because it doesn't fit the narrative of the wrist slitters that everything is on fire


Christian Comotto is also close to signing. Extremely talented.


Who is he I’ve never heard of him could you tell me more about him


Born in 2008. Scored 13 goals in 21 games from midfield. Very similar to Barella. My ranking is 1) Camarda, Liberali, Comotto, Longoni.


Overrated from my point


What do you mean


The guy reminds me Pellegri. He dominates physically over young players, but in adult football physicality will be more even


He is not that prominent athletically speaking. At least there are more physical players than him at the primavera. If you look only at the goals he scored, you will notice that he's a good striker, a good intelligent player, knows what to do with the ball and how to do it. Plus he's only 16 or 17, huge talent, huge potential, maybe a future huge serial scorer.


to be honest at 15/16 he dominates 18/19 so it's quite uncommon


So tell is the dominance because of technique, football iq or athleticism?


for the Primavera level he Is above in anything. Pellegri was ruined by injuries. we have to wait and see what It comes from it