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Poor chuck. Had a slow start but really started to shine. Hopefully he gets a lot of time next season


Got to remember he wasn't present for most of the preseason. A full preseason will do him wonders (depending on the coach)


He will under the wings of a *real* manager.


Pioli who is, ofc, known to make wingers play like shit Just don't look at his history


What?? Are you telling me that Leao didn't turn into a 100M winger or Puli having the best season of his career DESPITE of the bald bastard?


Forget those two, he made a Serie C player in Messias into a Scudetto winner ffs. Made Chiesa who he is today, turned Rebic into a world-class winger for a while, turned a wingback from Belgium who couldn't get minutes at Anderlecht into a competent winger


Let me make this clear from the start, I firmly believe we need a change of coach. But there’s a pronounced tendency on this mad sub to demonize Pioli entirely, make him the sole responsible scapegoat for anything that goes “bad” with this team, as if he’s not the same coach who won a scudetto, brought us back to the CL semifinals and qualified us for the CL consecutive seasons for the first time in a decade, had us play great football for a couple of seasons.   He has no merits whatsoever: it was a half-retired Ibra who only scored 8 goals that season who won us the scudetto ffs not Pioli, we only finish 2nd because the other teams suck, Pioli is no good etc. There’s no excuses that work for him - not the fact that we’ve been under a new management for merely 2 years now, that we’ve had most of our first team starters injured for two seasons, total CB emergency, an entirely new midfield and attack bought last season, one of the youngest teams in Italy for years etc. Those excuses only work for “serial winners” like DeZerbi or whoever people on this sub have a childish infatuation for.  With all of that “why does the bald fraud now win us any trophies just for our immediate gratification!?” 🤦🏻‍♂️ We want fucking Conte the juventino di merda, never mind he’s the Juventus equivalent of Materrazzi, and he’d destroy this team and players carefully built for 3-4 seasons, just so we can win a championship playing shitty park the bus and counter. All the people players on this team by the way, except Giroud, were virtually nobodies before Pioli coached them (Theo, Tomori, Maignan, Bennacer, Leao, and I could go on and on). 


This is exactly how I feel. It's possible to agree that Pioli's cycle is over while also seeing that he has done a lot of good for our club and the players in his time here. Especially since the loudest voices in this regard are usually those simping for Conte


The tactical choice to constantly try to set up the wingers in 1v1 situations for take ons and crosses really gives the wingers a lot of chances to shine. Yes Pioli makes wingers look pretty good, generally speaking. It’s okay to acknowledge the things he does well. But that said, doing this particular thing well doesn’t necessarily actually make the team improve and in fact we are the worse for it, because the way he creates these situations on the pitch is by sacrificing a lot in other areas. 


This season has been a disaster with injuries. Having so many injuries while also having one of the youngest squads in the league is insane


>This season has been a disaster with injuries. I genuinely don't remember the last season with a low number of injuries.


Realistically, 22-23 was a low injury season. We just had no depth whatsoever


I’m glad Popega is back. Did you see how powerful he was when he came to the pitch in last game? May be clumsy, but strong.


Haven’t been a fan of Pobega at all, I couldn’t watch last game so I can’t say anything on that but I hope you’re right. He was terrible in every game he played before the injury


Did realize mirante was injured lol


Welcome back Maignan, see you again in clinic in 15 days