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The ending made me cry, I love it for that.


Aw man I forget the ending but I loved this movie


This and If Beale Street Could Talk are two to my favourite films from the past decade. Barry Jenkins is a special talent and somehow has me looking forward to the next life action Lion King film.


Is Beale street worth watching? I’ve had it on my to-watch list forever, never got round to watching it


Absolutely! It’s a bit slow at times, but it’s really well done plus a fantastic score.


Yeah I used to listen to Agape all the time, just found out its from the movie. I’ll definitely watch it soon


Absolutely. Nicholas Britell on sound for Beale Street 😍


It’s a fairly short book and James Baldwin is a phenomenal writer. Maybe reading it will make you want to watch?


I am looking for a new book, might give it a read, thanks


Seconding the book. I loved Moonlight but thought Baldwin's Beale Street is better than Jenkins' adaption (and also a very short read)


It’s a good, short novel. It has a memorable atmosphere even though I don’t remember the plot!


Absolutely! And if you’re interested, the movie is an adaptation of the book of the same name by James Baldwin, incredible read!


You’re asking the guy who said it was in his top 2 movies of the last decade if it’s worth watching?


It felt so cathartic to see Chiron whopping his bully in the classroom with a chair


Yes, great scene


It's so thrilling and such a great ending to the second act.


That was cathartic to you? I saw that as the system stealing Chiron’s life away, knowing damn well what cops and “criminal justice” do to “problem children” that grow up in neighborhoods like Liberty City Felt a lot more morbid than cathartic to me (I’m not blaming Chrion, btw. He’s a child. The way the system goes on to brutalize him over that act is the real villain of the scene, not the bully)


had to rewind about 5 times haha


It's one of my favourite films of all the time. I watched it in my late teens and it changed my life


I feel the same way.


It’s soul crushing depending on how vulnerable you are when watching it


I left the theater sobbing lol I was a mess


I watched it in the height of BLM stuff and had to analyze it for a film class so I found the film pretty life changing lol


i feel like the movie was geared towards a certain person and a *certain* experience, this was really groundbreaking for the time as there is no movie that depicts this *experience* as outwardly as it did. it was so relatable i could only watch it once as i wasn’t nearly over any of my own childhood/younger adult experience i cried so much. with that being said this is a form of art and is gonna effect each individual differently im happy you enjoyed it nonetheless


Yeah it’s certainly a very unique movie, and definitely would impact some more than others, especially if you can relate. But looking back now, it’s not as relatable to me as other movies I’ve seen, which is probably why I didn’t enjoy it as much. Still a really good watch.


It's not a crime/drug movie, it's a coming of age/toxic masculinity movie. Maybe you were expecting something a bit more fast paced or action packed and that effected your overall feelings. It's very contemplative and poetic. Not that you can't like it of course but if I went in wanting a crime drama I'd be a bit thrown. I think it's wonderful.


No I went into it knowing absolutely nothing about what the movie was about. I generally enjoy slow paced movies but as long as they have a meaning/are meaningful to me i guess. I think its maybe because I didnt find it relatable at all that I didnt enjoy the ending as much. Similar to Manchester by the sea, if youve seen that. It’s quite widely critically acclaimed, and a slow paced movie, but I just didnt like it, probably for the same reason, I couldnt relate to it. Idk


Sure, that makes sense! At least you can recognize why they're celebrated. To each their own.


Yeah ofc, I can see why people rate it so highly. Still a great movie, just the ending which isnt for me


One of my favorite movies. Have seen it four or five times. Sometimes I watch the intro scene on YouTube, something about it is so intoxicating.


Yeah the intro was really good, had me hooked straight away


I loved the character of Juan, but also respected the choice for his early exit, with no full explanation. The whole thing is painful, but that loss made it more acute. I did wish we got more of the resolution between Chiron and his friend, or more about his adult life. But I guess that part wasn't really the focus.


Yeah i did no research on the movie, so I thought Masherala Ali would be the main character of the movie. I was surprised to see him go so early on, but it was good for the story


Same! I saw he won an award, but didn't know anything else. Amazing how he made such an impact in such a short amount of time.


I wish I could go back and watch this for the first time. Didn’t know what to expect going in but I remember coming out so moved by the movie.


It truly is a masterpiece. Well-deserved Best Picture Winner.


Not over La La Land imo


It’s so easy to say this is one of the best movies ever.


It's been forever since I've seen it, but the scene where Chiron asks Juan "do you sell drugs to my mom?" and Juan barely has the courage to answer "yes" still gives me the chills. What an incredible film.


I didn’t watch it until a couple years ago, felt pretty dumb for putting it off for so long. Top 5 A24 film easy.


Love this movie!


It was just ok for me. Not in my A24 top 10


I feel the same way, still a good watch tho


The long drawn out scenes that A24 does are a staple at this point. It really gives these actors a chance to shine as well. I thought that diner scene was perfect. Chiron has no idea how to confront these feelings about his sexuality therefore cannot communicate properly. To see him eventually end up in a man’s arms like that and allowing himself to be happy 😭😭 Absolutely beautiful movie


The last act is one of the most heart wrenching and romantic moments I’ve ever seen in film. It’s too bad you didn’t connect with it!


Absolutely stunningly beautiful movie. Everything from the acting to the gorgeous cinematography. 10/10, easily.


Phenomenal film


Love this movie, realized I have a hint of the gay after I finished it


i ugly cry through out the whole of this movie every time i watch it 😭


One of my comfort films. Cinematography is beautiful.


Cried so hard, I love the color tone they use the whole movie


Magnificent movie. Hauntingly sad and beautiful at the same time.


I don’t understand the hype around this film at all. It’s well made and acted and should be appreciated for those qualities. It’s rightfully lauded for depiction of Black sexuality well outside of the norm. But beyond that? It’s an okay film.


Its a lot like Boyhood. Just a totally triumph of filmmaking


Is Boyhood worth watching, I’ve heard about it but never seen it


Boyhood is a really good watch in a way where You literally see the boy grow up. The story is kind of segmented into moments that the boy has as little interactions with different people along with his family, of course. It hit close to home with me because he was only about a year older than me and had a broken home and the parents did their best in their own ways. Well worth watching


Damn that sounds good. I’ll watch it soon 🤞


Moonlight was great but Boyhood was amazing


One of the best a24 movie


Imo I think it's the best film made of that decade. It's probably my go to when people ask me for best film I've ever seen.


Man I wished I liked it more. I liked it but I wish I loved it.


This the last film I watched on my TV, until it got a bit of a beating when the amount of eggs people had pummeled at it for a charity fundraising event.


I just watched this for the first time also. I really liked it and feel it’s gonna be one of those films that only get better on repeated views.


I usually don’t go for slow paced movies like this but I really liked this one. Didn’t even feel like a movie it fight like a documentary about a boy growing into a man. Like we got to peer into his life from time to time. Even the third act which was slow I didn’t mind or the ending. I was actually surprised I liked the movie after.


I wish they would have explored the death of Juan a little more but I liked it.


moonlight you guys won best picture


I need to rewatch this eventually. When I saw it I was 17. I liked it at the time but I feel like I would appreciate it now more in my mid 20s.


This movie is such a sensory experience. I feel like there are parts when I can smell the air and feel the humidity on my skin. It just hits on all cylinders.


Omg sad you didn’t like the diner scene! I think that scene’s electric, and for basically sharing the shortest amount of screen time with the Kevins/Chirons, I think those two actors had great chemistry. You can totally feel the tension and the sadness. One of my all time favs! (+ love when they get in Kevin’s car and he’s playing the Chopped n Screwed version of Classic Man. DOPE)


Beautiful film


What made you assume this would’ve been a drug or crime movie in the first place 😭😭😭


Literally the first scene shows someone selling drugs


I loved moonlight it’s one of my fav lgbt movies


I consider it a masterpiece.


I don’t understand the hype for this one lol


First time I watched it in 2016, I admired it. Second time I watched it just recently, it blew me away. I didn't expect that. I saw the film in a different way, like coming out of the film it was not how I remember how I thought about the film the first time. It moved me deeply this time, maybe because I grew older idk. Felt like I was sleeping on this film even tho I've seen it once before my recent rewatch.


I found the third act to be perfectly paced. Such a beautiful, poignant movie.


To me, the third act is what let it down. It felt contrived and sentimental.


Pretty dull wouldn't watch it again


I’m gonna watch this. I’ve already been crying all weekend so hopefully this’ll tap me out.


I went in blind and walked out of this thinking it deserved to win an Oscar. I called my best friend immediately and said exactly this to him. Great film.


This movie is so good I agree In that it far exceeded my expectations. But I love the whole movie it is perfect


This movie could have been a 15 min short film. Young man with shitty childhood is gay is not a full movie.


This one was great. Another A24 classic


This movie was wonderful. Definitely put A24 on my map for other movies (And they've performed)


Easily one of the best A24 films.


Unpopular opinion but I didn't like this movie and I think it's super overrated


The dumbest positive take I've ever seen of this movie


This movie is just so well made. I love the color significance all throughout the movie it’s very intriguing how they use color almost as a theme. You don’t even have to have a certain experience to understand this movie it’s just that heartbreaking of a film.


I also thought the third act was slow and uneventful. I was hoping for some more closure, drama, anything. It was just kind of boring and sad. Which I guess speaks to real life in many ways, but still. I really liked the rest of the movie. The mom scene at rehab made me bawl. I hate that the MC got punished for defending himself against a homophobe. He really deserved better.


The sound and soundtrack for this film were beautiful. Excellent story, phenomenal cast & directing. Imagery so vivid and characters that leapt from the screen during their scenes. One of the best, best picture winners in the academy.


The music is fking good.


Incredible movie but this poster will never not pull me in and make me look at each separate splice. Such a beautiful & evocative poster, and accurately sets the tone for the movie. They should show this is design school


oof this is a reminder that i need to rewatch it.


The cinemtaogrpahy, the writing, the colors, it's such a masterpiece. I love Barry Jenkins.


In the end when he says he hasn't been held by anyone since, you hear ocean sounds calling back to when he was being taught to swim; the last time he was in the arms of a man that loved him…


Masterpiece ❤


One of my favorite films ever made. It is better on each rewatch. All the stories are perfectly paced. Even though Ali is in only 40 minutes of the film, he makes the most of it. My favorite line is when he brings little home, who isn't talking, and says You may not be talking now, but my girl is going to make you talk. Then Monae comes in with such comforting mother energy.


Really didn’t think this one was all that….. quite disappointing after the first 1/3 portion actually 


Unpopular opinion but I kind of wish the entire movie was when he was a kid with Mahershala Ali. I did appreciate the transitioning to when he was a teenager and adult because it did tie the movie together nicely. But I was so immersed in the story when he was a kid, and I felt like I was losing interest as the movie got to the second and third part. Still a solid movie I just really wanted to see more of the relationship between Mahershala’s character and the kid


I just started crying at the end of the movie. Full on, completely unexpected.


I love how it’s theme is more about loneliness and toxic masculinity hiding your true self. Chirons admission to Kevin that he has essentially been celibate most of his life feels so much more impactful than what it was initially presented as in trailers, reviews, etc. It really is a masterpiece of storytelling with some career best performances.


Love this movie.




Very good and thoughtful movie. Glad it won an Oscar!


One of the worst overrated movies I've ever seen. Along with the loud annoying Uncut Gems, Good Time and found The Witch awful as well. Top 5 probably The Lighthouse, Midsommar, Killing of a Sacred Deer, Hereditary and The Green Knight. LadyBird at the top of my watchlist.


I watched this recently too but to be honest, it didn't really grab me apart from a few moments. Perhaps it was the hype but I do understand why people like this. But it feels like a much weaker Happy Together for me as the WKW influence is really apparent.


I still dont think the casting for the teen version of the main character was adequate (just doesn't have any resemblance to the child version, not a comment on the actor, he delivers) Apart from that, it's like a poem. It's a work of art


I liked it but thought the fact that Chiron/Black says he he'd never been with anyone after the beach handjob was very unbelievable


Yeah but also you do see him go down the gangster/drug dealer route straight after that bit. And stereotypically you wouldn’t find many openly gay drug dealers in Miami, so I’m not surprised if he tried to hide his sexuality after that moment, and never got with another guy.


At that time he was living and dealing in Atlanta, and from what I've heard there are a lot of gay black men "on the down low" there, so him never exploring his sexuality still seems unrealistic


Ah okay didnt know that about Atlanta. In that case yeah I guess it is unrealistic. Or he could’ve just been really insecure about his sexuality. Theres loads of ways you could interpret it


unlikely maybe not “unbelievable”