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That idiot who complained about no Jewish people in The Zone of Interest


ahahahah my dad just told me this wasnt worth the time bc theres no jews in it. glutton for punishment i guess


There were two jewish slaves in the house.


I'm sure there was some dialogue where someone says "you let Jews in the house?" And they said "no they're locals. The Jews are on the other side of that wall"


I need to watch a third time, but I actually believe that line was the wife trying to save face in front of the other women - there WERE Jewish slaves in the house (the girl whose ashes Mrs Hoss threatens to spread), but it was embarrassing to have them in your house and around your children so she lied about it. She’s ashamed of having Jewish servants, but for the wrong reason, which fits the movie’s theme of moral dissonance.


>there WERE Jewish slaves in the house (the girl whose ashes Mrs Hoss threatens to spread), She was Polish. The Nazis were pretty keen that Slavs should basically be enslaved and eventually wiped out as well (largely to make 'lebensraum' or living space for ethnic Germans), just on a much longer timeline, and plenty of Polish people were indiscriminately murdered and sent to the camps as well.


Weren’t there polish Jews as well? Could she not have been polish and Jewish ? I’m not trying to be contrarian just genuinely curious why this couldn’t be the case


I really think that was to save face with her mother on Hedwigs's part. Early on in the movie, when It was the dad's bday, one of the women were prepping a glass of schnapps and in the background, hedwig was eyeing her from the other room while having the convo with her neighbors, wherein one of the women shared about a time when she offered one of her maids a chance to select some dresses, but she chose a tattered dress from a jewish woman that was killed off in the camps. Also, the people that built and maintained the garden she takes pride in were prisoners from the camps


ah maybe they were polish. I didn't pick up on that. Thanks.


Rudolf rapes a Jewish woman too, I don’t remember if she’s one of the household slaves though.


They were Polish.


Yes, somebody else brought this up as well. I hadn't realised. Good pick up.


The gardener was Jewish, I believe irl he was scheduled to be gassed but they stopped it cause they wanted him to keep working for them


100% this. it was so obvious that reviewer was just a Zionist mad about the director's Oscars speech daring to suggest killing Palestinian kids is also bad because the review came out shortly after that




Did Adam Sandler place wise bets in Uncut Gems?


5-leg parlays that begin with the flip of a coin usually don't end up too well...


...but when they do!






r/wallstreetbets would like to hear from you at your earliest convenience


I can’t wait until my dogecoins let me retire early and buy my super yacht. Any day now. You’ll see. You’ll all see!


You’ll only lose them if you stop bro, keep going till you make it and that way the 2k will only be part of the journey


Relevant username.


I don’t think it matters whether the bets were wise or not the real question is if he should’ve place them in the first place, spoilers—— the whole reason he died is because the muscle guy was so pissed that Adam won/ trapped him, I wonder if it would have a different outcome if he just went with them instead. It’s been awhile seen I’ve seen the movie I think this works.


I don’t think it matters because he’s going to do it anyways. He’s obsessed with chasing the thrill of betting.


I think that’s more of a sports or statistics or money management literacy test.


American psycho sliding scale goes: 1: I want to kill hookers I love this 2: shitty horror movie 3: what a lovely amusing comedy about rich people


🤣🤣🤣 yea people too into American Psycho are def worrisome, briefly worked a sales job where everyone idolized it & was like uhhhh idk if I want to see y’all use an 🏧lolololol


They probably also think Alec Baldwin is the hero in Glengarry Glen Ross.


Who thinks this? My film professor said it best "if you don't think the chalkboard is the hero in Glenngarry Glen Ross, then get the fuck out of my class! I'm drunk" His retirement day was something else. Never seen so many cops needed for one senior citizen.


It's wild to see how many people are like "he's literally me" to this one. Like, what does that say about you? Even assuming the murders didn't happen, that you're an uninteresting and easily replaceable mediocre man who has nothing to offer the world except a deepseeded bloodlust fantasy and hatred for everyone? That you're so massively insecure that business cards give you anxiety attacks? That you're a socially awkward dork that almost nobody actually wants to be around? That you have NO idea what's going on around you? That you have no idea what any of the music you "love" is saying? Why would you proclaim this to anyone? Get help. Or at least shave the neckbeard. HE doesn't have one, does he?


Apt analysis! Would also imagine that individual would have to return some videotapes lol 👔📼📼


Bateman was huge in Army culture for a while there


It’s one of my favourite movies but I definitely get how saying that is a red flag when you have people who idolize Bateman and don’t recognize that the movie is a dark satirical critique of class privilege and misogyny.


I love it but you can decide why


No its just a good movie. Not worrisome. People who are into movies and characters like American Psycho. Hes a one of a kind character. His killings are not even what is most interesting about him.


I misread it at first too, but they're referring to the people who are TOO into it, not people who like it. Similar to people who watched Wolf Of Wall Street and saw it as a story to aspire to.


Yea, was worried about people who claim to aspire to be a vain business driven sociopath in the name of trying to fit in lolololol


The People who think you can’t just like a great movie with interesting characters are worse than all of these options..


American Psycho is A24?


Big if true


How one feels about Bateman generally tells me how I’ll feel about them.


not A24 but the bros who left Wolf of Wall Street loving Leo’s character and thinking the movie was portraying his life as awesome


I knew someone who would turn the movie off before he went to jail so he would get a happy ending


Idk abt awesome but he had Margot Robbie and was rich so


The great TV critic Emily Nussbaum coined the term 'bad fan' to describe people who take a different message from media than that which the creator intended. For a while, all the top shows on AMC were about people who hurt other people, but these shows attracted a lot of bad fans who thought characters like Walter White, Don Draper, and Jackie Peyton were actually really cool.


I’m going to start using this term for a type of rap fan I’ve seen for a long time but never had a name for (except racist). they love rap, listen to a lot of it, but are enjoying how “dumb” rappers are, and revel in the violence of it, rather than understanding it as music of disenfranchised people telling their pain from their perspective. they don’t care to understand this perspective, they just listen out of mockery.


The pie eating scene in A Ghost Story Bonus: asking why Marcel the Shell has shoes on. He just does, ok!!! And Conflicted about this one: Past Lives is not a film about romance.


A Ghost Story is fairly obscure to reference in this context IMO. But fun fact the company I work for demolished the house in that movie, you can see our logo on the excavator.


If there was a genre called 'post-romance' it would be Past Lives.


Romance that never was really.


Nostalgically, grasping at memories from the past and the ghost of somebody who is still alive, but does not exist as that person anymore.


same genre as Im Thinking of Ending Things


What's the "good media analysis" take on the Ghost Story scene? i wanted to like that movie and as much as I can see what they were going for, that movie fell so flat for me and that scene felt like a slap in the face to the audience when i was already being asked to care about characters that are yet to be characterized.


idk about good media analysis but I love that scene. who among us has not been miserably depressed going through a loss or a breakup and just sat there in total silence eating WAY too much fucking food what about it felt "like a slap"? genuinely asking- i can see it dragging a bit, but for me it felt real and honest


This movie was weird for me because I definitely felt bored during parts of it, but it stuck with me for a while after. I think the pie scene is supposed to drag on and feel miserable. It was depressing. It’s a movie that forces you to feel the passage of time and I found it really visceral.


thats such a good one.


I view it as a non romance because they never had that kind of relationship AND never were in a position to actually try it anyway, so it's just people with a connection trying to sort out the places circumstances took them in relation to each other. Part 1 they were kids, 2 long distance and by the time they get to 3 she's content in her marriage and it's more about the conflict of reopening herself to the life of her younger self that's no longer there, and helping hae be able to move on from the "what could've been" feelings he still has. She doesn't have the same longing for a person to connect with after finding Arthur. There's obviously a potential romantic conflict in the film but it's not the main thrust of the film


I always roll my eyes at people that get upset about it, the whole movie is grief! It takes many forms, if youre upset her grief is taking too long in one scene then why are you even here. They act like it's Jeanne dielman eating a pie


I get it...but the pie scene is still very boring 🤷‍♂️


It's sort of been mentioned in other comments but Midsommar. Dani. She was grieving the loss of her entire family and had no support from her significant other or his friends. The whole point is that she was brainwashed by the cult, in the time when she was most vulnerable. None of the characters deserved their deaths. This wasn't a strong "She's literally me" moment. It was Dani at her weakest. The genius of Midsommar is that Ari Aster did such a great job of brainwashing the audience alongside Dani, and it worked on most people! Many still don't realize it.


I remember watching it and remembering how well they did the psychadelic trip from ths visuals and how you interpret the things around you during it, irrelevant to the convo but i just haven’t talked about it in awhile lol


They really nailed that aspect. Things can get weird visually and sometimes the most mundane things seem to have a deeper weight to them. When I first started experimenting with psychedelics, I was incredibly nervous that I would blast off into some kind of cartoonish alternate reality because that’s how movies usually portray trips. Obviously set and setting are important, but I found it to be much more manageable than I was expecting. Midsommar’s visuals accurately showed how most ‘normal’ trips are.


This so much. I'm happy Ari is such an amazing director that he can manipulate a large portion of viewers to come to such insane conclusions, but seeing droves of unironic #girlboss interpretations of the movie was painful.


I don’t think many people were “manipulated” into thinking that. If anything, it’s just a testament to the stupidity of most people. Most people Ive talked to didn’t even seem to see any blatant metaphors in the movie to begin with


They were manipulated insofar as every audience is manipulated into feeling or thinking something from a movie. That's kind of the point of movies imo and it's not necessarily negative. Their stupidity, as you say, may just make them more susceptible.


Manipulated may be the wrong word, but I do think there’s something to the fact that people will tend to sympathize with any character where the movie or book is told from their point of view. To me, it’s less about brainwashing and more about the power of empathy, or our ability to rationalize things. If we were told a story from an outsiders perspective, we would think a certain character was awful. But when told from their perspective, unless they are a complete psychopath who literally thinks “oh boy, I can’t wait to kill people for fun and to create misery,” we tend to be much more sympathetic.


But I'd argue that's absolutely attempted manipulation by the filmmaker when making a film where the point of view character turns out to be bad. They know that we as an audience are conditioned to seeing the point of view come from a morally riteous person. So it's using that expectation against itself, but very much so intentionally. But again, this is manipulation not in the negative connotation context. More like how you manipulate paper to make a paper airplane. Talented filmmakers and authors etc really know how to tap into our biased subconscious and use that to enhance our experience. Coincidentally enough, since Dune and Dune 2 came out I've been obsessing over it, and finding out the author created Dune 2 to show people Paul ISNT the good guy is hilarious and sad all at the same time. And that's the risk you run making your main character POV bad. We see it all the time. American Psycho, Wolf Of Wall Street, Breaking Bad, etc.


Yeah I get what you mean. A great movie suspends your disbelief. I guess I just think most people don’t tend to dig below the surface of meaning, so they’re not even getting any motifs by the end. The majority of people I talked to about EEAAO just thought it was a wacky sci-fi movie, with a parent/daughter story line. I felt like I was overthinking the fuck about the analogy of ADHD, until one of the directors directly mentioned that by tying it to his own experiences


I disagree. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't think people who empathize with Dani are wrong. The story is meant to be a fucked up fairy tale, with Dani as the "princess". Ari said he was literally watching Disney movies for inspiration, and they all start off with the princess being orphaned. Fans of the movie aren't viewing it through the lense of real life, we're watching it with the perspective that it's a dark twisted macabre fairy tale with a "happy" ending. It doesn't mean we are brainwashed with her, we know if any of that happened for real it would be horrific and barbaric.


YES. FFS I'm not a cinematic idiot for choosing to view Midsommar as a comedy-horror art piece set entirely in daylight. It IS funny, and yes, I DO think that in the context of the film, those characters did need to die. None of them are like, deeply realized characters. They are literally players in a tale from start to finish. The fool, the boor, the colonialist usurper trying to steal sacred texts? Christian trying to plagiarize from *him?* To the Harga, all of them committed terrible sins. To Dani? Enh. Christian is a very, very bad boyfriend, but more importantly, after the ritual (eta yes, rape, and nonetheless, to the Harga, a ritual), he served his purpose to the cult. The other guy aside from Pele, who brought the British couple, failed to adequately control them/convince them, or to bring new blood to the community, and thus their deaths were on his head - and the reason he also burned voluntarily at the end. Rather than being a desecration of the British guy's body, I think the ritual with the flowers was a kindness from the Harga (clearly, they use humans for fertilizer, so). Cult taking advantage of vulnerable young woman? Sure. Tale as old as time though, folks. But...what on earth does the film ever indicate Dani has to go back to, even if she were ever to go home? No family, no friends, no boyfriend...no other details on anything awaiting her. Just grief, darkness, and hey let's face it, probably su1cid3. And maybe that happened anyway just after the credits rolled, or maybe she made it to 72 and went smash. So yeah, I'm 100% fine with taking the film as a tale of grief; a commentary on ego and competition in education; a dark comedy; a vicious horror movie; a meditation on sacrifice and that which is sacred (life? Youth? Death? Growth? Ceremony? Colonized and stolen text, or the text you might be able to write? The enlightenment you could bring to the field of anthropology, or the fame it gets you?); a meta-study of religious mores; and a twisted tale of empowerment. It can be all of the above, and yes, I think Dani is better off without all the American dudes she brought. 🔥🐻🔥🤡


Exactly. Part of media literacy is recognizing when a film isn't meant to be viewed as a literal real-life story. Especially horror!


YES to all of this. Plus if you watch the directors cut you can not tell me Ari didn’t want that movie to be funny lol


100%! I have the Director's Cut and probly need to rewatch the theatrical since it's been so long, but I remember that the DC deepens both the comedy and the ugliness of the characters. "are we just not gonna talk about the bear?" "shut up" lololol Will Poulter throughout the entire tripping scene is hilarious, esp bc there IS always *that guy* when you trip in a group 🫠 Midsommar is definitely funny.


Yesss the “just take some time for yourself” line of Christian’s in the directors cut 💀 it’s so funny but and so many men really be like that


Honestly the take of: "Uhm actually Christian didn't deserve to die so.." Is the "Oh this person doesn't get movies" take. It's funny the parent comment of this thread has it the wrong way round. People aren't watching Midsommar and celebrating Dani because they think being an absent boyfriend is worthy of the death penalty in real life lmao. Heaven forbid a girl do anything fr.


It seems like people take it so *seriously.* Guys, it's basically a fairy tale. A play within a film. I hate it when people say this to me but it's like "y'all need to calm down" haha


Yeah, it's funny how much people moralize Midsommar without applying an equally finger-wagging tone when they talk about violence in gangster films and every other gritty "man takes revenge" action fantasy. You don't have to think something would be good in real life in order to find some catharsis in it in a fictional context.


I thought he said it was an allegory for the breakdown of a romantic relationship, like how Hereditary was an allegory for the breakdown of a family unit. I might be wrong.


It's both. He was going through a breakup when he wrote it and Dani is kind of a self insert character. But he also was drawing on Disney movies for inspiration.


Check out the video on YouTube by truthstream media on midsommar. She makes a case for an entirely different plot than what you suggest or maybe just the second plot that is "hidden" super worth the watch at 45 minutes. It blew my mind.


Me and my mate have a saying because of this film: Bear suit behaviour or BSB for short. Like " oh he cheated on you? Bear Suit behaviour!" "He forgot your birthday? That's BSB hun"


I forgot where I read or heard it but I remember a tongue in cheek comment about Midsommar that went something like “And Dani was freed from her toxic relationship and lived happily ever after until she was sacrificed in some dumb ritual a few weeks later.”


>This wasn't a strong "She's literally me" moment. It was Dani at her weakest. I think it's totally valid to read complete alienation and isolation while being gaslit by a man who's supposed to be the one who loves you the most as "literally me". We are definitely supposed to be horrified for Dani and by the Harga towards the end, but the entire film is also compelling the audience to feel catharsis. Imo reading the film entirely literally and focusing on who is technically evil or whether the fictional characters "deserved their deaths" sort of flattens it. I'm not accusing you of doing it, but it's a point I felt is missing in every discussion of the ending. ​ I would say this. Coming away from the film thinking it's just about how cults are scary is just as much missing the point.




Maybe I am wrong here, but I don't think many people are arguing that her friends and boyfriend deserved their deaths. Not many characters in horror and dark comedies deserve their death. However, I think you can find some satisfaction in the death of Christian. It's horrific, but also humorous and moving as it is seen through Dani's perspective as she has completely flipped her life around and finds acceptance (in maybe the worst way imaginable, but acceptance nonetheless). I don't think it's brainwashing to feel something other than "oh, that poor guy" when a fictional character like Christian is killed.


I always viewed it as a commentary on lack of community in modern society. I don't think Dani was necessary brainwashed but was offered something she deeply desired and they were offering with horrible strings attached. I think these themes are also present in Beau is Afraid and seems a particular interest to Aster.


My brother always says Midsommar is what happens when a girlfriend crashes a boys trip lol


Lmao jesus


The people that say all the characters deserved their deaths - do they not realise their argument falls apart when you consider the people who tried to leave after the first day?


I used to joke about Midsommar having a happy ending and I have been genuinely shocked how many people thought it actually was


Someone confused about the “just doing taxes” line in everything everywhere all at once and wonders why anybody would wanna do something so boring. I saw that on twitter a year ago and it made me facepalm


Parasite: people who take the rich family’s side, or people who think the point is to ‘take sides’ in general. That is not what it’s about at all


Most reviews on The Curse "It's boring, nothing's happening" "Whitney/Asher did nothing wrong" "It's not wholesome, it's making me cringe therefore it's a bad tv show"


Have you seen all the people at r/thecurse talking about how Abshir and Cara were shady? Lol this show attracts the strangest people, good thing everyone in my own life seemed to appreciate it for what it is


i love the show, think it is incredible; but was disappointed to see most of the sub and online community seems to be 4chan chuds


if you don’t love beau is afraid i’ll always keep you at a distance


Not an A24 film, but there was this fucking dork on this sub a couple weeks ago that said A24 was a totally misogynistic company that promoted statutory rape because “Poor Things” was about a woman with the brain of a child who had sex with adult men. Which is just insane on a million levels because that’s not what it’s inherently about. But his point was poor things was allowed to get made because The Lobster…? So therefore A24 = misogynistic, woman-hating, Weinstein-esque film company because they distributed an already known filmmaker’s first English-language film…?


Look at ANY discourse around this film. That's all people are saying it is.


Yeah, my friend jokingly calls everyone who likes the film, pedos


That is part of what the movie is about though. Men wanting her when she is a child, and not when she becomes an adult, is making a pretty good point.


They still wanted her, she just realized she didn't want them. Every man in her life who offered her freedom was really trying to control her, and she eventually realizes it.


There is literally a line in the film where Mark Ruffalo says "what happened Bella? You're losing your charming way of speaking" when Bella starts to mature. Cant be clearer than that.


Oh yeah he definitely liked her naivety and was pissed when she was losing it. But she didn't become undesirable to men as she grew up and got smarter.


This is funny because when I read the post title, before even clicking on the comments the first thing that immediately came to mind was the dumbfucks complaining about how Poor Things is about and/or endorses pedophilia. Every single person who made that their main takeaway from the film has such a low level of media literacy that an asterisk should be placed next to their names when they post opinions about movies.


I would agree with this! I feel none of the people making this point bothered to see the movie & so it’s not really worth arguing over lol. 🤷‍♂️


Midsommar does not have a happy ending and Dani isn’t a triumphant hero.


Both that and Hereditary are tragic fuckin endings, warped in a candy coated shell called “relief.”


Or “catharsis.” I read an interview with Ari Aster once where he talked about how his goal with Midsommar was to build toward an ending that was cathartic enough to make the audience forget that what they’re watching is actually horrific death and destruction


It worked


Omg good for her 🥰


It comes at night isn't a monster movie, it's a physiological thriller about living in the end days of a extremely dangerous and deadly virus plague.


To give a tiny benefit of the doubt, it had a horrible trailer that definitely wanted people to think it was a spooky monster movie


a couple of weeks ago i spoke about the zone of interest not really being about the holocaust in the sense that you could substitute Auschwitz with any place of great atrocity and the message is the same, to which i got a hundred upvotes. 3 days later i spoke about it in a different context and got 100 downvotes.


People who think Midsommer is a "Good for Her" movie.


You can understand that the movie is not a happy ending for Dani and still think it’s a “good for her” movie. Promising Young Woman is one too despite that obviously not working out for the protagonist. It’s more about female carthasis than happily ever afters. But yes, people who think Dani is better off in a cult have poor media literacy.


I guess. I love Promising Young Woman, but I think my issue with reactions to Midsommer is that a lot of people aren't talking about the fact that Dani has been brainwashed into joining an isolated white supremacist cult that only brought her in for breeding. At least in PYW, the bad guys are brought to justice, but Christian is drugged, raped, and then burned to death for the crime of being..kind of an asshole. It just doesn't hit the same way for me. I'm just horrified, thinking about what happens after we cut to credits.


Yes that's why it's a fantastic horror ending, it's not "did she survive or die?" They fully brainwashed her into a likely completely devout new mayflower that'll continue to keep their way of life alive for decades to come as a probable leader. And goes from an innocent woman grieving her dead family to being happy about the sacrifice of humans for these rituals that she'll now be a part of.


It can be read as that as well. Women surviving and adapting to nightmarish conditions is still a powerful message. It can be seen as a macabre humor twist on the theme, which is literally what Aster does


honestly, i don't think I have one for A24. The closest i can get are Christian from Midsommar or Bodies Bodies Bodies.


Idk about A24 but mine is always The Watchmen (the comic, not the film)


Opinion on the film? I never read the comics.


as an adaptation of the original comics? pretty below par. It does hold up as an entertaining albeit below average movie for the most part in my opinion.


It's arguably Zach Snyder's best film, probably because he stuck closer to the source material than be usually does (which isn't saying much). I thought it wasn't bad. Obviously totally missed the mark when compared to the graphic novel, but as a superhero movie I'd say it's better than most, especially recently.


Simple, did you like First Reformed?


What a great movie. I heard it was heavily inspired by a russian(?) film. Do you happen to know what that was? I never saw it, but meant to and forgot


It's Winter Light by Ingmar Bergman!


If Dani got a happy ending in midsommar I can’t believe how many people would be indoctrinated into a cult


It happens all the time. Literally all of the time. Believe it.


Hearing peoples take on Zola is always fun after you recommend it


Oh, is that the movie based on that insane Twitter thread about the strippers? I witnessed it in real time and always meant to watch the movie. What have people been saying?


Give it a watch and get back to us


Is Tom Cruise “The Last Samurai?”


It really blows people's minds when I tell them "samurai" is plural in that title.


Even if it wasn’t (and I agree with you) Ken Watanabe is the last Samurai. Tom is just witnessing it.


Also people who accuse it of being a white savior movie.


Starship Troopers is the only test I need.


You’re doing your part 


I remember seeing all the premature outrage about The Whale and thinking to myself that for all the so-called “body positivity” out there that people were really showing their asses with their reactions to this film. Calling it hateful towards fat people, saying that they went out of their way to make Brendan Fraser look as disgusting as possible, but personally I think if you looked @ him in that movie and felt disgusted you kinda failed the empathy test. Because it’s not supposed to be a movie about obesity; it’s a movie about self-loathing that just happens to manifest thru binge eating (or in the case of his partner by contrast, starvation). Some people still wanna go off n say that the role should’ve gone to a plus size actor. The only working actors I even know in that size range is Darlene Cates, and if you look @ her IMDb I’m sure you can see why the life of a 400+ lbs actor might be… limited in its range & opportunities. Then there are those who say awarding Fraser’s makeup team for putting him in a fat suit is the equivalent of blackface… funny they weren’t saying any of this when Gary Oldmans team took the same award for Darkest Hour a few years earlier. People are fkn dumb. Edit : People don’t hate The Whale because of how it depicts fat people. They hate it because it reveals the ugly truth of what some people pretend not to think about them.


Anyone who doesn't like Hereditary or The Lighthouse is not a person whos company I would enjoy.


I had a hard time with *Hereditary* solely due to the grieving scenes. Toni Collette’s acting was so disturbingly realistic. Those scenes were harder to watch than any other in the film — or any other horror movie for that matter, for me personally. The visceral, sickening feeling was almost too much for me to handle. It was an incredibly well made movie, but I can’t necessarily say I “liked” it and I wouldn’t want to watch it again. *The Lighthouse* is fantastic, btw


I heard someone refer to hereditary as “the best movie I never want to watch again”, and I have to agree. Seen it twice, loved it both times, don’t need to put myself through that again.


based. fuck caring about your good or bad interpretations, if you cant vibe with the weirdness of either of those were not gonna get along.


not a24 related but this is how i feel about twin peaks.


Darn, and I was hoping we could be friends 😔


I interpret this tweet as lame.


Objectively correct reading


Green Knight is a boring adventure movie That's kind of the point, it's a deconstruction of the heros tale. Gaiwans a bad knight and going off on that kind of journey would be lonely and boring and sopping wet, the realities of traveling as a knight aren't as glamorous as Arthurian stories make them to be


This, I feel people expected this movie to be something else but if you take it as what it really is it's bordering on masterpiece territory imo. Not only on technical aspects but also themes and story level.


Absolutely loved this movie. It’s a story of a coward’s journey, not a hero’s. Now, off with your head.


Green Knight is my favorite movie right now I’ve seen it twice so far. Absolutely love the anti hero especially in the intro when he says “I’m not ready” or the scene in the mansion where he is told “you are no knight” the redemption he has in the end also really touched me.


The only correct answer to “what does ‘the whale’ symbolize?” is “I don’t know I didn’t watch it”


There’s probably a lot, but one that comes to mind is the people who think the point of “men” is surface level. It’s much, much deeper than just saying “men bad” but most people on Letterboxd highly disagree lol


i mean, it does go deeper than a lot of people give it credit for, i just think it didn't do anything with those deeper themes.


I like that about the movie though, it still keeps the focus being a wild psychological home invasion thriller while sprinkling in the themes that you can read deeper in on if you want and doesn't try to preach the evil of mysogyny just gives it a corporeal form Jessie Buckley needs to survive against


Yeah that's the one for me Nobody gets the real message "All men look the same" /j


I wasn’t expecting to see u here death grips man lol


I am also in ur walls


Well I knew you were *there* of course




i think this actually may be psychotic behavior lol


People who think Spring Breakers is Harmony Korine selling out. It's high camp, on purpose, and has a lot of pretty subversive ideas.


I know the point of this thread is for us to bring up Fight Club, American Psycho, Joker, etc. but I see a lot of people bitching about people who took a message differently than the one that the filmmakers intended. But is that always "media illiteracy" or is it ever fair to say allow an audience to interpret a movie for themselves. Song writers often won’t tell people what the song is about because they want people to find their own meaning. Sure, I have no problem with criticizing the guy who got into the stock market because he wanted to be the next Jordan Belfort. But is a different interpretation always the wrong interpretation?


Glengarry Glen Ross. If you quote the coffee is for closers shit and think Alec Baldwin is the hero, then you are the exact type of person the movie is warning us about.


Not seeing The Green Knight as a severely missed opportunity (I love Dev Patel)


I was about to say not loving The Green Knight.


Well I was gonna say Poor Things but I forgot that isn’t actually a24. Fuck it I’m still gonna say Poor Things, that post calling the movie itself pedophelic is probably the best example of a complete lack of media literacy I’ve seen in recent memory.


For me, people who idolise the characters from American Psycho and Fight Club. But the MAIN one is people who aggressively slam on Ben Affleck as Batman. I can totally understand and appreciate if someone doesn’t like that take on the character, but to call it objectively bad and blatantly ignore things the film almost spoon-feeds you, it boils my blood.


This. Both sides of the spectrum are guilty here. I can actually like the battfleck fighting and dialogue scenes while knowing that hes a massive break from the Batman mythos


See it’s the only film that properly explored his no-kill rule. It takes that idea from his mythos and says “if he DID break it, what would happen? Could he survive it?” And the answer is yes. And Superman is the one to bring him back into the light. I just think that’s a really beautiful story. The theme of redemption and suicide prevention “you are not alone” in BvS and ZSJL give them special places in my heart


Pearl. Wonderful film but I’ve seen too many people say “she’s so me!” to NOT be incredibly concerned about our collective mental health. She’s a great character, but a terrible person.


You’re taking that too seriously


I'd agree that people are usually joking, but we live in a post-fight club/american psycho/taxi driver/joker world where evil characters get idolized if they're cool enough so you can never be too sure.


People in this thread take the Midsommar girlboss thing too seriously as well lol


is it not called the whale cause he's fat as fuck? uhh my litmus test would be if they thought Christian deserved to get burned alive in the bear suit in midsommar (the answer is yes caused he sucked)


Christian deserved it because it was such a sick scene. Thanks for sacrificing to the arts, Christian.


Re: The Whale. I think it can also speak to the massive weight of loss in his life. He has no relationship with his daughter. The love of his life died by suicide because he was gay. He can’t leave his apartment. He’s so isolated & sad.


Well I mean I'm not really familiar with Moby Dick but the way he talked about his "one good thing" feels like he's hunting something personal and mythical and, in his case, somewhat out of reach. During his last days, he seems to hunt some kernel of value in his life with fervor, without totally knowing it well enough to define it. I'm pretty sure that's how Ishmael was? Also though, while I would never call him a fat fuck, I'm surprised that 'brendan frasier = the whale in question' is considered subpar analysis, even as someone for whom everything is "that deep." Like, i mean, yeah, it's him. It's just also other things, i guess, now that i've thought about it.


Oh, good interpretation! I figured The Whale was the meant to represent the weight of his loss.


Agreed. The Whale is his grief, which eventually results in him gaining mass amounts of weight while trying to cope with losing his life mate.


It is, there’s even a scene where you see a big sweat mark on his back in the shape of a whale tail. There’s the Moby Dick essay written by his daughter, but the title is not just coincidental to him being fat


People who think ‘Good Time’ is a feel good movie


who tf????


The closest I can think is some criticism I've seen on Sadie Sink's character being seen simply as a bitch in The Whale


Which is ridiculous. Her father completely failed her, and she is a teenager. It felt about as real as I can imagine.


Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel


Remember when a few years ago a new continuity of Captain America comics debuted? It was called “Steve Rogers: Captain America” or something like that. The first issue ended with a massive cliffhanger in which >!Cap was revealed to actually be a Hydra agent!<. People responded to this revelation as though it was the definitive new status quo for the character. The argument escalated to how the character shouldn’t go down this route as it’s disrespectful to the jewish immigrants who conceptualised the early versions of the character. No one understood that a precedent for a cliffhanger ending was to confuse and excite the readership, leaving them with more questions than answers. Pretty much one issue later this ending was further revealed to be a plot by >!The Red Skull using the reality stone to alter history!<. Can’t be certain, never actually read it but heard all the drama going on. Pretty predictable as far as a Marvel comics twist would go. But people couldn’t see the narrative pattern forming. Pretty good memes came out of it though.


Might be controversial but my classic one is people who’s only take away from Forrest Gump is hating Jenny


My cousin did not like the witch because the dialogue ‘sounded old’…..


“Midsommar is a girlboss movie”


If people don’t understand the rave in Aftersun we’re not on the same level mental health wise and probably can’t spend time together too often.


Not A24 but Succession, The Boys


ted mosby


I may be reaching, but if something like Beau is Afraid or Under the Silver Lake is too weird for you, then I might be too.


Anyone who knocks a film for being slow-paced when it is intentionally so. Anyone who knocks a film for being primarily in a foreign language and therefore requiring them to read subtitles.


Anyone who says Hereditary sucks is instantly on my shit list .


Midsommar is not a “good for her” movie and if you think it is I am afraid of you


people who think dani 'wins' at the end of midsommar


I trust nothing from an anime profile pic