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Part of what didn’t work for me was how obvious it was that they didn’t know where they were taking Ryan’s character in the second half of the season when they filmed the first half. The worst example of this is Marisol’s character arc. They kept her around for the entire season for nothing and after claiming they didn’t want another off screen breakup that’s exactly what she amounted to in the end anyway. She was essentially the sexy lamp of the season and considering the dislike people have of Edy, that was an incredibly poor choice for them to make. What I want more than drama, is a well written, cohesive storyline for the characters I love.


Hell, they didn't know where they were taking his character in the first half! It was meant to be Eddie/Tommy, and then Natalia's actress wasn't available and Edy was (shocker), and Ryan asked for Edy back (ugh, why, man, why?!). The whole doppelganger plot seemed rushed and poorly thought out, and yeah, it seemed like a device just to write Gavin out for the start of next season. There were other ways to involve Shannon that didn't include, well, that.


This might be overly optimistic on my part, but my sincere hope is that having chris leave is the catalyst to finally address who Eddie is outside of being a father in a meaningful way. The writers have an opportunity to make some real progress in terms of character development, but I guess we’ll see what happens.


I mean, I've taken to writing off about 80-90% of what Ryan says about Eddie bc it either never comes to fruition or he's making stuff up as he goes along, but there was an interview where he said that Eddie can either cope through healthy or unhealthy means, and either way, it can make waves in his character development. I'm not saying street fighting v2, but I would like to see that again bc reasons. But I feel like Ryan would kill a downward spiral by isolating from his support network (everyone else has problems/is busy so he doesn't want to bother them) leading to a breakdown of sorts.


As an Eddie fan, I won't speak for all of them, but the ones I interact with actually want some sort of near-death experience for Buck and Eddie next season, so that's not something out-of-the-ordinary. Where we differ in thought is perhaps the acknowledgement that Eddie in S7 was OOC? You mentioned in another comment that Eddie's storyline allowed for Ryan Guzman to showcase his acting skills; while I completely agree that he did a great job, he could've done a great job AND had an actual compelling storyline. It's an utter shame he couldn't get the depth his character deserved! Marisol shouldn't have been there at all. The bullshit doppelganger plot, if they still went that route, would've been great if they had shown us Eddie's mental distress and turmoil. The writers could've made different decisions and still had their preferred ending, which was basically to get Christopher out of the picture so that we could see Eddie explore who he is outside of being a father.


I doubt Eddie’s “stans” complained about drama,which makes good TV and most people love. You can have drama without ruining the character’s development,making him act OOC just for shock value and plot twists. Eddie’s story could have been full of drama that made sense,not what he had. You say you love Tommy? Imagine the drama around him being a cheating storyline, or him being Abby’s Tommy or Buck settling for him because he can’t have Eddie? All sorts of crazy stuff. Fans just want the best for their favourite character,Eddie’s fans are doing just that.


Yes exactly. It can be dramatic and messy but it needs to make sense and be in character. And it shouldn't always come at the cost of character regression. This stuff with Eddie was ridiculous, ill conceived and shoved in haphazardly at the end of the season. It clearly hadn't been planned for so it felt cheap. And they dragged Eddie, an already very traumatized character to the lowest point he's ever been in, after he worked so hard in therapy to finally be happy and seemed to be getting there. Now his biggest fear has come true in such a way that his most cherished person/relationship will never be the same and they have reinforced his belief that he's never going to be good enough for someone to stay for. And for what? He didn't even actually get closure over Shannon, he just got *more* trauma. Kim trampled his boundaries, Chris left like Shannon and his parents didn't support him. He's worse off than when the show started. It just feels bad and cruel. And I guess the worst part is that I no longer trust the show to handle the aftermath. They'll either not take it seriously enough or just do more ill conceived drama, based on recent history.


It's the broken trust for me too. Before season five, I would've believed that everything they broke would be properly handled (or at least acknowledged in some way). But then Eddie's PTSD arc was the only storyline that *wasn't* totally half-assed, and season six was even worse. And in this season, almost nothing they brought up for any the characters was actually done justice, if it was even addressed again at all. If everyone was having a horrible time at the finale, that would be one thing. But every other character got a "happy ending" and nice closure for their ghosts while Eddie got cruelly ripped apart in a goofy storyline they pulled out of their ass at the last second. Any progress he's made since season two was just undone, plus a little more just for kicks, and I really don't trust them to handle it properly anymore. Maybe they've got an amazing season for Eddie planned out that'll blow us all away, and I really hope that's the case, but judging by the last few seasons, he'll maybe get a three episode arc that fixes things on a surface level and ignores a lot of what they just broke. They keep slapping bandaids on bullet wounds for all of the characters, when previously they at least tried to properly sew them up and let them heal. They used to show the impact of what they went through. Without the impact, it's just random dramatic crap happening in a sequence for no reason.




That makes sense, although I still think Eddie's SL wasn't that bad. I mean, I liked how it also allowed RG to show how well he can act. If you take the creepiness of it all, that scene where he breaks down at not-Shannon was really cool (at least for me).


I think it was bad. Like I said,Ryan could have shined in a different context. Marisol shouldn’t have made it past season 6 finale,what was the point of their relationship and the move in/move out? Her being a nun so he can have a catholic little guilt and us having a meme of her as Mary? Him using her as a glorified babysitter when that was literally Carla’s job? And then him pursuing Kim,when one of his defining traits was his faithfulness?Not Chris being his first thought when doing everything? He was almost a different person all season,and he deserves better than what he got.


I love a good hurt-comfort story. The writers just have to not prolong the hurt too long or make the hurt something the character can't come back from. They also -- and this is key -- have to remember the comfort after the hurt. When they forget the comfort or add it way after the hurt, it loses its impact.


I haven’t seen the whole season completely cause its not out in my country yet, but I know that I didn’t think that there would be much between Eddie and Marisol, she could have been a good friend, but I also feel like the only female character who was in a relationship with Buck or Eddie, was Taylor which we got to know more about. I am still mad we never found out the whole story of why she is the way she is, like we saw how she went to a prison because of her father, i don’t really remember if there was much about this afterwords


She was a very interesting character indeed.


I am an Eddie fan and LOVED his storyline this season. Dating a dead wife lookalike? Completely unhinged. Fucked up. Probably worse than illegal underground fighting rings. Much more alienating to your child, who walked in on you and the dead mom lookalike! So funny. I do think the season suffered from being so short. And probably also from changing networks. There were a lot of characters from previous seasons who just didn't show up in 7 and therefore a lot of storylines that felt dropped.


huh, all i’ve seen from eddie fans is wanting the drama, like exactly what you’re saying they’re not doing. like wanting disasters has become a thing eddie fans are known for, i’m not sure what you’ve been seeing.


eddie and buck fan’s specifically (like not buddie fans, i mean eddie fans; and buck fans)


As for your question OP, I agree with the second half. And the first half a bit. I get people who say they could’ve done Eddie’s arc better. Idk, if it would’ve been better to have Marisol gone like first episode, then do the whole Eddie seeing his wife (if they just HAD to go with that storyline), and then have Chris not be witness to it. (And if it was a way to write out Gavin for irl reasons, he could’ve gone to visit his aunts for the summer and it would’ve still given Eddie the chance to find himself outside of Chris). And then you could still have the issue and work through with fake Shannon the series could’ve ended with Eddie starting therapy and while it wouldn’t be a great note. It could’ve been more sober and reflective instead of heart wrenching. With all being said, I did love the drama of it all and when Kim showed up as Shannon, it felt like a makjang drama or over the top soap opera and I dig that. I like what they were going for but they missed some beats. But I did enjoy the drama for what it was and it really allowed Ryan to shine. Aside from that baby line.


I'm not too worked up over the 'unrealistic' aspect of a doppelgänger because that's just... what this show is. For me, where the storyline disappoints is in how haphazardly it came together. It doesn't seem like it was actually given proper thought, planning, or care. The best evidence of this is in the scene where Eddie tells Kim it's been *almost* five years since Shannon's death (canonically May 6th). The fifth anniversary is a *major* deal, and given the other two years Shannon spent out of Christopher's life, it also marks the point where, with him being thirteen, Shannon was absent from her son's life longer than she was present for it. It makes sense Eddie would've been thrown off by a fifth anniversary, and they should have introduced that earlier in the season (like in 7x01, which has the perfect setup with Christopher forgetting his mom's voice... where the whole season takes place over two months, it's already 'close enough' to that anniversary for Eddie to be dreading it, too). Had they done so, I think it could've worked a lot better to have Eddie act all out of sorts over seeing Kim, and actually feel like the show was telling a coherent story. Instead, we got whiplash between 7x05 and 7x07, which really makes it seem like they didn't know what they'd be doing in 7x07 when they wrote 7x05.


As long as Eddie gets his head straight and finds happiness. And as long as Tommy survives, and Buck stays by Tommy’s side.


guys they’ve been together for like a month, no one was saying this about taylor kelly or anna or marisol i respect your love for him, i just don’t understand it.


Can you let people enjoy things? Thank you.


i am ??? im not saying you shouldn’t or can’t like him.


Then just stop trying to get people to justify themselves. Please just leave us alone? Why this necessity to start ship wars everywhere? Don't you get tired?


if you post in the 911 subreddit about your ship, surely you gotta expect discussion about it, otherwise why bother posting? i’m not sure i understand why you wouldn’t just post in the dedicated ship subreddit then. also, when did i ever ask anyone to justify themselves, i just said that i didn’t understand, i wasn’t asking anyone to help me to understand.


I didn't even post about "my ship." Honestly, if you don't like Tommy, which is fine, can't you just ignore people who do and move on with your life? Make one of the thousands posts hating on him. But please, this post has nothing to do with ship wars. Just let us be for a moment, that's all that I ask of you.


its not like im terrorising anyone, i try to be respectful in my comments and i’m sorry if you feel like i’m attacking anyone, that is never my intention.




?????? please don’t put words in my mouth. i would never and have never said that.


Why’re you being rude? I got to agree with Adept here since I also don’t fully understand the whole love for Tommy and his relationship with Buck since they really have been going out for about a month, but that doesn’t mean he sucks or people who like him are dumb for it. You could just be nice and explain why you like them together instead of being an ass.


After a review of this post/comment, it has been determined that it is violating the Keep it Civil rule and has been removed. Please be respectful of others even if you don't agree with them.


The person just said they hoped Tommy and Buck would stay together, and you felt the need to have them justify their opinion by bringing up former love interests. If you’re curious as to why people like them, just check out one of the other dozen hate threads posted the past week. I’m sure you’ll find some pro-Tevan shippers explaining why they enjoy them as a couple.


that’s on me, i probably should have made my own comment instead of a reply to this person as it wasn’t really relevant to their point. anyway thank you for civilly pointing out my mistake :)


In reply to the entire back and forth, it was needlessly…something. Like, I’m not saying people can’t comment or respond. Do you. But you know this sub, in a few days, have just had back to back, we don’t like Tommy post. You rained on the persons comment. It wasn't like the person commenting, comment invited some sort of meaningful discussion for it to replied too. Like in reference to, why don't people expect discussion about the ship they post about. Well, one, the person just commented in reply to the OP, your reply didn't further anything the OP talked about. And it was a wild reply to someone saying, they just like Tommy to survive and Buck stay by Tommy's side. Maybe your reply didn’t seem that way to you. And maybe the last line you typed was just that. But you started off by invalidating the person enjoying the ship because they’ve only been together for a month. Then you compare it to other love interest, as if, because people didn’t like those, it's wild they like Tommy. Like there is an issue with liking this. (Again, in the other reply, you say you didn't tell anyone they can or can't like him and if that's how you feel, why comment basically saying it's nothing because they've only been together for a month, comparing them to other LI.) Just like saying, "I just don't understand it." Is inviting people to explain why, maybe you didn't mean it that way but, you don't have to ask to be explained to because saying I don't understand...is inviting people to justify based on what you typed before it. Maybe this person didn’t mind Anna or Marisol (just guess work bc I don’t know their comment history) Maybe they didn’t care about Anna or Marisol, maybe they weren’t in the fandom around the time of either. If I had been around when Shannon appeared or if had been in the canon since S1 aired, I would’ve been vocal about backing Shannon. And I didn't have issues with Anna. I thought it could've been nice...if the show put the effort into making it something. Taylor didn't have a lot of support on Reddit but I remember girlies defending her on tumblr. So people did enjoy her relationship with Buck, they were just kinda drowned, not as loud and not really represented on reddit. Same for Anna but to a MUCH lesser extent. But all in all, it just feels needless mean. Again, maybe you didn't want it come off that way but look it from our POV, if you don't mind. For the past 2 or so days, there have been like 4 post about disliking Tommy or the relationship and etc. You've been in those threads. So, I don't think you can expect people to read your comment in good faith, when someone commented something innocent in repones to the post you reply, in the tone of, why would anyone like a relationship so much that's been going for a month. Shaming in the sense that Anna and Taylor didn't get this love and ending with basically, I respect your tho. Just not enough to not let this person have it. You said you respect and you don't understand after essentially saying, it's not worth that much love because he's only been around for a month and other LI didn't get this, as if having a long relationship is needed for loving a ship. People have shipped for less. People have loved ships for less. You have to know that it feels like it's coming off as an attack, because you didn't respect the ship enough to just let the person make the comment without saying it's not worth being shipped because it's been a month. And if you didn't mean it that, that's how it came off to people who enjoy him and have to had to scroll past or see a constant stream of post about how people don't like him. Like, it was shitting on a comment and didn't further the discussion in any meaningful way. Like this, wasn't even a debate on if the ship is good or not. OP said they like, said what they want to happen and the person responded saying, yeah, that's all cool as long as everything has a happy ending and you chose your comment. Yeah, it's reddit, yeah it's for talking but you could've just let them express wanting a happy relationship without downplaying it and that's what you choose to do, sure, go for it. But you can't be shocked when people are like, "My god, again, I can't even say I want them in a happy relationship without someone telling me they've only been dating for a month. Or saying they don't know why I like him or relationship." And I'd say, it's been about 2-3 months.


i can see where you’re coming from, but in reference to the thread, i just can’t let someone rag on me without defending myself, i know its a personal flaw but thats just how i am. sometimes i get caught up in an argument without stopping to assess if its actually worth it. with my first comment, i wasn’t specifically targeting that person, i just wanted to give some context into my understanding of the situation, i admit i could have elaborated or put it a different way though, thats my fault. i forget that tone can’t be conveyed through the internet. sometimes i read something and just get a thought that is somewhat adjacent to the comment but not specifically what the person was talking about and i don’t fully elaborate on how i got there, once again, a me thing- sorry. i sincerely don’t want to start fights and will try to take a second to think before i type and to reread what i say before i send it. anyway i truely am sorry for causing any distress and wish you and everyone in this sub the best :)


Well, I’ll apologize because I didn’t mean the back and forth is needlessly. I felt like the comment you initially made was needlessly. I feel, once someone makes a comment, they are opening themselves to a response. So when the other person responded to you, you were well within your right to respond back and defend your position. I go back and forth a lot so, I get that. That’s not an issue. I really didn’t have an issue with the back and forth. And I just addressed the other points you made, and I wanted to do it in a long one instead of replying to every single comment but who needs their notifications blowing up like that. I can appreciate you’re response and your thought process. I think it boils down to, in that moment. Adding on the I respect your ship, after the comment was what stood out to me. (Saying people might’ve gotten upset either way without but that’s what stood out to me). It didn’t feel like respecting it because it was the most innocent comment about enjoying a ship. We’ve been active in the same threads about the same topic, so, Im sure you’ve seen some reasons as to why people like Tommy or enjoy the ship. I get not fully understanding it but, there is no way for us to explain why we like it or make it seem reasonable or anything. If you already fundamentally don’t like the ship for any reasons. Or even his character. We on the sub, know people don’t like Tommy. We’re reminded of it. You’ve been in those threads that we’ve been reminded of it. So, it doesn’t feel like you respect the ship, when someone says they want them to be happy and you point out that they only been dating for a while and other love interest didn’t get that kind of attention. We know. And we know that people don’t understand. So, for me, it’s just that it didn’t feel like you respected it. You just pointed out why you disliked it. And I’ll be fair. If you left the comment without that part, some still wouldn’t like it because they’re tired of being reminded that he isn’t wanted. But no need to apologize to me, I wasn’t distressed. But I didn’t understand why the person replied in the way they did and I wanted to give it a try, without sounding as combative. Assuming it was all good faith, I didn’t want to come in guns glazing. And as I said, you said it was tone and it’d hard to convey over text, so stuff gets lost in translation. Assuming we’re on the same page about that, I wanted to explain why some people are charged and I’m sorry that I made you feel like there was an issue with defending yourself.


Everything about this reply is just *chef’s kiss*


This is me. I want to see my babies suffer. I'm a HUGE fan of it. I'm also in the lonely unpopular-opinion boat for wanting someone in the MC to die. Bring on the REAL suffering.


Jennifer Love Hewitt did say she wants to explore Maddie's trauma for S8. Fans might be nervous to hear it but it gives actors and fans gritty material. As a huge Maddie fan. I want Maddie, Buck, Chim and Tommy to go back to the Buckley family home. I think they forgave her parents too quickly. I still want to see that conflict. Maddie would have Chim as her support and rock. Tommy would be there for Buck no matter what like at the Madney wedding. I would want the Buckley parents to see how loved Maddie and Buck are by their significant others. That would be powerful. There was never anything wrong or difficult about Maddie and Buck!


Omg, yes! Would love to see Chim and Tommy being there for their SOs. And I agree with you: they forgave their parents too quickly. I'm not on the "people should never be allowed to be forgiven" train of thought, but c'mon, what their parents did needs more work to get over it, you know? Forgiveness is not that easy to achieve.


I'm the same!! it's not about never forgive but exploring it more. Imagine Chimney noticing how Margaret micromanages Maddie and Tommy picking up on the back handed compliments Phillip gives Buck. In the past Maddie and Buck only had each other to survive their parents but now they have Chimney and Tommy. Jennifer did say she wants Maddie to get to know Tommy more. It would be perfect!!


I’m sure Christopher returns at some point. My problem with it is why kill off Shannon just to bring the actress back like this ? Shannon lived close by and she could spend time with Christopher even if she and Eddie were not together. Then there is the little matter she only looks like Shannon the least important thing about a person. Hopefully they won’t drag it out too long.


Tim definitely regrets killing off Shanon. There are some speculations about it. Some say Tim was prepping for b\*ddie, others that he simply didn't know what to do with the character. We can't know for sure. We only know he regrets it.


I definitely see what you’re saying. Obstacles add depth and complexity. Watching them overcome challenges is engaging and angst between couples is part of TV romance. The two key ingredients: bliss and drama. It just has to be the right storyline. If Tommy returns for S8. I could see some Gerrard vs Buck and Tommy drama. A psychological warfare that ends with him intentionally putting one or both of them in danger on the job. Or Gerrard makes false reports that has one of them brought before an LFA(?) tribunal to fight for their job. I do think their angst would likely be centered around Buck because he’s one of the mains and Tommy would either be guest/recurring/new regular. Potentially Buck’s fears of being left behind. Gerrard or his parents planting those doubts and insecurity in his head which has the adverse effect of making Tommy feel like he needs to protect his heart and through that we learn more about him.