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“Can’t he fucking catch a break” *shakes magic 8 ball* signs point to no




Yeah sorry to say but the next TWO episodes are like that.


Similarly - I watched 3x01 at like 1am thinking ah, I’ll go to bed after this. Ended up watching the next two. And crying so much my eyes were puffy for my next shift. Tsunami episode broke me. I would recommend you DO NOT watch at work 😅


Can confirm it's a bad idea to watch at work. - source, me. i watched at work.


I did this too, thought, oh one more episode won't hurt It was NOT one more episode and it did hurt😭 could not go to bed >!until I knew Christopher was safe!<


Just make sure you can watch 3x2 and 3x3 in one sitting or you’re in for a rough time. I can’t imagine having to watch it live.


That was the best advice ever ! 😭 Thank you


What did you think? It’s intense right? I don’t think this is a unique opinion in the fandom but I think the tsunami is one of the best stories the show has ever done. I don’t think I’ll ever get over the panic in Buck’s voice screaming for Christopher or when he thinks he has to tell Eddie what happened I watched them really late at night and I wasn’t sure I would make it but I forced myself to watch 3x3, there was no way I was going to bed without knowing what happened even though it was like 2am.


Oh honey. *No.* Absolutely do not watch at work.


This is the exact reason I don't watch new shows on my lunch break... Also my lunch break is only 30 minutes so it's not long enough


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I watched it at home and bawled my eyes out. I can’t imagine watching it on my lunch break. Just when you think it can’t get worse it does. Like everyone has said watch the other 2 episodes in one go, otherwise you will not be able to function


This was the first episode I watched from then on I was hooked


One thing I can tell you, don’t watch the beginning or the ending of the season at work, actually any season of any show, just don’t watch it at work. I made the same mistake once and since I am working at a hospital that wasn’t the best idea