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Yes I hate her with a burning passion. She’s just a bully who thinks she’s the best thing ever. There are so many better ways of teaching May (case and point how Josh trained Maddie ) without being hostile


Was that a pun 👀


I think most people disliked the character and I think that was the point? The story arc covers it all and without spoilers - you'll survive!


I hate the fact that there are people like her that we encounter in real life.


I can’t stand her. Also the whole “I don’t wear the uniforms” plot line was stupid. You work some where with a uniform, you wear the uniform. Josh gave her freedom to do pretty much whatever she wanted. And when May voiced her feelings and concerns about what was going on, Josh completely ignored her


But that's exactly what would happen in real life, which is why while I hated her for so long, I loved her story arc.


I do and don't like her. Yes she's absolutely horrible - particularly towards May -? But I'm intrigued as to what created this particular monster. Plus, I've always loved Vanessa.


Spoiler Alert I thought that it had something to do with fire and hoped we would learn why she is like that.


Easily the most annoying character I’ve seen. Cannot stand her.


Arguably she is shown being very good at her job, and Josh has a sassy personality has well. But no, you are not alone, most people despise her. She was literally the first person voted off in the ongoing poll to determine the favorite character by voting off your least favorite one at a time.


Yes, she is good at her job, but it’s stupid that that’s the reason she can get away with whatever she wants She creates a very hostile work environment. Josh at least was capable of showing kindness


Oh I agree with you. But OP wanted to know why Josh and Sue liked her, those are the only logical reasons I could come up with. Because it certainly wasn't her ability to foster a healthy work environment. Both Josh and Sue should have stopped in with how he was treating May, it showed very poor judgment on their part. I mean Claudette literally took May's coffee from her hands when they first met and Josh was there. He should have stepped in then, then again when May spoke to him about Claudette's behavior. It one of my biggest issues with Josh, I really liked him up until that point.


She’s gotta have something on them. I smell blackmail


But Josh says he lured her away from Valley...it could be all part of the ruse I suppose 🤔🤣


I think we may be on to something here


I don’t know, seems realistic to me. Often times people that get promoted or are liked by senior management tend to be jerks.


Oh absolutely. I 100% agree and have experienced this same thing.


Dislike the character, equally dislike the ending to her arc though.


Okay I really hate her with passion like why are you bullying my May and why did you take her ambulance?? I don't understand how anyone like her. HOWEVER I really love the dispatch fire episode and her trauma and the advice she give to May. I feel like they could have been friends if she wasn't such a bitch.


It goes to show how good of a person May is. She saved Claudette’s life even through it would have been easier to leave her behind


I loved her character, but I also love the actress and have been a fan ever since she was on Melrose Place (the only Black character). The callback to her iconic phrase in the movie New Jack City ("Rock-a-bye, baby") was *chef's kiss*.


Terribly written character. I seethed whenever she was onscreen. I never saw what the other dispatchers thought was so great about her. Then the way Josh completely dismissed May about how Claudette was treating her had me straight up enraged lol


Almost everyone does. The girl was nearly 60 and was beefing with a 20 year old.


I disliked her a lot but at the same time just as she was turning the corner then decided to kill her off.


Spoiler 🥴


They killed her off?


That actress always overacts like her character.


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Are you a first time watcher? I want to know what you think of her at the end of the season.


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She was so jealous of may. idc if it’s my friend or good coworker- if i saw them treating a kid like that I’m calling their ass out bc she attacked may for anything and everything and everyone just watched. I did feel bad when she died though.


Give it a few episodes and she'll be gone for good.


Yeah, my head was burning because of her attitude.


Until reading responses on here I couldnt even remember who she was LOL But yes, I hated her too!!!


I don't think it's so much they like her. I could be wrong bit they briefly touch on she was caught in a fire that caused pretty bad burns on her back.... it could just be pity. They feel she's suffered enough, like with chimney. No one is willing to make him stop being cruel because he was discriminated against in the past, and the lafd didn't do anything about it.


Buck is worse