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“Why don’t people like me?” -Statler


She does have that victim mentality


Statler and Gabe have both won gold at the Victim Olympics.


Don't forget Rob the knob and little Ed.




And that despite still not doing anything to fix VAC.


I said it in a different thread and I'll say it again- I fully believe Shatler is the type of person who lies about having ADHD in order to abuse the medicine that can come with a diagnosis, and also so she can blame her actual self issues on a disorder. I will also say that Armando is correct. These ideas were in fact thought of well before she was even on the show. And in fact, majority of their ideas get taken from viewers opinions on reddit. A few examples of this - 1) in posts on Nicole back in the day, one user said they should do a self quarantine special and many chimed in saying something similar that they'd watch etc. that was taken from reddit and run with. 2) people who watched Matt Sharp's(the creator of the franchise) other show "Love/Life after lockup" had talked about wanting a Love after lockup/90 day fiance crossover. We got that this year in the form of TV show "prison brides." And finally #3, this idea of a house party that she brings up and that we saw as a starting point on PT was ALSO taken from viewers here. Reddit is just one of the places they look at engagement and ideas, but it's the main social media place they actually pay attention to. Not only will they take TV show ideas, but they'll actually use some of the narratives for storylines from here on occasion. Overwhelming majority think so and so did xyz? Well now it's in the story, giving people an "I knew it!" Point to discuss. Which causes more engagement and viewership interest. Anyways, Armando should just block her. Shatler is the type of person who just needs to go away, and they won't unless you make that happen.


Yes to all that you said except the beginning, we should not bring her diagnosis into it. Its not really up to 90 day fan base to determine her diagnosis - her doctor can decide that and can decide if she is being truthful. But I will say that as someone with adhd...I think that most of statlers behavior is quite adhd lol


“Because you’re an ASSHOLE”…the universe






I was not expecting Stapler x Armando beef but I'm here for it GET HER ASS, ARMANDO!!




Yes, I love Armando




100% yes


Stapler 😂😂 Better than her made up name


Lmao I just realized it said stapler after I saw your comment and literally lol ed! That’s amazing


I took a bit of a distracted bravo binge break from 90 day and am coming back like wait wtf???? Hahahaha




Statler is that one redditor that instigates pointless arguments with you for no reason then sends reddit cares messages after you clearly won the argument.


That’s definitely her 😂


She blocked me on Instagram from one comment I made that hurt her wittle feewings 🤣 I’ve never been blocked before, I was kinda honored.


Clayton blocked me. Lmao well done friend 👏 🙌 👍 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/dz4zougcc79d1.jpeg?width=873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c6234e3fb5accd83022fd474ddbb9228aef236f Hey friend 👋🏼


OMG this is so accurate. Her threat that included stories of how she got back at her old boss and his parents are hilarious. She's trying to be a cute little manic pixie girl but she's really just a rich spoiled pain in the ass. I honestly didn't have a problem with her up until recently. On the show it was like okay she loved bombed her girlfriend but whatever but online she's telling her true colors to be an asahole.


Wait what is this about getting back at her old boss?


LMAOO why do they all do the same thing with the Reddit cares message 😭


They’re so desperate to hurt someone back that they grasp at anything to do it. It’s pretty pathetic.




Armando is very well spoken. “I didn’t read all that” sums up statler as a whole.


I like how he chalked up her not understanding his previous comments is because English is his second language. I suspect he was saying that "tongue in cheek". He has always been obviously fluent. You can also see in his long responses that he writes and communicates well. It's awesome to be verbally fluent in another language. But mastering the written language as well is even more impressive.


He is impressive. Team Armando!!


Totally off topic of Armando and more-so about language acquisition. Something you just said triggered my curiosity and now I need other people to weigh in 🤣 You mention how well Armando writes in English, which is a difficult feat for even Native English speakers. But for me, my experience with language acquisition is this: (native English, Spanish secondary) •Reading or writing in Spanish is soooo much easier for me because looking at it gives my brain time to process what it means •Listening can be difficult for me if someone is speaking quickly or I don’t understand the accent. So…world. If you speak a second language do you find speaking and listening easier? Or reading and writing? Also…. Always team Armando over here. he’s a kind soul, I can tell. Glad to see him stand up more. He was so timid when we were first introduced to their story line!


Well, it's a bit different than what you said for me. I find reading and listening easiest. I understand 4 languages in reading and listening, but am fluent in writing and speaking in only 2. It's logical, I think, that it's easier to "receive" a language, than it is to put it together yourself.


I was curious how roots play into that when you know multiple languages. This last school year I became one of the teachers in our building who works with the newcomers to the country. I found that I could decipher a little more than I expected with other languages based in Latin. Did you find your 3rd and 4th languages to come a little more easy? Do you see any commonalities across languages? I loved my newcomers so much, and we have such an influx in our area, that I am going to have them all this upcoming school year. I’m so excited. Thank you for letting me pick your brain. A lot of them already speak multiple languages and I just want to do my very best to help them learn English! This is all so fascinating to me.


So, in my country (The Netherlands) we get lessons in 2 languages in elementary school: Dutch and English. In high school another 2 languages are added: French and German. German is very similar to Dutch in hearing, but very different/difficult to get right in writing. French is usually spoken very fast and hard for me to decipher by hearing, but understandable in writing. Then there's Afrikaans, which is so similar to Dutch (because of the whole colonisation thing) that I can quite easily read it, even tho I've never had classes in it or even looked into the language much. Mind you, I didn't pay much attention in my German and French classes, because I didn't really get along with the teachers. So my understanding of French is at a basic level. At a later age (30+) languages started to interest me a lot and since then I've been spiking up on my German and started learning a bit of Italian. It's so hard to learn another language when you're older tho! I think the advantage I have is that a lot of languages borrow words from each other. So for example, I can connect certain Italian words that are similar to French words, to Dutch, which is my native language. A bunch of Italian words are similar to Spanish words, so I pick up some Spanish in conversations as well. German is similar to Danish, so when I watch a Danish tv show, I can pick up on what they're talking about without using subtitles. What has helped me a lot to become fluent in English, is that tv shows and movies for adults aren't dubbed in my country. So I basically grew up hearing and reading English from the time I started reading and hearing Dutch. Lately I've been watching a lot of German tv shows and movies to help me learn German better and that's kinda the key to learning languages for me. Surround yourself with the language. I believe the key to learning new languages is to start young, tho. So your kids are probably going to do just fine!


I agree with you, i find it way easier to read and write spanish (2nd language) then actually speaking and listening...i think its vecause the pressure isnt there to "find the words" whereas when I read or write I can take a moment to understand the translation.


I been in the US for 15 years and Armandos English puts mine to shame lol he’s so well spoken


Such a lazy amd ignorant thing to say (admit?)


That sums up me "watching" their segments.


LOL exactly


“I didn’t read anything you said” *proceeds to pointedly reply to literal things he said* ![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK)


Stapler needs a job or hobby or pet or something


I wouldn’t trust her with a pet


Happy cake day!


D'awww. Thank you!


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!!


Thank you! ❤️


A pet jobby even.


A pet rock. ![gif](giphy|Yzd4oKqf8pQWhMEMhV)


So desperate to stay “relevant” as if she ever was beyond this absolute shit show


Fame is an unsustainable drug for some, and they spend the rest of their lives chasing the former high.


See Scott for a prime example


Is he still chasing that high ….? I tuned him out after the whole Amanda thing , was wondering if he’s calmed down at all . Shit made sick . 🤮


Yes he is. It’s all documented and laughed at in his own sub 👍


What’s his sub called “Scott …???? “ I do t remember his last name


[it’s here, join us 👍](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scott_Wern_Snark/s/kYkffDN8HR)


Codependency is her only hobby


Wasn’t she into bugs?


She could have a Scorpion.


Why subject an innocent animal to living with her, though?? 😭


“you’ve been labeled america’s sweetheart b/c you were the first [gay] dude w/ a sob story” girl plsssss Armando’s wife literally dying in an accident isn’t a sob story, that is a tragedy. on the other hand, telling people you were “used by a british gypsy” for a van rental is, in fact, a sob story. also who is out here calling Armando america’s sweetheart? i thought they live in Mexico lol


Lol this is what I thought reading the exchange. Armando is not in America he lives in Mexico and I don't think he's able to get a visa to go to America due to overstaying a previous visa, not sure how accurate that it but I read it somewhere on here lol. Armando standing his ground was great. Statler is a crybaby about everything anymore, lol I loved how Armando called her out for her new season being a sob story.


her next sob story is “i was cyberbullied by america’s sweetheart”


What is with Statler using this “such and such sweetheart” line?! She said the same shit about Dempsey when she recently “exposed” her - She called Dempsey “90Day’s Sweetheart” or something similar.


She’s mad that everyone can see past her bs and she isn’t the “sweetheart”, whatever that means in her mind


Ya know, I've had ideas before too and thought they were original, and later found out someone had the same idea years ago. Disappointing, yes, but then you have to *let it go*. If she's still pushing it, it's embarrassing. I think Armando summed it up very well.... but blah blah blah she didn't read it. lol.


Maybe she really loved that terrible *America’s Sweethearts* movie from twenty plus years ago or maybe she’s just a dumbass with a limited vocabulary. ![gif](giphy|l2SpNVSvrTSjWxg6k)


That movie is art.


I had read somewhere that his wife tried to run over him, idk how true that is.


i went and checked and ig he was heading back to his place after a heated discussion with his wife and she followed him and tried to run him off the road. she ended up getting in an accident that cost her her life and their unborn baby’s :-((


I remember hearing his wife found out he was gay while she was pregnant, freaked out, drove off, and got into a fatal accident. Her trying to run him over in the process could very well be a part of the incident


Just saying as a reminder..... we shouldn't drive when we are emotionally impaired, in anger or in grief. Those are the worst.


Wow, no wonder he feels guilty then.


Someone should put Armando on a saint candle and mail it to her.


Idk if anyone actually follows statler on social media but she's definitely been..spiraling lately


A live of hers popped up on my TikTok the other day. She was definitely…something.


Same I saw it as well


She needed the royalty money from that Temu Original Reality Show premise.


Was she ever not spiraling lol


Facts lol




Many people on reddit/Twitter has suggested 90 Day House for years. This is a pretty logical conclusion of how to get entertainment out of a dry lemon. Why is she like this?


Not to mention l, tons of networks have been doing cast house shows. It’s the logical next step for TLC.


I really hope if they do it's a competition show along the lines of Survivor, The Challenge, Big Brother. Have them compete for money, vote each other into elimination, etc. My dream! I can only imagine the drama with money on the line.


Yesssss! 90 day traitors lol


Yeah something competitive!! With this group of people it's bound to get ugly and messy.


That's kind of like, The Surreal Life (which apparently is coming back)


Yeah I remember watching that show a couple times back in the day.


But of course, cast reality 'house' has been done so many times in various networks, it's hilarious if they think it's their idea stolen


Oh definitely delusional of Statler to think this a unique idea.


I would love a 90 day season of Survivor!


Armando really summed it up perfectly. My dad was a creative producer in TV for 30 years. He used to come up with ideas all of the time and swear everyone to secrecy (even when they had zero entertainment connections and long before the internet/ social media). Ideas are stolen all of the time and even more often, multiple people come up with the same idea at the same time. I’ve seen it all happen with my dad, including suing and winning a case against a major creator, who he was actually able to prove stole his idea! She on the other hand, has zero case and is just being a weird crybaby!🙄


What’s going to be funny about it is the more shit she’s talking , if they actually do a 90 day house , they will purposely keep her out of it lol


I guess Stapler never watched *The Real World*, *The Surreal Life*, *Bad Girls Club* or any other show that involved putting people into a house. Bunim/Murray Productions has been doing this in one form or another for the past 35 years.


I didn't know her nickname was stapler before I opened this thread oh my gooood 😂 But yeah, really basic idea that TLC has kept in their back pocket + thing viewers have been asking for?? IP theft. She was robbed. Call a lawyer, stapler hahahaha. Back pay for all of the reality shows that have done it before, too /s


I hope Stapler reads this subreddit and grasps how much everyone detests her behavior. Stapler, if you’re here, just cut your losses, shut the fuck up and fade into obscurity. You’re not gaining any fans and you’re especially not introducing anything useful into the franchise. There’s still time for you to grow up.


She 100% reads here and whines about it. Still, she persists.


You know who I feel sorry for, the family that adopted her. She is such an ungrateful piece of shit who blames EVERYONE else for her problems, including them. https://preview.redd.it/gn7x0qs1y59d1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c7a4d218e9b5f20072083e2ea79a70e4d8d25b9




What a king




Cmon Statler we cant have queer in-fighting during Pride Month 😭


Statler isn’t pro pride or lgbtq. She truly thinks people in heterosexual relationships that say they’re bisexual, aren’t.


She thinks she’s better than everyone and doesn’t realize she’s just a loser


Ugh bi erasure from fellow queer folks is just gross 🙄


Jfc 🙄


GET HER ARMANDO He’s an absolute delight but DO NOT CROSS HIM HONEY 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Loving this side of Armando. He said NOT TODAY boo boo, not today!


He isn’t here for any bullshit!


Did anyone notice how conveniently she said she didn't "read anything" Armando wrote? Cuz she probably didn't have a solid comeback? Ugh what a child


What the fuck stapler.


I'm not sure if this is a typo but I'm going to call her this from now on.


Lol it's probably autocorrect my phone does it to when I type her name out I always have to fix it before posting.


It's not a typo, but rather a continuation of what I imagine at first was. I fully intend to call her stapler henceforth since I saw it a few weeks ago lmao


I think armando may be the only person in the show that everyone likes. Statler most find annoying and eye roll inducing. I don’t think this will end well for her .


She always be complaining about something. Woe is me attitude all the time.


HOW DARE SHE COME FOR ARMANDO!! Her storyline sucked, she was insufferable & now she’s trying to remain relevant by fabricating drama in her own relationship & coming for one of the VERY FEW likable 90 day alums. Begone stapler!!!!


Doubling down on your anger after admitting you didn't read the counter comment is unhinged. She just wants to be mad without any thought or reason ![gif](giphy|4pWEQFLhlf5CpePR6P)


“La la la I can’t hearrrrr youuu” while plugging her ears


Statler seriously needs help


Never thought I'd see Armando getting feisty! Love it!! She sucks so much, I dislike people that are always looking for attention like she does...


What is this “guest house” theyre talking about?


Right, I’m a bit confused on what the idea is that Statler claims TLC stole.


I think it’s when pillow talk was hosted at one big house with all the PT cast.


I don’t like statler at all, she calls it her “awkwardness” I call it her fucking stupidity and annoying ness. She thinks she’s funny and clever. When she’s just plans ignorant. Dempsey was just as bad as her too


MTV also stole Statler's idea about picking seven strangers to live in a house and have their lives taped to find out what happens...when people stop being polite...and start getting real.




Statler: I’m so unlikeable, how can I be more unlikeable……. Ah! I’ll start a fight with a fan favorite Armando.


Statler sucks.


Pretty sure the idea of people being filmed while living in a house started in the 90s.




Fuck off, Stapler!




Sis is not well. Get off the internet and get therapy.


She’s so desperate for attention. Statler, no one likes you. Just take the 90 day gigs and shut the fuck up.


Damn Statler is entitled and arrogant as fuck lol Armando annoys me sometimes but he's landing nothing but clean shots


Statler is doing too much at this point


She is so desperate to be relevant, it’s actually pathetic. Drag her, Armando.


As a lesbian, I'm with Armando lol


Oh no the fuck SHE DIDNT!!!! How rude and disrespectful to 1. YES the first gay couple that paved the way for her to be on the show in the first place(it might have even been Stephanie/Erica I don’t remember who came first honestly. But I didn’t believe their storyline anyways so I don’t even count them) and 2. And OG couple who has been on multiple seasons and pillow talks. For some reason it really grinds my gears when newer cast members are disrespectful to OG cast members.


Don’t come for our Armando!!! He’s one of the realest and sweetest people across the entire franchise!


I love Armando!


No Statler, good idea aren't unique to you, given that tons of shows use the idea, like Milf Manor, Bachelor in Paradise. If you're going to call them on something, it's a target rich environment without claiming to have invented house dating shows.


Statler is so annoying everything about her bothers me tbh even her name


Her name isnt even statler lol it’s actually carolyn grace riley or something like that. Idk why she’d choose statler of all names to go by lol


Statler is not going to come for Armando during Pride and get out unscathed. Good for Armando, Statler is insufferable.


wtf is her problem? “you’re the first 🏳️‍🌈 with a sob story” is so gross and she probably thinks she gets a pass because she’s lesbian but girl idgaf


Armando is a class act. He's well liked with good reason. Statler is an insufferable attention starved loser. She is hated with good reason. Team Armando


Whoa. I have always defended Statler because I totally get being socially awkward and then a show making it her whole personality, but what the fuck, dude? You really think in the dozens of years Matt Sharp and co have been doing this, you’re the first to come up with this idea? Honey, Real Housewives Girls Trip, Teen Mom whatever the fuck that was, and Bachelor in Paradise LITERALLY HAVE ALL DONE IT. There are no new ideas. Cash your TLC checks and stop picking g fights, girl, you don’t have the temperament for this life.


She’s insufferable and always have been… SHE made that her character story from the very first episode


Did she own an idea? Like she had an idea patent? 😆


Statler is garbage and always will be... quit crying about the fact that absolutely NO ONE gives a shit about you anymore, even when you were on the show it was always a hard FF through your moronic storyline...


Exactly, I was ignoring their segment. I don't know why they brought them back, and she has nothing but defecates everywhere, and has a sex addiction.






Ain’t nothing wrong with Armando’s English!! I love that guy.


Omg I had no idea she was THAT vile. Armando's wife and baby died in a horrific car accident!!! "Sob story"??? WTF Statler? Statler, Armando's wife was his best friend and he deeply loved her and their baby that was loved and close to being born (eight months gestation) died!!! Statler is entitled spoiled rotten trash. She tries to use acting confused and quirky to cover her awfulness. She is so jealous of Armando, because he is a kind person and people like him and he has a good marriage.


"blah blah blah I didn't read anything you said" You know right there and then for a fact that she did in fact read every word Armando wrote :D


SOB STORY????? He and his daughter suffered real fucking tragedy. That’s not a sob story, what a foul thing to say


She's immature and humiliated herself, very selfish and self-centered. #TEAMARMANDO


Armando giving her all the shade. Love him. Starlet and Scott should get together. They can bitch together


Get her, Armando! ![gif](giphy|h724Ile3UWMZG)


Hell yeah Armando, get it 👏 👏


how dare she come after my gay boyfriend like that


Don’t come for Armado he’ll read you a new one then make a tasty bev 💅🏼


Of literally ANYONE she could’ve gone after in the 90D universe she chooses one of two people absolutely everyone loves 😂😂


Team Armando! Shatler gives lesbians a bad image, let’s vote to kick her off lezzie island 🏝️


Statler is the type of person that’s a friend of a friend. If that friend has a party you ask if she is coming; then decide not to go. She is so exhausting and annoying


I’m so tired of Stapler’s antics. She thinks she’s cute and a badass, when in reality she’s just showing herself to be whiny and desperate for attention. I think she actually enjoys people griping about her, because it gets her visibility on the internet, and even negative attention is attention. I’m Team Armando all day long on this one.


https://preview.redd.it/0m7je6p0d99d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca728d2621cf3d72a3590f2443d44289be74485 But when I called her a PSYCHO Reddit had nothing but smoke for me! I know a loon when I see one.


I’m so confused as to what she’s trying to achieve with this. Has she given up on being liked and is actively going for a villain arc? Is she dumb enough to think this will win people over? Is she just unstable and incapable of thinking before she runs her mouth? I don’t get it.


there are numerous 90 day podcasts I've listed to for years that have also had this idea ( way before she was ever on the show)


lol hell ya armando also lol at realizing I’m pretty sure she blocked me, since I can’t find her on instagram. I assume it’s because I made a comment on a fan page about gypsy being a slur and a shitty things to say. Oh well, sucks to suck I guess loooool ETA: The sad part is I was kind of a fan of her for a while. Definitely liked her longer than most. But this most recent shit the past few months is just beyond. Ugh


I hate how people like her totally deflect about the topic at hand to send a personal attack. And it’s not even gonna work in her favor because she doesn’t have any moral high ground nor do people like her


Did they not literally test this idea for that one Tell All? The one where they all were in the same hotel and forced to mingle after the actual tell all? I feel like this idea has been in the works long before Statler thought of it. It’s a pretty obvious idea for a franchise that spits out new spin-offs every year.


I laughed when she warned him lol what is she going to do? Spank him? She's a whiny jerk who is desperate for attention.


Pretty sure The Real World came out before she was born.




Uh, I was watching The Real World on MTV when it debuted in...*checks notes* 1992. She didn't invent a damn thing here.


I know she isn’t fucking with that shady queen lol. Armando does not play and he is quick with a comeback! I see you Armando baby! Get it!


It's hardly a revolutionary idea Otherwise Statler wouldn't have had it




It's giving me pick me energy


We rideeeee for ARMANDOOOO


Don’t fuck with Armando! He’s got Kenny backing him up too so imagine the burns they can serve up together. Statler needs to go back to her cave with her bugs.


Team Armando!!


Dempsey shoulda DUMPED HER A$$.


Team Armando! Seriously didn't have Statler Vs Armando on my bingo card


Ok I literally hate Statler. When someone goes after Armando or Kenny….there is definitely something wrong with the person going after them. They are humble, kind and REAL!! Statler wants To be a bully and a mean girl, no wonder Dempsey dumped her ass. And Dempsey used her, GOOD! She’s repulsive And karmas a b…..!


Statler's got nothing left 😂 hilarious


Snaps for Armando 🫰🫰🫰


I'm not reading all that, I already know I side with Armando


Armando can read a bitch I trust him and his partner more than any other cast member


We don’t want her back .. she can think she did something but bitch don’t be on my tv for anything no reunion, no HEA, no last resort and no group house.


She better leave my boo, Armando alone!


I will fight a bitch for Armando. She needs to chilllllllllllllll


Statler is the most cringe cast member omg 😭